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From: " daniel j meck " <danielmeck@...>

" Chuck Napier " <napier@...>,


Subject: [Fwd: One More Try !!!!

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 18:07:25 -0500

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Subject: [Fwd: One More Try !!!!]

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 16:54:33 -0400

From: busters@...

Organization: C.P.V.A.


Dear :

Thought this may interest you - this man will bring international

attention to all Countries Gulf Veterans=20

Love & Hugs


Subject: One More Try !!!!

Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 14:30:32 -0600

From Kipling <mkipling@...>

Sue Riordon <busters@...>

Ok here it is :Copied and paste to the email .......... Time to upgrade

maybe (ha ha ha )

Love Kip

Dear, Members of the House of Commons

My name is Sgt. Kipling. I have served honorably in the Canadian

Armed Forces for twenty-six years. I am presently stationed at 17 Wing

Winnipeg. I am writing to you to voice my concerns about my upcoming

court martial for refusing to submit to the Anthrax vaccine.

On February 15, 1998 435 Squadron left Winnipeg for the Persian Gulf in

support of OPS Determination deployment. Prior to leaving Winnipeg

during the Departure Assistance Group (DAG) process, I did not receive

any briefing or warning that I would be ordered to take the Anthrax

vaccination once in theater. In March 1998 the Department of National

Defense ordered all Canadian military members in the Persian Gulf to

receive mandatory vaccinations. Many members had serious questions and

concerns about the vaccine. I had questions of my own.

1. What is the official position of the Department of National Defense

regarding the protections afforded by and the intended use of the

existing anthrax vaccine?

2. Does the Department of National Defense have any studies that prove

that the existing anthrax vaccine provide protection against inhaled


3. What is the chemical composition of the vaccine presently being

administered, and is it being administered standing alone or in

combination with other compounds?

4. What are the effects of combining the anthrax vaccine with other

vaccines; i.e., yellow fever, tetanus, hepatitis A & B, influenza, etc.

Have any studies been performed to analyze the effects of multiple

vaccinations on the performance of the human immune system.

5. Does the Anthrax inoculation have any known carcinogenic effects on

the human body?

6. Have any studies been conducted regarding the long-term health

effects of the vaccine? If so, can copies been disclosed?

While I utilized the Chain of Command to voice my concerns, I was met

with a fierce =93do it or else=94 attitude. I informed them that I felt

forced into taking a shot that I did not think was safe. They did their

best to intimidate me and the deployment doctor issued a worthless

pamphlet that was intended to satisfy any doubts about Anthrax. The

basic implication of this pamphlet was the vaccination was mandatory and

also 100% safe. I was also asked to sign the Anthrax vaccination

acknowledgment form. What concerned me most, is that, during Operation

Desert Shield/Storm some American troops were vaccinated but never

deployed to hazardous areas, but still came down with Gulf War Syndrome.

The 1994 American Senate Veterans Affairs Committee released this

statement: =93The Anthrax vaccine should continue to be considered as a

potential cause for undiagnosed illnesses in Persian Gulf military

personnel because many of the support troops received the Anthrax

vaccine, and because the Department of Defense believes that the

incidence of undiagnosed illnesses in support troops may be higher than

in combat troops.=94

I have contacted Dr. Meryl Nass out of Freeport, Maine. Dr. Nass is a

recognized expert on the Anthrax virus. She has studied Anthrax for nine

years. She works closely with the organization called Veterans for

Integrity in (US)Government. After reading her reports I realized there

was more to this vaccine than the DND was telling us. When I showed the

information I had obtained from Dr. Nass several Senior Officers and

Medical Officers waved it off as a hoax. I was told not to believe

everything I read or find on the Internet If the information that I had

been false, why could they not prove it wrong? I continue to stay in

contact with Dr. Nass, she has supplied me with FDA reports, articles,

and other information. One FDA report states that the Anthrax vaccine

which was shipped to us in the Persian Gulf, had expired 5 years before.

