Guest guest Posted November 15, 2001 Report Share Posted November 15, 2001 Dr Weil exposes his true colors.... BEWARE OF ADVICE FROM ANDREW WEIL MD!! [don't let the beard and the " homespun look " fool you!!] (see below) This letter is in response to Weil's uninformed attack on my profession and the technique that I have been using and teaching to DCs, DOs, MDs, DDSs, DVMs, DPMs etc for the past thirty years. About ten years ago I advised people to stop paying attention to Weil MD and to ignore his advice BECAUSE HE WAS RECOMMENDING VACCINATIONS!! Because of his stand on vaccinations, I considered ANDREW WEIL MD as just another peddler of ORTHODOX MEDICINE attempting to give the impression of an alternative medicine doctor. No doctor of alternative medicine should recommend vaccinations. Indeed, no one with half an ounce of common sense, the ability to think for themselves, and a small knowledge of medical history would dream of injecting a vaccine-based foreign protein into a human being in the hopes of provoking an immune response that would in any way, benefit them, much less a newborn infant! If they even hint at using vaccinations on you or your children, FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR! Weil's inaccurate report on Applied Kinesiology confirms my previous suspicions. If you want reliable advice about AK (Applied Kinesiology) from outside the chiropractic profession, go to the Dr Mercola website. The Mercola website is the second most used alternative medicine site on the internet - Dr Mercola's popularity far exceeds that of Weir - I agree with most of what Dr Mercola preaches. Before we get back to Weir's slander of my technique - AK - a little bit of comment on the practice of orthodox medicine in re to vaccines.........It is my highly educated, experienced-based, opinion, that ANY doctor who recommends ANY type of vaccination for ANY reason, under ANY circumstance is: 1. Uninformed 2. Informed but stupid 3. Criminal To explain the above three classifications: 1. Many, if not most, medical doctors, are simply uninformed, they are neither stupid nor criminal - their real crime is that they are simply lazy, procrastinators like the rest of us (grin). Most MDs accepted the information they were force fed in medical school and simply never took the time to verify it. It is an accepted fact that, within seven or eight years of graduation from med school, half of what was taught will be found to be wrong because it was generated by drug industry profit not scientific need. This is a known, acceptable, much bandied about fact voiced by many experts in the field. The problem lies in the fact that noone ever calls those misguided med students back to explain which half is wrong! [Note that, oddly enough, this does NOT apply to the chiropractic profession. A subluxation is still a subluxation, the structure still determines function, function still arises out of structure, and what is happening in chiropractic - as opposed to medicine - is a continual progress towards scientifically supporting our original theory, TO WIT - that interruption of the flow of nerve energy anywhere in the body for any reason at any time by any means, structural, OR chemical, OR mental, IS disease! In chiropractic, rather than throw away half of what we learn in school every few years, we continue to add to it as we find new ways to prove our old hypotheses. We continue to demonstrate the truth of all of our original propositions -WHAT EXISTS PERSISTS!. This is the hallmark of a true science. And what AK has done for our profession - [this is the AK that ANDREW WEIL MD is slandering by the way] - is that it has taken chiropractic diagnosis and treatment out of the realm of presumptive diagnosis upon which medicine (admittedly) bases 85% of its treatment and placed it in the realm of science - the realm of the confirmed diagnosis. In other words, AK has made chiropractic theory, explicable, demonstrable and above all else, reproducable and the evidence of this is in the literature for all to read. So Weil belongs in one of the above mentioned categories as far as his statements concerning AK go. There are many ways to diagnose, treat and eliminate human sickness and disease - poisoning the body with dangerous drugs and the use of surgery is not the way. There are also numerous harmless ways of preventing those same sicknesses and diseases and injecting horrifically poisonous vaccines is DEFINITELY not the way to do THAT. Such destructive, harmful, catastrophic approaches are mind boggling and astonishing to any common sensical person to say the least! 