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Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

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Hi Randall,

I will watch the video but do not have time right now. Interesting how you lump

me and Don together. Are you setting me up for cruel and unusual punishment?lol.

I'm not going to make any comments about the video now, but things you mention

about this guy's next video are consistent with what happened to me.

I was on a cocktail that was failing and most doctors would have changed my meds

long before my doctor changed them. Over the course of a year or so gradually my

viral load became detectable and ever so slowly increased and Cd4's drifted

downward. I was nervous and so was my primary care doc. My viral load got to

about 70,000 and my Cd4's hit 238 when my doctor changed my meds to what I take

today. The doctor told me he suspects that when he changes the meds the viral

load will be wiped out immediately and the Cd4's would rebound soon after. That

is why he waited to make the change. During this year he told me he suspects I

am still getting some antiviral effect from the failing cocktail. Sure enough he

was right. When he changed my meds within two weeks my viral load was back to

undetectable and in 3 months my Cd4's were back in the 500 range. They have been

there ever since.

So if this guy in the second video says his viral load quickly went to

undetectable and his Cd4's are up that is what happened. It is reasonable and it

happened to me as well. Per your question if this is a good or bad thing, I

cannot say. This is a personal decision that one has to make for themselves.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when

he found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions

and stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks

about starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared

him at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says

now he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I

would love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I

want to hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he

mentions how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his

cd4s had gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to

hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Thanks for your message Doug and no I am not setting you up, lol.  Altho you

and Don are " polar opposites " as someone recently said in the group, I actually

learn something from hearing both of your views and experiences.  I do hope you

get to watch those videos soon.  In the 2nd video (BIV 26), he tells his

viewers what happened to his body when he became positive and then he " tries " to

give an illustration as to what HIV does in the body from start to finish.  He

explains the difference between HIV and AIDS and how HIV relates to the AIDS

condition.  This is definitely the part where I want to hear comments from Don

and other " for certain " dissidents.  Currently, I remain neutral but this year

I'm going to become an HIV/Aids dissident or an HIV/Aids believer at some

point.  We all have to go through our own process to get there.  Some get

there sooner than others and that's ok.  At the end of the day, it's a personal

decision that one has to

feel comfortable about deep within themselves.  I feel very close to that

point.  So far I have found more people that are alive and well 20 plus years

while ON meds and only a COUPLE that have made it that far never taking meds. 

Maybe there are some long term survivors at Rethinking Aids facebook page that

will surely shock the hell out of me and make me " for certain " dissident. 

We'll see. 



From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 5:10 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


Hi Randall,

I will watch the video but do not have time right now. Interesting how you lump

me and Don together. Are you setting me up for cruel and unusual punishment?lol.

I'm not going to make any comments about the video now, but things you mention

about this guy's next video are consistent with what happened to me.

I was on a cocktail that was failing and most doctors would have changed my meds

long before my doctor changed them. Over the course of a year or so gradually my

viral load became detectable and ever so slowly increased and Cd4's drifted

downward. I was nervous and so was my primary care doc. My viral load got to

about 70,000 and my Cd4's hit 238 when my doctor changed my meds to what I take

today. The doctor told me he suspects that when he changes the meds the viral

load will be wiped out immediately and the Cd4's would rebound soon after. That

is why he waited to make the change. During this year he told me he suspects I

am still getting some antiviral effect from the failing cocktail. Sure enough he

was right. When he changed my meds within two weeks my viral load was back to

undetectable and in 3 months my Cd4's were back in the 500 range. They have been

there ever since.

So if this guy in the second video says his viral load quickly went to

undetectable and his Cd4's are up that is what happened. It is reasonable and it

happened to me as well. Per your question if this is a good or bad thing, I

cannot say. This is a personal decision that one has to make for themselves.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Hi Randall,

I actually learn something from hearing both of your views and experiences. I'm

glad that we can help you sort things out. That is what this group is all about.

Thanks for telling me that.

He explains the difference between HIV and AIDS and how HIV relates to the AIDS

condition. This is definitely the part where I want to hear comments from Don

and other " for certain " dissidents. I am also interested in hearing what Don has

to say about this also, although I suspect we have heard it all before from him.

If he has anything new to add I'll be surprised.

This is definitely the part where I want to hear comments from Don and other

" for certain " dissidents. Randall, this is not an election where one campaigns

to get converts, and the medical industry is not trying to convert one to take

meds. I do not know about Rethinking AIDS Facebook, but I do know there are a

few long term survivors who have never taken meds. They are the lucky ones.

