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Re: Pitocin side effects

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Pitocin is a drug used to stimulate uterine contractions if the labor is slow to

progress, or if after delivery, a woman's uterus isn't contracting down in a

timely manner, they'll use it to stop or prevent hemorraging.

That's what they used it on me for. My uterus wasn't contracting after

delivery. And I had these HUGE clots come out. The nurse was literally

pounding and kneading my uterus from the outside. A couple of huge clots came

flying out of me when she pushed really hard. Then they gave me Pitocin, and

sent someone in every 2 hours for the next 12 hours to massage my uterus by


Joyce Kehoe


Re: Pitocin side effects

Ives <mives@...> wrote: >>With so many people coming back with

the use of Pitocin on the vaccine survey, I'm wondering if some people on the

list could refer me to some resources that describe in detail the dangers and

possible effects of Pitocin.<<

Yes, I wouold be interested, too. I had pitocin in my last delivery, my 6

month old son. Like to know what I should look out for.

......And I'd love to know what Pitocan is......Never heard of it!!!! Joanna

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There is a GREAT book called 'A thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth'

written by Henci Goer. The book is loaded with information, as well as all the

medical studies the information was garnished from (Goer is pro-homebirth and

minimal intervention in pregnancy, labor and birth... but she uses medical

studies to back up her beliefs... kinda an interesting twist!). Goer goes into

some many of the dangers of pitocin to the laboring mother and baby... and if

that's not enough to scare you off, I'm sure others will post more!!


Pitocin side effects

With so many people coming back with the use of Pitocin on the vaccine survey,

I'm wondering if some people on the list could refer me to some resources that

describe in detail the dangers and possible effects of Pitocin.

Thank you,

Joyce Kehoe

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>survey, I'm wondering if some people on the list could refer me to some

>resources that describe in detail the dangers and possible effects of Pitocin.


Minor, compared to the vax :{

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Ummmmmmm....What Is Pitocan? Never heard of it.......Joanna

jnoelsagacious <jnoelsagacious@...> wrote: I know a lot of breeders like

to use the Pit shot after a litter is

whelped in case there are any retained pups or placentas.

I've never used it and I really haven't talked with anyone else to

see if they've come up with any reactions from using it in their

dogs. I really have the feeling they wouldn't attribute any problems

they may have from that shot.

Jackie Noel



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I had pitocin with 3 of my 5 labors due to lack of progress. All of the

kids that I had pitocin are the ones that I've had behavioral problems with,

as well as developmental delays.

Sherri Garrett

Garrett Medical Claims

For more information email me at

garrettmedclaims@... or call me

toll free at 866-611-2485

Pitocin side effects

I know a lot of breeders like to use the Pit shot after a litter is

whelped in case there are any retained pups or placentas.

I've never used it and I really haven't talked with anyone else to

see if they've come up with any reactions from using it in their

dogs. I really have the feeling they wouldn't attribute any problems

they may have from that shot.

Jackie Noel



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Ives <mives@...> wrote: >>With so many people coming back with

the use of Pitocin on the vaccine survey, I'm wondering if some people on the

list could refer me to some resources that describe in detail the dangers and

possible effects of Pitocin.<<

Yes, I wouold be interested, too. I had pitocin in my last delivery, my 6 month

old son. Like to know what I should look out for.

.......And I'd love to know what Pitocan is......Never heard of it!!!! Joanna

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Pitocin is a synthetic hormone used during and post labor to stimulate uterine

contractions. Unfortunately, it only works on one of the two (long and short)

muscle groups of the uterus (can't remember which) so it has to be forced into

the body in much higher levels than what than the natural equivalent the body

would produce on it's own. This means that pitocin induced labors (generally if

a woman is going to be induced, or her labor is going to be augmented and

stimulated... pitocin will be used at some point) are generally much harder than

natural labors (much longer, harder contractions). It has a huge list of side

effects, plus a lot of compounding factors due to the fact that when pitocin is

used, it means a baby is being forced out on a schedule other than what was

naturally intended.

