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I am the wife of a military man required (so far) to take the vaccine for

Anthrax. I am writing, e-mailing and talking with all available avenues

against mandatory vaccination...I agree with you...beachnix

(no subject)

>From: Gceelliott1@...


>If they think I am going to risk my good health for their vaccine, they


>another thing coming. Military is short term and all the retirement money


>the world won't convence me to take that shot.

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In a message dated 10/7/99 4:00:09 AM !!!First Boot!!!, uucarolyn@...


<< 3) I DO know an attorney who might take this on. He is a family friend

and has

already been advising me regarding my law school dreams. My question to the

list is whether a civilian attorney can really make a difference in a


matter. ALSO, I have always understood that once one makes waves in the

military they soon find a pretext for getting rid of you. Do you agree that

getting an attorney would only then delay the inevitable? >>

In reference to an attorney, I would definetely recommend taking on an

attorney, especially one with previous military law experience. I would look

for a lawyer in the back of the Army Times, the Navy Times, the Marine Corps

Times, or the Air Force Times, and I would especially look in the classifieds

section under the attorneys or lawyers section. Look for those attorneys

with prior service experience in the military, as this is so much better to

have an attorney with military experience than non-military experience. If

this is not possible to get one of the lawyers in the back of one of these

newspapers, then I would look in the yellow pages at the city or town near a

military base and look under lawyers and look for those lawyers advertising

help or assistance with discharges in the military.

Either way, whether or not you can get a lawyer with military experience, I

would get a lawyer, who can ensure that the military is following

regulations, and the lawyer is just another person to help out the

servicemember with these problems.

Remember to make copies of everything that is given to you about the anthrax

vaccine, and be sure to make copies of your medical file, as the government

tends to " lose " these sometimes. Furthermore, before you sign something from

the military, take it to your lawyer and have him/her look over this

information before you sign this. Also, whenever someone from personnel or

from the S-1 section or JAG or legal shows you something or tells you

something, ask for it in writing.

I would also recommend getting legal counsel on post from the JAG Corps, but

during 4 years plus of active duty service, I didn't exactly see a lot of

help from the JAG Corps to the servicemembers on post.

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In a message dated 10/7/99 4:00:09 AM !!!First Boot!!!, uucarolyn@...


<< 5) I am beginning my letter writing campaign. I have worked on the


campaigns for a few of these people and am not going to be shy about


them. My question is, what recommendations do you have regarding


What do you feel is the most concise yet effective group of documents


to me? I feel a little overwhelmed by all I've found... >>

I attach a copy of the 3 GAO documents listed on the website to

the letter that I write to the Congressional Representative. I attach a copy

of this GAO document, and I highlight the materials in the GAO document that

are important to my letter. This prevents the Congressional Representative

from saying something like " no, there is no written proof on any of these

allegations " , when all he or she has to do is to go to the GAO document and

read the attached highlighted materials.

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Thanks for all the caring advice.

I have more questions / comments.

1) I understand the Fairchild date has now been pushed back to May. Maybe they

do have to wait for the production of the new batches! That means more time to

fight via political channels.

2) My husband is pretty outspoken about his atheism. Unfortunately, I don't

think anyone who knows him is going to buy a " religious " objection at this

point! ha-ha...It is a thought though! Thank you again!

3) I DO know an attorney who might take this on. He is a family friend and has

already been advising me regarding my law school dreams. My question to the

list is whether a civilian attorney can really make a difference in a military

matter. ALSO, I have always understood that once one makes waves in the

military they soon find a pretext for getting rid of you. Do you agree that

getting an attorney would only then delay the inevitable?

4) How can I access the findings of the president's panel on Gulf War syndrome?

I found a link somewhere, but I could not get it to open...

5) I am beginning my letter writing campaign. I have worked on the political

campaigns for a few of these people and am not going to be shy about reminding

them. My question is, what recommendations do you have regarding attachments?

What do you feel is the most concise yet effective group of documents available

to me? I feel a little overwhelmed by all I've found...

Thank you so, so much,


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Jeffery S Proffitt wrote:


> From: Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...>


> This maybe a dumb question, but how can I get a copy of the army

> regulations?