It was improperly re-labeled and not tested for contamination or safety


Medical Officers have pointed out the fact that I have never questioned

any vaccine I received before. My position is that the Anthrax vaccine

is different than other vaccine because it was never approved by Health

Canada for the general pubic. The FDA narrowly approved this

experimental vaccine because no human tests had been conducted. With all

the mutated strains of Anthrax that world terrorists have to choose

from, why would they choose one that we are already vaccinated against.

If the Department of National Defense really cared about the safety of

its personal, then why did they deploy unvaccinated personnel to the

Gulf in April. Was it really as mandatory as they wanted us to believe?

Was this maybe a political decision after questions were asked in the

House of Commons.

How can the Department of National Defense claim that the vaccine is

safe and effective when reproductive, cancer, and long-term studies have

not been conducted? Furthermore the vaccine has never proven effective

against the effects of Anthrax inhalation by humans. What happens when

the discovery is made that the military injected its members with a

possibly contaminated vaccine? Will anyone care? Why does it take people

to become ill before anyone wants to investigate the military's

vaccination procedures? How would an individual be able to live knowing

that there own government injected them with an expired vaccine that

could possibly have adverse side effects? Years from now when they have

cancer or other problems, who will they have to answer their questions?

The Department of National Defense will probably deny that those side

effects are related to the Anthrax.

The Department of National Defense plans to court martial me under

section 126 of The National Defense Act: That on receiving an order to

submit to vaccination ,willfully and without reasonable excuse disobeyed

that order. Had I known before my departure to the Gulf that I could be

injected with experimental chemicals and medicines without my consent, I

would have retired from the military. We fight for the rights of every

Canadian citizen. Why do those rights not apply to us once we have

enlisted in the military? I am told that it is not my place to choose

what is and is not beneficial to my health. Is it not my decision? Have

I no say over what is injected into my body? This is implying that I am

the Department of National Defense property. I work for the Department

of National Defense, they do not own my body. The military wanted to

inject me with something that they have not even done testing on. We

have no voice but we are not guinea pigs.

At no time during the deployment did I ever want to disobey a military

order. Over the past twenty-six years of dedicated service, I've been

deployed, on many occasions, always eager and committed to serving the

needs of the military and my country. Additionally, I strongly believe

that I provided the military with a valid alternative by agreeing to

remain in theater and signing a waiver for any illness contracted as a

result of not taking the Anthrax vaccination. Apparently, in contrast

with the British forces deployed to the same theater of operations,

this was not an option for the Canadian detachment

It is my sincere goals that you will read this, and work to modify The

Department of National Defense Anthrax inoculation policy. All I ask is

that a sincere review of this destructive policy is conducted in the

interest of all the soldiers and sailors and airman who have no voice.

Thank you for your time and consideration on this issue.

Very Respectfully,

R. Kipling

30 Leamington Gate

Winnipeg Mb R3Y1B6

(204) 487-2192


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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000=20

size=3D2>Subject:        [Fwd: One =

More Try=20

!!!!]<BR>Date:          =

; =20

Fri, 15 Jan 1999 16:54:33=20

-0400<BR>From:          =

; <A=20

href=3D " mailto:busters@... " >busters@...</A><BR>Or=

ganization:      =20

C.P.V.A.<BR>        =20

To:            <A =

href=3D " mailto:danielmeck@... " >danielmeck@...</A></FONT><=


<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Dear :<BR>Thought this may =

interest you -=20

this man will bring international<BR>attention to all Countries Gulf =


<BR>Love & Hugs<BR>Sue</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2><BR> Subject:    =

One More=20

Try !!!!<BR>   Date:      Fri, 15 Jan =


14:30:32 -0600<BR>   From     =



href=3D " mailto:mkipling@... " >mkipling@...</A>><B=

R>    =20

To:      Sue Riordon <<A=20

href=3D " mailto:busters@... " >busters@...</A>></=


<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Ok here it is :Copied and paste to =


email  .......... Time to upgrade<BR>maybe (ha ha ha )</FONT></DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>    Love =