Unfortunately most of us (about 95%) do not fit into that group. With the way

the world is going some say those that died of AIDS are the lucky ones. At least

they are now at rest. For myself, I am in the 95% group who is a long term

survivor because of meds.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when

he found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him at

first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now he

feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would love

to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to hear

honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions how his

viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had gone way

up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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" In the 2nd video (BIV 26), he tells his viewers what happened to his body when

he became positive and then he " tries " to give an illustration as to what HIV

does in the body from start to finish. He explains the difference between HIV

and AIDS and how HIV relates to the AIDS condition. " Since the early 90's I have

been attending informational conferences and luncheons that go over all this. I

have heard it so often that I am turned off by it. I now find that information

boring and I usually buzz out during that part of conferences. That part of the

video will bore me and turn me off. I am glad you warned us that he gives

information like that in the video. I will expect it and be ready for it. That

way I'll try to maintain an interest waiting for the next part to come. I hope

the majority of this video is not about HIV from start to finish.

There is a big difference in being HIV+ and having AIDS. Do not ever confuse the

two. In fact there are different medical diagnosis codes for the two conditions.

That is how different they are. Also There is different treatment for HIV+ than

there is for AIDS. If a medical institution, say a hospital, gets it in their

computer that one has AIDS when they are only HIV+ future treatment for a lot of

conditions could be compromised. Once something gets in a computer it is

impossible to get it out. God help us if we ever get national computerized

medical records. This kind of misdiagnosis will plague everyone.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when

he found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him at

first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now he

feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would love

to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to hear

honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions how his

viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had gone way

up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Randal you know where where I stand, Atripla was the drug I was on and I left

it.  If you feel you need to get back on medications well then you do that, no

one is stopping you.  I can only scream out so much about what HIV positive

means to me and what medications mean to me.  Seems like you're playing tug of

war here between what Doug and I have to say, I've posted videos here from the

leading experts on HIV what more can I tell you.  To some HIV is just an

illusion because HIV testing is completely flawed and pointless. 


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 12:49 PM

Subject: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive.  I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us.  In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla).  He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone.  He says now

he feels great and he is loving life.  The video is entitled " BIV 25. "   I

would love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug).  I

want to hear honest comments from the heart.  In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he

mentions how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his

cd4s had gone way up.  Is this a good or bad thing?  You tell me.  I want to

hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when

he found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions

and stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks

about starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared

him at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says

now he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I

would love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I

want to hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he

mentions how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his

cd4s had gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to

hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Hi Don.  I've never been on meds so I can't " go back " on them, lol.  I know

you get frustrated but I'm glad you hang in there with us.  I told you in the

past that you're always helping someone even if you don't know it and it was

proved that I was right by " Ivy " who was a silent member.  You say you gave up

hope on this group but apparently you haven't because you still try to help.  I

hope you never give up doing what you believe in.  I feel that you and Doug

both are doing what you believe in and that's why I have so much respect for

both of you guys.  You both have come to a place where you feel you are doing

the right thing.  That's what I'm trying to achieve:  the feeling that I know

I'm doing the right thing.  I'm slow I guess but like the old fable: slow and

steady wins the race.  I surely hope so!



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 7:25 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


Randal you know where where I stand, Atripla was the drug I was on and I left

it.  If you feel you need to get back on medications well then you do that, no

one is stopping you.  I can only scream out so much about what HIV positive

means to me and what medications mean to me.  Seems like you're playing tug of

war here between what Doug and I have to say, I've posted videos here from the

leading experts on HIV what more can I tell you.  To some HIV is just an

illusion because HIV testing is completely flawed and pointless. 


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 12:49 PM

Subject: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive.  I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us.  In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla).  He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone.  He says now

he feels great and he is loving life.  The video is entitled " BIV 25. "   I

would love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug).  I

want to hear honest comments from the heart.  In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he

mentions how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his

cd4s had gone way up.  Is this a good or bad thing?  You tell me.  I want to

hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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  • 2 weeks later...

If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus!  I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you.  It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. 

You remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed?  What I didn't

like was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know

he was right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand

his frustration haha.  Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven

there a virus living in

you.  There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense.  This

is the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will  be in the obituary. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla



I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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“Seems like you're playing tug of war here between what Doug and I have to

say,†Nope Don, you got it WRONG. Randall is in a conflict within himself and

I am sorry to see him go through such turmoil. I avoided the turmoil he now has

because I decided early on to go on treatment and I have stayed with it ever

since. I believe you avoided the turmoil because you decided not to continue on

treatment. Each of us have to make this same decision for ourselves. Randall is

simply in the process of making that decision. He is NOT playing one against the

other. I bet a lot of folks in this group are in the same process. I wish them

all well in their decision.

From what I know of Randall from the many personal E mails he and I have

exchanged, Randall is a very good man. Unlike you Don and contrary to your

accusations , he is very truthful, honest, down to earth, and supportive, not to

mention good looking and HOT. (Yes, I have seen him.) You could learn a lot

from him. Having HIV/AIDS is an opportunity to grow and learn. It is not all

bad as you appear to emphasize. I suggest you take advantage of your virus and

use it as a means of improving your character. You’ll go a long way.

From: Don

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

cures for AIDS

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus! I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you. It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. You

remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed? What I didn't like

was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know he was

right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand his

frustration haha. Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven there

a virus living in

you. There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense. This is

the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will be in the obituary.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <mailto:dougman1%40nycap.rr.com>

mailto:cures for AIDS%40

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him at

first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now he

feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would love

to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to hear

honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions how his

viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had gone way

up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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OMG.  After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS!  LOL.  Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus!  I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you.  It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. 

You remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed?  What I didn't

like was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know

he was right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand

his frustration haha.  Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven

there a virus living in

you.  There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense.  This

is the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will  be in the obituary. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla



I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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I'm not a hot mess hun, you are, no disrespect but i know what i want, have you

joined the facebook group yet or are you still procrastinating?  i know  what

i want and where i stand.  if you want to live or die jump on the right

waggon.  being in this group has taught me a whole lot, but has it taught you

an others is the question?  watch these videos and listen and learn.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:29 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


OMG.  After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS!  LOL.  Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus!  I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you.  It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. 

You remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed?  What I didn't

like was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know

he was right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand

his frustration haha.  Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven

there a virus living in

you.  There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense.  This

is the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will  be in the obituary. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla



I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Don you are a hot mess and lighten up, I was just joking.  If I can remember

correctly, you used to question yourself and even got into arguments with ones

who told you differently and now you're here putting down the ones of us who

used to be where you were.  So what if it takes some of us a little longer, at

least we ARE questioning both sides.  You're damn right, it has taught me to

question and question more and more on both sides of the fence and I will take

my damn sweet little time doing so if I want.  Your opinion about me doesn't

matter.  The only thing I'm concerned about is feeling confident and sure of a

major decision I have to make (or not to make).



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:35 AM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I'm not a hot mess hun, you are, no disrespect but i know what i want, have you

joined the facebook group yet or are you still procrastinating?  i know  what

i want and where i stand.  if you want to live or die jump on the right

waggon.  being in this group has taught me a whole lot, but has it taught you

an others is the question?  watch these videos and listen and learn.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:29 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


OMG.  After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS!  LOL.  Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus!  I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you.  It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. 

You remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed?  What I didn't

like was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know

he was right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand

his frustration haha.  Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven

there a virus living in

you.  There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense.  This

is the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will  be in the obituary. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla



