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low muscle tone

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also has low muscle tone and he was diagnosed with Cerebral

Palsy. He's doing really well. We haven't attempted toilet training-

we're waiting for Luke, his little brother, and we'll try them both at

the same time. Not looking forward to it!


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Caylie started Gymnastics at 2, and dance at 3. You should be able to find a mom & tots gymnastics class at that age without any trouble, but you may have to hold on another year for dance.


-----Original Message-----From: blepharophimosis [mailto:blepharophimosis ] On Behalf Of mieritz7@...Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 5:25 PMblepharophimosis Cc: blepharophimosis Subject: RE: blepharophimosis low muscle tone

Hi friend,

just wondering when you started dance and gymnastics for your little one. Malenah is two, is that to soon ya think?


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Hi Trish..

Ethan this year has just started to attemp climbing up on playground things. He is now 6. previously he was terrified of heights and i think it was because he knew his limits as far as his balance was concerned. He is still a bit funny with split level play equipment and will always avoid a top level if there is 3 levels.. He will still not walk along a brick wall sucessfully due to poor co ordination too i think. He is still very clumsy too.

Take care

Love Leah

blepharophimosis low muscle tone

That's interesting- I had double jointedness when I was little, it was never attributed to BPES.

I have never been much of an athlete, I never had good eye-hand coordination.

I am concerned about my daughter, she can walk but is so afraid to let go of my hands or furniture or whatever she is holding onto. She doesn't have to tilt her head to play with things or look straight on at something, but I still watch for the head tilt. She has slings, I can't imagine if she didn't her ptosis is severe. I am watching for the low muscle tone. I walked at 13-14 months, anyone else's child a "late walker"?

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