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Piot.Candidate for Director-General, WHO

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Piot M.D. Ph.D.

Executive Director

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS

& Under Secretary-General of the United Nations

Candidate for Director-General

World Health Organization

Vision statement on priorities and strategies

The principles and priorities that underpin Dr. Piot's candidature

· Health as a fundamental human right, enshrined in the

constitution of the WHO, central to sustainable development and human

security; and a public responsibility

Health is an end in itself. The central role of health in poverty

alleviation, and social and economic development has been firmly

documented in recent years. While governments are ultimately

responsible for the state of their people's health, the international

community has a vital role to play in creating a global policy and

financial environment, which can improve the equity and quality of

health outcomes. Dr. Piot will continue to position WHO within this


· Scientific and technical excellence as the basis for policy

guidance and country work

Dr. Piot's background as a scientific researcher leads him to pay

particular attention to the central importance of independent

evidence, and the highest levels of scientific rigour. At the same

time, policy advice needs to be based on evidence and practices of

what works in the real world, including in resource poor settings.

WHO needs to provide information that helps governments and their

people make and measure, real progress. Dr. Piot will continue to

strengthen the evidence base, ensuring that WHO's Member States

contribute to the development and application of normative standard

setting functions.

· An organization relevant for all Member States

WHO exists to serve all its Member States. While maintaining the

focus of its work on the health and development agenda of developing

countries, WHO needs to contribute to the Organisation for Economic

ation and Development and middle income countries, and be

relevant to the emerging health challenges that any face. Dr. Piot

will ensure that WHO is effectively steered by its governing bodies

and reflects regional, social, economic and cultural specificity.

· People matter

People are at the heart of WHO's work. It is the people we serve,

those who represent civil society, those who work with and for WHO,

that must shape the values and work of the organization.

Strategic areas for policy renewal

WHO: an effective actor at country level

Dr. Piot will build on WHO's Country Focus Initiative, ensuring that

the work is needs-driven and supports the achievement of meaningful

health outcomes at country level.

The emphasis will be on:

· implementing national health policy;

· building capacity;

· brokering technical support;

· ensuring the inclusion of health in mainstream development

instruments; and,

· building consensus and cooperation between all development


This agenda requires a more strategic use of resources at country

level. It will also include enabling national officials and experts

to participate more effectively in global and regional processes.

Strengthening health systems: the key to delivering health

Finding the balance between catalyzing initiatives and long term

sustainable development will be the hallmark of the WHO agenda.

Effective systems are the key to achievement of health outcomes and

encompass public, private and voluntary providers. Dr. Piot will

reinvigorate the health systems development agenda, establishing an

effective balance between disease control and health systems

strengthening. While disease-specific initiatives are critical, their

ability to drive the health systems development agenda, contribute to

basic health infrastructure, delivery capacity and equitable access

to health services, are limited. Dr. Piot will focus on the key

challenge of handling the balance between preventing risk and

vulnerability/providing treatment and care - for both communicable

and non-communicable diseases - and building sustainable systems.

Energizing and supporting work with broader health constituencies,

civil society, the corporate sector and private foundations

The prime client of WHO remains Member States. Dr. Piot will work to

support the public sector's capacity to address the health needs of

people. However, international health and national initiatives are

characterized by a number of new and emerging actors. More

organizations can capitalize on the potential that these actors

offer. Dr. Piot will strengthen the capacity of WHO to host debate

among all actors and to broker, manage and sustain partnerships,

including in the development of international public goods.

Bridging the divide: research and development in a globalizing world

The lack of equity in research investment is well understood, but

strategies for addressing it have made little progress. The agenda

includes: neglected areas in the development of drugs, diagnostics,

vaccines and other public goods; health consequences of climate

change; cutting edge scientific developments, particularly in

relation to genomics and other aspects of biotechnology. These issues

will become increasingly pressing in the next decade and Dr. Piot

will position WHO to provide ethical and effective leadership of the

international architecture in this area.

Health in an unstable world: a neglected agenda

The global context of WHO is rapidly changing. Many countries face

conflict, food shortages and internal instability, but most

development models are based on stable situations. New threats from

terrorism and the hazards of biochemical weapons are increasingly

real. Migration on an unprecedented scale presents unique challenges

to health systems. Sound normative work, effective surveillance and

early warning systems and cooperation between national and

international actors to provide rapid technical advice must become

part of WHO's agenda.

Working towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Achieving the MDGs depends substantially on the health and well-being

of the world's poorest people. Health is central to meeting the goals

established for maternal health, child mortality, HIV/AIDS and other

diseases, as well as education and poverty. Dr. Piot will position

WHO to fully play its part, alongside its national and international

partners, in achieving the MDGs and in a manner which contributes to

sustainable development.

Strengthening WHO: consolidation, continuity and accountability

WHO needs stability while continuing the process of reform in order

to consolidate and further improve upon achievements. In pursuit of

this principle, Dr. Piot will build on the current reform process.

This work will capitalize upon the strengths of all components of the

Organization, in particular, the regional offices, and involve

determined efforts to increase responsiveness, transparency and

accountability to Member States.

Dr. Piot has a proven track record of accomplishment, and a

combination of qualities that uniquely qualify him to lead the World

Health Organization

Dr. Piot is :

· A global leader in health, who has worked with all regions in

the world.

· An outstanding researcher and physician with years of service

to developing countries.

· A results-oriented, collaborative leader who is able to

define realistic objectives, then catalyze and manage change.

