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Thank you and your husband for sticking to the truth. It's a sad day in America

when folks of all branches of the military have the Scarlett Letter " A " burned


their foreheads for refusing to take part in a Nazi like experiment. Many folks

will lose their careers and friends over a " vaccine " , one that has not been


effective, has been proven to cause illnesses, and is looking more like a way


some of our in the groove former leaders to skim a few million from the pockets


America. Bless you two for your courage and thirst for the truth. Good luck in


future, and know that many folks are proud of your actions. Godspeed!


cj0715@... wrote:

> From: cj0715@...


> My husband was the first soldier at Ft. Hood to deny the anthrax vaccine. He

> was told by his company commander he would be made an example of. And he has.


> He received a field grade article 15, 45 days extra duty, loss of 1/2 his pay

> for 2 months and demotion to an e-1.


> I am proud of my husband. He has 7 days left of extra duty. His unit was

> briefed and they were told not to have any communication with us. We have

> lost all of our friends.


> By the grace of God he is being chaptered out. No talk of a courtmartial.

> We are going home, where we will fight for all the soldiers, sailors, airmen

> and marines who do not want to take this shot.


> I am proud of you all!! Hold your head high and drive on.


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Guest guest

Thank you and your husband for sticking to the truth. It's a sad day in America

when folks of all branches of the military have the Scarlett Letter " A " burned


their foreheads for refusing to take part in a Nazi like experiment. Many folks

will lose their careers and friends over a " vaccine " , one that has not been


effective, has been proven to cause illnesses, and is looking more like a way


some of our in the groove former leaders to skim a few million from the pockets


America. Bless you two for your courage and thirst for the truth. Good luck in


future, and know that many folks are proud of your actions. Godspeed!


cj0715@... wrote:

> From: cj0715@...


> My husband was the first soldier at Ft. Hood to deny the anthrax vaccine. He

> was told by his company commander he would be made an example of. And he has.


> He received a field grade article 15, 45 days extra duty, loss of 1/2 his pay

> for 2 months and demotion to an e-1.


> I am proud of my husband. He has 7 days left of extra duty. His unit was

> briefed and they were told not to have any communication with us. We have

> lost all of our friends.


> By the grace of God he is being chaptered out. No talk of a courtmartial.

> We are going home, where we will fight for all the soldiers, sailors, airmen

> and marines who do not want to take this shot.


> I am proud of you all!! Hold your head high and drive on.


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  • 1 month later...

Below is a message I tried to send to Mr. Hart from Canada for an update on

July 26th. I haven't heard a response. His e-mail is below my message sent

to him if anyone else cares to try.

Dear Mr. Hart:

I just read about a retest that you called for on the Anthrax vaccine to be

retested in an article in '98. I was curious to know if this has yet taken

place. As an American soldier who has just recently received the vaccine,

and fell ill, I must applaud you for your decision. Whether we're Canadians,

or Americans, we are all nonetheless, human beings. I hope the retest was

conducted before giving them to the Canadian soldiers, as I hold little hope

for the vaccine. Can you tell me if the test has yet been conducted?


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Let's all get behind this idea! The momentum is there to win in congress.


>From: Chipper <chipper65@...>


>Anthrax NO <onelist>

>Subject: (no subject)

>Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 21:17:50 -0700 (PDT)


>From: Chipper <chipper65@...>


>Would anybody be willing to donate a couple of dollars

>to take out a full page add in the US Today newpaper?

>I thought if we could spark some interest outside of

>the small circle of web people, it might help.... "

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Count me in! Geneva

(no subject)

>From: Chipper <chipper65@...>


>Would anybody be willing to donate a couple of dollars

>to take out a full page add in the US Today newpaper?

>I thought if we could spark some interest outside of

>the small circle of web people, it might help....... "

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 9/11/99 3:24:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Randice1@...


<< Lt. General Blanck, USA, the Army's Surgeon General: " Long term

health studies have not been conducted because 'vaccines don't cause

long-term problems,' Blanck said. " >>

I try not to be a critical person. I look for the good in everyone. God

said to love the unlovely.

