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Here is what I've come up with so far:

1. Given the apparent correlation between systemic and/or chronic symptoms

and anthrax (healthy before the shots, unhealthy after the shots based on

Dover AFB testimonies), why is the burden of proof in favor of proving the

symptoms were caused by the shots instead of caused by something other than

the shots?

2. Given that FDA approval is only applicable when following the prescribed

shot regimen and its strict schedule, how can deviations from the schedule be

justified? (There is a deviation checklist posted at our unit which tells

among other things how to get back on schedule as well as saying that you can

be sent into Phase 1 regions with only 1 shot (at least 3 preferred))

3. How can DOD state that they have found no evidence of long term effects

when they also admit that there are no studies of long term effects?

4. Please explain the administrative lapses that occured during the Gulf War

which conveniently deleted shot and medical record information pertaining to

anthrax and other vaccinations recieved.

5. If no correlation between GWS and the anthrax vaccine exists, explain why

troops who were vaccinated but did not deploy show signs of GWS and French

troops who deployed but were not vaccinated do not show signs of GWS. Also,

British and Canadian troops who received US anthrax vaccine have sufferers of


6. Dr. Pam Asa recently released a report in which she found conclusive

evidence of squalene antibodies in GWS and anthrax vaccinees, but not in

control groups. If we assume that DOD's statements that they never used

squalene as an adjuvant, shouldn't DOD at least investigate whether the

anthrax vaccine (possibly combined with other vaccines received at the same

time) causes natural production of squalene antibodies?

7. Anthrax is apparently among the first vaccines to combat biowarfare or

bioterrorism. I understand that there are dozens of additional vaccines under

development. Does this mean that service members will be receiveing dozens

more vaccination shots and are they being investigated for interrelated side

effects caused by receiving multiple injections at the same time?

8. Given DOD's track record with regards to radioactive testing, Agent

Orange, Swine Flu, nerve agent and chemical agent testing during the 50's and

60's, etc., why should anyone believe DOD's claims of product safety? Why

should service member concerns get them labeled as a troublemaker?

9. Why did DOD stop independent testing of the vaccine?

10. Why doesn't DOD destroy anthrax vaccine that failed supplemental testing?

Secretary of defense Cohen referred to approxomately 1 million doses

that failed testing but were still being stored.

11. If very few of the severe reactions are judged by the AVEC to be caused

by anthrax vaccine, what are the rest of the reactions caused by?

12. In some pilot's units, up to 30% of members have quit or transferred -

leaving manpower critically short. The costs to train new pilots exceeds 1

million dollars each. Probably more costly is the loss of cambat experience

with 10 to 20 years of service. Why continue a program that threatens

military readiness and negatively impacts morale and retention so much more

than the perceived threat of anthrax.

13. It was disclosed recently that all of the military's chemical warfare

suits are being recalled for defects, however this has been known for more

than 5 years. Why the lapse in action and how long to secure new suits for

all military personnel? Shouldn't this be the first line of defense?

14. Why is DOD allowed to redate vaccine that has expired?

15. Didn't the DOD testing, which only shows effectiveness in animals and not

humans, only use a single strain of the approximately 2 dozen naturally

occuring strains and none of the bio-engineered strains? In some follow-up

independent testing, some of the other strains killed virtually all of the

vaccinated animals. Any comments?

16. DOD is finalizing exemptions based on previous reactions to the vaccine.

What are the proposed thresholds for the exemptions?

17. Initially, VAERS forms were only accepted for review if the service

member was hospitalized or missed more than 24 hours of duty time. After

severe criticism of these extreme requirements, the VAERS policy was amended

to allow anyone to file a VAERS report for any reason. Are there current

statistics showing more accurate reaction rates after the threshold was

reduced that exclude the previous skewed data?

18. The Nuremburg Code requires informed consent prior to being injected with

experimental or investigational new drugs. Why the need for Executive Order

13139, which allows for experimental and investigational new use drugs to be

used without informed consent under the guise of Force Protection?

19. In 1990, a DOD threat report stated that there were 9 or 10 countries

with the ability to wage biowarfare. This is the same number of countries in

the report represented as the impetus for the AVIP program. Why the change in

attitude to the same level of threat?

20. Didn't the US supply Iraq with a significant portion of its biowarfare

equipment during its war with Iran?

21. Why is DOD ignoring the Congressional Reform Committee's report urging

the AVIP program to be suspended until a safer vaccine is developed?

22. What happens to AVIP if Bioport is unable to gain FDA certification

before current stockpiles run out?

23. The Japanese cult Aum Shinriyko has released anthrax as a terrorist act

at least 8 times, yet no illnesses or deaths have been reported. This doesn't

seem to substantiate DOD's claims of anthrax toxicity.

24. Life magazine reported in November 1995 that Gulf War vets in both US and

England were having babies with severe unexplainable birth defects at a rate

exceeding 4 times the national average. No studies have been done on the

reproductive side effects for anthrax vaccine. Comments?

25. Secretary Cohen has repeatedly likened the use of the anthrax vaccine as

sending a soldier into battle with a helmet. Would you be willing to wear a

helmet 24 hours a day for the rest of your life? What if the helmet

mysteriously swelled to 6 times its normal size 20 years later?

26. If both vaccinated and unvaccinated are exposed to anthrax, why do both

have to undergo the same intensive antibiotic treatment?

27. Army Surgeon General Ron Blanck stated in Senate Report 103-97, 8 Dec.

1994 that " although the anthrax vaccine had been considered approved prior to

the Persian Gulf War, it was rarely used. Therefore, its safety, particularly

when given to thousands of soldiers in conjunction with other vaccines, is

not well established. Anthrax vaccine should continue to be considered as a

potential cause for undiagnosed illnesses in Persian Gulf military personnel

because many of the support troops received the anthrax vaccine, and because

DOD believes that the incidence of undiagnosed illnesses in support troops

may be higher than in combat troops. "

Why the change of heart by General Blanck and has he annouced his reasons for

retiring earlier than expected?

28. The production plant MBPI was not examined by the FDA from 1970 until

1993. In 1996 FDA found significant quality control problems. In 1997, FDA

issued a 'Notice of Intent to Revoke' due to continued problems and in 1998

finally halted production. Bioport took over and built a larger facility on

site. This new facility was inspected in November 1999 and the FDA found more

than 30 significant problems including quality control, sterility, potency,

temperature monitoring and other issues. How can service members be assured

that every dose isn't contaminated, doesn't cantain too much protective

antigen (testing indicated as much as 4000% variation between samples) ,

hasn't previously expired, hasn't at some point exceeded its storage

temperature, is given following the proper protocols (shaking the bottle

before each dose, swabbing the bottle cap, asking questions before giving the

shot, etc.), etc., given the fact that all Phase 1 doses were manufactured

during the time of the quality control problems. Can you understand the

aprehension service members have about the shot? It reminds me of the scene

in the movie Dirty Harry, only instead of Clint Eastwood and his .44 magnum,

it's Cohen holding a syringe saying,

" This shot is the safest vaccine in the world. It will blow any anthrax

attack clean off. You're probably asking yourself 'is this my fifth shot or

my sixth?' Well, tell me soldier, are you feeling lucky? "

This is what I have so far. Constructive criticism is welcomed as well as any

angles I haven't presented.

Thanks to all.

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