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Hello to you all! First off, thanks to each and every one of you

for sharing your info and personal stories. I joined the group a

couple of weeks ago and have been keeping up with all of the posted

messages. I've already learned so much from this group! My

beautiful daughter, Liliana, who is almost 8 months has been

diagnosed with BPEI. I've found it quite difficult to find much

information on bleph or it's corrective procedures. This group site

has proved to be the most enlightening source by far! I still have

many questions, and quite honestly, I am beginning to question my

daughter's ped. opthamologist's knowledge on bleph. When I

questioned him about Type I and Type II he said he had never heard

of " Type I or II " . Also, he stated that fertility was in no way

connected. To add to my confusion, he was very reluctant to discuss

any upcoming procedures to correct her bleph which I am very curious

and anxious about. Can anyone clear these matters up for me?

Also, her Dr. said that Lili won't have any procedures done until

she is 3-4 years old. This is fine by me so long as that's what's

in Liliana's best interest. My question however is, what is the big

determining factor for when the surgery is performed? Obviously the

severity of bleph, as I've seen that some babies can open their eyes

a mere 1 mm, but my daughter holds a remarkable resemblence to

Tailynn not only in overall appearance but in the size of her eyes

as well. As I understand, Tailynn just had her first surgery

(congrats on the great results!) whereas Lili's are years away. So,

in general, is it better to hold off on the surgeries or get them

done at an earlier age? I have so many questions - someone please

help me!!!! :) I plan to make an appt with another opthamologist

this week in order to get a second opinion and hopefully get some

more questions answered. I can already tell that you're a great

bunch of folks! Thanks again!


Tuson, AZ

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