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Re: Scratched Cornea

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Hey Sharon,

I haven't been there yet, of course Malenah is just over 2. I sure will be praying for you though. My son who is also 11, scratched his cornea a few years ago, yikes, I can still remember the discomfort he went through. Know that my prayers are with you friend.

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thanks karen this is about 6 times for him ! ugggg...i feel so bad for him."mieritz7@..." <mieritz7@...> wrote: Hey Sharon, I haven't been there yet, of course Malenah is just over 2. I sure will be praying for you though. My son who is also 11, scratched his cornea a few years ago, yikes, I can still remember the discomfort he went through. Know that my prayers are with you friend. <a href="http://www.TickerFactory.com/"><img border="0" src="http://www.TickerFactory.com/ezt/d/1;14;11/st/20050609/k/3901/preg.png"></a>

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Hi Sharon,

My son kept getting corneal ulceration because his lower lashes were

scratching, so you're not alone. I also get the occasional iritated

cornea for the same reason but not as often (see below).

It seems fairly common for BPES folks to have thin lower lids, which

results in a condition called trichiasis, where the lashes point inwards

and outwards instead of just outwards. " Normal " (thicker) lids have a

flat edge that the lashes grow out of, so they grow predictably

outwards. But with a thinner lid, there's, no (or much less) flat edge

to grow out of, so they point in different directions. Now, thinner

(therefore more flexible) lids also can result in one of two other

conditions: (1) ectropion, where the lid bends outwards slightly (like

mine, therefore less corneal scratching for me), or (2) entroption,

where the lid bends inwards (like my son's, and perhaps your son's &

hubby's). A combination of entropion and trichiasis is a recipe for

scratched corneas.

My son had surgery at age 7 (he's 13 now) to bend a lid outwards and so

correct the entropion permanently, and has had no trouble since. Other

surgery is available to stiffen or thicken an entropic lid, but that can

involve splitting lids, inserting palatal grafts or other such mediaeval

horrors. It's a permanent solution, whereas removing the lashes is

temporary and nasty, as you describe below for your husband.

My lower lashes and my son's are also very tiny, fine and transparent -

I thought I had none at all until my son's ophtho looked at mine with

his microscope thingy. I had them plucked once; never again - eyelash

" stubble " is even scratchier than full-grown ones!

Hope this helps.

Rob W


Sharon A wrote:

> Does anyone else seem to get a scratched cornea often ? The reason I

> am asking my son (11) gets them a lot. We can't seem to see a pattern

> of him getting hit in the eye, rubbing his eye, etc. I know one the

> dr.'s felt he had a lash growing inward and that is probably how he

> got it. But other times they see no reason why it happens.


> Well Tue the school nurse called me and told me his eye was red and

> he had a headache....off to the specialist we go. Well this time not

> only does he have a bad scratch on his cornea he has a terrible

> bacterial infection in his cornea. Well Tue & Wed antibiotic drops

> were every 1/2 hr threw the night ( although that didn;t go so

> well...he sleeps on his tummy and it was a war zone trying to get

> them in at night) wed- Friday drops every hr. His surgeon has seen

> him every day since it happened, we go back 9 am tomorrow again . His

> eye is blood red, no white at all. This time his surgeon is very

> concerned. Right now his vision is blurry but not terrible. It scares

> me to know everytime this happens it leaves scars on his cornea.

> Thank God up to this point his vision is not being deminshed because

> of it, but like the surgeon says with each scar it does get a little

> worse.


> Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. My husband sees his

> eye dr ever 4 weeks to get tiny hairs plucked so it doesn't scratch

> him. My husband has lad a few laser treatments to get rid of the

> hairs.....oh he hates it becasuse they stick this rather long needle

> in right up close to his eye before they laser it ....Gross ! lol


> Hope everyone is well......everyone is always in my thought. Hugs

> Sharon

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