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Re: [curetocancer] Help for s'one in Wyoming

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Dear and Dawn,

Bless your hearts for what you are going through. Let me say that some of the

problems that you are having now, I went through back in 1995. The Lord and I

cured the Lymphoma and a tumor on my left kidney, I had a huge sarcoma

removed from my back.

I'm going to tell you what I did to cure that, and why I believe it worked.

But first of all bear with me for what I have lightly labeled, the " Daw Law " .

" In The Lord's masterpiece, He installed the natural resistance to cancer, we

must maintain it " . This statement represents everything that I believe.

I believe that cancer may occur when our resistance weakens falls and fails.

My kids " forced " me to read about the Essiac Tea and the Pycnoginal. And then

everything started popping into place, I learned that it is the minerals that

we lack. Or maybe we are overweight or under exercised. (usually both) But

even though we are muscular, we may still lack enough minerals.

Since we cut the cord, our bodies have developed solely from the food we have

eaten and the history of our exercise habits and life style. Mostly from the

food. You mentioned a family history of colon cancer, and you think it may

have been passed down. Something that I believe can also be passed down, and

that is diet. We are generally raised, at least through our developing years,

on our parents diet.....

I believe our diet is everything. A wide variety, I think;

We need all of the minerals we can get. The Essiac Tea (get more details on

the net or ask me) supplies the needed minerals and nutrients to do two most

important things. First to stimulate and revive our immune system. And

second, three of the Herbs in the combination are cleansers to expedite the

removal of the extra waste left by the termination crew.

And remember a good part of this effort is the essential process of devouring

the mutated cells that have been dislodged because of " free radical damage " .

These mutants must be eaten, recycled. This immune system not only eats

outside invaders like germs and virus, but it is also a growth control

system. It simply eats any and all abnormal growth, like two heads, three

arms etc.. In this tiny world if you ain't perfect and doing the perfect

thing, your eaten, your history. When this process fails, one or more mutants

may start to grow and reproduce identical mutant replicas anywhere in the

body. Thus cancer or leukemia etc..

The hard part is to understand and believe out loud that this is possible.

Then things will start falling into place like the fact that we are all 99.9%

the same on the inside. We all have the same temperature. Why any temperature

at all? In the school health books it says we need minerals. We see the

skeleton man, the muscle man and the vein man, it's all the same man, there

is only one man. Bones, skin, hair, organs and nerves the substance of our

bodies all made from minerals. (fat may not be part of our actual substance?)

Of course we all have to be individuals, but when it comes to cancer, " get

over it " . I did not do these things; chemo, radiation, layitrill nor any

other weird concocktion that would harm or deplete my immune system. It was

pure blind luck and the fact that my kids forced me to do some reading before

I was due for chemo.

What I did do in about a half fast way (and still try to), was;

#1.Take Pycnoginal, (occasionally,until I get head aches)

#2.Essiac Tea,

#3.Mineral supplements, slim-fast, instant breakfast

#4.Stay clean free inside and regular 2-3 times /day (= meals)

#5.Exercise, sweat, get the circulation pumping, this is the essential

rebuilding, maintaining process for the whole body.

#6.Self esteem, only you can believe in yourself enough to put forth the

effort to make this happen, and you know your loved ones are rooting for you,

we may have to lose weight, eat broccoli ?? Dance in the living room or talk

about this with your family. The nicest thing you can do for them, is to be

here, healthy. I tried to broaden my diet, cut the spuds, pasta, bagels, and


Added more veggies, fruit, fish (all waters a good sorce of minerals/ocean)

some salt, garlic, cayenne, soups and Herbal tea etc...

I believe the most important thing to remember is the little Daw Law. And

know that what we need is right here. Different Herbs have consentrates of

different minerals, and we can easily find out which will improve our

different needs etc., because most of the benifits claimed are true to some

extent. I followed this path some what, maybe just enough to skate clean, but

I tried to use common sence. I intend to brew me some Essiac Tea that is on

the way here from the Herbal Healer Academy, some time within the next few

days, because I know that I still don't eat well enough, nor exercise enough

eather, but I will....

You people keep up the hope and keep up the faith by all means, but most

importantly, get to work and get healthy, and learn everything you can about

altenative healing.

Good Luck and may God Bless

Sincerely Teddy Daw www.curetocancer.com

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Hi Teddy; I'm glad to see that you decided to join the conversation. Could

you please expand on the exact protocol that you used. How much of the

minerals did you take every day? Was there a specific brand of minerals that

you used? Did you use the 4 ingredient Essiac tea or the 8 ingredient? What

did you use ( if anything ) to get and keep your bowels moving?