2. Informed but stupid - let's face it, some people are just plain dumb and cannot think for themselves. The little known fact is that there is a much higher percentage of stupidity amongst medical doctors than any other profession. This is a fact based upon my own personal investigation and experience over a fifty year period. I surmise that the stupidity is due to the overwhelming force feeding that goes on in medical education, much of it necessary due to the dangerous invasive techniques used. Let's face it, medical diagnosis kills a lot of people - I know from direct experience, my own patients have been killed by unnecessary, harmful diagnostic techniques. So doctors have to submit to forced feeding - this kills their own ability to think for themselves. Remember, the educated man has all his answers fed to him, the uneducated man has to think for himself, the uneducated man has to use his OWN brain and figure things out for himself. The MD never has to do that, it has all been figured out for him in advance and he/she must simply memorize and regurgitate upon demand. The demand is an examining board, and later the patient who presents with symptoms. These same dazed doctors read the peer reviewed literature such as the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine that has recommended all sorts of horrendous procedures in the past - procedures and drugs that were recommended by the consensus of medical opinion - fully scientific, endorsed and accepted, only later to find that they are dangerous killer techniques and deadly medications killing people in large numbers. All due to information that was foisted on the scientific world by criminals in medicine, criminals in the drug industry and criminals on the editorial staff of such prestigious journals. 3. Some doctors know better, they know they're killing people but they continue to do it for the money. These doctors are criminals and belong in jail, not in practice. They're locked in economically and cannot extricate themselves. Many of these types go into psychiatry, Radiology, etc, they go into fields that don't require them to confront and treat patients with the dangerous drugs and invasive, destructive techniques that keep them on the top ten killer list. The real honest ones contact me and other diplomates and start learning AK. Could you imagine if your job was listed on the top ten killer list?? good grief folks!!! Sit down and think about that for awhile. In all things medical, never lose sight of the fact that all things medical are driven by the drug industry needs, not by the needs of science or the public or private health. [The classical example is the great 20th century crime against women with the synthetic hormones, estrogens/progestins etc. and we could go on and on with that totally documented, totally proved story, pointing out high crimes posing as " medical science " and perpetrated by MDs but that's another whole story that will be treated by future historians]. AND FOR THOSE OF YOU FOOLISH ENOUGH TO TRY IT..........NEVER ASK THE FOX FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO GUARD THE CHICKENS - NEVER ASK A SEARS SALESMAN FOR ADVICE ON JC PENNY PRODUCTS AND ABOVE ALL ELSE........NEVER ASK AN ORTHODOX MEDICAL DOCTOR FOR ADVICE ON CHIROPRACTIC!!! the below article is what I received through the email this morning. For those of you who have the time, I will take Weil's allegations on e at a time and correct them. The original email was from one of the AK doctors mother, god bless her!! haha WEIL'S COMMENTS ARE IN GREEN, MINE ARE IN RED. My mother uncovered this on the web….. Doesn't appear that this Dr. Weil is a friend of AK......... Applied kinesiology (AK) is a method of diagnosis and treatment based on the notion that various muscles are linked to particular organs and glands, and that muscle weakness can point to an internal problem. Practitioners contend that by correcting this muscle weakness, you can help heal a problem in the associated internal organ. They also say they can use this approach to help with nervous system problems, nutritional deficiencies or excesses, imbalances in the body’s energy pathways (or meridians), and many other health concerns. my response - we not only " CONTEND " and " SAY " , we PROVE by reproducable demonstrations and their scientifically measurable effects on vital capacity, vision, hearing acuity, range of motion, pain reduction, blood analysis before and after treatment etc. etc. I would be glad to meet with Dr Weil in a public forum and demonstrate these techniques on real people with real problems - BETTER YET - perhaps Dr Weil and I could have a public contest to see who can do what about the common problems and complaints of patients - we could take people out of the audience with complaints and treat them right on the spot and see just who can do what - that would