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It's all happened very fast. Except in a few top secret, carefully guarded laboratories, AIDS did not exist in the United States before 1978—not in stored blood, not in humans, not anywhere. No American was

infected with AIDS. In its first fifteen years, the virus has infected more than a million—perhaps two million—Americans, each of whom is infectious to others. Although most of us remain unwilling to face the brutal facts, AIDS is the greatest crisis America faces—and perhaps ever has faced or ever will face. Future historians will write that mankind's greatest tragedy occurred while the leadership of the world's richest country either ignored what was happening—or contributed to the disaster. It's almost as if the great French author, Albert Camus,

foreshadowed the future in his classic novel, The Plague, published in 1948: "Small official notices had been put up about the town, though in places where they could not attract much attention. It was hard to find in these notices any indication that the authorities were facing the situation squarely. The measures enjoined were far from Draconian and one had the feeling that many concessions had been made to a desire not to alarm the public." That desire not to alarm the public is best symbolized by the fact that the AIDS epidemic had begun its deadly course when Reagan was sworn in as president in 1981—and in his eight years in the

White House, he barely uttered the word, or acknowledged the epidemic, in public. And the political climate of the era—and toward the disease—allowed him to get away with his complete abdication of leadership. If we had only the word of the American president to rely on, there was no AIDS epidemic during the Eighties. As a result of the staggering head start the epidemic gained over any responsible public health authorities,

here's where we stand today: AIDS has already killed more than twice as many Americans as died in the Vietnam war. Another million or two Americans are infected with the HIV virus—and facing a certain death sentence. In the greater New York-New Jersey area, according to an intelligence source, one in every four men visiting the twenty-six regional hospitals has tested positive for HIV. That's one-in-four ! In San

Francisco, intelligence estimates are that half of the gay population would test positive. AIDS is already the number one killer of black women of child-bearing age. As part of a research program on the likelihood of drastically slowing down the black population increases, the CIA predicted that Atlanta, with its large black population, would have 380,000 AIDS cases by 1992. The total number of AIDS cases in the U.S., the CIA estimated, would be 1.3 million, with roughly forty-six percent black, sixteen percent Hispanic, fourteen percent "other" races and the remainder white.The same report said that a black woman is thirteen times more likely to get AIDS than a white woman, and Hispanic women are eleven times more

likely. The CIA report stated: "Because of the high rate of infection among young black women and children, we see the black population growth being limited, and unless transmission (of the HIV virus) is interrupted, we may see zero population growth for blacks by the year 2010." The federal agency responsible for controlling the outbreak of epidemics, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, recently circulated a secret memo to its top officials estimating that one out of eight children born in America today will die of AIDS before they reach the age of 50.1 A secret CIA report has concluded that twenty-five percent of Americans now showing symptoms of AIDS are in their early

twenties—which means they contracted the disease while teenagers. "For every documented case of a young person testing positive for the HIV virus," the CIA report continues, "there are 1,000 others who carry the highly active virus, without even being aware of it." Much of the rest of the world has suffered—and will suffer—an even worse fate. In Africa, the great AIDS plague rages out of control. Whole regions of Africa have been decimated; entire families and villages wiped out. The continent has one tenth of the world's population and sixty-four percent of reported AIDS cases.


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It's all happened very fast. Except in a few top secret, carefully guarded laboratories, AIDS did not exist in the United States before 1978—not in stored blood, not in humans, not anywhere. No American was

infected with AIDS. In its first fifteen years, the virus has infected more than a million—perhaps two million—Americans, each of whom is infectious to others. Although most of us remain unwilling to face the brutal facts, AIDS is the greatest crisis America faces—and perhaps ever has faced or ever will face. Future historians will write that mankind's greatest tragedy occurred while the leadership of the world's richest country either ignored what was happening—or contributed to the disaster. It's almost as if the great French author, Albert Camus,

foreshadowed the future in his classic novel, The Plague, published in 1948: "Small official notices had been put up about the town, though in places where they could not attract much attention. It was hard to find in these notices any indication that the authorities were facing the situation squarely. The measures enjoined were far from Draconian and one had the feeling that many concessions had been made to a desire not to alarm the public." That desire not to alarm the public is best symbolized by the fact that the AIDS epidemic had begun its deadly course when Reagan was sworn in as president in 1981—and in his eight years in the

White House, he barely uttered the word, or acknowledged the epidemic, in public. And the political climate of the era—and toward the disease—allowed him to get away with his complete abdication of leadership. If we had only the word of the American president to rely on, there was no AIDS epidemic during the Eighties. As a result of the staggering head start the epidemic gained over any responsible public health authorities,

here's where we stand today: AIDS has already killed more than twice as many Americans as died in the Vietnam war. Another million or two Americans are infected with the HIV virus—and facing a certain death sentence. In the greater New York-New Jersey area, according to an intelligence source, one in every four men visiting the twenty-six regional hospitals has tested positive for HIV. That's one-in-four ! In San

Francisco, intelligence estimates are that half of the gay population would test positive. AIDS is already the number one killer of black women of child-bearing age. As part of a research program on the likelihood of drastically slowing down the black population increases, the CIA predicted that Atlanta, with its large black population, would have 380,000 AIDS cases by 1992. The total number of AIDS cases in the U.S., the CIA estimated, would be 1.3 million, with roughly forty-six percent black, sixteen percent Hispanic, fourteen percent "other" races and the remainder white.The same report said that a black woman is thirteen times more likely to get AIDS than a white woman, and Hispanic women are eleven times more

likely. The CIA report stated: "Because of the high rate of infection among young black women and children, we see the black population growth being limited, and unless transmission (of the HIV virus) is interrupted, we may see zero population growth for blacks by the year 2010." The federal agency responsible for controlling the outbreak of epidemics, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, recently circulated a secret memo to its top officials estimating that one out of eight children born in America today will die of AIDS before they reach the age of 50.1 A secret CIA report has concluded that twenty-five percent of Americans now showing symptoms of AIDS are in their early

twenties—which means they contracted the disease while teenagers. "For every documented case of a young person testing positive for the HIV virus," the CIA report continues, "there are 1,000 others who carry the highly active virus, without even being aware of it." Much of the rest of the world has suffered—and will suffer—an even worse fate. In Africa, the great AIDS plague rages out of control. Whole regions of Africa have been decimated; entire families and villages wiped out. The continent has one tenth of the world's population and sixty-four percent of reported AIDS cases.


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