I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Share on other sites

I didn't take it the wrong way, I just don't feel as if this is a joking matter,

we are talking about your health here. Just like everyone else who has left this

group I am pretty much fed up with it in here, seems like it's just you, me, and

that doug moron, who's resulted in childish insults because he can't handle the

mere truth that' he's sick, full of nerve damage and is slowly poisoning himself

to death.  He can't make any comments about my health because I'm 100% healthy

so he results to dumbo jokes.  I know some take long than others to make their

decisions but honey all the information is out there in front of you.  I have

provided links and videos over the time that should allow you to see what's

truth and what's not.  Videos that your friend Dog won't look into because he

behaves no different than a pharma whore.  , Ed, Hugo, Steve all have

pretty much learned from the group and moved on and we're all happily connected


facebook.  We've spoken on the phone, I've met Hugo in person and all have

learned their lesson HIV nonsense and have moved on.  I don't think this is the

group for you to get the questions you need answered.  I bet you still haven't

joined that facebook Re-thinking AIDS page right?  what you waiting for? go in

there and meet others like you and others like me and occasionally others like

Dog who who just get no where.  Joan Shenton, Deusberg, along with the

entire cast of house of numbers are all on that page ready to answer your

questions and provide you with as much scientific proof you need to know what is

fact and what is fairytale.  The reason I still lurk around here is because I

see someone come here lost and confused like I did once and got cornered into

taking useless medications by people like Dog, I just wouldn't be able to live

with that.  But I've already put him on ignore mode so he can't bark, howl,

moan, and leg hump all he

wants I aint responding.  I did argue with Ed on many occasions because I was

convinced that my body was infected and that HIV had to be real, being told HIV

didn't exist was just an insult to me, but once I saw the science and examined

the test for myself I came to the conclusion that Ed was right all along, I

might not have liked his approach on trying to educate others but he was right,

for years Deusberg and other scientist and the Perth Group have been

trying to extract the HIV virus from HIV + patients and they've been

unsuccessful.  The pictures that I see now are just particles not actual

virus.  I believed in HIV because I believed in Luc Montagier, now I don't even

think he believed in his own work.  The US made a big deal of his small finding

and called the cause if AIDS.  That's why Montanier is now saying that HIV is

curable.  I don't think he wants to die with blood on his hands when his time

comes.  But one thing that is

certain is that ALL tests out there used to determine if one's HIV+ are flawed!


have your blood examined underneath and electron microscope and you see those

exact same " Particles " montanier sent to Gallo for analysis then you might have

that virus, the virus he now states is curable.  Don't be fooled because you

tested positive for an  ANTIBODY there are 70 reasons to why you can get a

positive response.  so before Dog mentions anything, yes my mind set has

changed now that I have carefully looked and examined every minute detail from

when I joined this group, you're supposed to have a change of mind and a change

of heart once you learn things.  As for Dog, his ideology hasn't changed in the

last 3 decades because he's been to suckered too far into the pickle, don't let

him drag you down there with him.  He can't do much for you other than share

his rat poison with you

and wait there like a dumb ass for a cure.  Let him make all the sweet talk

and ass kissing remarks he wants to make about you but don't poison yourself to

death.  Join that facebook page  ( and you join it too Dog) and open yourself

to something else other than this gone to shit group.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:31 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


Don you are a hot mess and lighten up, I was just joking.  If I can remember

correctly, you used to question yourself and even got into arguments with ones

who told you differently and now you're here putting down the ones of us who

used to be where you were.  So what if it takes some of us a little longer, at

least we ARE questioning both sides.  You're damn right, it has taught me to

question and question more and more on both sides of the fence and I will take

my damn sweet little time doing so if I want.  Your opinion about me doesn't

matter.  The only thing I'm concerned about is feeling confident and sure of a

major decision I have to make (or not to make).



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:35 AM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I'm not a hot mess hun, you are, no disrespect but i know what i want, have you

joined the facebook group yet or are you still procrastinating?  i know  what

i want and where i stand.  if you want to live or die jump on the right

waggon.  being in this group has taught me a whole lot, but has it taught you

an others is the question?  watch these videos and listen and learn.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:29 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


OMG.  After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS!  LOL.  Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus!  I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you.  It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. 

You remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed?  What I didn't

like was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know

he was right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand

his frustration haha.  Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven

there a virus living in

you.  There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense.  This

is the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will  be in the obituary. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla



I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Don, you have made your point VERY clear.  As far as you and Doug, that's

between you guys.  I have no part in that one way or another.  I joined

ReThinking Aids about a month ago.  I have been following the posts.  I will

not be commenting in this group anymore about what HIV is or isn't.  I'm really

sick of it to be honest and sick of all the bad comments and nasty exchanges.

 If you think I feel that HIV is a joking matter, then keep thinking that.  I

was just trying to lighten up the mood cause it gets so intense in here that

it's crazy!  I am done with the drama.  No more comments here.  The End.



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:04 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I didn't take it the wrong way, I just don't feel as if this is a joking matter,

