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Re: actinic keratosis

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Dear Laurie,

Actinic keratosis:

" Overgrowth of outer skin layers caused by long-term

overexposure to the sun. "

Doesn't say anything about cancer.

Best of health!

Dr. Saul Pressman


----Original Message Follows----

From: " Laurie K. " <laurker@...>


<oxyplus >

Subject: Re: actinic kerotosis

Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 14:10:44 -0800

I still only get two and they don't mention the symptoms. I have no idea why

I seem to be drawn to this.


Re: actinic kerotosis

Try putting in " actinic kerotosis " into a search engine.

G Murray

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Hi Saul & Laurie,

It is my understand that it is NOT cancer, but a precancerous

growth. A potential precursor of squamous cell carcinoma. Potential

is the key word here.


-- In oxyplus , " Saul Pressman " <spressman@h...> wrote:

> Dear Laurie,


> Actinic keratosis:

> " Overgrowth of outer skin layers caused by long-term

> overexposure to the sun. "


> Doesn't say anything about cancer.



> Best of health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman


> --------------------------------------------------------------------



> ----Original Message Follows----

> From: " Laurie K. " <laurker@m...>

> Reply-oxyplus

> <oxyplus >

> Subject: Re: actinic kerotosis

> Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 14:10:44 -0800


> I still only get two and they don't mention the symptoms. I have no

idea why

> I seem to be drawn to this.


> Laurie


> Re: actinic kerotosis



> Try putting in " actinic kerotosis " into a search engine.


> G Murray





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Everything is pre-cancer the way they speak. Isn't that much like saying that

breathing or brain activity is " pre-death " . :-) Just picking on you. I think

we have to move away from the medical model and its insane use of terminology


Best wishes and much love, Ken

Ken Gullan

Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

San Diego, CA 92106-2424

IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call 619-222-1104

Re: actinic kerotosis



> Try putting in " actinic kerotosis " into a search engine.


> G Murray





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> Everything is pre-cancer the way they speak. Isn't that much like

saying that breathing or brain activity is " pre-death " . :-) Just

picking on you. I think we have to move away from the medical model

and its insane use of terminology :-)

> Best wishes and much love, Ken


True enough, but it's not only the medical model way of thinking we

have to move away from but also our own way of thinking. So much of

life it reflected in our thinking patterns; is the glass half full or

half empty, do we have lemons or do we have something to make

lemonade out of, etc. In reality we have a little of both 1/2 empty

and 1/2 full, and we also have the opportunity to do what we will

with it. I don't know about other people (maybe they're not as

rebellious as I was), but it took me a lot of lemons before I

realized I could make some very good lemonade. And the beauty of it

all was some of the greatest lessons in life I learned from the

harderst times. Guess it really does take lemons to make the




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