be great - I would suggest referees with equipment to measure such things as vital capacity, visual acuity, eyeball pressure ( e.g., glaucoma patients), audio acuity, blood pressure readings, range of motion before and after treatment, muscle strength before and after treatment, pain before and after treatment. ONE RESTRICTION WOULD BE THAT NO TECHNIQUE OR SUBSTANCE CAN BE USED THAT HAS PUBLISHED HARMFUL SIDE EFFECTS. I once challenged Barrett to such a contest but unfortunatley he couldn't make it (grin) I think we might have heard the last from Barrett - last I heard, he lost a court battle and can't sue for defamation any longer, he's been declared a public person.). The theory of AK was developed by Goodheart, Jr., a Michigan chiropractor who began to write and lecture about his ideas in 1964. AK practitioners are often chiropractors, but may also be osteopathic physicians, dentists, or even conventional physicians. According to the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK), practitioners must first be trained in their respective fields before they can study applied kinesiology in a postgraduate setting. Perhaps the best-known AK procedure is muscle testing, in which a patient's muscles are tested against pressure exerted by the practitioner. If the muscle stands up to pressure, it’s deemed " strong " or " locked " ; those that give way to pressure are considered " weak " or " unlocked, " indicating a problem. ICAK considers the use of this test alone an abuse of AK by practitioners who have not been properly trained and certified. AK practitioners should do muscle testing only as part of a complete diagnostic examination. my response - this is partially correct and greatly misunderstood - after thirty years of experience, I can say that while the so-called scientific testing can be helpful in rendering a commonly accepted diagnosis in line with current medical thought, it is NOT essential to the diagnosis and correction of what ails the patient. NAMING IT AND DESCRIBING IT, [the only thing orthodox medicine is good at doing] NEVER DID HAVE MUCH TO DO WITH FIXING IT!! This is quite difficult for the doctor laboring under a medically oriented education to come to grips with since it is INCOMMENSURABLE with current medical belief system which is more akin to a religious, rather than a scientific system - how else can one explain the horrific, disastrous habit of injecting a newborn baby with a foreign protein with the intent of " protecting " it against diseases that all but disappeared decades before any vaccinations were put into use. [anyone interested in pursuing this INCOMMENSURABILITY factor a However, even the best of AK tests and diagnostic procedures haven't stood up to studies comparing them with standard medical techniques. One study showed that diagnosis of nutritional deficiencies by three AK practitioners proved no more accurate than random guessing. Beyond diagnosis, AK treatments range from deep massage, joint manipulation and realignment, craniosacral therapy, and acupuncture to meridian therapy, nutritional therapy, and diet management. However, I know of no scientific studies that validate claims for AK treatment. my response - Weil has obviously overlooked some literature here - As usual with ANY critique of chiropractic coming out of ORTHODOX MEDICINE [don't forget, orthodox medicine is on the top ten killers list] the truly scientific evidence is ignored. Here are three studies, there are many others....... 1. J of Perceptual and Motor Skills 1997 (in press) Interexaminer Reliability of Applied Kinesiology Manual Muscle Testing, Lawson & Calderon. 2. International J of Neuroscience 1989, Vol 5:143-151, Somatosensory Evoked Potential Changes During Muscle Testing. Leisman et al 3. J of Perceptual Motor Skills 1995, Vol 80:963-977. Electromyographic Effects of Fatigue and Task Repetition on the Validity of Estimates of Strong and Weak Muscles in Applied Kinesiolgoy Muscle Testing Procedures. Leisman et al. To evaluate muscle testing, a muscle testor must have consummate skill in muscle testing. AK cannot be evaluated by people lacking muscle testing skill and it is deceptively difficult to perform with accuracy and without the prejudice of either the doctor's OR surprisingly enough, the patient's biased influence - both can enter into and prejudice a muscle test and the skilled muscle testor is always on the lookout for this possibility. Muscle testing is the artful part of the technique and it takes a lot of practise to do it right. All science and scientific effort, regardless of how scientific, has a human element included. The human factor is described as the " artful " part of the science - try as we might, we can NEVER exclude the human element