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NGWRC calls for hearings

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NGWRC Calls for Hearings on Anthrax Vaccine

Gulf War Veterans Cite ìLegacy of Unsolved Gulf War Illnessesî

For Immediate Release Contact:


August 3, 1999 (202) 628-2700,

ext. 162

Washington -- The National Gulf War Resource Center (NGWRC) announces

support for hearings before the House and Senate Armed Services

committees regarding the militaryís Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program


The Department of Defenseís AVIP faces growing opposition by active duty

service personnel and influential newspapers over concerns about the

lack of research into long-term adverse effects.

An editorial by Army Times asserted that, ì...in the absence of

empirical evidence proving the vaccineís long-term safety, the troops

should be given the chance to say noî (July 12, 1999, ìStop Mandatory

Anthrax Shotsî).

ìDue to growing concern among soldiers about the anthrax vaccine,

including some courts martial, the NGWRC asks for hearings to be held in

the House and Senate Armed Services committees to help answer many

troubling questions,î said Kornkven, President of the NGWRC, an

umbrella organization representing 60 Gulf War veteran and other groups

in Washington, DC.

ìGulf War veterans and active duty personnel have the right to know if

the anthrax vaccine is associated with or is a contributing factor among

the illnesses reported by as many as 110,000 Gulf War veterans,î

Kornkven added.

ìYesterday marked the ninth anniversary of Iraqís invasion of Kuwait and

the start of the Gulf War, yet many questions about Gulf War illnesses

remain. The NGWRC hopes a thorough discussion of two bills recently

introduced by Rep. Walter (R-NC) and Rep. Gilman (R-NY),

will take place as part of any planned hearings on the anthrax vaccine

program. The NGWRC thanks these lawmakers as well as Rep.

Shays (R-CT) and Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA) for taking a leading role on

this important issue.

- MORE -

NGWRC Calls for Hearings on Anthrax Vaccine, August 3, 1999, Page Two.

ìThe NGWRC believes that hearings will better inform Congress, veterans,

active duty personnel and the public about the anthrax vaccine. Then

appropriate laws can be enacted taking into account the need to balance

force protection and national security with the health and careers of

active duty personnel,î Kornkven concluded.

The anthrax vaccine, in limited use before 1990, saw a dramatic increase

in use when up to 150,000 U.S. troops deployed to Desert Shield/Storm

were given the vaccine in late 1990 and early 1991 to counter the

offensive military threat posed by Iraq. Iraq had invaded Kuwait on

August 2, 1990, and 697,000 U.S. troops were deployed to defend Saudi

Arabia and then to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. In the years

prior to the Gulf War, some U.S. firms participated in providing Iraq

with anthrax samples as well as the weapons systems needed to deliver

biological bombs.

Unfortunately, in the well-intended rush to immunize as many soldiers as

possible against the Iraqi threat, few records were kept showing who

received the anthrax vaccines and who may have suffered adverse

reactions. The NGWRC is not aware of any study completed or planned by

the DoD regarding the long-term safety and effects of the anthrax


In 1997, the Department of Defense announced plans to provide the

anthrax vaccine to up to 2.4 million active duty personnel. The NGWRC

notes and thanks the Pentagon for correcting some mistakes made during

the Gulf War. One lesson learned by the DoD includes providing active

duty personnel and their spouses with an information brochure about the

anthrax vaccine before it is administered. A second lesson learned by

the Pentagon includes keeping very thorough records of who received the


After speaking with Sullivan this afternoon, it sounds as if the

Press Conference went very well with a number of major networks and

newspapers in attendance. Mr. Mark Zaid, Dr. Meryl Nass, Representatives

Burton, Filner, Hays, , Gilman, and Metcalfe were also present.

Lets hope the hearings bring good results.




National Gulf War Resource Center, Inc.




Board Member

Military Toxics Project



** Please note new email address **



Meryl Nass, M.D.

124 Wardtown Road

Freeport, Maine 04032

phone (207) 865-0875

fax (207) 865-6975

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