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Letter to a Reporter - AIDS, Cancer, Leukemia, Alcoholism, etc.

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May 14, 2002

Mr. Jerry Davich, Staff Writer, 'The TIMES', 3410 Delta Drive, Portage, Indiana


Health Editor, 'Post Tribune', 1433 E. 83rd Ave., Merrillville, Indiana


, 'Chicago Sun-Times', 401 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611

Attention Mr. Jerry Davich,

I hope you can do something with this (see attached 4 pages). If 'The TIMES' is

no longer interested

in doing a follow-up on my story, I hope that someone in the Media will pick it

up. The health of our citizens

is at stake, and, in my opinion, the health officials in Washington, D.C., don't

give a damn.

These officials have been very unresponsive to me, and when they did respond,

they have been wrong.

For example, beginning in January, 1993, I began to alert the National

Institutes of Health (NIH)

that I thought that the chemical, acetaldehyde, would be an effective anti-HIV


HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

From 1/26/93 to 11/9/94, five of the top officials at the NIH wrote to me and

Rep. Visclosky stating:

" Acetaldehyde is a normal metabolite of the human body

that would not significantly hinder HIV infection. "

However, I kept writing to the NIH, and it finally decided to re-evaluate


In an August 9, 1995 letter to Representative J. Visclosky, the NIH


" ....The fact that acetaldehyde inactivates the human immunodeficiency virus

(HIV) in test tube experiments

does not necessarily make it a good candidate for anti-HIV therapy in humans.

There are many agents

known to be active against HIV. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute

have identified

over 3,000 compounds that are active against HIV, and the NIH currently is


and evaluating the most promising ones.

The high toxicity of acetaldehyde makes it a significantly less desirable

candidate for use in individuals

who suffer from severely weakened immune systems and who are prone to


numerous opportunistic infections and malignancies.... "

S. - The 'cough inhibitor' L-MTCA

(L-2-Methylthiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid)

is composed of acetaldehyde (1/2) and L-cysteine (1/2).

Last year I discovered the means by which I think this cough inhibitor could

inactivate HIV - safely.

And I alerted health officials - no response yet.

I hope that Dr. Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

Disease (NIAID)

will conduct a clinical trial to determine if I am right or wrong about a

possible cure for AIDS.

I hope that Dr. Kirschstein of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will

conduct a clinical trial to determine

if I am right or wrong about a possible cure for Leukemia.

I hope that Dr. von Eschenbach of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will

conduct a clinical trial to determine

if I am right or wrong about a possible cure for Cancer.

Again, Jerry, I hope that you, or some member of the Media will do a follow-up

on this story. In my opinion,

the health of our Nation is at stake.

Sincerely, S. , 5086 Sunrise Ave., Portage, Indiana 46368, (219)


Copies to all those listed in the attached four pages.

Page 1

May 13, 2002

Is Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TAC, Thioproline) anti-cancerous?

The U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) should do further research.

Copies to President W. Bush, Former President Bush,

King and Queen Sofia of Spain, Rep. Visclosky, Rep. Kucinich, Dr.

Gosalvez, Dr. Schally,

President Cowen of Tulane, Secretary , Surgeon General, Mr. Dobbs (FDA),

Dr. Kirschstein (NIH), Dr. von Eschenbach (NCI), Dr. Klausner (NCI), Dr. Rabson


Ms. Foellmer (NCI), Dr. Fauci (NIAID), Director (CDC), General , Dr.

Varmus, Dr. Vogelzang,

Dr. Prendergast, American Medical Association (A.M.A.), American Cancer Society


Lake/Porter County Medical Society, Cancercure Foundation, Gilda's Club & Mr.

Jerry Davich.

The following passages are from a March 11, 2002 article ('Cancer cure


written by Mr. Jerry Davich, 'The TIMES' (Northwest Indiana):

" , 65, believes that Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid, or TAC, an acid

related to penicillin

and a mushroom derivative, has been used successfully in clinical trials at U.S.

military hospitals.

