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Zapper Testimonial - Accutone CDs

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Dear P.J.

All I can tell you is that he purchased a unified negative field magnetic

sleep pad, a zapper and a Regenesis ionizer/alkalizer water filter from me. In

addition, part of what they did is removal of mercury amalgams, chelation, and

the Gerson diet. I believe Duncan is on this list and will more than likely

answer your question personally. He has become an avid natural health

researcher and has helped many people with his knowledge.

Do you have someone with MS?

Since it seems appropriate, I am going to add to this message a copy of a

message I just posted on another list. I have in the past 3 weeks become aware

of another natural way of helping our bodies to heal and want to share the

information I have at this time. There is a protocol for MS in the free manual

and a special CD is available

copied & pasted~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Right now, I am in the process of doing my own research on Attractor Field

Therapy and the Accutone CDs

You can learn about ATF at www.the-tree-of-life.com There is a free

downloadable manual. For those with limited resources, the protocols for many

problems are listed. It has a similarity to Emotional Freedom Techniques which

I teach and practice and know is effective. On page 26 is the protocol under

" lead " for the removal of heavy metals. On page 12, is a protocol to eliminate

all " internal " viral, bacterial infections. There might be some people on this

list who would want to download the manual and give this a try. Won't cost

anything other than time, the printer ink, and paper. The manual is only 51

pages and there is an immense amount of knowledge on the web site including a

copy of " As a Man Thinketh " .

For those with problems that would demand more " tapping time " and have the

financial resources, there is a stock list of available CDs which eliminates the

need to tap. I have the Basic Levels of Consciousness one playing now. Have

been using it for 2 weeks and have experienced a positive change in my energy.

A person I know with breast cancer has had some reduction in her breast tumor

with two weeks use of the C.D.

Through grace, I have been allowed to be one of his two distributors for the

Accutone CDs.

I have a son who is covered with moles, mostly on his back. Last week, I

spoke with Dr. Ebert about this condition. He asked me if I knew the " life

view " of someone with moles which I did not. Didn't ever think of it in fact.

According to Dr. Ebert, the life view of a person with moles is " life is

tragic " . I almost fell off my chair. About 3 months ago, my son told me that

he had remembered at the age of six, while riding home in the school bus, (we

lived in the country) that he had made an

perception about life. " Life was miserable and he was going to have an unhappy

life " . That seems pretty close to tragic to me. I have ordered him a special

CD for moles and he will use it with the special antenna that broadcasts the

specified frequencies for the protocol for moles. The antenna broadcasts for a

distance of 40 feet.

Special CDs at a cost of $125 US can be made for many health challenges

which includes cancer, autism, MS, Alzheimers, Parkinson's etc. You can call me

at 519-471-6234 or email me privately for more information if desired.

This work comes from the 25 years of research done by Dr. Hawkins,

M.D., Ph.D. who wrote of his research in the book, " Power vs Force, The Hidden

Determinants of Human Behavior " . It is available in your local bookstores and

of course Amazon.

For those like me, who are often on the leading edge, you might like to

purchase a CD for your own research and healing. Others may choose to wait

until I have more " personal knowing " which of course, I will share.

Here is a list of stock Accutone CDs and if you have a challenge not listed,

and are willing to invest $125 US, (the $20 is for the special antenna), call or

email me to see if a special CD can be made for you. I found out last night

that a special CD could not be made for retinitis pigmentosa.

Accutone Stock Disk Titles & Track Lists (4/1/02)

The following Disk titles are currently in stock and available for shipment

within 5 working days. All Stock CDs cost $100.00 US, including postage and

handling charges.

Place orders via mail or telephone (519-471-6234), using MasterCard, VISA, or

American Express.

1. Alzheimer's Disease

Results obtained through the formulas on this CD have been truly unbelievable.

Working on both early onset and late onset Alzheimer's disease conditions,

virtually complete restoration of mental functioning is possible. For

long-standing cases continuous playing, using an antenna is recommended.

2. Arm & Hand Pain

Suffering from shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist or hand pain? Works to relieve pain

from almost any source other than arthritis pain. See what happens to Carpel

tunnel syndrome symptoms!

3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Does you or your child have trouble sitting still and focusing? If there has

been a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity this is the CD

for you. Calm hyperactivity without drugs within weeks.