<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2><BR>Dear, Members of the House of=20


<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>My name is Sgt. Kipling. I =

have served=20

honorably in the Canadian<BR>Armed Forces for twenty-six years. I am =


stationed at 17 Wing<BR>Winnipeg. I am writing to you to voice my =

concerns about=20

my upcoming<BR>court martial for refusing to submit to the Anthrax=20

vaccine.<BR>On February 15, 1998 435 Squadron left Winnipeg for the =

Persian Gulf=20

in<BR>support of OPS Determination deployment. Prior to leaving=20

Winnipeg<BR>during the Departure Assistance Group (DAG) process, I did =


receive<BR>any briefing or warning that I would be ordered to take the=20

Anthrax<BR>vaccination once in theater. In March 1998 the Department of=20

National<BR>Defense ordered all Canadian military members in the Persian =


to<BR>receive mandatory vaccinations. Many members had serious questions =

and<BR>concerns about the vaccine. I had questions of my =

own.<BR>1.  What=20

is the official  position of the Department of National=20

Defense<BR>regarding the protections afforded by and the intended use of =

the<BR>existing anthrax vaccine?<BR>2.  Does the Department of =


Defense have any studies that prove<BR>that the existing anthrax vaccine =


protection against inhaled<BR>exposure?<BR>3.  What is the chemical =

composition of the vaccine presently being<BR>administered, and is it =


administered standing alone or in<BR>combination with other=20

compounds?<BR>4.  What are the effects of combining the anthrax =


with other<BR>vaccines; i.e., yellow fever, tetanus, hepatitis A & =


influenza, etc.<BR>Have any studies been performed to analyze the =

effects of=20

multiple<BR>vaccinations on the performance of the human immune=20

system.<BR>5.  Does the Anthrax inoculation have any known =


effects on<BR>the human body?<BR>6.  Have any studies been =


regarding the long-term health<BR>effects of the vaccine? If so, can =

copies been=20

disclosed?<BR>While I utilized the Chain of Command to voice my =

concerns, I was=20

met<BR>with a fierce & ldquodo it or else & rdquo attitude. I informed =

them that=20

I felt<BR>forced into taking a shot that I did not think was safe. They =


their<BR>best to intimidate me and the deployment doctor issued a=20

worthless<BR>pamphlet that was intended to satisfy any doubts about =


The<BR>basic implication of this pamphlet was the vaccination was =


and<BR>also 100% safe. I was also asked to sign the Anthrax=20

vaccination<BR>acknowledgment form. What concerned me most, is that, =


Operation<BR>Desert Shield/Storm some American troops were vaccinated =


never<BR>deployed to hazardous areas, but still came down with Gulf War=20

Syndrome.<BR>The 1994 American Senate Veterans Affairs Committee =


this<BR>statement: & ldquoThe Anthrax vaccine should continue to be =


as a<BR>potential cause for undiagnosed illnesses in Persian Gulf=20

military<BR>personnel because many of the support troops received the=20

Anthrax<BR>vaccine, and because the Department of Defense believes that=20

the<BR>incidence of undiagnosed illnesses in support troops may be =


than<BR>in combat troops. & rdquo<BR>I have contacted Dr. Meryl Nass out =


Freeport, Maine.  Dr. Nass is a<BR>recognized expert on the Anthrax =


She has studied Anthrax for nine<BR>years. She works closely with the=20

organization called Veterans for<BR>Integrity in (US)Government. After =


her reports I realized there<BR>was more to this vaccine than the DND =


telling us. When I showed the<BR>information I had obtained from Dr. =


several Senior Officers and<BR>Medical Officers waved it off as a hoax. =

I was=20

told not to believe<BR>everything I read or find on the Internet If the=20

information that I had<BR>been false, why could they not prove it wrong? =


continue to stay in<BR>contact with Dr. Nass, she has supplied me with =


reports, articles,<BR>and other information. One FDA report states that =


Anthrax vaccine<BR>which was shipped to us in the Persian Gulf, had =