You unit admin. office should have a copy of the regs. Every unit is

required to have copies of the regulations. If they don't they have

serious problems and need to be reported to an IG. Also if there is a

base/post of the your same service branch near you, they should have a

copy at the base library among other places. There might even be a web

page with the regs as well so you could try doing various search engine

searches. It's not classified information or anything.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We do agree with you. We actually found our attorney in the yellow

pages, in their advertisement it stated article 15's and seperation

boards. Christi worked for a personal injury attorney for a year and she

went with me the first appointment. We went a lot on her " feeling " . We

felt really comfortable with this attorney. He spent time in at ft. hood

as a jag. The senior partners are retired jag officers at ft. hood.

I guess the best advice would be Christi's feeling. If you don't feel

good inside while talking with an attorney, leave. Find another. She

worked for a personal injury attorney and she knows a little about the

legal field. She really likes this attorney. If Christi or I calls his

office and leave a message he calls us back by the end of the day. My

other attorney is a jag officer. He is very agressive. Christi does not

trust him, as his first allegience is to the army. But she is coming

around. Both of my attorneys know each other, they worked in jag

together, so that makes for a good environment.

We don't know anything about that soldier at Ft. Carson, we must have

missed that. Christi has been researching and we know about the soldier

at Benning. How can we find out info on the soldier at Ft. Carson?

On Fri, 15 Oct 1999 02:01:05 EDT Gceelliott1@... writes:

>From: Gceelliott1@...


>In a message dated 10/15/99 4:44:57 AM !!!First Boot!!!,




><< From: Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...>


> Hi.


> We had an appointment with Jeff's attorneys this morning. His JAG

> officer is pretty good. Very aggressive. Jeff's civilian attorney


> pretty good as well.


> They asked us to find anyone who has taken the anthrax and has become

> ill. They also asked for any senior NCO's or Officers who have


> the anthrax. They would like to speak to anyone and get a statement


> them for Jeff's board. Both attorneys are very optimistic Jeff will


> a general under honorable.

> >>


>What about the soldier at Ft. Carson who got the vaccine??? Didn't he


>very severely to this vaccine, and he had to go into ICU????


>Also, you said that you lawyers are very good....can you provide the

>rest of

>us with some information and advice on picking an attorney??? Do you


>with my advice that maybe a good idea would be to look either in the


>pages under attorneys and if they list help with military

>discharges...or (2)

>looking for an attorney in an army times, navy times, marine corps

>times, or

>air force times, and looking for the attorneys with military



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  • 3 weeks later...

Good response here....last one I sent was typical response

Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 09:31:14 -0800

From: Your Name <olinc@...>

Subject: Re: (no subject)

" DSNurse@... " <DSNurse@...>


If the old traditions of chain of command were followed in which the

senior never orders a subordinate to do something they wouldn't first

do themselves, I suggest this program would end immediately.

Technician Mills has the unique opportunity to test this age old

military practice by demanding that his superiors from the Admiral on

down be first in line for the inoculations with him being the last man

to receive the shot. This way he won't be refusing an order and I

predict that he will have time to re enlist several times before he gets

his turn.

Not only would making this demand put the shoe on the right foot, you

would see a lot of people changing their attitude.

It's not enough to have Secretary Cohen (who is just one man) make an

Academy Award performance by rolling up his sleeve for a shot in TV.

Let The President who signed the Executive Order to give this unproved

vaccine to the troops be first in line. Then come right on down the

chain of command, starting with the Joint Chief's in the military

establishment. With this accomplished, then, and only then,

inoculations of the lower echelons should begin.

We'd find out real quick if they really believe they are as certain as

we're led to believe they are, that the vaccine is safe.

If Mr. Clinton has nothing to hide, let him issue an Executive Order on

record keeping. Let each troop have a personal (2nd) copy of his shot

records, showing the dates and lot numbers of the vaccine injected which

he will keep for future reference. Barring that, each troop should

keep his own diary (showing these dates and lot numbers) which will be

legal evidence for future reference to the Veterans Administration.

Anyone who has Technician Mills's address, please forward this to him.