4. Back Pain & Stiffness Series

Disk 1: Cervical Pain & Nerve Burning Pain

Disk 2: Thoracic Pain & Stiffness

Disk 3: Lumbar Pain, Stiffness, & Nerve burning pain

Disk 4: Sacral Pain and Sciatica

Each CD contains all necessary LoC pre-treatments as well as formulas for Disc


Muscle Spasm pain, and Nerve Root Irritation pain. For chronic back problems we

recommend 24-hour treatment using one of our antenna systems.

5. Basic Treatment CD

This CD contains the formulas necessary to allow you to change your emotional

life; to allow you to harness the power of forgiveness and rid yourself of

self-defeating blocks to success. For those who are tapping for various physical

illnesses, this CD also contains all of the LoC formulas (20-250) necessary for

easy pretreatment prior to illness formula application.

6. Brain Damage & Epilepsy

The title says it all. While the formulas on this CD take months of daily use,

the end results are not just noticeable; they can give you back your life.

7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease.

Thought that you would never get rid of your exhaustion and bodily discomfort?

Play this CD for one to two weeks, and you will have a different perspective! We

have seen symptoms of CFS disappear within as little as 24 hours!

8. Eyesight Problems

Tired of glasses. This CD treats near and farsightedness, astigmatism, night

vision problems, macular degeneration and cataracts, all in 60 minutes. Daily

treatment for 6 months or more required.

9. Headaches and Migraines

The formulas on this CD work on head pain, headaches, and migraine headaches of

all sorts, with the exception of TMJ. Facial, and dental pains. Extended daily

use makes your headaches and migraines stay away.

10. Heart and Circulatory Problems

Problems with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries,

arrhythmia's, congestive heart failure, mitral valve prolapse or heart valve

scarring? Three to six months of daily exposure to the tonal formulas on this CD

will change test results, calm your heart, and increase your stamina.

11. HIV / AIDS

The formulas on this CD not only treat the energetic cause for positive HIV test

results, but also the most frequent opportunistic bacterial, fungal, and viral

infections resulting from a compromised immune system. Use this CD for a few

weeks and begin to see T cell counts rise. You will not believe it until you

experience it for yourself.

12. Learning Disability with or without Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Have you or your child been diagnosed as suffering from ADD or a learning

disability? Watch what happens in as little as one marking period of playing

this CD daily. Helps with all forms of LD difficulties, including reading and

comprehension problems, math problems, etc. Not for treating hyperactivity.

13. Leg and Foot Pain

Suffer from leg, hip, knee, ankle, or foot pain? The formulas on this CD will

reduce or eliminate leg and leg joint pains from any source other than sciatica,

or arthritis.

14. Eye Irritation

This CD contains all formulas for treating Dry Eye syndrome, Shogrun's Syndrome,

blepharitis, and general eye irritation problems.

15. Levels of Consciousness - Disk 2

This CD is the companion to the Basic Treatment CD. It contains all formulas

from LoC 310 (Acceptance) through LoC 700 (Enlightenment). It should be used

daily for 3 months, then weekly thereafter, following the completion of the

Basic Treatment formula series.

16. Mental Sharpening and Memory Loss of Normal Aging.

Finding it harder to mentally " keep up " as you age? The formulas on this CD will

actually reverse the symptoms of non-Alzheimer's dementia as well as the normal

problems with memory that occur as we age.

17. Osteoarthritis

This CD contains more formulas with an unbelievable track record. Not only can

you reduce or eliminate arthritic pain and inflammation, but also within 6

months of daily or continuous exposure you can actually begin to reverse bone

and joint damage. You will know that it is really working when you notice your

fingers straighten and you have to resize your rings to keep from losing them!

18. Parkinson's Disease.

Reduce or eliminate tremors, movement difficulties, " frozen " face, and fatigue

symptoms, often after the first use. The longer you use it the better it works.

19. Respiratory Disorders

Suffer from frequent colds, runny nose, allergies, bronchitis, asthma, or

emphysema? This CD treats these disorders and more. Daily playing during those

susceptible times of the year can change your life.

20. Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you suffer from the severe pain and disfigurement of rheumatoid arthritis,

you will truly appreciate this CD. Treats pain, inflammation, and joint

deformities of this devastating disease. We recommend continuous treatment,

using an antenna. Pain relief is rapid, joint changes take months to begin and

years to complete.

For problems not mentioned in this list, please call 1-519-471-6234 to see if a

special CD can be made for you specific problem. The cost as of 5/4/02 is $125


Dr. Hawkins says that you raise your levels of consciousness just be reading his

book. There is much information on the Attractor Field Therapy web site and I

have the hope someone can gain benefit from this information.

Respectfully submitted



Magnetic Sleep Pads, Zappers,

Ionizing- Alkalizing Water Filters,

Rebounders, Energy Therapies,

[mscured] Zapper Testimonial

Hi All,

Good News!

My best friend at work has had cancer for over a year and was taking

progressively stronger and stronger doses of chemo, but the cancer

kept growing while he was getting very sick from the chemo side

effects. Eventually he quit taking the chemo, as it wasn't working

and was just making him very sick.

I gave him a copy of the complete Beck protocol notes and a copy of

the Hulda book , Cure for All Cancers. I also loaned him my

Zapper and my Beck Blood Electrifier zapper and my Beck

Magnetic Pulser. I got the Beck devices from Sota. He already knew

about the colloidal silver, but wasn't taking it every day. I

recommended that he drink some c.s. every day and add a liquid

oxygen supplement to his drinking water.

He has been doing all these things per the Beck 4 part protocol plus

zapping every day with the zapper. He purchased a

zapper and water alkalizer from Kallie and has been drinking

alkaline water with added oxygen. He has also been drinking a

herbal detox tea every day. He has quit taking the chemo and

started doing all these alternative healing things for about 2 ­ 3

weeks now.

Today he came in to work and told me that the zapping and cleanses

have been pulling a bunch of junk out every day, and this morning

when he got up and went to the bathroom he passed a very large

quantity of dead parasites. Apparently all the dead parasites were

killed by the two zappers and the magnetic pulser. This is the

first person that I have known personally to have this happen and

tell me about it first hand. I have known others who dumped a load

of parasites after the Hulda parasite treatment with Walnut

hull tincture, cloves and wormwood, but this is the first time I

heard of it from just zapping.

He also told me that he feels much better now and has much more

energy. He is also diabetic and has been able to cut way down on

the amount of insulin he needs each day. His depression is gone and

he now has a good overall attitude. And he is able to work 8 hours

a day again. He is a happy guy now!


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Guest guest

Hi,yes my son has M.S.



[mscured] Zapper Testimonial

Hi All,

Good News!

My best friend at work has had cancer for over a year and was taking

progressively stronger and stronger doses of chemo, but the cancer

kept growing while he was getting very sick from the chemo side

effects. Eventually he quit taking the chemo, as it wasn't working

and was just making him very sick.

I gave him a copy of the complete Beck protocol notes and a copy of

the Hulda book , Cure for All Cancers. I also loaned him my

Zapper and my Beck Blood Electrifier zapper and my Beck

Magnetic Pulser. I got the Beck devices from Sota. He already knew

about the colloidal silver, but wasn't taking it every day. I

recommended that he drink some c.s. every day and add a liquid

oxygen supplement to his drinking water.

He has been doing all these things per the Beck 4 part protocol plus

zapping every day with the zapper. He purchased a

zapper and water alkalizer from Kallie and has been drinking

alkaline water with added oxygen. He has also been drinking a

herbal detox tea every day. He has quit taking the chemo and

started doing all these alternative healing things for about 2 ­ 3

weeks now.

Today he came in to work and told me that the zapping and cleanses

have been pulling a bunch of junk out every day, and this morning

when he got up and went to the bathroom he passed a very large

quantity of dead parasites. Apparently all the dead parasites were

killed by the two zappers and the magnetic pulser. This is the

first person that I have known personally to have this happen and

tell me about it first hand. I have known others who dumped a load

of parasites after the Hulda parasite treatment with Walnut

hull tincture, cloves and wormwood, but this is the first time I

heard of it from just zapping.

He also told me that he feels much better now and has much more

energy. He is also diabetic and has been able to cut way down on

the amount of insulin he needs each day. His depression is gone and

he now has a good overall attitude. And he is able to work 8 hours

a day again. He is a happy guy now!


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