Guest guest Posted January 22, 1999 Report Share Posted January 22, 1999 WOW!!!!! Look what you all did responding to the poll. My response isn't there and many of yours - as they say they only printed some due to space. The most response they have EVER had! Sheri Yesterday's Question: Should military personnel be forced to get Anthrax vaccinations? The response to the question was one of the largest we have ever received at the KOVR 13 web site. We did our best to post as many of the responses as we could, but there were many more good posts we just didn't have space for. If you'd like to talk more about this topic, try our message and chat boards. This is a serious topic we'd like to hear more of your thoughts on. Yes: 10% No: 90% Here is what you had to say (Note: In order to preserve the exact intent of the comments, no changes have been made and they appear exactly as we received them, including all spelling errors; Not all responses are published for space considerations): Gallegos / Florence, SC: " I think it should be on a voluntary basis. I myself refused the vaccine and was discharged from the Air Force on Nov 13,1998.n I am a single mother and the military made it impossible for me to receive unemployment benefits while looking for a job. How was I supposed to provide for my daughter? I wanted to stay in. The military has such a problem retaining people as it is, why would they throw away a great troop? I could go on for a while about my story, but I will spare you the time. " Graves / Grayslake, Ill: " There has been a FDA list of contaminated vaccine and it is being give when it should be disposed of--these men and women should have the right to choose what they have to take--many are getting sick from this vaccine and should not be used as guinea pigs Someone should stop this and find out what is going on. " Udo Bengs / Yuba City, CA: " Spent 20 years in the military and never trusted them. Everything works perfectly to them. " Ray B. , Jr. / East Flat Rock, NC: " As long as a person is under oath to obey all lawful orders, they should obey. And prform their duty to protect and defend our Nation. You can not pick and choose which orders to obey. All military persons must go into the valley of the shadow of death; hopefully up the hill and home. But, into the valley no matter what. " Clay / WA: " I want my body to last as long as possible. The vaccine has not been studied long enough to determine side affects in the future. I also do not want to risk not being able to have a son or daughter. " Ed / Nevada City, CA: " What a stupid question. If the military comes to the conclusion that this is necessary for combat readiness, then of course, military personnel need to be vaccinated. Can you imagine the outrage from the public and the press if some military disaster happened because they had left it up to the option of each person in the military. " Pat Hanson / Yuba City, CA: " I do not feel that the government has the right to do this as we can sign waivers for what they consider life saving inocculations for school age children. I am healthier than 99% of co-workers and all thrugh school, healthier than my classmates. My father was a doctor of chiropratics and felt that this intrusion upon our bodies of foreign and dangerous elements was uncalled for. I have carried this theory with me and on to my children as their choice, their body. My father knw what was contained in the innoculations and therefore his reasoning. " a Cruz / Sacramento, CA: " As an ex Air Force wife, I will say this, once you sign on the dotted line, Uncle Sam can take away your birthday if he wants to. When it comes to ones body and mind, the military doesn't give a damn about you. You're a pawn in their games and when you're done bending over, they kick you to the curb. I've seen it. I think we need to see some shaking going on in the military. What's wrong with this picture when your boss tells you your body is not your own? And how many of the bigwigs would be willing to inject their own children with anthrax and push them on the front lines? " Anonymous / Vacaville, CA: " The problem with the military's case against Jeff is that he was never issued a " Legal Order. " The Anthrax Vaccine that is being administered to our active duty troops has not been tested properly and " may " cause cancer, birth defects, or other medical problems throughout the military member's life. Our troops are taking part in " Medical Experimentation " that was suposed to have been outlawed after the Nuremberg Trials. Jeff was issued an " immoral order " by his commander and is therefore due an apology, as are the 2.4 million other troops that are scheduled to be a part of this Biological Experiment. " / Glendale, AZ: " I think that my husband and all of the military personnel should be given all the facts on the vaccine and make their own decision. " Lancaster / Virginia Beach, VA: " My husband, US Navy, is getting ready to refuse the vaccine after 3 months of research on our part to find out more information. We are willing to face the punishment from the Navy for refusal. As my husband stated in a letter to his congressman: " I love my country and am happy to serve it and die for it, for I cannot live with the thought of my country potentially hurting me " " Doug / , CA: " It is a condition of service that all of the (approx)1.4 million active duty (plus Reserve and Guard) personnel will obey all lawful orders. The military is not a democracy, the " pick and choose " theory does not exist. The airmen stated that the shot might be harmful to his health. He has selected the wrong career if his personal safety is his #1 priority. Show him the gate before he elects to disobey any other orders. The loss of his services will not be