I unfortunately have first hand experience... I allowed my OB when I was

pregnant with my first son scare to me into an induction (he pulled the old

'Your baby is really big, we need to induce <a mere 3 days past my 'due' date>

or you will end up with a c-section tactic). That was the only intervention I

allowed, but man it made for a rough labor. My son was *pissed* at the world

when he was born. He was a real high demand baby, and screamed for at least an

hour every night until he was 3 months old. My second son on the other hand,

whose arrival into the world was 100% unhindered by any medical assistance at

all, was calm and content from day one. The only time he ever cried as a small

infant was when he needed something, and then it was always easy to comfort him.

I think there were only 2 times when he became upset and cried for an extended

period, which was all of 10 or 15 min. So totally different from my first son...

I don't totally blame the pitocin for long term side effects. I think we have to

keep in mind that if pitocin was used, then the baby was delivered prematurely.

Even if the infant looked term, it was forced out before it was ready

(otherwise, pitocin wouldn't have been used!). We don't know what happens in

utero those last few weeks, days, or even hours and minutes before birth. We

don't know what, or if critical development is still happening. By forcing

baby's into the world, a whole lot of damage can be done that really has nothing

directly to do with the drug... except that the drug was used to force labor.

Back to my oldest son who I was induced with... he never had any failure to

thrive problems. In fact, just the opposite! He was 9 lbs 13 oz at birth (so he

was a big baby, but the delivery was really easy and my second was 10 lbs 8

oz... and I didn't have any problems with the actual delivery part of giving

birth to him either... so much for my body not being able to handle big

babies... idiot doctors), and grew great from there. Always in the 95% or above

for height and weight. He'd always been very healthy, even though he's partially

vaccinated as well. I haven't seen any visible damage from falling prey to the

medical community... but I worry a lot about unseen damage, and what might

appear down the road.


----- Original Message -----

From: joanna athome

......And I'd love to know what Pitocan is......Never heard of it!!!! Joanna

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That's really awful... violet 'massage' of the uterus should never be done. Did

they let you (or did you want to) nurse your child? That's one of the best and

the most natural way to stimulate the uterus. Did you have pitocin during labor?

That can often cause the uterus to become so over taxed, that once the baby is

delivered (or the pitocin drip lessened or removed) it just stops functioning.

Yet another reason not to use pitocin!! Was your baby's cord immediately cut,

and did they apply traction to your placenta? The later can lead to the placenta

being pulled away from the uterine wall prematurely causing excess bleeding

which can cause clots (and hemorrhaging). Violent, hard pushing can also cause

similar problems, as well as having a baby pulled from the mother violently (as

in the case of forceps or a vacuum extractor). So many of the dire situations

doctors 'save' women from during childbirth, are actually problems they have

created with all their wonderful (ha, not) interventions.

The concept of failure to progress, irregular contractions, etc. etc. is such a

load of crap. It's all working on some mythical (and WRONG) concept of how labor

is supposed to progress. In my completely natural labor (as in, homebirth

absolutely no medical intervention.... we chose not to even have a midwife), my

contractions were all over the place in both their intensity, the length of the

contraction, and the time in-between the contractions. At one point towards the

end when I was extremely tired, they slowed way down to about every 15 min. and

I actually slept in-between them. Can you imagine how an OB would have freaked

out if a woman in her 13-14th hour of active labor, after being completely

dilated for more than 8 hours, had suddenly ceased to have regular, hard

contractions? Of course, in a hospital I never would have gotten to that point.

They would have carted me off for a c-section because my son's head was

transverse and he was refusing to turn. I reached complete dilation with him

before midnight the day before he was born... he was born a bit after 9 AM the

next morning.... not even 5 minutes after he finally turned he popped out in 3

contractions. We just had to wait, and wait, and wait for him to turn.... and my

labor went through a lot of ups and downs from real rapid contractions, to the

real spaced out ones. It was what my baby and I needed at the time... and it was

TOTALLY not text book!! End result was that I have a 19 month old now who came

into this world as gently as possible into his Daddy's waiting hands instead of

those of a surgeon holding a knife!!

If labor slows or stalls, there is a reason. We may not know why, but that

doesn't necessarily mean it's appropriate for a doctor (or midwife) to step in

and artificially force something to happen. I also don't think it's appropriate

for a doctor (or midwife) to force labor to start (with the use of drugs, or

stripping the membranes, or anything else).