DSNurse@... wrote:

> Navy Times

> October 18, 1999

> Pg. 16

> Anthrax Vaccine Refuser Sticks To His Guns

> By Gidget Fuentes

> SAN DIEGO -- It was a day of apprehension. Sonar

> Technician (Submarine) 1st Class Brett Mills made a

> decision that could end his Navy career. When a

> hospital corpsman began injecting the crew of the

> fast-attack submarine Jefferson City with the anthrax

> inoculation, Mills would not be there. The 12-year

> veteran would refuse the shot...... "


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General Discharge .. but what about the torment they go through before the

military in their infinite wisdom to give them a GD?

What about the stress they are put under and their families?

What about all of the late night calls, the illegal actions against

everything the UCMJ says is right when the boats / ships are underway???

What about all of that?

Newshound??? Maybe .. but the American public still need to know about all

of this ... torturing the servicemembers is not acceptable at any time ...

What do you think is right ... making their lives unbearable and browbeating

them for weeks / months at a time and then just sweeping them under the

proverbial carpet to " grant " them a General Discharge.

I have spoken with the reporter who did this story ... Ms. Fuentes and I

spoke for a good hour then she spoke with my husband and I for another hour

or more ... she was genuine and sincere and gave me no reason to believe

that she would just take any sailors word for it ... she was truly

interested in the servicemembers well-being through this .. which is a

helluva lot more than I have seen from my husbands Command.


> I have been subscribing to Navy Times for over twenty years and you really

> didn't have to waste your valuable time in sending this to me.


> Crewmembers aboard JEFFERSON CITY have indicated this sailor is strictly


> non-conformist and newshound. This is a known fact. That has to tell


> something.

> Each guy who has refused the vaccine to date, has been given a General

> Discharge (under honorable conditions) and that more than likely will

> continue. The people who are refusing the vaccine remain in the extreme

> minority and the Navy is not concerned with losing people for that reason.


> Again, we have not lost a single body from the anthrax vaccine. If you


> of any, please let me know. And please don't quote Navy Times articles to

> me. I read it enough to get all the news I need.


> Thanks for your continued interest in the so-called problems with the


> vaccine. Maybe someday you will be actually proven wrong in all you

> viewpoints about this. I certainly believe you are on the wrong track.


> Take care,

> YNCS Don Harribine, USN(Ret)




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Better yet how on a nuclear attack sub hundreds of feet deep, under the

worlds oceans, with some of the best air filtration and scrubbers money can



(no subject)

From: Randice1@...

Found this on the Gulf War site, and wanted to share....

This week in an Alabama paper there was news about several NG aviators


the Air NG unit in Bham that had refused to take these shots. They are

going to resign or retire.

I tell you, learning that the Gulf War illness could very well have been

caused by the meds that the people took would make anyone take a second


third look at taking something like that. By the way, how would a pilot


exposed to anthrax doing his job 30,000 feet up or however high a KC 135



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>From: <in_the_desert@...>



>Subject: (no subject)

>Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 19:48:06 -0800 (PST)




>Well I told several people this weekend at my unit

>that I would not be taking the antharx shots.


>I was also told that just me reading and/or talking on

>this site would constitute a breach of my military

>contract were i agreed not to be associated with (i

>can't think of the right phrase) groups that do not

>agree with the government.


>I also have a few questions I hope I can get answered.


>is the anthrax shot taken from animal proten??

>Is the order to take this shot a " lawful order " ??







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There are some simple laws here. If you were not in default on the car loan

then the dealer stole your car rather than reposes it. Unless you were

behind on the payments or in other breach of the contract you need to get a

civilian lawyer and sue their pants off. Also, since the XO was obviously

not acting in an official capacity and performing a military mission, he is

guilty of being an accomplice and is also liable in civil court. You must

contact a civilian lawyer and you should be able to get help from free legal

aid on this type of issue.

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Please report the unethical dealings of this car dealer to the local paper.

If nothing else through a letter to the editor. Nothing gets a merchants

attention like bad publicity. You do not deserve this, and you have not

deserved much of what you have received. Most states have agencies that

deal with car dealers specifically, mainly they do " Lemon Law " type issues,

but you might discover an alley with in that office, or they might steer you

to one. The better business bureau might also be worth a complaint filing.

