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R: Help please

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Hi Shireen,

thank you very much

indeed for your infos and your support.

We fixed for the 8th

of December a visit with Mr and we will see. Do you know how many

surgery like this he have done ? Have you had any experience with this

hospital/doctor ? What will be a little bit difficult will be to manage the post

surgery time between Milan and London (and we

have to check also the costs of this).

If you will come any

time to Milan let us know !



-----Messaggio originale-----


blepharophimosis [mailto:blepharophimosis ] Per conto di Andy Bowles & Shireen


Inviato: giovedì 25 agosto 2005


A: blepharophimosis

Oggetto: RE: blepharophimosis

Help please

Hello Francesco

The best person you can see in London is called:

Mr Collin (in the UK, surgeons

are called " Mr " )

Their email is broken, so please phone or fax.

His secretary is called

If you were to phone now - you would get an

appointment for December or

possibly January, I don't now but I am estimating

this based on what people

have told me. That is how long the waiting list


An initial consultation costs 150 uk pounds

The contact numbers are:

You need to start with +44 - 20 then

... Phone - 7486 2699

... Fax - 7486 8626

He also works at Moorfields Eye Hospital


Regarding advice - the best thing you can to is to

talk to Mr Collin. May I

suggest that you ask him if he has worked with a

doctor near you in Milan.

This way you may be able to see somebody more


I have met more than 30 people with BPES. Almost

everyone is different. As

years go by surgery techniques get better, people

know more.

You may find this article interesting:


It is a detailed article on surgery - written by

what appears to be a group

of very reputable people.

Also, you may find this useful

http://www.geneclinics.org/servlet/access?db=geneclinics & site=gt & id=8888891 &

key=yvyThuThGZXK5 & gry= & fcn=y & fw=suti & filename=/profiles/bpes/index.html

I hope that this helps.



London, England

> blepharophimosis Help please


> Dear all of you,


> I'm the father of a 20 mounths years old

called Caterina.

> She has the bleptarophimosis but any of

our relatives are

> affected so it was a shock for us !!!

> We live in Milan (Italy).


> She had a first surgery 6 mounths ago for the


> inversus and now 3 different doctors told us

that in about 1

> year we have to effort a second step for the

elevator muscle

> suspension.


> Our fear is referred to how to choise the

best doctor on this

> relativelt rare operation.


> I saw that some of you are fron England. Do

you have for

> exeample in London a good doctor to suggest

us ? Someone that

> did a lot of this surgery ?


> On the books some doctor told that is better

to do this

> surgery with a partial anesthesia in order to

permit to fix

> in the proper way the lenght of the silicon

(or other

> material) " belt " in order to avoid

to have eyes partially

> open everytime. Any expeience on that fact ?


> We really appreciate your help. Is quite

better to know that

> other people are in the same boat of us. It

seems that we are

> the only one in Milan with this problem (on a

total of 2

> million people !!)


> Best regards from Francesco, Olga and for

sure Caterina







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