we are talking about your health here. Just like everyone else who has left this

group I am pretty much fed up with it in here, seems like it's just you, me, and

that doug moron, who's resulted in childish insults because he can't handle the

mere truth that' he's sick, full of nerve damage and is slowly poisoning himself

to death.  He can't make any comments about my health because I'm 100% healthy

so he results to dumbo jokes.  I know some take long than others to make their

decisions but honey all the information is out there in front of you.  I have

provided links and videos over the time that should allow you to see what's

truth and what's not.  Videos that your friend Dog won't look into because he

behaves no different than a pharma whore.  , Ed, Hugo, Steve all have

pretty much learned from the group and moved on and we're all happily connected


facebook.  We've spoken on the phone, I've met Hugo in person and all have

learned their lesson HIV nonsense and have moved on.  I don't think this is the

group for you to get the questions you need answered.  I bet you still haven't

joined that facebook Re-thinking AIDS page right?  what you waiting for? go in

there and meet others like you and others like me and occasionally others like

Dog who who just get no where.  Joan Shenton, Deusberg, along with the

entire cast of house of numbers are all on that page ready to answer your

questions and provide you with as much scientific proof you need to know what is

fact and what is fairytale.  The reason I still lurk around here is because I

see someone come here lost and confused like I did once and got cornered into

taking useless medications by people like Dog, I just wouldn't be able to live

with that.  But I've already put him on ignore mode so he can't bark, howl,

moan, and leg hump all he

wants I aint responding.  I did argue with Ed on many occasions because I was

convinced that my body was infected and that HIV had to be real, being told HIV

didn't exist was just an insult to me, but once I saw the science and examined

the test for myself I came to the conclusion that Ed was right all along, I

might not have liked his approach on trying to educate others but he was right,

for years Deusberg and other scientist and the Perth Group have been

trying to extract the HIV virus from HIV + patients and they've been

unsuccessful.  The pictures that I see now are just particles not actual

virus.  I believed in HIV because I believed in Luc Montagier, now I don't even

think he believed in his own work.  The US made a big deal of his small finding

and called the cause if AIDS.  That's why Montanier is now saying that HIV is

curable.  I don't think he wants to die with blood on his hands when his time

comes.  But one thing that is

certain is that ALL tests out there used to determine if one's HIV+ are flawed!


have your blood examined underneath and electron microscope and you see those

exact same " Particles " montanier sent to Gallo for analysis then you might have

that virus, the virus he now states is curable.  Don't be fooled because you

tested positive for an  ANTIBODY there are 70 reasons to why you can get a

positive response.  so before Dog mentions anything, yes my mind set has

changed now that I have carefully looked and examined every minute detail from

when I joined this group, you're supposed to have a change of mind and a change

of heart once you learn things.  As for Dog, his ideology hasn't changed in the

last 3 decades because he's been to suckered too far into the pickle, don't let

him drag you down there with him.  He can't do much for you other than share

his rat poison with you

and wait there like a dumb ass for a cure.  Let him make all the sweet talk and

ass kissing remarks he wants to make about you but don't poison yourself to

death.  Join that facebook page  ( and you join it too Dog) and open yourself

to something else other than this gone to shit group.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:31 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


Don you are a hot mess and lighten up, I was just joking.  If I can remember

correctly, you used to question yourself and even got into arguments with ones

who told you differently and now you're here putting down the ones of us who

used to be where you were.  So what if it takes some of us a little longer, at

least we ARE questioning both sides.  You're damn right, it has taught me to

question and question more and more on both sides of the fence and I will take

my damn sweet little time doing so if I want.  Your opinion about me doesn't

matter.  The only thing I'm concerned about is feeling confident and sure of a

major decision I have to make (or not to make).



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:35 AM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I'm not a hot mess hun, you are, no disrespect but i know what i want, have you

joined the facebook group yet or are you still procrastinating?  i know  what

i want and where i stand.  if you want to live or die jump on the right

waggon.  being in this group has taught me a whole lot, but has it taught you

an others is the question?  watch these videos and listen and learn.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <nonyobiznazz@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:29 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


OMG.  After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS!  LOL.  Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <donjuan69uni@...>

" cures for AIDS " <cures for AIDS >

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus!  I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you.  It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. 

You remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed?  What I didn't

like was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know

he was right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand

his frustration haha.  Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven

there a virus living in

you.  There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense.  This

is the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will  be in the obituary. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla



I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him

at first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now

he feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would

love to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to

hear honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions

how his viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had

gone way up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from

both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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Well Randall,

I’m sorry to see you go. I have always enjoyed our messages. Please continue

to E mail me privately. I guess Don has chased another one out of this group. I

hope you are pleased with your self Don. How many more will he banish? I just

stopped reading the junk he posts here. Like a fly, the best way to handle him

is to ignore him and hopefully he’ll go away. He craves attention. The more

one replies to his messages the more ingrained he’ll get until he takes over

everyone here.

I am sorry to see you, Randall, go. Please keep in touch.