from our scientific endeavors - it is always there - in Applied Kinesiology this human element is crucial because it takes quite a long time and a lot of practise to master the art of muscle testing. It is no where near as easy as one would suspect. Ergo, a practitioner cannot suddenly decide to evaluate AK, set up several " muscle testors " and perform an evaluation. The study in question as a matter of fact, used a muscle indicator, that no experienced AK practitioner would use in such a study due to the difficulty in performing a stable repeatable test with that specific muscle. Some muscles are simply more difficult than others to position and test properly and therefore do not lend themselves to easy repetetive evaluation by experienced operators, much less those with NO experience. Any AK practitioner who watches a medical practitioner perform muscle testing is forced to stifle a chuckle - medical muscle testing in orthodpedics etc is extremely crude! This is not meant to demean our fellow practitioners but simply to make a point. Muscle testing is an art and with any art, much practice is necessary to perfect it. At its best, I'm afraid that AK falls far short on reliability for diagnosis and treatment. Your instinct to be skeptical about diagnosis of food allergies by an AK practitioner is right on the money. my response - I use AK muscle testing every day on every patient to regularly diagnose and correct patient problems that have been misdiagnosed by MDs. Many of the misdiagnoses were made at the famous Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. In fact my thirty years as a family doctor in Geneva, Ohio has taught me that a whopping percentage of medical diagnosis is innaccurate and worthless - the percentages are so high that I don't publish them because people would consider them unreal. This percentage is based upon 3 considerations: 1. the medical diagnosis the patient brings to my office 2. My diagnosis. 3. Success of my treatment based upon MY diagnosis. I will give one simple example of the unbelievable and horrific amount of misdiagnosis going on in medicine - in thirty years of practice I have never encountered a patient who was manufacturing too much gastric acid. This means thousands of misdiagnoses of a simple problem related to heartburn with millions of people taking antacids that make them worse off healthwise. In complex problems the situation gets worse, not better!! Don't lose sight of the fact that 85% of medical diagnosis is presumptive and made from the patient's history. Treatment then, is 85% patient symptom oriented!! No doctor worth his salt would base his treatment on a patient's symptom or complaint!! Hello! are you getting the point here? IN CONCLUSION: This past weekend, in Cleveland, Ohio, I taught session three of the BASIC COURSE in APPLIED KINESIOLOGY 100 hour course - one of the doctors in attendance was a 76 year old MD - he told me he simply could no longer practise medicine, it was simply too harmful to health. He bemoaned the fact that he could not practice the way he wanted to practice within orthodox medical circles and that it was economically disastrous for him to change but that his conscience forced the change. He said that the MD who tries to use alternative medicine and nutrition is ostracized and pushed out - the MD using orthodox medicine has to use the-drug-for-every-bug and the-pill-for-every-ill approach or they are expelled from the group. Another MD (in his forties) in the same AK class told me the same thing. Along with these two MDs are three Osteopaths, all trying to learn a more effective, less invasive, less harmful way to approach sickness and health - they all express amazement at what they are learning - indeed - I amaze myself every day in my office - AK is truly an amazing technique - it will be the technique used by all doctors in the future if it survives medical oppression - The discoverer of AK, J Goodheart Jr DC, of Detroit, Michigan deserves a Nobel prize for his discovery of the muscle test as a diagnostic indicator - I consider it the greatest discovery of the 20th century because it directly affects human health and well being - it is truly a miraculous technique and if it didn't work, I'd be doing something else, after all, I AM from Missouri as they say (chuckle). H Duffy Sr, DC, DICAK GENEVA, OHIO ps - anyone wishing a copy of the booklet that describes exactly what AK is just send ten dollars to Geneva Chiropractic Clinc 1953 Broadway Geneva, Ohio 44041.Ask for " SUBLUXATION, The Incommensurable Paradigm Of Chiropractic " by H Duffy DC - we pay shipping. IN & pt=Question Related Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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