Lt. General Blanck is a smooth talker, as I have personally spoken with him,

but does this man have a brain or a place to put one!?

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In a message dated 9/12/99 5:20:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

david.greenleaf@... writes:

<< My informational meeting has been scheduled in Colorado Springs because I

live 60 miles from there, and have gotten word that the anthrax inoculations

have started at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs. >>


Conducting a meeting near Ft. Carson is an immediate need. I support you in

your efforts to bring public awareness at any given time. The only base in

close proximity to where I live is the Army base, Ft. Drum, Watertown, N.Y.

It would be nice if we could use our expenses as a tax deduction but I don't

think the IRS would approve of that.

If there is any way I can help, please let me know.

New York

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Thank you for your support . I also plan on attempting to get on

AFB, and the Air Force Academy grounds to distribute fliers

regarding the meeting. I spent most of the day yesterday on Ft. Carson

base talking to soldiers and handing out information. Would have stayed

all day and night, but somebody started following me with a not so happy

look on his face, so thought I'd better make it a day, and hopefully keep

myself out of jail! Will let you know if I need anything, and again thank



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  • 2 weeks later...

Matt S wrote:


> From: Matt S <mjs1964@...>


> " JERUSALEM (AP) -- The Israeli army is testing an

> anthrax inoculation on its troops, Israel radio

> reported Sunday. "


> Is this the same vaccine from BioPort that the US

> uses, or is it different?


I was wondering the same thing. Hey all, for those of us not busy with

other Anthrax vaccine issues, lets see if we can find out from the

horses mouth about what Anthrax vaccine they're experimenting with.

Anyone with Israeli Army contacts? If you have such contacts try to

find what they're testing if it's not classified. It would be very

interesting to see what the results of their tests find.

If anyone knows anything about terrorism it's the Israeli Army.

Whether they know anything about human rights however is another matter.

Hopefully their vaccine research teams will make the right choices.


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I was also curious about this. What does " testing " mean? Hasn't it already

been stated that it is safe and " effective " ?

<< " JERUSALEM (AP) -- The Israeli army is testing an

anthrax inoculation on its troops, Israel radio

reported Sunday. "

Is this the same vaccine from BioPort that the US

uses, or is it different? >>

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In a message dated 9/27/99 1:48:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Randice1@...


<< What does " testing " mean? >>

According to The Oxford Dictionary, 1996, testing means:

" Examing by means of reagent. " " Putting to the test; making trial of (a

person or thing or quality). " " Trying severely; taxing a person's powers to

endurance, etc. "

Trial: " Experimental treatment. "

Reagent: " A substance used to cause a reaction, esp. to detect another


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I don't think I am the only one who thinks this may just be a US Government

ploy to make us THINK Israel is testing an Anthrax vaccine. Considering they

are monitoring this list...How many times have we posted things like: " if

this is such a major threat, why hasn't Israel given it to their troops

and/or general population. " Our government can get a lot of people to say a

lot of things with the right amount of money!


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Anilizz@... wrote:


> From: Anilizz@...


> I don't think I am the only one who thinks this may just be a US Government

> ploy to make us THINK Israel is testing an Anthrax vaccine. Considering they

> are monitoring this list...How many times have we posted things like: " if

> this is such a major threat, why hasn't Israel given it to their troops

> and/or general population. " Our government can get a lot of people to say a

> lot of things with the right amount of money!


> Liz

The only sure way to know is to contact reps for the Israeli armed

forces or the Israeli embassy to see if it's true. The only tough part

is that it may be classified information that they will neither deny or

admit to for security reasons. However what is interesting is that the

AP report said that the vaccine testing was reported on Israeli radio

which is hardly very secret. Does anyone know if there was a author to

this report? What this source of this report anyways? A web page? A



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In a message dated 9/29/99 3:20:29 PM !!!First Boot!!!, chrisgie@...


<< How many times have we posted things like: " if

> this is such a major threat, why hasn't Israel given it to their troops

> and/or general population. " >>

I don't mean to steal someone else's thunder, but I have said the above quote

more times than I care to count. And, just for argument's sake, I'll say it

once more.