From: Nonyo Biznazz

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 7:56 PM

cures for AIDS

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

Don, you have made your point VERY clear. As far as you and Doug, that's

between you guys. I have no part in that one way or another. I joined

ReThinking Aids about a month ago. I have been following the posts. I will not

be commenting in this group anymore about what HIV is or isn't. I'm really sick

of it to be honest and sick of all the bad comments and nasty exchanges. If you

think I feel that HIV is a joking matter, then keep thinking that. I was just

trying to lighten up the mood cause it gets so intense in here that it's crazy!

I am done with the drama. No more comments here. The End.



From: Don <mailto:donjuan69uni%40>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:04 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I didn't take it the wrong way, I just don't feel as if this is a joking matter,

we are talking about your health here. Just like everyone else who has left this

group I am pretty much fed up with it in here, seems like it's just you, me, and

that doug moron, who's resulted in childish insults because he can't handle the

mere truth that' he's sick, full of nerve damage and is slowly poisoning himself

to death. He can't make any comments about my health because I'm 100% healthy

so he results to dumbo jokes. I know some take long than others to make their

decisions but honey all the information is out there in front of you. I have

provided links and videos over the time that should allow you to see what's

truth and what's not. Videos that your friend Dog won't look into because he

behaves no different than a pharma whore. , Ed, Hugo, Steve all have

pretty much learned from the group and moved on and we're all happily connected


facebook. We've spoken on the phone, I've met Hugo in person and all have

learned their lesson HIV nonsense and have moved on. I don't think this is the

group for you to get the questions you need answered. I bet you still haven't

joined that facebook Re-thinking AIDS page right? what you waiting for? go in

there and meet others like you and others like me and occasionally others like

Dog who who just get no where. Joan Shenton, Deusberg, along with the

entire cast of house of numbers are all on that page ready to answer your

questions and provide you with as much scientific proof you need to know what is

fact and what is fairytale. The reason I still lurk around here is because I

see someone come here lost and confused like I did once and got cornered into

taking useless medications by people like Dog, I just wouldn't be able to live

with that. But I've already put him on ignore mode so he can't bark, howl,

moan, and leg hump all he

wants I aint responding. I did argue with Ed on many occasions because I was

convinced that my body was infected and that HIV had to be real, being told HIV

didn't exist was just an insult to me, but once I saw the science and examined

the test for myself I came to the conclusion that Ed was right all along, I

might not have liked his approach on trying to educate others but he was right,

for years Deusberg and other scientist and the Perth Group have been

trying to extract the HIV virus from HIV + patients and they've been

unsuccessful. The pictures that I see now are just particles not actual virus.

I believed in HIV because I believed in Luc Montagier, now I don't even think he

believed in his own work. The US made a big deal of his small finding and

called the cause if AIDS. That's why Montanier is now saying that HIV is

curable. I don't think he wants to die with blood on his hands when his time

comes. But one thing that is

certain is that ALL tests out there used to determine if one's HIV+ are flawed!


have your blood examined underneath and electron microscope and you see those

exact same " Particles " montanier sent to Gallo for analysis then you might have

that virus, the virus he now states is curable. Don't be fooled because you

tested positive for an ANTIBODY there are 70 reasons to why you can get a

positive response. so before Dog mentions anything, yes my mind set has changed

now that I have carefully looked and examined every minute detail from when I

joined this group, you're supposed to have a change of mind and a change of

heart once you learn things. As for Dog, his ideology hasn't changed in the

last 3 decades because he's been to suckered too far into the pickle, don't let

him drag you down there with him. He can't do much for you other than share his

rat poison with you

and wait there like a dumb ass for a cure. Let him make all the sweet talk and

ass kissing remarks he wants to make about you but don't poison yourself to

death. Join that facebook page ( and you join it too Dog) and open yourself to

something else other than this gone to shit group.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <mailto:nonyobiznazz%40ymail.com>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:31 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

Don you are a hot mess and lighten up, I was just joking. If I can remember

correctly, you used to question yourself and even got into arguments with ones

who told you differently and now you're here putting down the ones of us who

used to be where you were. So what if it takes some of us a little longer, at

least we ARE questioning both sides. You're damn right, it has taught me to

question and question more and more on both sides of the fence and I will take

my damn sweet little time doing so if I want. Your opinion about me doesn't

matter. The only thing I'm concerned about is feeling confident and sure of a

major decision I have to make (or not to make).