This last Item you can do on line.

God bless you both,


(no subject)

From: Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...>


Do you remember the XO that ordered Jeff not to write his congressman

again? Well he strikes again. Lt. Sarmiento is getting a lot of heat

from our congressionals. Well a few months back our engine blew in our

car and we had to trade it in. We have had this new car a few months

now. Jeff had a POV inspection and he had to turn in a copy of our

insurance and the registration, which shows the lienholder.

Lt. Sarmiento called our lienholder and told them Jeff was being kicked

out of the military and guess what? The lienholder repossed our car. No

kidding. Jeff told them they were breaking our contract, they told Jeff

they did not care, Jeff was a disgrace to the military and they wanted

their car back. We were not behind on our payments. Now we have NO car.

Just thought I would share this with you. This is a commissioned

officer in the United States Army. What is wrong with him? I know we

have B troop by the throat with the harassment, but this just adds fuel

to the fire.

On a good note, we got Jeff's waiver packet accepting a OTH finished

with the jag today. He told us yesterday it was going to the CG on

Monday. Well the CG called this morning and said he wanted it on his

desk today at 1300. That was promising. I asked the jag if he thought

we would be home by thanksgiving and he didn't answer me.

He tried to talk Jeff out of the waiver and going to the board, he told

Jeff he got a soldier a general under honorable when he was caught with

10 grams of marijuana. Oh my goodness. Austin is a convicted

felon for probably the rest of his life and all he did was refuse a shot,

Jeff is looking at a OTH and all he did was refuse a shot. This soldier

is a DRUG DEALER and he got a general under honorable. What is wrong

with this picture? The other jag in the office was working on a Chapter

10 (OTH, in lieu of court martial) for a female soldier who was busted

with 114 grams of marijuana. HUH? She is a drug dealer!!!!!!!! She

deserves to be in jail. Not receiving a OTH. The military sure has

their priorites screwed up.



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Hi Christi and Jeff,

This is not a surprise about the drug dealer getting off so easy. If you

or anyone else has access to the Nov 15, 1999 Air Force Times, look on

page 46, upper center page. There is an advertisement that NORML, the

advocates for the legalization of marijuana, has placed there. They even

have a Combined Federal Campaign number(7981) that anyone can contribute

to. Wonder if we can get a CFC number to collect money for legal

representation? Might even advertise in the Air Force, Navy, Army Times.

Let's call it ASHOT, Against Systemic Hiding Of the Truth!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Human nature rarely changes, the average person knows intuitively to some

degree that the things they do are right or wrong. These NCO's are playing

an old military game in that the " Service " needs to be protected from all

malcontents, and so they must press one to act in a way that " proves " the

one being sanctioned is a non-conformist, and a trouble maker. This does

two things, 1) it takes care of any twinges of conscious they might suffer,

and 2) it reinforces the sacrificing the good of the individual for the good

of the " service " . They never quite see that they too can be an individual,

and the " Service " can turn on them just as quickly.

Tell Jeff to hang tough, and realize this is soon to be over even if they

force him back into B troop, and that if he does not break that one day each

of these NCO's and his XO will have to deal with his conscious, and face the

truth or live a lifetime of lying to themselves.

In Christ's love,


(no subject)

From: Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...>

******keep in mind this is jeff's old unit*******

Are you ready for this? The CG approved Jeff's waiver and granted him a

OTH. Jeff talked with the brigade legal clerk and she told him to get in

touch with this sgt so he could go and pick up the memo he can clear

without orders. Jeff called the sgt and he was out to lunch. 2 minutes

later the phone rings, it is a different sgt telling jeff to be at the

troop at 1300 so he could start clearing. A few minutes later he calls

back and tells Jeff that he also has a clearing briefing at 0900 tomorrow

and to be at the troop at 0830.

Well Jeff went to the troop today at 1300. The minute he walked in the

door he got slammed by 5 NCO's. They were cussing at him telling him

" Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here a month

ago. " (Jeff was reassigned to F troop in August. He has to go through B

Troop to clear) They told him he was going on the CQ roster and that

they had plenty of detail for him to do............ "

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It is sad to say but they are going to make Jeff pay for getting out.