If we are so concerned about domestic terrorism, especially after the

Oklahoma city bombing, the World Trade Center bombing, and especailly after

cohen on the news holding up a 5 pound bag of sugar saying that if

the bag of 5 pounds was actually 5 puonds of anthrax, then it could kill

everyone in new york city,

then why don't we vaccinate the members of our society that will take care of

the injured victims of a domestic bioterrorism attack upon citizens of the

united states??

These people would include police officers, firemen, EMTs, doctors, nurses,

and medics. However, maybe if we did that, then the police officers uniona

and the firemen's union would object to this and refuse the vaccine industry


but then again they have someone defending them, and the average

servicemember doesn't.

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Gretchen and I are happy you've become active on . I share

many of your thoughts, and you have lots of info to share. And a

reasonable thoughtful approach.

I also enjoyed your website; need to review the links soon.

Wanted to say that your health insurance can pay for a DHEA-S blood test

which will tell you if you're deficient and the stuff isn't expensive.

You may be able to get a doc like me to okay you to buy directly from

manufacturers more cheaply to get the supplements.

I keep playing with the many suypplements to see which are most

useful--a hard thing to work out completely. NAC is also cheap and very

good. alpha lipoic acid and dmae I think have helped. How's your

thyroid, adrenals and sex hormone levels? They should be checked, but

even if normal,. tiny doses of supplementation may help.



** Please note new email address **



Meryl Nass, M.D.

124 Wardtown Road

Freeport, Maine 04032

phone (207) 865-0875

fax (207) 865-6975

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Lori how did the meeting go? How many people came out? Havent heard any


In a message dated 9/12/99 3:20:19 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

david.greenleaf@... writes:

<< From: " Lori Greenleaf " <david.greenleaf@...>


We all do this out of the goodness of our hearts and have spent thousands

of dollars, and countless hours on this issue. My informational meeting

has been scheduled in Colorado Springs because I live 60 miles from there,

and have gotten word that the anthrax inoculations have started at Fort

Carson in Colorado Springs. I jumped at the opportunity to try to raise

public awareness very close to my hometown, and will do so every time I

hear of another round of anthrax inoculations starting, and I could attempt

to educate these brave young men and women who are concerned.

Trust me, we would all like to attend every meeting, we cannot afford to do

so. FYI, we all also carry full time day jobs, and in some cases, more

than one full time job.

Lori Greenleaf >>

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/15/99 4:44:57 AM !!!First Boot!!!, cj0715@...


<< From: Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...>


We had an appointment with Jeff's attorneys this morning. His JAG

officer is pretty good. Very aggressive. Jeff's civilian attorney is

pretty good as well.

They asked us to find anyone who has taken the anthrax and has become

ill. They also asked for any senior NCO's or Officers who have refused

the anthrax. They would like to speak to anyone and get a statement from

them for Jeff's board. Both attorneys are very optimistic Jeff will get

a general under honorable.


What about the soldier at Ft. Carson who got the vaccine??? Didn't he react

very severely to this vaccine, and he had to go into ICU????

Also, you said that you lawyers are very good....can you provide the rest of

us with some information and advice on picking an attorney??? Do you agree

with my advice that maybe a good idea would be to look either in the yellow

pages under attorneys and if they list help with military discharges...or (2)

looking for an attorney in an army times, navy times, marine corps times, or

air force times, and looking for the attorneys with military experience???

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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/07/1999 4:44:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, DSNurse


<< Subj: (no subject)

Date: 11/07/1999 4:44:03 AM Eastern Standard Time

From: <A HREF= " mailto:DSNurse " >DSNurse</A>

<A HREF= " mailto:WASP188 " >WASP188</A>

Navy Times

October 18, 1999

Pg. 16

Anthrax Vaccine Refuser Sticks To His Guns

By Gidget Fuentes

SAN DIEGO -- It was a day of apprehension. Sonar

Technician (Submarine) 1st Class Brett Mills made a

decision that could end his Navy career. When a

hospital corpsman began injecting the crew of the

fast-attack submarine Jefferson City with the anthrax

inoculation, Mills would not be there. The 12-year

veteran would refuse the shot.