noticed. The order that bothers him is lawful. (Note: your term " forced " in connection with the expectation of obedience to lawful orders may not represent the content of the oath taken at enlistment.) " E. M. Fisher / Mobile, Al: " I believe the order for anthrax vaccinations should be suspended until proved safe, or vaccinations should begin with the first one going to the Secratary of Defense, and be given to all Officers in sequence down the chain of command, first, before the grunts are required to take them against their will. " Carolyn Mannarino / Sacramento, CA: " I don't understand why the Military should be forced to take an Anthrax vaccination. If they are in a situation where they are to be exposed to Anthrax, and they are given plenty of information why they are taking it, this doesn't seem like a situation where they would refuse to help protect themselves. It should be optional. " Maureen / Efland, NC: " Our son was a Gulf War Veteran and died when he was 27 years old. We as parents and he as a veteran didn't even know about GWI. These shots and the cocktail of shots are doing harm to many. Over 15,000 Gulf War Veterans have died since coming home from the gulf. The shots are the only common link between the illness and damage causing so many to be ill. The blood supply of most of the Gulf War Veterans is tainted. Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the public. Please keep up the good work and inform as many as you can that these shots have been proven to be poorly manufactured and the FDA did not approve of them. Our sons and daughters that go to war should not be used as guinea pigs by our government. " April Flagg / Okinawa, Japan: " My husband has been in the Marine Corps for 16 years. He has taken the first shot but I don't think he'll take any more. He took it because he's scared that all his years in svc. will be ruined because of this. BUT...we are about to start trying to have children. We were about to start having children. Now we're not sure. This should not be a decision he (we) are forced to make. POSSIBLE bith defects or 16 years for nothing. " Norma Plavi / Nemacolin, PA: " This vaccine should be optional only . The military says they want to protect our soldiers by giving this vaccine , one day your a good soldier than the day you refuse the shot your no longer a good soldier because they say you refuse an order.How does refusing a vaccine that one believes may be harmful to their health be consider disobeying an order if in your mind it is truly harmful . " Schuck Jr. / Norfolk VA: " Yes - especially when the inhaltaion form of this disease is DEADLY! In biological warfare you cannot see, smell, taste, or hear the agent when it " hits " you. By the time you develop the symptoms it is simply too late - I'd be dead. " Lynn Holmstrom / ton, Ill: " The men and women who join the military should not be used as " guinea pigs " in a govenrment experiment. They should have the right to say no to anything being put into their bodies against their wishes. When they join the service, they should not have to give up their rights as American citizens. If the military feels these vaccinations are safe ( as they claim) than they should be available to the service men & women to take voluntarily. The information that the military is giving to these men & women regarding the Anthrax vaccine is full of flaws. The information being offered does not reflect the countless articles and comments from experts all over the country who dispute the vaccines' effectiveness and safety. It seems that someone out there is getting rich off of this entire charade. " Sonya Whitmire / Greenwood, SC: " Its morally wrong to force a vaccine upon a person whether your in the Armed Forces or not. They have rights as any American. I am against the anthrax vaccine there hasn't been enough studies to prove that is would fight against the anthrax. " Anonymous / Seattle, WA: " After the third shot I almost immediately developed severe blinding headaches. After a week of suffering I reported to the medical clinic, and was issued two Migraine medicines (I have never been diagnosed as having migraines before) It took five hourly doses before this long term headache subsided. One of the " official " legitimate reasons for not having to take the shots is allergic reactions. A week of headaches does not qualify as sufficient reaction, even though medical intervention was necessary to stop it. " Pamela Stansbury / Houston, TX: " My son was serving in the US Navy aboard the aircraft carrier Stennis when he was told he MUST take the anthrax vaccine. He was one of the few who refused and, although he had only six months left to serve, he was punished severely and continually until given a General Discharge under Honorable Conditions in October '98. He lost some of his benefits but he never hesitated in his decision. He'll now never have to worry about any possible side effects. I have always been behind him 100% and feel all military personnel should have the choice. There are too many unanswered questions and much more research that needs to be done. A lot of people out here are fighting for our military personnel so they don't have to suffer the fears, intimidations and punishments the military inflicts on them. Unfortunately, this kind of treatment is going to continue unless the anthrax vaccine becomes a choice. " Pam / Dixon, CA: " Just a couple of questions. If Saddam Hussein stated he was developing the ebola virus for incorporation to military warheads, would the US develop an ebola vaccine and administer it to all the troops? Are the present troops acting as the long term study specimens for this vaccination with results to follow? Those who do not study history are bound to repeat it....Nuclear