Just hang in there, it will soon be over. Keep reminding Jeff, that he

is doing what is best and right!!! At least Jeff has the GUTS to stand

by his convictions! I feel sorry for those who fear the shot but DON'T

STAND UP! It is men like Jeff throughout our history who have made a

change for the better in this country. I just wonder now if there are

too few good men left and too late to bring yet another change, only God

knows. Keep the Faith and know all of us here are behind you and

praying for you both!


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Hang in there, Christi, it's almost over. Feel free to vent, anytime!

Harassment does sound as though it's getting out of control, I'm curious to

know if any IG complaint's have been started against any of these NCO's.


<< I don't understand how these NCO's can do this. Harassment is illegal.

The one NCO who was really giving Jeff a hard time, just inprocessed into

B troop. He doesn't EVEN know Jeff. I don't know what they want. >>

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True, but the way I understood the military system, and Oh Yes, the

legal system and the constitution, harassment is illegal. These NCOs

need to be punished, and severely. The military may well have

declined to where some think this kind of illegal harassment is normal

(not referring to Dave), but we don't have to like it or accept it.

I say document the heck out of it, send it to the IG at all levels, and

then to Congress and don't drop it even after Jeff is out.

They want to make an example out of Jeff for doing something they

don't approve of, I think the same thing should happen to them for

conducting illegal harassment of which no decent citizen of this

country approves. We are going to have to fight and make our elected

representatives and public servants (the military " Brass " ) understand

that the rule of law and constitution are not fairy tails.

And after all the BS propaganda these same people put out about

fighting for freedom and democracy - this is really hard to stomach!

Rick on

bedlam3 wrote:

> From: " bedlam3 " <bedlam3@...>


> Human nature rarely changes, the average person knows intuitively to some

> degree that the things they do are right or wrong. These NCO's are playing

> an old military game in that the " Service " needs to be protected from all

> malcontents, and so they must press one to act in a way that " proves " the

> one being sanctioned is a non-conformist, and a trouble maker. This does

> two things, 1) it takes care of any twinges of conscious they might suffer,

> and 2) it reinforces the sacrificing the good of the individual for the good

> of the " service " . They never quite see that they too can be an individual,

> and the " Service " can turn on them just as quickly.


> Tell Jeff to hang tough, and realize this is soon to be over even if they

> force him back into B troop, and that if he does not break that one day each

> of these NCO's and his XO will have to deal with his conscious, and face the

> truth or live a lifetime of lying to themselves.


> In Christ's love,


> Dave

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I was not condoning what was being done, only trying to give Jeff an

understanding of the mentality so he could rise above it as the stellar

person he and his wife obviously are.


Re: (no subject)

From: Rick on <rdharrison@...>

True, but the way I understood the military system, and Oh Yes, the

legal system and the constitution, harassment is illegal. These NCOs

need to be punished, and severely. The military may well have

declined to where some think this kind of illegal harassment is normal

(not referring to Dave), but we don't have to like it or accept it.

I say document the heck out of it, send it to the IG at all levels, and

then to Congress and don't drop it even after Jeff is out.....

They want to make an example out of Jeff for doing something they

don't approve of, I think the same thing should happen to them for

conducting illegal harassment of which no decent citizen of this

country approves. We are going to have to fight and make our elected

representatives and public servants (the military " Brass " ) understand

that the rule of law and constitution are not fairy tails.

And after all the BS propaganda these same people put out about

fighting for freedom and democracy - this is really hard to stomach!

Rick on


bedlam3 wrote:

> From: " bedlam3 " <bedlam3@...>


> Human nature rarely changes, the average person knows intuitively to some

> degree that the things they do are right or wrong. These NCO's are


> an old military game in that the " Service " needs to be protected from all

> malcontents, and so they must press one to act in a way that " proves " the

> one being sanctioned is a non-conformist, and a trouble maker. This does

> two things, 1) it takes care of any twinges of conscious they might


> and 2) it reinforces the sacrificing the good of the individual for the


> of the " service " . They never quite see that they too can be an


> and the " Service " can turn on them just as quickly.


