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To the list:

I sent this last night, but a copy never came back to my mailbox, so I

am resending since I don't know if anyone got a copy.

Subject: 20/20

Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 17:55:27 -0500

From: anna nim <anna_nim@...>


To the list:

I too was very dissappointed in the 20/20 airing. but I have actually

seen even worse coverage on this done by Extra many months ago. I hope

we have our own film of the entire town meeting. One of the things I was

hoping to see was the mention that non deployed gulf war troops are

ill with GWS. Jim Green also spoke at that meeting. And they certainly

could have mentioned that unvaccinated French troops never got GWS.

While this is not proof, people certainly have a right to know this

major fact.

Imagine choosing to air Jim O'neil cursing over Lori speaking about

her own son's problems, over Dr. Nass and Jim Green speaking!! We need

to tell 20/20 what we think of this. The media giants have engaged in

this kind of 'reporting' for a long time. They will report an emotional

reaction over facts and real issues any day, as families of airline

crash victims can and have stated. This is another reason why we need

to edit ourselves carefully when speaking on camera, every word counts.

We can't leave them with a statement like Jim O'Neil did, over


well thought out information. Not one mention of antibiotics as an

option or detection equipment for anthrax spores. Furthermore they

have also had the time to know that there is one very sick kid from

Ft. Benning right now, that story could have made their afterthought

comment stage of 20/20 as well.

Speaking of the Ft. Benning case, I noticed that seizures wern't

mentioned in what coverage that got (in print media) AND 21 'blackouts'

has somehow become a " few "

Perhaps anyone who gets an Anthrax shot should be required to write

down in their own words exactly what occured in the days that followed

fever/chills/nausea whatever happens and THAT becomes a permanent part

of the medical record. Military medical should be then also forced

to report ANY reaction and forward a copy of that page to the FDA along

with a VAERs A perfect example of what is not happening with VAERS is

the Ft. Benning case in that none of his problems were even on a VAERs.

What a deal, the military under reports reactions then uses that as

a way to prove how safe their vaccine is! Maybe we should edit our

own footage (think we must have it) and market it at cost, the tape

and postage then put that on the web site and post it ALL over the

internet. In fact, let anyone copy it without ommision and pass it on

as well. Also, it has been mentioned that video could be put on the

internet. If someone does that, I can certainly link to it. I believe

this has to be server supported. But most do not have the ability to

view that, we still need to market at cost our own footage IMHO.


ps. For those new to the list, Jim Green is very sick with GWS and

was never deployed to the Gulf. But, he was vaccinated

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