Guest guest Posted January 2, 2002 Report Share Posted January 2, 2002 The DOCTOR YOURSELF (SM) NEWSLETTER Vol 2, No 5 January 10, 2002 " Free of charge, free of advertising, and free of the A.M.A. " Written by Saul, PhD. of , a free online library of 300 natural healing articles with nearly 4,000 scientific references. IF IT'S ON TV, IT *MUST* BE RIGHT When I was a kid, countless stand-up comics made fun of medical incompetents who prescribed aspirin for anything, including serious illness. Now it's actually happening. You may already have seen this television commercial: " Bayer aspirin may actually help stop you from dying if you take it during a heart attack. " If you produced a TV ad that said that megadoses of vitamin E could save your life by preventing a heart attack, not only would people disbelieve you, you'd also be subject to arrest for breaking Federal Trade laws. Vitamins and foods may not be advertised to cure a specific disease. It is against the law. Some law. Today, cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of men AND women. Aspirin is not the answer. If it were, cardiovascular disease would have declined during the 50's and 60's and 70's, because people took aspirin for everything. Back then, our family doctor even prescribed it in a futile attempt to help us kids get to sleep on Christmas Eve. And now for the good news: Vitamin E saves lives and stops cardiovascular disease before it stops you. Make it your New Year's resolution to read these articles and see for yourself. HOW TO GET INTRAVENOUS VITAMIN C IN CASE OF HOSPITALIZATION Your " Intravenous Vitamin Checklist " 1) Know before you go. It is immeasurably easier to get what you want if you contract for it beforehand. Prenuptial agreements, new car deals, roofing and siding estimates, and hospital care need to be negotiated in advance. When the tow truck comes, it is too late to complain about who's driving. Same with an ambulance, or a hasty hospital admission. You have to pre-plan, and here's how: 2) Get a letter. Yes, a " note from the doctor " still carries clout. Have you general practitioner, today if possible, sign a letter stating that he backs your request for a vitamin C I.V. drip, 10 grams per 12 hours, should you (or your designated loved one) require hospitalization. Have copies made and keep them handy. Update the letter annually. You now have your G.P.'s permission. Good start, but not enough. 3) Get some more letters. Obtain a similar letter form every specialist that you have used, are using, or may use in the foreseeable future. This sounds cumbersome, but is no more unmanageable than most people's grocery lists. Keep it in perspective: this is just as important as wearing a medical alert bracelet or keeping a fresh battery in Grandpa's pacemaker. 4) Make some calls. Telephone a representative or two from every hospital within one hundred miles of your home. Find out which wants your business the most. When you find a " live one " on the phone, write down their name and title, and follow up with a letter. 5) Write for your rights. In your letter, ask for the hospital's permission to have a vitamin C IV drip, infusion, push or injection, as well as oral vitamin C, should you or your designated family member(s) come in to that hospital. YOU MUST GET THIS IN WRITING. Now, do NOT say, " I want that in writing, " because people do not like that. But if you WRITE to them by US Mail, they will naturally write back to you. Bingo. Helpful hint: do NOT correspond by email; you want a real signature on hospital letterhead. (And no, don't ask for that either! It will happen automatically if you write first.) You might be wondering, What if they write back, " No, we won't. " Hold onto that letter. You can make a real stink with it should you need to play hardball in court, and I do NOT mean a handball court. These actions are much more likely, however: a) They simply will not write back. OK, so ask yourself this: What if your credit card company didn't respond to your letters? So would you entrust your life to a hospital that refuses to even answer their mail? Make a point to go someplace else. If you live in a rural community or smaller city, you might be thinking that you do not have a choice of hospitals. Maybe not for the first 24 hours in an unexpected circumstance. But people can be moved. That's what modern transportation is for. Famous hospitals get people from all over. How many people do you know that live within walking distance of Sloan-Kettering, Roswell, the Brigham, or the Mayo Clinic? What is most likely is that the hospital's representative will send you a garbage answer, with a response so noncommittal as to be unusable. This may mean that your wrote the wrong person, or wrote the wrong letter. Try this: have your doctor " write " the letter. The doctor's letterhead and signature; your composition. Go ahead; you can give a professional a rough draft of what you want said. I had lawyer ask me to do exactly that when I sought (and succeeded in getting) a vitamin C IV into my hospitalized father. I wrote it and faxed it to the attorney; his staff rewrote it on his stationery and he signed it. It saves time. Helpful hint: Be sure your (doctor's) letter clearly REQUESTS A REPLY. Another Helpful hint: FAX wherever you can to save time. Always send a back-up copy of the letter by postal mail. Then, write again to confirm that they received it. c) It is also quite possible that they will ask for more information. This could be a genuine interest, but it is more likely a stall. If you think Nero fiddled whilst Rome burned, you should see what medical bureaucrats can do. To cut through the treacle, you need to understand the nature of the beast. The first rule of lion taming is, You have to know more than the lions. Therefore: 6. Know the law. Many states have enacted legislation that makes it possible for a physician to provide any natural therapy that a patient requests without fear of losing his or her license. If your state has such a law, it will make it somewhat easier to get a doctor to prescribe a vitamin C IV. 7. Know the power structure. Find out who is in charge. I have heard doctors say that they'd be happy to start a megavitamin C IV but the hospital will not let them. Then, when asked, I have heard the hospital say that they allow vitamin C IV's but the doctors won't do them. To avoid an endless Catch-22 situation, you have to know the ropes and where everybody stands. On the doctor side: Which physician (as opposed to witch doctor) is in charge? It could be the attending surgeon; it could be your general practitioner; it could be the chief resident. One thing is for sure: someone has the power to prescribe. Go to the person that can do you the most good (or harm) and start your negotiations there. If you can persuade the king, the castle is yours. On the hospital side: Which of the administrators has the clout? Talk to their secretaries (they are the people who really run things anyway) and you will find out. It could be that the most influential person for you may be the hospital's patient rights advocate or V. P. for customer service. It might even be the public relations director. Who knows? You sure don't, so remove the veil of anonymity and find out. On the patient side: The patient, if conscious, has all the power because it is his/her body. If a patient insists loud and long enough, s/he can get almost anything. Since patients tend to be sick, and therefore easily slip into becoming non-combatants, a family member has to get in there and pitch for them. A highly experienced nurse told me that she would never leave a family member in a hospital without a 24-hour-a-day guard in the form of a friend or family member or other advocate. That is sound advice from a lady who's seen it. Next to the patient, the most powerful family member is the spouse. After that, it would be children. You do not have to have power of attorney to have power, but it helps. If the patient is unable to speak, act, or think, it may be essential. Do not wait until the patient is incapacitated to plan this. Your family needs to come together (difficult though this may be) and present a preplanned, unified front to the medical and administrative people. You may think I am overstating the case, but I have seen patients die simply because NO ONE TOOK THE REINS AND GOT THE VITAMIN C IN THE VEINS. I have seen vitamin C IV's halted simply because the patient was moved to (or from) intensive care. Think that one over. I have seen vitamin C prescriptions over-ridden by a nurse or a pharmacist. You would not think that possible, would you. Well, it is. There is no nice way to phrase this. Stay on top of the situation or you will have a premature burial on your hands. 8. Know your recourse. If you are rich, get your lawyer on the phone. Better yet, bring your lawyer into the hospital. If you are like the rest of us, you may simply have to bluff if you threaten to call your attorney. The purpose here is to save the life of your loved one, not to make a buck from a malpractice suit. Personally, I think malpractice suits are a sign of the most abject failure on the part of the family, as well as the medical profession. In the same way that accident insurance does not prevent accidents but only pays the costs, so do malpractice settlements fail to resuscitate a dead family member. " Death control " is somewhat like birth control in that you have to act before the event takes place. But if we push the analogy, we realize a grim truth: there is no such thing as a " morning after " pill for rigor mortis, nor can you abort a funeral. 