> Tell Jeff to hang tough, and realize this is soon to be over even if they

> force him back into B troop, and that if he does not break that one day


> of these NCO's and his XO will have to deal with his conscious, and face


> truth or live a lifetime of lying to themselves.


> In Christ's love,


> Dave

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The only time we did an IG complaint was when that E-7 was very

beligerent with me and using profane language. The IG ruled in his

favor. So we were discouraged with the IG.

Now that there is not as much going on today I will elaborate on what

happened yesterday.

The e-mail I sent out told about Jeff being slammed by B troop and told

he was going to be doing detail and cq. We then went to brigade legal

and asked the clerk about it. She called over and talked to the acting

first sgt. and he made the comment to her " what is he over there

whining? " Well the next day he was jumped on all over again. I went to

see our jag attorney and told him how desperate things were. He took me

to see the colonel. I was in tears and told the colonel that he could do

one of two things. He could put my husband back in f troop and let him

clear and leave the army or he could leave my husband in b troop and we

would be gone this weekend, then he would have an AWOL soldier and

continue this mess for who knows how long. The colonel called the

captain over 1/10 cavalry (Jeff is in f troop 1/10 cavalry 4th brigade

4th ID). The captain called the E-7 from b troop and told him that Jeff

was not to pull any detail, cq ANYTHING. He was to only clear per the

colonel of division. Jeff was at work while all this was going on. He

was in the process of an ass chewing by the E-7, oh what the heck, his

name is SFC Cantrell, when Captain Lira called him. Jeff was told to

leave the room. After the phone call, he was called back in and SFC

Cantrell went haywire on Jeff. He wanted to know who he had been talking

to and that Jeff was still a United States Soldier and that he didn't

care what some colonel said, he would do with Jeff as he pleased. Jeff

was then released from lunch. He told me what was going on and we went

back to see our jag attorney. He went haywire. He called the captain

and well you know what rolls down hill. The colonel was contacted and he

was told about his bad NCO. Gee, isn't that disobeying an order? After

about 2 hours sitting in the jag office Jeff was told to go to b troop

and get his motor pool keys for f troop and to report to f troop 1st sgt.

(SFC Cantrell took Jeff's motor pool keys and told him he would give

them back to the 1st sgt. He gave Jeff a receipt and said " I have been

warned about you that you document everything. " Jeff just grinned and

said " Is there anything wrong with that? " Go Jeff!!!) I went back to b

troop with Jeff. That SFC must have gotten a serious ass chewing. He

approached Jeff with his tail between his legs and gave Jeff his keys.

See, F troop was in the field all last week, they didn't take Jeff

because they do not want to depend on Jeff for missions. They just came

in yesterday. They knew nothing. They tried to get Jeff back, but B

troop was instent on keeping him. Sgt. Liber from f troop just called me

and wanted to let me know that he was Jeff's escort now and that he would

help us and just gave me some support I needed. He was wonderful. He

said that the first sgt. called and pulled some strings and arranged it

where since Jeff was getting a OTH he had 10 business days to get off

post. So we have to be gone NLT 7 December. Apparently that is the reg,

but the command has to push to make it happen. The first sgt. did this

to help Jeff not because he was mad at him. So that was wonderful.

Jeff gets his orders and clearing papers next tuesday. We will have an

exact date then. We have everything packed and ready to go. We got a

carpet cleaner for this weekend and we plan on cleaning. We will clear

housing no problem.

I have a question for anyone who knows the answer. Jeff's anniversary

date is 18 Nov. He should get his clothing allowance on the 1st of

December. His sgt. is skeptical that they will give it to him. I

thought clothing allowance was for the year prior. We really need that

to help with the ryder truck. Ryder is giving us a wonderful deal. It

is $412 no tax if we provide them a copy of Jeff's orders and I have a

10% coupon. What I find amusing is that even though they won't pay for

household goods, and we have to pay for the truck, we can file it on our

taxes for moving expenses and get it back that way. Ha score on for us.

Same money just different pot.

Thanks for listening. My in-laws whom we will be staying with have Juno

so we will stay on the list and continue to correspond. I will let you

know anything else that happens.

