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A recent federal statute requires that AIDS "educational" programs be a policy of food processing companies, with the information to be repeated "at reasonable intervals" so that newcomers are aware of the program. But that federal statute also forbids reassigning workers with AIDS to other jobs that would take them away from handling food or waiting on tables. The question becomes: Why is AIDS being treated as a protected disease?" The bottom line is this: AIDS is a political disease. Its impact on America is, therefore, being downplayed. Why? Because the perpetrators and the infected share, ironically, a common goal: the less public alarm, the better. The Olympians want the disease spread without interference from a frightened public. People with AIDS understandably want the protection of their civil rights. That could be threatened by a frightened

public. Those who do not want the American public to know the full menace of AIDS deliberately turned the homosexual network into a powerful lobbying force. The gay community has become the unwitting ally of their Olympian enemies. While the Olympians falsely blame gays as the cause of the epidemic, they are still the only ones powerful enough to protect gay civil rights. Their relationship resembles the Stockholm Syndrome, in which the hostages come to feel a strange kinship with their terrorist captors. The result is a massive propaganda apparatus—with unlimited financing and an efficiently organized gay network—ranged against the American people. The gay network is strong in most countries. As far back as 1978, the International Gay Association (IGA) was set up—in both senses—in England, with secretariat offices in Dublin and a Gay Financial Center in Amsterdam, which receives large contributions from religious groups, Hollywood stars, and

others of liberal bent. But it is not the welfare of gay men that the IGA has in mind; it is their utter destruction. The IGA has succeeded in getting a number of countries, notably England, France and the United States, to pass laws

under the heading of "hate laws" which forbid, on pain of severe penalties, any interference with the "rights" of homosexuals not only to "exist," but to carry on their "lifestyle." The International Gay Association was responsible for disrupting the International Conference on AIDS

in Montreal, Canada. Act-Up members shouted and held up proceedings, while a leader took over the microphone, and in response to chants of "read the demands, read the Manifesto," began to spell out its self-styled International Code of Rights. Here is what the IGA demanded:

1. Anonymous Testing.

2. Confidential HIV Testing.

This was first legislated in California, where the law is now used to threaten doctors with fines of $10,000 and prison if, under any

circumstances, they release information on a patient's HIV antibody status.

3. Pre-test Counseling Program.

This is designed to discourage doctors from taking the trouble to test patients.

4. No Mandatory Testing.

In preventing mandatory testing, the gay lobby is actually helping the

spread of the disease.

5. No Quarantine Under Any Circumstances.

This harms everybody, including gays, because it allows persons with AIDS to knowingly

continue spreading the disease. Stories abound of people who have done just that. The most famous case was the Canadian airline male flight attendant—'Patient Zero," as he came to be called—who promiscuously infected homosexuals in Europe, the U.S. and Latin America, and who, when asked to stop, simply refused. He continued this practice until his

appearance prohibited it. There were no legal sanctions to stop him from his monstrous form of mass murder.

6. A Policy of: No Casual Spread of Infection.

The Gay Lobby demanded that government agencies officially adopt such a statement to allay the fears of the public. In other words, it would become the duty of the government and the medical profession to keep the public persuaded that it is impossible to get AIDS from kissing—or any other contact less intimate than sex without condoms.

7. No discrimination (including in jobs or housing). International education programs in comprehensive sex information supportive of all sexual orientations, describing "safe sex" and needle use practices and other means of preventing HIV transmissions. The Gay Media Task Force is a committee that reviews television programs about AIDS. This group can make life uncomfortable for any network that doesn't toe the line, as NBC found out in December, 1988, when they screened "Midnight Caller." Rioting broke out in San Francisco, and NBC promised never to ignore the committee again. The Gay Task Force virtually controlled the dissemination of information about California's Proposition 102, which would have required physicians in the state to report to health authorities all positive HIV tests. It also called for mandatory tracing of sexual partners or intravenous drug-using partners of those who tested positive. The Proposition was voted down

with the help of Congressman Henry Waxman and Willie Brown, speaker of the House in the California State Assembly, and the Hollywood crowd.

President Reagan fared no better than NBC. In 1987 the President circulated an urgent recommendation to every Republican governor that they do all that they could to stop the AIDS epidemic. Reagan wanted

mandatory AIDS testing. The gay lobby leadership swung into action, and the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Everett Koop, personally went to those states with Republican governors and lobbied

hard among local and state authorities, urging that the President's appeal be ignored. He persuaded them that mandatory AIDS testing was not necessary to control the epidemic.