On the morning of Sept. 29, Mills said goodbye to his

wife and two children and drove to Point Loma

Submarine Base. He reported aboard that morning and

when the crew lined up for inoculations, he was not

there. A day earlier, he told the corpsman he wouldn't

take the shot. He wasn't sure how they'd react once he

refused. His world was about to change...... "



I have been subscribing to Navy Times for over twenty years and you really

didn't have to waste your valuable time in sending this to me.

Crewmembers aboard JEFFERSON CITY have indicated this sailor is strictly a

non-conformist and newshound. This is a known fact. That has to tell you


Each guy who has refused the vaccine to date, has been given a General

Discharge (under honorable conditions) and that more than likely will

continue. The people who are refusing the vaccine remain in the extreme

minority and the Navy is not concerned with losing people for that reason.

Again, we have not lost a single body from the anthrax vaccine. If you know

of any, please let me know. And please don't quote Navy Times articles to

me. I read it enough to get all the news I need.

Thanks for your continued interest in the so-called problems with the anthrax

vaccine. Maybe someday you will be actually proven wrong in all you

viewpoints about this. I certainly believe you are on the wrong track.

Take care,

YNCS Don Harribine, USN(Ret)

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I don't know about your area Christi, but in Oklahoma our local news

stations have a segment where a reporter looks into businesses doing

wrong to consumers, an In Your Corner type deal. Sounds like you need

to holler loud and clear!!!! Hang in there, don't lose hope! Keep the


> (no subject)


> From: Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...>


> Hi.


> Do you remember the XO that ordered Jeff not to write his congressman

> again? Well he strikes again. Lt. Sarmiento is getting a lot of heat

> from our congressionals. Well a few months back our engine blew in our

> car and we had to trade it in. We have had this new car a few months

> now. Jeff had a POV inspection and he had to turn in a copy of our

> insurance and the registration, which shows the lienholder.


> Lt. Sarmiento called our lienholder and told them Jeff was being


> out of the military and guess what? The lienholder repossed our car. No

> kidding. Jeff told them they were breaking our contract, they told Jeff

> they did not care, Jeff was a disgrace to the military and they wanted

> their car back. We were not behind on our payments. Now we have NO car.


> Just thought I would share this with you. This is a commissioned

> officer in the United States Army. What is wrong with him? I know we

> have B troop by the throat with the harassment, but this just adds fuel

> to the fire.


> On a good note, we got Jeff's waiver packet accepting a OTH finished

> with the jag today. He told us yesterday it was going to the CG on

> Monday. Well the CG called this morning and said he wanted it on his

> desk today at 1300. That was promising. I asked the jag if he thought

> we would be home by thanksgiving and he didn't answer me.


> He tried to talk Jeff out of the waiver and going to the board, he


> Jeff he got a soldier a general under honorable when he was caught with

> 10 grams of marijuana. Oh my goodness. Austin is a convicted

> felon for probably the rest of his life and all he did was refuse a shot,

> Jeff is looking at a OTH and all he did was refuse a shot. This soldier

> is a DRUG DEALER and he got a general under honorable. What is wrong

> with this picture? The other jag in the office was working on a Chapter

> 10 (OTH, in lieu of court martial) for a female soldier who was busted

> with 114 grams of marijuana. HUH? She is a drug dealer!!!!!!!! She

> deserves to be in jail. Not receiving a OTH. The military sure has

> their priorites screwed up.


> Christi

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I agree with the first part of your response but I have to also add. The XO

was acting in a legal capacity and was a representative of the service when

he violated all kinds of laws by making that phone call and giving out

confidential personnel information. You have a good case against the car

dealer and the XO and his employer. Get a lawyer, you could sue for all

kinds of damages.

Re: (no subject)

> From: ELLIOTTDSR@...


