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Cont'd from part 13

That simple fact invalidates everything we've been taught to believe about the spread of AIDS. As Dr. Seale explains: "Scientists and doctors have repeatedly stated as fact that the AIDS virus is fundamentally transmitted during sexual intercourse, but is, unfortunately, sometimes transmitted in blood. This is highly misleading, though published laboratory and epidemiological evidence, and editorials in scientific and medical journals, have been heavily slanted to support this "fact." In reality, AIDS is a characteristically blood transmitted infection, which is only transmitted with difficulty during sexual intercourse compared with the genuine sexually transmitted diseases gonorrhea and trichomonosias. All the exceptional epidemiological evidence is consistent with this view. Obviously AIDS is transmittable during sexual intercourse, but so is influenza, glandular fever and scabies. Sexual intercourse is only one of many ways by which

the virus can be transmitted, and is by no means the most efficient…"Having assumed for a variety of motives that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease like syphilus or gonorrhea, a negligible research effort has gone into the critical matter of transmission.… As far as it goes, the tiny research effort into infectivity of bodily fluids indicates that saliva is far more infectious than genital secretions, but that blood and serum is vastly more infectious than either. Consequently the

idea that condoms can have any significant effect on the spread of AIDS in a nation is utterly preposterous. Governments all over the world are spending millions of pounds advising their citizens to prevent AIDS by using condoms on the basis of manifestly fraudulent misrepresentation of scientific evidence presented by scientists themselves."No lifestyle is safe enough to guarantee protection from infection. The terrible truth is that the risk for most people—who feel safe from the AIDS plague, because they are heterosexual, monogamous, drugfree— is far greater than is generally known. Dr. Seale: "People with AIDS are categorized as belonging to a small number of 'risk groups,' giving the false impression that the vast majority of people cannot get AIDS. AIDS is portrayed as only a behavioral disease caused by sexual and narcotic misdemeanors. This implies that if anybody gets AIDS, it is their own fault. Emphasis on transmission of the

virus during sexual intercourse and education as a solution to the epidemic implies that the disease will disappear with

modified behavior. This misses the point that as the epidemic explodes, infection by chance, non-sexual, contact becomes even more common."

How many Americans believe that even kissing can spread the virus? Here is what Dr. Marcello Piazza, a world renowned authority on AIDS, published in the Journal of The American Medical Society on January 13, 1989: "It is generally accepted that the presence of blood in saliva is indirect evidence that microlesions are present in the oral cavity. During kissing, two mucosae, both of which may contain microlesions come into close contact. The intense rubbing that occurs during kissing can favor both the creation of microlesions and the passage of blood from one partner to the other. If the blood of one partner contains HIV, the virus can pass into the bloodstream of the other partner."Our study has shown that microlesions are normally present in the oral mucosae and

that saliva contains blood. Therefore, we feel that passionate kissing cannot be

considered 'protective sex' for the transmission of human

immunodeficiency virus infection. We found that blood is present in the saliva of fifty percent of subjects examined, its level increasing

significantly after brushing of teeth or passionate kissing."Two teenagers necking are at risk. In a meeting in Montreal in 1989, several virologists and doctors confirmed that kissing will transmit AIDS. But government doctors and scientists who wanted to attend were told they would face

"disciplinary action." So the meeting was boycotted by many who most needed to be present. But if kissing can pass the infection, how much value do condoms really have? Not much, if any. "Safe sex" is a myth, knowingly created by our leaders to avoid public panic—or wrath. "Safe sex" is advertised as a panacea for AIDS. Big name stars are used to promote this deadly fraud. But condoms are not a solution for AIDS; they merely spread permissiveness—and put even more people in jeopardy, believing they are "safe" if they use them.Dr. O'connor, a noted AIDS researcher, has stated flatly: "Nearly every fluid in the human body is capable of transmitting the virus, including blood, saliva, tears and sweat. People have become infected by simply touching the blood of virus carriers or having microscopic quantities of infected blood strike their faces. Viruses have been cultured from the air of operating rooms. All that is required (to

become infected) is that a single virus particle has to come in contact with a susceptible human cell."

One drop of infected blood is all it takes. Even now, in 1994, our blood supply is significantly more dangerous than Americans realize. The average American is under the impression that AIDScontaminated

blood was a problem a few years ago, but that it has been corrected and the supply is now completely safe. It is potentially a fatal mistake to believe that. Transfusion, in fact, still carries more risk of AIDS infection than the authorities want you to know.Already, tens of thousands of Americans have contracted AIDS through blood transfusions—and that

number grows daily. Take the terrible plight of American hemophiliacs. As long ago as March 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association admitted that as many as sixty to eighty percent of America's hemophiliacs had been infected with AIDS through contaminated blood transfusions.