And documented studies have proven its effectiveness as a tumor-reducing agent,

he said. "

" A spokesman for Visclosky said this sort of thing is something that gets passed

along to proper authorities,

like the National Institute of Health. "

" NIH spokesman Dennis Rodrigues said that is unfamiliar with the process

that supports or initiates research. He suggested that first needs to

affiliate himself

with a medical school or university. "

" Other agency officials echoed the same response. "

S. - The National Cancer Institute (NCI) division of the National

Institutes of Health (NIH)

has already rendered its judgement about TAC; see the following statements of

Ms. Dorothy A. Foellmer.

It would be useless and a dead-end for me to try to pursue, further, this matter

through normal channels.

This matter should be handled by the top officials of our governmental health

agencies -

the Directors of the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer


Representative J. Visclosky and Ms. Dorothy A. Foellmer of the NCI did not

have the courtesy

to afford me a copy of the letters in which the following passages appear. If it

had not been

for the fact that a Schererville, Indiana citizen mailed to me a copy of the


I would have never known of their existence!

This passage appears in a May 16, 2001 letter sent by Rep. Visclosky to the

Schererville citizen:

" Several years ago my office contacted the Department of Health and Human

Services (HHS) to inquire

about S. ' cancer cure proposal. The response we received from the

National Cancer Institute

indicated that Mr. ' cure would have negative effects on patients, and

was not a safe cure

for any cancer. To ensure that there has not been any change in the status of

Mr. ' proposal,

I have taken the liberty of forwarding your correspondence to me to Tommy


the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Enclosed please

find a copy of my letter

to Secretary , asking that he address your concerns. "

On behalf of Secretary , Ms. Foellmer

(Director, Office of Legislation and Congressional Activities - NCI) wrote a

June 28, 2001 letter

to that same Schererville citizen; this passage appears:

" In your letter to Mr. Visclosky, you expressed an interest in the work of Mr.

S. .

Page 2

Mr. has made claims on the internet that a compound,

Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TAC),

can cure cancer. Since 1955, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has actively

evaluated materials

that might be useful in the discovery of new agents for cancer treatment through

the Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP). Extensive testing of TAC was

conducted in 1979 by DTP.

No anti-tumor activity was found and the testing was stopped. As part of the

drug discovery process,

DTP receives agents from many sources, including universities, research

institutes, government agencies,

biotechnology companies, and pharmaceutical houses. The testing done on TAC was

initiated because

of reports from a human trial that was done in Spain. The compound was tested

on numerous animal tumor models, but failed to show any anti-tumor activity. "

Apparently, Ms. Foellmer was unaware of the cancer research

of two of the world's foremost doctors - Dr. V. Schally,

a 1977 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, and Dr. Gosalvez, who was for 30


the Director of Biochemical Research for the Kingdom of Spain.

TAC is an integral component in the cancer research of Dr. Schally and Dr.


From 1994 to 2000, Dr. Schally published 13 reports in which he said that

compounds containing TAC

might be effective in causing the " inhibition of growth " of these Cancers -

Pancreatic, Prostate,

Renal (Kidney), Breast, Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC), Glioblastoma (Brain

tumor) and Ovary.

Dr. Schally's final refinement, compound RC-3940-II, was patented by Tulane


New Orleans, Louisiana.

These passages are found in a July 20, 2001 letter to S. from Dr.


" In 1981, we found unfortunately that Thiazolidine Carboxylic Acid - alone - can

not cure cancer because

it only reverses to normality the benign and less malign cancer cells. The

malignant cancer cells

are not reversible to normality by Thioproline. In 1989 we finished the

development of the technique

of 'Cancer Reversal by Dual Strategy', the combination of Thiazolidine

Carboxylic Acid with Quelamycin,

our transient ferric complex of the cytotoxic agent Adriamycin. Quelamycin kills

specifically the malignant

cancer cells that are not reverted to normality by Thioproline. "

" Due to the general lack of interest in our technique for Reversal of Cancer by

Dual Strategy we reached,

in 1989, - through very important indirect ways - (j.s.r. - King

and Queen Sofia of Spain

and former President Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush) - the top military


of the United States of America with the request of a pilot clinical trial by

the Military Hospitals

of United States of the combination of Thioproline and Quelamycin in terminal

cancer patients.