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A recent federal statute requires that AIDS "educational" programs be a policy of food processing companies, with the information to be repeated "at reasonable intervals" so that newcomers are aware of the program. But that federal statute also forbids reassigning workers with AIDS to other jobs that would take them away from handling food or waiting on tables. The question becomes: Why is AIDS being treated as a protected disease?" The bottom line is this: AIDS is a political disease. Its impact on America is, therefore, being downplayed. Why? Because the perpetrators and the infected share, ironically, a common goal: the less public alarm, the better. The Olympians want the disease spread without interference from a frightened public. People with AIDS understandably want the protection of their civil rights. That could be threatened by a frightened

public. Those who do not want the American public to know the full menace of AIDS deliberately turned the homosexual network into a powerful lobbying force. The gay community has become the unwitting ally of their Olympian enemies. While the Olympians falsely blame gays as the cause of the epidemic, they are still the only ones powerful enough to protect gay civil rights. Their relationship resembles the Stockholm Syndrome, in which the hostages come to feel a strange kinship with their terrorist captors. The result is a massive propaganda apparatus—with unlimited financing and an efficiently organized gay network—ranged against the American people. The gay network is strong in most countries. As far back as 1978, the International Gay Association (IGA) was set up—in both senses—in England, with secretariat offices in Dublin and a Gay Financial Center in Amsterdam, which receives large contributions from religious groups, Hollywood stars, and

others of liberal bent. But it is not the welfare of gay men that the IGA has in mind; it is their utter destruction. The IGA has succeeded in getting a number of countries, notably England, France and the United States, to pass laws

under the heading of "hate laws" which forbid, on pain of severe penalties, any interference with the "rights" of homosexuals not only to "exist," but to carry on their "lifestyle." The International Gay Association was responsible for disrupting the International Conference on AIDS

in Montreal, Canada. Act-Up members shouted and held up proceedings, while a leader took over the microphone, and in response to chants of "read the demands, read the Manifesto," began to spell out its self-styled International Code of Rights. Here is what the IGA demanded:

1. Anonymous Testing.

2. Confidential HIV Testing.

This was first legislated in California, where the law is now used to threaten doctors with fines of $10,000 and prison if, under any

circumstances, they release information on a patient's HIV antibody status.

3. Pre-test Counseling Program.

This is designed to discourage doctors from taking the trouble to test patients.

4. No Mandatory Testing.

In preventing mandatory testing, the gay lobby is actually helping the

spread of the disease.

5. No Quarantine Under Any Circumstances.

This harms everybody, including gays, because it allows persons with AIDS to knowingly

continue spreading the disease. Stories abound of people who have done just that. The most famous case was the Canadian airline male flight attendant—'Patient Zero," as he came to be called—who promiscuously infected homosexuals in Europe, the U.S. and Latin America, and who, when asked to stop, simply refused. He continued this practice until his

appearance prohibited it. There were no legal sanctions to stop him from his monstrous form of mass murder.

6. A Policy of: No Casual Spread of Infection.

The Gay Lobby demanded that government agencies officially adopt such a statement to allay the fears of the public. In other words, it would become the duty of the government and the medical profession to keep the public persuaded that it is impossible to get AIDS from kissing—or any other contact less intimate than sex without condoms.

7. No discrimination (including in jobs or housing). International education programs in comprehensive sex information supportive of all sexual orientations, describing "safe sex" and needle use practices and other means of preventing HIV transmissions. The Gay Media Task Force is a committee that reviews television programs about AIDS. This group can make life uncomfortable for any network that doesn't toe the line, as NBC found out in December, 1988, when they screened "Midnight Caller." Rioting broke out in San Francisco, and NBC promised never to ignore the committee again. The Gay Task Force virtually controlled the dissemination of information about California's Proposition 102, which would have required physicians in the state to report to health authorities all positive HIV tests. It also called for mandatory tracing of sexual partners or intravenous drug-using partners of those who tested positive. The Proposition was voted down

with the help of Congressman Henry Waxman and Willie Brown, speaker of the House in the California State Assembly, and the Hollywood crowd.

President Reagan fared no better than NBC. In 1987 the President circulated an urgent recommendation to every Republican governor that they do all that they could to stop the AIDS epidemic. Reagan wanted

mandatory AIDS testing. The gay lobby leadership swung into action, and the Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Everett Koop, personally went to those states with Republican governors and lobbied

hard among local and state authorities, urging that the President's appeal be ignored. He persuaded them that mandatory AIDS testing was not necessary to control the epidemic.


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