· An effective advocate who has the proven ability to engage

and work with world leaders and a wide range of constituencies.

· Highly knowledgeable about the WHO and the UN system, and how

to make them work.

· An effective communicator on global health issues.

The criteria :

Strong technical and public health background and extensive

experience in international health

Dr. Piot is a public health expert with global experience, and strong

personal commitment

· Dr. Piot is a 53-year-old physician (M.D.) and microbiologist

(Ph.D.) trained in Belgium and the United States and has published 15

books and over 500 scientific articles.

· In 1976, Dr. Piot co-discovered the Ebola virus in Zaire.

· For nearly twenty years, Dr. Piot combined an impressive

academic career with public health and research work in several

African countries.

· Dr. Piot has extensive first-hand experience working in AIDS,

tuberculosis, viral hemorrhagic fever and other infectious diseases,

and in areas such as women's and children's health, laboratory

services and medical education.

· He has been centrally involved in the development of

international public health policy; and has advised numerous

Ministries of Health on national policies in all regions.

· Dr. Piot's work has consistently combined research with

community work in impoverished areas heavily affected by disease.

· Dr. Piot was Professor of microbiology and public health at

the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, the University of

Nairobi and the Free University of Brussels.

· He is the recipient of scientific, civil awards and honours,

from a variety of countries. Dr. Piot is a member of the National

Academy of Sciences (Institute of Medicine) of the USA, the Royal

Academy of Medicine of Belgium, and the Royal College of Physicians

of London.

Competency in organisational management

Dr. Piot has demonstrated that he is a results-oriented manager, able

to define realistic objectives and then catalyse and manage change

· In 1995, Dr. Piot established the new Joint United Nations

Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), bringing together 8 United Nations

Systems Organisations including WHO and the World Bank - an

unprecedented collaboration within the multilateral system.

· The recent 5 year external evaluation of UNAIDS concluded

that, under Dr. Piot's leadership, the Programme established " what

never existed before the Programme was formed, a clear global mandate

with objectives that can be used to hold international leaders to

account " . The evaluation went on to say that, during Dr. Piot's

tenure, UNAIDS " established itself as a leader in tackling HIV/AIDS,

and a centre of knowledge about the disease. "

· Dr. Piot has demonstrated his ability to attract highly-

qualified staff and expertise from all regions of the world, to

inspire and manage a culturally-diverse organization.

· Dr. Piot has extensive experience working with multilateral

governance, including in the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, WHO

regional committees, the UN General Assembly, the Economic and Social

Council of the UN, the UN Security Council, the World Health Assembly

and The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Proven historical evidence for public health leadership

Dr. Piot has a longstanding track record in public health leadership

with intimate knowledge of the capacities and challenges faced by the

health sector in each region

· His global leadership experience includes political and

public health contacts at the highest level on every continent.

· Dr. Piot has demonstrated he is a visionary leader who can

catalyse change and build consensus on difficult public health issues.

· He was the driving force behind the first Special Session of

the UN General Assembly devoted to a health issue in June 2001,

resulting in a Declaration of Commitment unanimously approved by all

Member States.

· Dr. Piot has been extensively engaged in political and health

initiatives in all regions.

· Under Dr. Piot's leadership, UNAIDS has become a successful

global programme across the complex UN system.

· A powerful communicator in several languages and across many

cultures, Dr. Piot understands the impact of the media on advocacy

and public health, and regularly places HIV/AIDS on the front pages

around the world.

A strong commitment to the work of WHO

Dr. Piot is highly knowledgeable about the work of WHO and the UN

system, and knows how to make them work effectively

· Dr. Piot is fully committed to the vision and ideals of the

constitution of WHO and the UN, and knows how to overcome obstacles

to action.

· He has worked within WHO (1992-94) as an Associate Director

and Director in its Global Programme on AIDS and has participated in

the World Health Assembly, the Executive Board meetings, and Regional

Committee meetings for the last 10 years.

· During his leadership of UNAIDS, Dr. Piot has demonstrated a

strong commitment to collaboration with WHO at country level, and on

major initiatives such as the joint HIV vaccine unit and access to

HIV treatment.

Sensitiveness to cultural, social and political differences

Dr. Piot has outstanding competencies in managing cultural, social

and political differences, and turning them into assets. He is an

effective advocate who has the proven ability to work with world

leaders and a wide range of constituencies

· Dr. Piot has worked effectively in all parts of the world,

and regularly visits and advises Ministers of Health and Heads of


· He has been working in multi-cultural environments throughout

his professional life.

· As head of UNAIDS he has been at the forefront of difficult

debates on international public health and the allocation of public

resources and worked with a diversity of values and sensitivities

found between and within countries.

· He has been centrally involved in assisting development of

public health policy in numerous countries across the world.

· Dr. Piot has longstanding, strong, and productive

relationships with members of affected communities, NGOs and

community groups, as well as with the not-for-profit and commercial

sectors, and private foundations.

Sufficient skills in at least one of the official and working

languages of the Executive Board and the Health Assembly

· Dr. Piot is fluent in French and English. He also speaks

Dutch (his mother tongue) and understands Spanish. He is an excellent

communicator across many cultures.

For further information, please contact:

Permanent Mission of Belgium

to the United Nations in Geneva

Rue de Moillebeau 58

Geneva 19, Switzerland

Telephone +41 22 730 4000

Fax +41 22 734 5079

Or visit the Web at www.peterpiot.org

e-mail: Dr Piot: info@...


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