I am firmly convinced that this trial was conducted successfully and that then

the American military

implemented a massive study of the technique of Cancer Reversal by Dual Strategy

that endured

the last ten years. I think that their results will be soon communicated to the

American people

and to the World by the top American leader.... "

Thus, the question remains - Is TAC an effective anti-cancer agent?

Dr. Schally and Dr. Gosalvez think it is; however, Ms. Foellmer thinks it is


Sincerely, S. , 5086 Sunrise Ave., Portage, Indiana 46368, (219)


Attached - My latest bulletin -

Cancer, AIDS, Anthrax, Leukemia & Alcoholism - Americans don't know all the


and Jerry Davich's article, 'Cancer cure cover-up?', and 13 questions.

Page 3

Citizens - Tell your Congressmen: Question Doctors & the General.

(N.W. Indiana residents call Rep. J. Visclosky, 219-884-1177.)

Cancer, AIDS, Anthrax, Leukemia & Alcoholism -

Americans don't know all the facts.

The Nation's Top Doctors and a U.S. Army General

should be asked at least 13 questions. Here is one -

Why are Americans denied the world's No.1 cancer

medicine? It causes a wide and excellent range of

antitumor activity according to the U.S. National

Cancer Institute (NCI), and yearly sales exceed

$600,000,000. Again - Americans can't buy it!

The answers from these Top Doctors and this General

might reveal important health information that could

save the lives of many Americans!

My research is also about Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS)

and Macular degeneration (vision loss).

Refer to The Cure for Cancer?

http://www.datadepo.com/cures for cancer/tac-cure.htm

Or contact me at (219) 763-1933, jsr1936@...

S. , 5086 Sunrise Ave., Portage, IN 46368, U.S. Army Veteran


Retired Librarian, Lake Ridge Schools (Indiana) - 31 years service.

Northwest Indiana Cable T.V. Program - 9:30 PM. Mondays & 5:30 PM. Wednesdays


May 11, 2002 - Copies to President W. Bush, Former President Bush,

King and Queen Sofia of Spain, Rep. Visclosky, Rep. Kucinich, Dr.

Gosalvez, Dr. Schally,

President Cowen of Tulane, Secretary , Surgeon General, Mr. Dobbs (FDA),

Dr. Kirschstein (NIH), Dr. von Eschenbach (NCI), Dr. Klausner (NCI), Dr. Rabson

(NCI), Ms. Foellmer (NCI),

Dr. Fauci (NIAID), Director (CDC), General , Dr. Varmus, Dr. Vogelzang,

Dr. Prendergast

American Medical Association (A.M.A), American Cancer Society (ACS),

Lake/Porter County Medical Society, Cancercure Foundation and Gilda's Club.

Page 4

Complete text of 'Cancer cure cover-up?' by Jerry Davich, 'The TIMES', March 11,


is convinced that the country's medical establishment is

stonewalling his efforts

to alert cancer victims of a known cure for the killer disease.

The U.S. Army veteran and retired research librarian says medical officials

have turned a deaf ear

to his repeated attempts to unleash a possible remedy for not only cancer, but

also similar help treatments

for AIDS, anthrax, leukemia, alcoholism, Lou Gehrig's Disease and macular


" People's lives are at stake here. If your loved one was dying, wouldn't you

be interested

in a possible cure? " emphatically asked from the living room of his

Portage home.

, 65, believes that Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid, or TAC, an acid

related to penicillin

and a mushroom derivative, has been used successfully in clinical trials at U.S.

military hospitals.

And documented studies have proven its effectiveness as a tumor-reducing agent,

he said.

But cancer treatment officials have been mum on its mainstream potential.

For the past few years, has been a one-man, letter-writing campaign

to get

his research findings on the medical map. He's spent hundreds of dollars on

postage, copies

and research paper fees. His home is stacked with copies of mailed out forms,

studies and on-line findings.

Since 1997, he's mailed letters to U.S. Congressman Pete Visclosky,

the Porter and Lake County Medical Societies, the American Cancer Society,

the National Institute of Health and several other medical agencies.

What have they told him?