Jeff and Christi

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 20:32:57 EST Randice1@... writes:

>From: Randice1@...


>Hang in there, Christi, it's almost over. Feel free to vent, anytime!


>Harassment does sound as though it's getting out of control, I'm

>curious to

>know if any IG complaint's have been started against any of these




><< I don't understand how these NCO's can do this. Harassment is


> The one NCO who was really giving Jeff a hard time, just inprocessed


> B troop. He doesn't EVEN know Jeff. I don't know what they want.


>the User Center link from the menu bar on the left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad to hear things are going so well for you all.

God does work in strange ways.

Keep the Faith and remember the rest of us who are

just starting or going to be starting the same thing.

--- Jeffery S Proffitt <cj0715@...> wrote:

> Well it is almost over. Jeff cleared CIF today

> which next to housing is

> the most difficult. He clears his unit tomorrow.

> We pick up our moving

> truck Monday and we clear housing Tuesday morning

> and then we hit the

> road.


> The prison called Jeff this afternoon. He is to

> start on 13 Dec. Jeff

> asked her if she wanted a copy of his DD214 and she

> told him no. What is

> really great is that Jeff will receieve a paycheck

> for 24 Dec for 40

> hours so we will be able to buy some Christmas

> presents.


> Things really seem to be coming together for once.


> We will remain subscribers and we will remain in

> touch. Please feel free

> to contact us at anytime.


> Jeff and Christi

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Jeff & Christi,

I am so glad it is almost over for you. You have been through a lot. We

have all suffered with you. I am also very, very happy that you are going

to stay active in the fight. So many get out and we never hear from them

again. I know it is very easy to let go of the fight once your home. I

took a couple of weeks off after came home and it took effort on my

part to start fighting again. But once you learn to ride a bicycle you

never forget and I am back to take this fight to its end. Glad you will be

with us.


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  • 1 month later...



From: Randice1@...


Subject: (no subject)

Date: Sun, Jan 9, 2000, 12:06 PM

From: Randice1@...


I sent a message off to Dr. Poland, where it came back " undeliverable " . The

address I had for him was poland.greg@...

If anyone has the correct address for this doctor, I would greatly


it. Thanx.


Please click above to support our sponsor

Our Anthrax information web site: http://www.dallasnw.quik.com/cyberella/


To visit Dr. Meryl Nass's web site, go to: http://www.anthraxvaccine.org


Also visit: http://www.enter.net/~jfsorg/ <http://www.enter.net/~jfsorg/>

Contact list owner: Gretchen Whitney at: anna_nim@...

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


British vaccine with fear of Mad Cow Disease contaminations. Could this be

where the DoD got all the excess doses they claimed to have in stockpile

above and beyond the amount that Bio Port had the capacity to produce.

Don't know anything here just speculation over the concern over the number

of doses DoD claimed last year.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

A general under honerable is an honerable character of service. Look at the

DD214 for a code that begins with " RE " should be a 1,2,3, or 4 This is the

code that allows recruiters to know whether you can re-enlist or not. A

discharge is either honerable, or other than honerable.

You might even go to another branch and talk to a recruiter and act like you

might want to re-enlist. They can explain what codes you have and whether

you can re-enlist or not.


> (no subject)



> I need some help/advice here, if anyone could help it would be much

> appreciated!


> I refused the Anthrax Vaccination back in May, and was discharged

> from the

> Army with a General under Honorable.

> I now have an oppurtinity for a good job with the Department of

> Justice, but

> I need either an Honorable , or a waiver saying that i " could " reenlist.

> Anybody have any idea about how to go about this?

> Please Help!


> Holmes


> E-Mail me at= erc287@...


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Wish you had something rad to add to your email?

> We do at www.supersig.com.

> 1/6819/3/_/508397/_/964056848/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Our Anthrax information web site: http://www.dallasnw.quik.com/cyberella/

> To visit Dr. Meryl Nass's web site, go to: http://www.anthraxvaccine.org

> Also visit: http://www.MajorBates.com/ and http://www.enter.net/~jfsorg/

> http://www.jamesmadisonproject.org/importantlinks.html and


Contact list owner: Gretchen Whitney at: anna_nim@...

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