See Teddy, we all pretty much already know about everything that you've told

us about. But what we don't know is just how you combined these to bring

about a healing. I've tried Essiac tea, I tried the Flora-essence tea, (that

claims to be the original essiac tea) but, they added 4 other ingredients,

Iv'e tried CAC tea (I'm still on that) ( Had a bit of a reaction at first I

think because I was was taking to much) I haven't given up on it yet. I've

tried a native american tea brewed by a medicine man named Ellis in blackfoot

idaho, that I haven't a clue what's in it, I've tried another tea by yet

another medicine man named Daryl, and a number of different tea's made up by

a chinese Dr.. Most of these many other people have had success with, but

I've met a number of people, like myself, that didn't seem to get anything

out of them. So we're looking for answers, not only about our cancers, but

about why those things don't work for us. That's why I'm asking you about

protocol. I would also like to know what you think was the number 1 factor

in your healing?( If you don't mind sharing that).

Thanks Klaus

In a message dated 2/11/02 3:26:12 AM Mountain Standard Time,

Dawmore1@... writes:

> What I did do in about a half fast way (and still try to), was;

> #1.Take Pycnoginal, (occasionally,until I get head aches)

> #2.Essiac Tea,

> #3.Mineral supplements, slim-fast, instant breakfast

> #4.Stay clean free inside and regular 2-3 times /day (= meals)

> #5.Exercise, sweat, get the circulation pumping, this is the essential

> rebuilding, maintaining process for the whole body.

> #6.Self esteem, only you can believe in yourself enough to put forth the

> effort to make this happen, and you know your loved ones are rooting for

> you,

> we may have to lose weight, eat broccoli ?? Dance in the living room or

> talk

> about this with your family. The nicest thing you can do for them, is to be

> here, healthy. I tried to broaden my diet, cut the spuds, pasta, bagels,

> and

> polyuns-.

> Added more veggies, fruit, fish (all waters a good sorce of minerals/ocean)

> some salt, garlic, cayenne, soups and Herbal tea etc...

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Dear Klaus,

Thank you for asking, I used the Pycnoginal two or three tablets a day, five

days a week or so pretty regular for a couple of months, until I began to get

head aches. And since then very sparsely two or three tabs/month.

The Essiac Tea I get from Herbal Healer Academy and I brew it myself. It is

the original " Four Herb " combination. Not to say that maybe the added herbs

have not improved the combination. I took it on a regular basis for the first

year after my surgery. Jan,1996. And then just periodically since then, maybe

six months off and on each year. I try to take 3oz. twice a day, but that may

vary also. About a quart a week I believe is the recommended. It's cheap, has

an easy taste and sort of fun to brew. They say the Sheep sorrel is the

immune enhancer, and the other three are the cleansers. When the immune

system is revived, there will be a great deal of recycling, and a lot of


Of course there are other ways of reviving our immune system, but there is no

substitute, nor no replacement for the " essential minerals " . There are ninety

some of them that our body uses and needs everyday. The minerals are the main

course, they are the building blocks of our entire body. If we are lean and

mean, we can still have a cancer problem because we don't get enough

minerals. The Essiac Tea contains a consentrate of the minerals needed to

revive our immune system. I like to call it our Immune, Defense and Control

System. Or IDC system, because it involves several segments of our body that

must work with total co-ordination and harmoney. And one of it's main duties

is to identify mutated or damaged cells and end their growth.

I strive for a balance of minerals, I get supplements at the health food

store. I like the concentrated tasteless clear ones. Colloidal (in water)

trace minerals, " NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH COLLOIDAL SILVER " ! I put a few

drops in my orange juice. I drink a can of slim-fast every so often, or

instant breakfast.

I feel as though I have skated free, because I could have tried a lot harder.

I'm still trying to lose weight, and eat more veggies and fish, and exercise

more. Like I am staying just ahead of the game. But I do have the confidence

in knowing if I did get into trouble again, I would just try harder. I

believe I can turn anything around that should come to haunt me. (so I croak


If we resort to common sense, we know that we need a tremendous amount of

minerals, even though our structure is built, there is ongoing maintenance.

We simply as a people are not getting enough minerals in our modern day diet,


And many of us are over weight and under exercised. These minerals have to be

cooked and circulated.

The prunes I take only as needed because the second most important thing is

to get clean inside. To begin lets go clear back to the cells. There is a

good lot of waste that is dumped into our blood stream to be filtered. And

then inturn into our bowels, etc. Constipation will cause a back up all the

way to our cells. (did you know Elvis died from constipation?) We need clean

arteries, free of cholesterol, blood sludge, plaque and fat. This begins and

depends on our regularity.And the exercise is the essential activity to make

everything happen.

Circulation is a priority. Don't let your legs get black and fall off. Get on

your back and do the bicycle thing, get the heart to pumping, make that cold

blood move. It is the circulation that sustains life, make it happen.

Too much gabbing from me I know, I hope I haven't offended anyone today, I

love to talk, hope I can help someone someday. Good Luck and may God Bless

Teddy Daw

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