goggle tests during WWII...Agent Orange...Desert Storm Illness... " Cpl USMC / Miramar, CA: " The vaccine will only protect from 1 strain of the anthrax virus the strains used in combat are not affected by the vaccine at all so why use it? Plus there has been no testing done on whether or not it affects the reproductive systems of humans or animals. Also the one and only company that makes it has been shut down by the FDA for failing inspections. I am in the Military, with a perfect record and I face a discharge for refusing this shot? am i the one who is crazy? " Heater / Okinawa, Japan: " They (the military) believe we are nothing more than their pawns. It is a crime against humanity, our democracy, and our rights as a human beings to force us to take these shots. By force I mean we either take the drug or we get court martialed. I love my country, I love my job, but I will not stand by and let them push their needless propaganda on me. I only hope that my actions by refusing this drug will not bring shame to my family. I would rather take absolute consequences now rather than suffer possible and much more damaging consequences in the future. " Anonymous / CA: " Military personnel should not be allowed to decide which orders they follow and which orders they don't. Part of being in the military entails following orders quickly and without question. " Anononymous / ville, FL: " I think it is totally wrong! I will be forced sometime in Feb to begin getting the vaccination. I did research for the past few months and found that the government lied about a few things, for example, many veterinarians have been getting the vaccine since 1970. An online group contacted two local vets and found that most never even heard of it, one said he\she believes animals get them sometimes. That's what Uncle Sam says they based their long term effects on. They say " Its been around for 29 years and nobody got sick. " I am in the Navy set to deploy to the Gulf in March. There are many, many people considering refusing to take the shots, but the UCMJ is there to scare and it will. Most people will be afraid of an undesirable discharge, myself included. It's kind of like deciding to be a lab rat. They said Agent Orange and injecting people with radioactive material was safe also. Please do a story on this, I think it is a huge story that the DoD is trying their best to keep a lid on. " Max Pinkus / St. Louis, MO: " There are many versions of the anthrax bacteria. If the army inoculates for one strain, do you really think the opposing forces will not be aware. If they can make one strain they will be able to make another type of strain. The vaccine will then be useless and our troops will have been subjected to this worthless vaccine. We don't even know what the long term effects of this vaccine are. " Ash / Lenexa, KA: " I do not think the government or the military has any right to force vaccinations or shots on members of the military or anyone else. The vaccine has not been proven and there is little likelyhood that it will be effective against an altered strain of anthrax. I still remember the swine flu shots the government wanted us to take. " N. A. Siciliana / Canada: " There is so much evidence of the dangers posed to the human body by the entire process of vaccination (which, by the way, provides very little immunity anyway) that no one should be forced to get vaccinations of any kind. I know of a case of a Canadian soldier who was asked to leave the army for refusing to submit to the anthrax vaccination requirement--a decision he made after noticing and documenting the effects of forced vaccines on people around him, and after he educated himself to the dangers of vaccine in general by reading some of the countless studies published in medical journals from all over the world. There are a number of steps which could be taken in the event of biological warfare, where many diseases such as anthrax may be used as weapons--but creating a subacute form of the disease in healthy people as a prophylactis against the disease is just too risky for anyone's good. " Nielsen / Fairfield, CA: " Not only has this vaccination not been proven to be safe, there is a long track record of serious violations of the plant that produces this vaccine. As the wife of a Navy sailor, I am an advocate for the rights of all military personnel who refuse this vaccination. These men and women put there lives on the line to protect our country. They should not have to fear their own government and what they are being injected with. " E. Klein / Milton, FL: " My husband spent 30 years in the Navy. My son is in the Navy right now and has been for 3 years. Women and Men are putting their lives in danger so all here can feel safe. They are also humans with families and friends who love them. We people are not rats or other types of animals without voices. If a person disagree with a type of medication due to fears of safety or lack of full tests why shouldn't they have the right to say NO. Every Man and Women on earth has the right to disagree or refuse something that can hurt them. Why should the most brave in our country not have the same rights as those of us feeling safe and protected. " J. Ruede / Fort Worth, TX: " Military personnel do not (or should not) give up their rights as human beings when they go into the military. It should be up to each person to weigh the possible risks and benefits of a vaccine, and act accordingly. It is well known that many people--children OR adults--cannot tolerate live-virus vaccines and are harmed by them. No one should be forced by the government to take such a step. " © 1999 Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA wwithin@... 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