From: Don <mailto:donjuan69uni%40>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:35 AM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I'm not a hot mess hun, you are, no disrespect but i know what i want, have you

joined the facebook group yet or are you still procrastinating? i know what i

want and where i stand. if you want to live or die jump on the right waggon.

being in this group has taught me a whole lot, but has it taught you an others

is the question? watch these videos and listen and learn.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <mailto:nonyobiznazz%40ymail.com>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:29 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

OMG. After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS! LOL. Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <mailto:donjuan69uni%40>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus! I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you. It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. You

remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed? What I didn't like

was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know he was

right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand his

frustration haha. Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven there

a virus living in

you. There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense. This is

the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will be in the obituary.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <mailto:dougman1%40nycap.rr.com>

mailto:cures for AIDS%40

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him at

first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now he

feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would love

to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to hear

honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions how his

viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had gone way

up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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I will see you in the facebook group Randall I know our friendship will continue

there as it has with other members that have left this group and discovered the

truth.  I think that is a good step in the right direction my friend this place

has gone to crap.  This group is called AIDSCURED and I think a lot of us have

grown and learned the truth about the AIDS industry, well us all except for that

Dog that keep on barking on here that still sucks up to AID$ murdering

establishment, but that barking Dog shall remain nameless. 


From: DOUG MAN <dougman1@...>

cures for AIDS

Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 12:32 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


Well Randall,

I’m sorry to see you go. I have always enjoyed our messages. Please continue

to E mail me privately. I guess Don has chased another one out of this group. I

hope you are pleased with your self Don. How many more will he banish? I just

stopped reading the junk he posts here. Like a fly, the best way to handle him

is to ignore him and hopefully he’ll go away. He craves attention. The more

one replies to his messages the more ingrained he’ll get until he takes over

everyone here.

I am sorry to see you, Randall, go. Please keep in touch.


From: Nonyo Biznazz

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 7:56 PM

cures for AIDS

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

Don, you have made your point VERY clear. As far as you and Doug, that's

between you guys. I have no part in that one way or another. I joined

ReThinking Aids about a month ago. I have been following the posts. I will not

be commenting in this group anymore about what HIV is or isn't. I'm really sick

of it to be honest and sick of all the bad comments and nasty exchanges. If you

think I feel that HIV is a joking matter, then keep thinking that. I was just

trying to lighten up the mood cause it gets so intense in here that it's crazy!

I am done with the drama. No more comments here. The End.



From: Don <mailto:donjuan69uni%40>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 7:04 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I didn't take it the wrong way, I just don't feel as if this is a joking matter,

we are talking about your health here. Just like everyone else who has left this

group I am pretty much fed up with it in here, seems like it's just you, me, and

that doug moron, who's resulted in childish insults because he can't handle the

mere truth that' he's sick, full of nerve damage and is slowly poisoning himself

to death. He can't make any comments about my health because I'm 100% healthy

so he results to dumbo jokes. I know some take long than others to make their

decisions but honey all the information is out there in front of you. I have

provided links and videos over the time that should allow you to see what's

truth and what's not. Videos that your friend Dog won't look into because he

behaves no different than a pharma whore. , Ed, Hugo, Steve all have

pretty much learned from the group and moved on and we're all happily connected


facebook. We've spoken on the phone, I've met Hugo in person and all have

learned their lesson HIV nonsense and have moved on. I don't think this is the

group for you to get the questions you need answered. I bet you still haven't

joined that facebook Re-thinking AIDS page right? what you waiting for? go in

there and meet others like you and others like me and occasionally others like

Dog who who just get no where. Joan Shenton, Deusberg, along with the

entire cast of house of numbers are all on that page ready to answer your

questions and provide you with as much scientific proof you need to know what is

fact and what is fairytale. The reason I still lurk around here is because I

see someone come here lost and confused like I did once and got cornered into

taking useless medications by people like Dog, I just wouldn't be able to live

with that. But I've already put him on ignore mode so he can't bark, howl,

moan, and leg hump all he

wants I aint responding. I did argue with Ed on many occasions because I was

convinced that my body was infected and that HIV had to be real, being told HIV

didn't exist was just an insult to me, but once I saw the science and examined

the test for myself I came to the conclusion that Ed was right all along, I

might not have liked his approach on trying to educate others but he was right,

for years Deusberg and other scientist and the Perth Group have been

trying to extract the HIV virus from HIV + patients and they've been

unsuccessful. The pictures that I see now are just particles not actual virus.

