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Hello All,

Being in IT I am ashamed to admit that I never before have even thought of looking up blepharophimosis on the net.  I guess I have lived with it for so long I don't really give it a second thought.  I am 39 years old and am the first one in my family to have bleph.  I stayed on this site last night until 2 in the morning reading with great interest all of your comments.  It was very comforting to read that many of the adults went through the same things I did growing up (I had 2 siblings without the condition and it was never ever talked about, so I grew up with so many questions).  If I have any advice to new parents who have children with this, please keep the communication lines open with your kids, let them know what it is and explain that there is really no reason for them having it, they are just the lucky ones.  (which we really are the lucky ones, as things could be so much worse)

I have one son who also has bleph and has had 3 surgeries, all of which looked like they helped in the beginning only to go back in time and not be a noticeable difference.  I also was very lucky to have had him because after he was born my husband and I went through invitro, etc. trying to have more children, but with no success.  I wish I had known about this site and the infertility problem assciated with bleph before we tried it as it would have saved a lot of heartache and not to mention money.

I am a well adjusted adult and have no desire for more surgery myself but my teenage son might benefit from something new.  We live in Ontario, Canada so if anyone is interested in keeping in touch I would love to correspond with someone about it.


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