9. Know the facts about vitamin C IV's. For this, there is absolutely no alternative to reading up on the subject. Here is what you will want to begin with: Professionally speaking, I am not really all that interested in the details of vitamin biochemistry. I am, however, extremely interested in saving life. The reading I referenced above may make all the difference in your case. 10. Know how to settle controversy and avoid the run-around. Doctors and hospitals are quick to offer rather bogus reasons why they would deny your request for a vitamin C IV. Each of these arguments is a lot of bull, and easily refuted. Their argument: " We do not have Vitamin C for intravenous infusion in our pharmacy " Your response: " So get some. From another hospital; by Fed Ex, by medevac helicopter. Or, just make it yourselves. Look: here's instructions on how to prepare it, written by a highly experienced physician. Their argument: " We have never done this before. " Your response: " Then this is a wonderful opportunity to learn. I've never lost a (insert family member's position here) before. " Their argument: " The patient is too ill. " Your response: " That's why we want the vitamin C IV. " Their argument: " We might get into trouble if we do this. " Your response: " You will be in legal trouble for sure if you don't. " Their argument: " There is no scientific evidence that this is safe, effective, appropriate for this case, blah, blah, blah. " Your response: " Read this. " (This short phrase is to be spoken as you produce a large stack of actual medical studies written by medical doctors who have successfully used vitamin C IV's. See references mentioned above.) Their argument: " But we do not have time to read all those papers. " Your response: " That's OK. I already have, and it's my body (or my father's, or my mother's). Run the vitamin C IV. Start with 10 grams every 12 hours and do not stop it without my written authorization. " Their argument: " This hospital operates under our authority, these are our rules, and this is the way it is done. " Your response: " This is my mother. If you deny her the treatment the family requests, you will be sued, and we will win. Do you really want to go to the wall on this one? " Confrontational? Admittedly, yes. But I have seen too many people die too soon. Dr. Frederick Klenner was right when he said, " Some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid (vitamin C) because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin. " Don't let it happen to your family. OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABES I was on my way out of a building when a little girl (age 6 at most) was on her way in, holding her Mommy's hand. I only heard the last moment of their conversation, which apparently consisted of a discussion of her brother's questionable behavior sometime earlier that day. As she looked up at her mother, the child matter-of-factly said: " I think he had to much sugar. " If a six-year-old can figure out the cause of problem behavior, why can't the American Dietetic Association? The dieticians' party-line has been, and continues to be, that sugar and chemical foods do not affect children's behavior. If you believe that, there's a bridge in Brooklyn that I'd like to sell you. DO YOU FEEL SHY AROUND SUPPOSEDLY-EDUCATED PEOPLE? WHY? Consider this: The great comic actor and director Buster Keaton spent a total of exactly one day in school. His film work is regarded world-wide as among the very best ever. And this: Dillworth designed and built the General Motors Electromotive FT Diesel Locomotive in 1939. This is the locomotive that revolutionized modern rail transit. He had one-half day of schooling in his entire life. READERS SAY: " Last week, I went to the call center where I take customer service calls for a major internet service provider, and the only cubicle available was between two girls who decided to come to work even though both of them had strep throat and high fevers. I didn't think much about it, and actually didn't get sick for a couple of days. Then, my life got busy, and, run-down and tired, woke up with a 102 degree fever, sore throat, and hacking cough. I had visited Dr. Cathcart's site ( ) and yours in the past and thought I might give the Vitamin C therapy a shot before going to the doctor (I avoid doctors as much as possible). I took 500 mg of regular old store bought ascorbic acid every half hour for 19 hours (slept a lot, took a higher dose each time I woke up). Between the vitamin C and about 2 gallons of water, my throat wasn't sore the next day, my temperature was only a degree higher than normal, and my lungs were clear. This was the same infection that hung on in my coworkers for over a week. " Anecdotal, perhaps, but trust me, this is an objective report. I usually reach " bowel intolerance " at 2 grams when I'm healthy...I took over 30 grams that day and didn't even have gas. Thought you might like to know....and thanks for the site, it's well thought out and informative. " Privacy Statement: We do not sell, and we do not share, our mailing list or your email address with anyone. You may notice that there is no advertising at and no advertising in this newsletter. We have no financial connection with the supplement industry. We do not sell vitamins or other health products, except for Dr. Saul's books, which help fund these free public services. FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ALL to this newsletter are available with a blank email to newsletter-subscribe@... AN IMPORTANT NOTE: This newsletter is not in any way offered as prescription, diagnosis nor treatment for any disease, illness, infirmity or physical condition. Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual's acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a physician. Consult your doctor before making any health decision. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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