I believed in HIV because I believed in Luc Montagier, now I don't even think he

believed in his own work. The US made a big deal of his small finding and

called the cause if AIDS. That's why Montanier is now saying that HIV is

curable. I don't think he wants to die with blood on his hands when his time

comes. But one thing that is

certain is that ALL tests out there used to determine if one's HIV+ are flawed!


have your blood examined underneath and electron microscope and you see those

exact same " Particles " montanier sent to Gallo for analysis then you might have

that virus, the virus he now states is curable. Don't be fooled because you

tested positive for an ANTIBODY there are 70 reasons to why you can get a

positive response. so before Dog mentions anything, yes my mind set has changed

now that I have carefully looked and examined every minute detail from when I

joined this group, you're supposed to have a change of mind and a change of

heart once you learn things. As for Dog, his ideology hasn't changed in the

last 3 decades because he's been to suckered too far into the pickle, don't let

him drag you down there with him. He can't do much for you other than share his

rat poison with you

and wait there like a dumb ass for a cure. Let him make all the sweet talk and

ass kissing remarks he wants to make about you but don't poison yourself to

death. Join that facebook page ( and you join it too Dog) and open yourself to

something else other than this gone to shit group.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <mailto:nonyobiznazz%40ymail.com>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 4:31 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

Don you are a hot mess and lighten up, I was just joking. If I can remember

correctly, you used to question yourself and even got into arguments with ones

who told you differently and now you're here putting down the ones of us who

used to be where you were. So what if it takes some of us a little longer, at

least we ARE questioning both sides. You're damn right, it has taught me to

question and question more and more on both sides of the fence and I will take

my damn sweet little time doing so if I want. Your opinion about me doesn't

matter. The only thing I'm concerned about is feeling confident and sure of a

major decision I have to make (or not to make).



From: Don <mailto:donjuan69uni%40>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:35 AM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I'm not a hot mess hun, you are, no disrespect but i know what i want, have you

joined the facebook group yet or are you still procrastinating? i know what i

want and where i stand. if you want to live or die jump on the right waggon.

being in this group has taught me a whole lot, but has it taught you an others

is the question? watch these videos and listen and learn.


From: Nonyo Biznazz <mailto:nonyobiznazz%40ymail.com>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:29 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

OMG. After reading that post, I'm going to church on Sunday and I haven't been

to church in YEARS! LOL. Don, you are a hot mess boi!



From: Don <mailto:donjuan69uni%40>

" mailto:cures for AIDS%40 " <mailto:cures for AIDS%40>

Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:21 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

If you ain't got nothing nice to say then don't saw anything at all, I don't

know if you think I'm not mature because what you are is blind and stupid in

thinking HIV tests are reliable when it's written in the damn disclaimers on

what those tests are not looking for which is virus! I'm suprised you've lived

this long Doug people who are taking HAART have died or are dying, that's why

you have so many complications and you've done nothing in life but run around in

circles digging your own grave and dragging other misguided individuals with

you. It's ok I used to be like you until i got educated and used my brain. You

remember the heated arguments I used to get into with Ed? What I didn't like

was Ed's approach to people like me and to people like you but now I know he was

right all along and having to deal with idiots like you I can understand his

frustration haha. Watch this video below and tell me how you have proven there

a virus living in

you. There's nothing wrong with you other than stupidity and nonsense. This is

the last time I share words with you, the next time I'll be seeing your name

will be in the obituary.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OajiyoWmKiE & list=FLWstQCysF9fe2CPpH02GibQ & index=1\

3 & feature=plpp_video


From: DOUG MAN <mailto:dougman1%40nycap.rr.com>

mailto:cures for AIDS%40

Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 6:43 PM

Subject: Re: Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla


I actually read this reply from you because you said something different in a

matter of fact mature way. Too bad you put the last sentence in. If you had

edited that out you would really have a nice message worth reading.

Video: Young Guy's Testimony On Starting Atripla

I've been following a young guy on YouTube who at one time was so afraid when he

found out that he was positive. I watched him go through so many emotions and

stresses like many of us. In the video that I am posting today, he talks about

starting medication (Atripla). He talks about how the side effects scared him at

first but in a few weeks the side effects were completely gone. He says now he

feels great and he is loving life. The video is entitled " BIV 25. " I would love

to hear your comments on this video (especially Don and Doug). I want to hear

honest comments from the heart. In his next video ( " BIV 26 " ) he mentions how his

viral load had quickly gone to undetectable levels and how his cd4s had gone way

up. Is this a good or bad thing? You tell me. I want to hear from both sides.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOvwYPCP5XY & context=C38b5592ADOEgsToPDskIM0eKKeSY\




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