" Nothing. They never get back to me, " said. " I'm a taxpayer, but

they don't care. "

The multi-billion dollar cancer research and treatment industry is

purposely ignoring ' findings

in order to keep the status quo a profitable endeavor, claims. A recent

discovery led him to believe

that the on-line version of the U.S. Medical Library is " corrupt " because

certain studies have been omitted.

" If people here joined together, we could convince officials to look into

these issues, " he said.

On ' behalf, I made inquiries to a few agencies, but I didn't get

very far.

A spokesman for Visclosky said this sort of thing is something that gets

passed along

to proper authorities, like the National Institute of Health.

NIH spokesman Dennis Rodrigues said that is unfamiliar with the


that supports or initiates research. He suggested that first needs to

affiliate himself

with a medical school or university.

Other agency officials echoed the same response.

So, is a victim or a stooge? A crusader for truth or an obsessed


You decide. Feel free to visit ' Web site at

www.datadepo.com/cures for cancer/tac-cure.htm

or email him at jsr1936@... or phone him at (219) 763-1933.

Jerry Davich can be reached at jerryd@... or (219) 933-3243.

End of article.

America's Top Doctors and Major General

should be asked at least 13 questions by the U.S. Congress.

Dr. Varmus and Dr. Schally are Nobel Prize winners

in medicine.

1. Dr. Kirschstein (NIH); Dr. Varmus, Sloan-Kettering;

Dr. Prendergast, Mayo Clinic; Dr. Vogelzang, Univ. of Chicago -

In a 1979 Spanish clinical trial, TAC caused the

" ....disappearance of evidence of cancer. " What difficulties

do you foresee in repeating this trial with 'mega-doses' of TAC

& vitamin C and certain mushroom extracts?

2. President Cowen and Dr. Schally of Tulane - Dr. Schally

invented and Tulane patented RC-3940-II which contains TAC.

RC-3940-II is expected to cause the " inhibition of growth "

of pancreatic, prostate, kidney, breast, lung, brain and

ovary cancer. When will Tulane sell RC-3940-II?

3. General - When will Americans be told about

TAC & Quelamycin which have been administered to

cancer patients in U.S. Military Hospitals since 1990?

4. Dr. von Eschenbach (NCI) and Ms. Foellmer (NCI) -

What is the NCI's current evaluation of TAC?

5. Dr. von Eschenbach and Director of the FDA -

Why are Americans denied the No.1 cancer medicine

PSK/Krestin & PSP? Worldwide sales top $600 million.

6. Dr. Kirschstein, Dr. von Eschenbach and Director, FDA -

Why aren't Americans being told about Lentinan?

Japanese research indicates that it is anti-cancerous.

7. Dr. Fauci (NIAID) - Why aren't AIDS patients being provided

with L-MTCA? It contains a chemical that can " inactivate " HIV.

8. General and Director of the CDC -

Could L-MTCA be used against anthrax?

9. Dr. Kirschstein - Would the combination of d-penicillamine

& copper and vitamin C be a good leukemia treatment?

10. Surgeon General - Shouldn't all drinkers be told about

zinc and vitamins B-6 and C?

11. Dr. Klausner (NCI) - Did the 1996 publication of the NCI

about the decrease of the cancer death rate in the U.S.A.

take into account the Military treatment (TAC & Quelamycin)?

12. Dr. Rabson (NCI) - Did you respond to the 2/13/2000 letter of

Dr. Gosalvez (former Director of Spanish biochemical research)?

13. Dr. Kirschstein, Dr. von Eschenbach, Editors of MEDLINE -

Why is there no citation under a 'CANCER' subject heading for

significant research reported in 1989 by the NCI relative to the

anti-cancer power of PSK/Krestin & PSP?

ABBREVIATIONS: NIH (National Institutes of Health),

NCI (National Cancer Institute), CDC (Centers for Disease Control)

NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease),

MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine).

TAC (Thiazolidine-4-carboxyic acid) and Lentinan are extracts

from the Shiitake mushroom. PSK/Krestin (Polysaccharide

Krestin) and PSP (Polysaccharopeptide) are extracts from the

Coriolus versicolor mushroom. L-MTCA is L-2-Methylthiazolidine-

4-carboxylic acid. L-MTCA & TAC are related to Penicillin.

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