> There are some simple laws here. If you were not in default on the car


> then the dealer stole your car rather than reposes it. Unless you were

> behind on the payments or in other breach of the contract you need to get


> civilian lawyer and sue their pants off. Also, since the XO was obviously

> not acting in an official capacity and performing a military mission, he


> guilty of being an accomplice and is also liable in civil court. You must

> contact a civilian lawyer and you should be able to get help from free


> aid on this type of issue.

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would like to have an address where he can write this Lt. Sarmiento.

He would also like the name of the leinholder. We live in the Texas

panhandle in a small town just North of Amarillo. I assume this leinholder

is in Texas? would like to write them letters.





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We want to thank everybody for their support. can contact Lt.

Sarmiento at:

Lt. Sarmiento

B Troop 1/10 Cavalry 4 ID

Ft. Hood Texas 76544

Also the car dealer and lien holder were

The Motor Pool Auto Sales

1900 E Veterans Memorial Blvd.

Killeen Texas 76541

The only thing Jeff asked is to wait to send any comments or suggestions.

His waiver for the OTH board and just accept a OTH went to the CG's

office Wednesday. Jeff is afraid of them pulling that and court

martialing him. Our last congressional earned Lt. Sarmiento a rear end

chewing by the brass. Lt. Sarmiento is trying to get back at Jeff

because of the trouble the congresssionals are causing. Jeff and I just

want to get out of here. The day Jeff gets his orders, hopefully at the

end of next week if all goes well, anyone and everyone can write and let

them know how they feel. As far as the car goes, Jeff's dad called them

and the office manager told Mr. Proffitt that we were behind in our car

payment. We have an allotment set up to them. They told Mr. P that they

never received the allotment. We are just tired of fighting. Not

fighting to get the anthrax vaccine stopped, we are just tired of

fighting everyone here at Ft. Hood. We want to go home. We sent our son

home a few weeks ago and he misses us as we do him.

Anyway, as soon as Jeff has orders please feel free to write and tell

these people how you feel. We just don't want anything to mess Jeff's

discharge up. We are not quitting, just being cautious. We have seen

the adverse reactions to congressionals. And I thought military members

were not to be punished for writing congress members. One thing Jeff's

jag attorney said was we had a case for whistle blower. Confidential?

Yhea right. Again, thank you all for your support. Jeff's NCO told him

he would pick him up for work, he drives past our house. Our neighbor

told us we could borrow their car. Plus the commissary is in our back

yard, we usually walked to the commissary anyway. So we are handling

this okay.

Now the thing is our credit report. Since March Jeff's pay has been

short for one reason or another. In August he got $2.17 for the whole

month. Our credit card bills are in serious rears as it is. So if they

add a repo on our credit report, it probably couldn't hurt, althought we

have never had a repo before. Once we get home, Jeff will go back to the

prison at $12.50 an hour. That is much more than an E-1 makes. We are

either going to go through consumer credit counseling or to file chapter

7 bankruptcy. Jeff was told by his 1sgt a while back that if he filed

for bankruptcy he would give Jeff a article 15. Such support. Jeff told

him that when you only bring home $150.00 for the whole month, do you

feed your family or pay your bills and the first sgt. told him that you

pay your bills and use food stamps and the food bank to feed your family.

This is the mentality we have been dealing with.

The day Jeff inprocessed into his unit, his first sgt. asked him where he

used to work. Jeff told him he was a corrections officer at a minumum

security prison. Do you know what the first sgt. said? " Well we can't

have any discrimination in the unit. " I kid you not. Jeff is not

racist, he made no comment towards race. He knew right then who the

racist one was, the first sgt. We are not bitter towards the military,

just Jeff's unit.

Like I said the fight has gone out of us. However, when we get home our

congressman has a office in Panama City, we plan on visiting him and

thanking him and we plan on fighting for the anthrax vaccine to be


Again, thank you all.

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 23:58:57 EST Dean1823@... writes:

>From: Dean1823@...




> would like to have an address where he can write this Lt.


>He would also like the name of the leinholder. We live in the Texas

>panhandle in a small town just North of Amarillo. I assume this


>is in Texas? would like to write them letters.








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