expired 5=20

years before.<BR>It was improperly re-labeled and not tested for =


or safety<BR>first.<BR>Medical Officers have pointed out the fact that I =


never questioned<BR>any vaccine I received before. My position is that =


Anthrax vaccine<BR>is different than other vaccine because it was never =


by Health<BR>Canada for the general pubic. The FDA narrowly approved=20

this<BR>experimental vaccine because no human tests had been conducted. =


all<BR>the mutated strains of Anthrax that world terrorists have to=20

choose<BR>from, why would they choose one that we are already vaccinated =

against.<BR>If the Department of National Defense really cared about the =


of<BR>its personal, then why did they deploy unvaccinated personnel to=20

the<BR>Gulf in April. Was it really as mandatory as they wanted us to=20

believe?<BR>Was this maybe a political decision after questions were =

asked in=20

the<BR>House of Commons.<BR>How can the Department of National Defense =


that the vaccine is<BR>safe and effective when reproductive, cancer, and =

long-term studies have<BR>not been conducted? Furthermore the vaccine =

has never=20

proven effective<BR>against the effects of Anthrax inhalation by humans. =


happens when<BR>the discovery is made that the military injected its =


with a<BR>possibly contaminated vaccine? Will anyone care? Why does it =


people<BR>to become ill before anyone wants to investigate the=20

military's<BR>vaccination procedures? How would an individual be able to =


knowing<BR>that there own government injected them with an expired =


that<BR>could possibly have adverse side effects? Years from now when =


have<BR>cancer or other problems, who will they have to answer their=20

questions?<BR>The Department of National Defense will probably deny that =


side<BR>effects are related to the Anthrax.<BR>The Department of =


Defense plans to court martial me under<BR>section 126 of The National =


Act: That on receiving an order to<BR>submit to vaccination ,willfully =


without reasonable excuse disobeyed<BR>that order. Had I known before my =

departure to the Gulf that I could be<BR>injected with experimental =


and medicines without my consent, I<BR>would have retired from the =

military. We=20

fight for the rights of every<BR>Canadian citizen. Why do those rights =

not apply=20

to us once we have<BR>enlisted in the military? I am told that it is not =


place to choose<BR>what is and is not beneficial to my health. Is it not =


decision? Have<BR>I no say over what is injected into my body? This is =


that I am<BR>the Department of National Defense property. I work for the =

Department<BR>of National Defense, they do not own my body. The military =


to<BR>inject me with something that they have not even done testing on.=20

We<BR>have no voice but we are not guinea pigs.<BR>At no time during the =

deployment did I ever want to disobey a military<BR>order. Over the past =

twenty-six years of dedicated service, I've been<BR>deployed, on many =


always eager and committed to serving the<BR>needs of the military and =


country. Additionally, I strongly believe<BR>that I provided the =

military with a=20

valid alternative by agreeing to<BR>remain in theater and signing a =

waiver for=20

any illness contracted as a<BR>result of not taking the Anthrax =


Apparently, in contrast<BR>with the  British forces deployed to the =


theater of operations,<BR>this was not an option for the Canadian=20

detachment<BR>It is my sincere goals that you will read this, and work =

to modify=20

The<BR>Department of National Defense Anthrax inoculation policy. All I =


is<BR>that a sincere review of this destructive policy is conducted in=20

the<BR>interest of all the soldiers and sailors and airman who have no=20

voice.<BR>Thank you for your time and consideration on this =


<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>

<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Very Respectfully,<BR> R. =


Leamington Gate<BR>Winnipeg Mb R3Y1B6<BR>(204)=20



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