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Guest guest

Cont'd from part 13

That simple fact invalidates everything we've been taught to believe about the spread of AIDS. As Dr. Seale explains: "Scientists and doctors have repeatedly stated as fact that the AIDS virus is fundamentally transmitted during sexual intercourse, but is, unfortunately, sometimes transmitted in blood. This is highly misleading, though published laboratory and epidemiological evidence, and editorials in scientific and medical journals, have been heavily slanted to support this "fact." In reality, AIDS is a characteristically blood transmitted infection, which is only transmitted with difficulty during sexual intercourse compared with the genuine sexually transmitted diseases gonorrhea and trichomonosias. All the exceptional epidemiological evidence is consistent with this view. Obviously AIDS is transmittable during sexual intercourse, but so is influenza, glandular fever and scabies. Sexual intercourse is only one of many ways by which

the virus can be transmitted, and is by no means the most efficient…"Having assumed for a variety of motives that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease like syphilus or gonorrhea, a negligible research effort has gone into the critical matter of transmission.… As far as it goes, the tiny research effort into infectivity of bodily fluids indicates that saliva is far more infectious than genital secretions, but that blood and serum is vastly more infectious than either. Consequently the

idea that condoms can have any significant effect on the spread of AIDS in a nation is utterly preposterous. Governments all over the world are spending millions of pounds advising their citizens to prevent AIDS by using condoms on the basis of manifestly fraudulent misrepresentation of scientific evidence presented by scientists themselves."No lifestyle is safe enough to guarantee protection from infection. The terrible truth is that the risk for most people—who feel safe from the AIDS plague, because they are heterosexual, monogamous, drugfree— is far greater than is generally known. Dr. Seale: "People with AIDS are categorized as belonging to a small number of 'risk groups,' giving the false impression that the vast majority of people cannot get AIDS. AIDS is portrayed as only a behavioral disease caused by sexual and narcotic misdemeanors. This implies that if anybody gets AIDS, it is their own fault. Emphasis on transmission of the

virus during sexual intercourse and education as a solution to the epidemic implies that the disease will disappear with

modified behavior. This misses the point that as the epidemic explodes, infection by chance, non-sexual, contact becomes even more common."

How many Americans believe that even kissing can spread the virus? Here is what Dr. Marcello Piazza, a world renowned authority on AIDS, published in the Journal of The American Medical Society on January 13, 1989: "It is generally accepted that the presence of blood in saliva is indirect evidence that microlesions are present in the oral cavity. During kissing, two mucosae, both of which may contain microlesions come into close contact. The intense rubbing that occurs during kissing can favor both the creation of microlesions and the passage of blood from one partner to the other. If the blood of one partner contains HIV, the virus can pass into the bloodstream of the other partner."Our study has shown that microlesions are normally present in the oral mucosae and

that saliva contains blood. Therefore, we feel that passionate kissing cannot be

considered 'protective sex' for the transmission of human

immunodeficiency virus infection. We found that blood is present in the saliva of fifty percent of subjects examined, its level increasing

significantly after brushing of teeth or passionate kissing."Two teenagers necking are at risk. In a meeting in Montreal in 1989, several virologists and doctors confirmed that kissing will transmit AIDS. But government doctors and scientists who wanted to attend were told they would face

"disciplinary action." So the meeting was boycotted by many who most needed to be present. But if kissing can pass the infection, how much value do condoms really have? Not much, if any. "Safe sex" is a myth, knowingly created by our leaders to avoid public panic—or wrath. "Safe sex" is advertised as a panacea for AIDS. Big name stars are used to promote this deadly fraud. But condoms are not a solution for AIDS; they merely spread permissiveness—and put even more people in jeopardy, believing they are "safe" if they use them.Dr. O'connor, a noted AIDS researcher, has stated flatly: "Nearly every fluid in the human body is capable of transmitting the virus, including blood, saliva, tears and sweat. People have become infected by simply touching the blood of virus carriers or having microscopic quantities of infected blood strike their faces. Viruses have been cultured from the air of operating rooms. All that is required (to

become infected) is that a single virus particle has to come in contact with a susceptible human cell."

One drop of infected blood is all it takes. Even now, in 1994, our blood supply is significantly more dangerous than Americans realize. The average American is under the impression that AIDScontaminated

blood was a problem a few years ago, but that it has been corrected and the supply is now completely safe. It is potentially a fatal mistake to believe that. Transfusion, in fact, still carries more risk of AIDS infection than the authorities want you to know.Already, tens of thousands of Americans have contracted AIDS through blood transfusions—and that

number grows daily. Take the terrible plight of American hemophiliacs. As long ago as March 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association admitted that as many as sixty to eighty percent of America's hemophiliacs had been infected with AIDS through contaminated blood transfusions.


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