Just ticks me off!! So many unnecessary interventions are heaped upon laboring

women and newborn babies. Why in the world do we (women as a collective group)

allow this to happen? I mean, how did this abuse of our bodies, and our babies

get started in the first place? Let alone get to a point where it is NORMAL and

ACCEPTED as the way birth should be!!


Re: Pitocin side effects

Pitocin is a drug used to stimulate uterine contractions if the labor is slow

to progress, or if after delivery, a woman's uterus isn't contracting down in a

timely manner, they'll use it to stop or prevent hemorraging.

That's what they used it on me for. My uterus wasn't contracting after

delivery. And I had these HUGE clots come out. The nurse was literally

pounding and kneading my uterus from the outside. A couple of huge clots came

flying out of me when she pushed really hard. Then they gave me Pitocin, and

sent someone in every 2 hours for the next 12 hours to massage my uterus by


Joyce Kehoe


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Joanna, did your son receive any vaccinations? A lot of mothers are induced

with Pitocin. There is a correlation with Autism, but not all children who

were induced are Autistic.

I have two boys, both were induced with Pitocin. My 15 yr. old is on the

spectrum. My 2.9 yr. old, I'm watching very closely. Has some intestinal

problems, and is starting to have some hitting and temper tantrums. Might be

normal, might not be. I have to monitor him closely. He has been vaccinated

until 10 months old.

I've read that it depends how much and how fast the Pitocin was administered

during the labor. I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Could you get your

labor and delivery records to find out?

My 2.9 yr. old was also vacuum extracted. What a way to enter the world!

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" Liz A. " <sandoz@...> wrote:

Pitocin is a synthetic hormone used during and post labor to stimulate uterine

contractions. .. pitocin will be used at some point) are generally much harder

than natural labors (much longer, harder contractions).

.... but I worry a lot about unseen damage, and what might appear down the road.


Liz.........I didn't know any of this. Now I'm really pissed off. I had an

induction and very violent contractions. You kow that little machine they hook

you up to to monitor the contraction (I call it a painometer). My first

contraction made the machine hit 70, and they got worse from there, two minutes

apart. No warm up, no warning, nothing. Needless to say I was yelling for an

epidural after the gas was useless. A very quick,but violent and painful birth.

And guess what, a very demanding child. I have noticed that my son (and he is

gorgeous and I love him to death) doesn't seem to empathise. Like when the dog

went missing, he said " oh well, we can't spend our lives chasing the

dog " ....then I said " yeah, but what if he gets run over by a car " ...son says

" that's his problem " . He is seven and I've noticed that ,well it's not that

he's cruel, but I have seen him kick the dog. Yesterday i caught him with a

pair of scissors, giving the poor thing a haircut. Now we have a punk looking


I wonder if any oth this has to do with the pitocan. We do not smack or hit or

yell in our family so I don't know where he gets this behaviour from???????????

(other than maybe the Pitocan)...What do you think?



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Hjfasufi@... wrote:

Joanna, did your son receive any vaccinations? A lot of mothers are induced

with Pitocin. I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. Could you get your

labor and delivery records to find out?

Have got my birth records and will go through them. I am

fuming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thing is the only reason they induced me was I

had this tiny little 'drip' coming out. We were not even sure when the baby was

due as my cycle was all over the place. I was told I could not have children

and went through the Clomid thing (lying on the bathroom floor naked in winter

to try to cool down), theny they started injecting me with stuff, then they said

they wanted to put me on IVF program. I said no, enough was enough. This was

after me repeatedly asking for my tubes to be 'blown', you know, that dye test.

After going to another doctor and having this procedure done, bingo pregnant.

Then.....I have an ultrasound and they tell me they think I'm carrying a

blighted foetus, and I say 'Whats that? " , they tell me it means the baby is

dead. Get this... " But we can't be sure so come back in a week " , Like that was

the best week of my life...NOT!!! Then we get to the birth and I have this

little drip and trust the doctor and now I find out about this Pitocin thing.

AAAARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! My son was vaxxed to 6 months, then the doctor gave him

two unscheduled shots at nine months which pushed him over the edge. We don't

know which vaccines they were as she altered the records. I know I may sound

like a dill, but I just trusted everything the doctors said and did, I never


Vacuum extraction???????? Have you taken this child to a sacriocranial osteopath

to check the skull plates. Very important.

Sorry for the outburst, but this is a shock to me!!!!!


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Your induced labor sounds a lot like mine Joanna. I took the natural birth

classes, and expected some sort of gradual build up to the real hard

contractions... nope... They hooked me up to the pit, and within about 10 min I

was getting hammered with extremely intense contractions. Just like yours, they

were never more than a couple minutes apart. During transition, they were

literally back to back and double and triple peaking. It was miserable!! And

**SO** completely typical of an induced labor.

I don't know if pitocin could cause aggression in children. My induces son is

very sweet, and very empathetic. He's 4, and a typical 4 year old... but he

loves his pets and I've never seen him be deliberately cruel. Now, my almost 2

year old on the other hand can be a total stinker (no vax, totally natural

delivery... he's just an imp).

Have you talked to your son about his feelings towards animals? Maybe there are

some deeper issues with him? I hope you get it sorted out... and I'm sorry you

too fell victim to an induction. It really sucks that doctors are allowed to do

this... and that we as adults are not given the information to make a really

informed decision about our care! We should have to hunt, and dig to find the



----- Original Message -----

From: joanna athome

Liz.........I didn't know any of this. Now I'm really pissed off. I had an

induction and very violent contractions. You kow that little machine they hook

you up to to monitor the contraction (I call it a painometer). My first

contraction made the machine hit 70, and they got worse from there, two minutes

apart. No warm up, no warning, nothing. Needless to say I was yelling for an

epidural after the gas was useless. A very quick,but violent and painful birth.

And guess what, a very demanding child. I have noticed that my son (and he is

gorgeous and I love him to death) doesn't seem to empathise. Like when the dog

went missing, he said " oh well, we can't spend our lives chasing the

dog " ....then I said " yeah, but what if he gets run over by a car " ...son says

" that's his problem " . He is seven and I've noticed that ,well it's not that

he's cruel, but I have seen him kick the dog. Yesterday i caught him with a

pair of scissors, giving the poor thing a haircut. Now we have a punk looking


I wonder if any oth this has to do with the pitocan. We do not smack or hit

or yell in our family so I don't know where he gets this behaviour

from??????????? (other than maybe the Pitocan)...What do you think?



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Just wanted to add this article that I came across while going through my

files today.

Dawn in NC


From Midwifery Today

Oxytocic Drugs

Few childbearing women realize the inherent risks of oxytocic drugs. In

addition to the more benign effects of uterine stimulants, the American

manufacturer of Pitocin points out in its package insert that oxytocin can

cause: a) maternal hypertensive episodes, B) cardiac arrhthmias, c) uterine

spasm, d) titanic contraction, e) uterine rupture, f) subarachnoid

hemorrhage, g) water intoxication, h) convulsions, i) coma, j) pelvic

hemotoma, k) postpartum hemorrhage, l) afibrinogenemia, and m) fetal death.

Uterine stimulants that foreshorten the oxygen-replenishing intervals

between contractions by making the contractions too long, too strong, or too

close together increase the likelihood that fetal brain cells will die. The

situation is somewhat analogous to holding an infant under the surface of

the water, allowing the infant to come to the surface to gasp for air but

not to breathe.

All these effects increase the possibility of neurologic insult to the

fetus. no one really knows how often these adverse effects occur because no

law or regulation in any country requires the doctor to report an adverse

drug reaction to the country's drug regulating agency, even if the patient


~Doris Haire, " Update on Obstetric Drugs and Procedures: Their Effects on

Maternal and Infant Outcome, " Birth Gazette 13:1, 1996.

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>It's hard to describe, it's not so much a cruelty but a lack of

understanding of cause and effect. He was devasted when the fish died, so

I had to tell him it didn't really die, I had made a mistake, then spent

the next day running from pet shop to pet shop to find a fish with a white

dot in the same place as the dead one. So he does have feelings and he is

considerate and thoughtful, brings me flowers and writes notes and all

that, but, there's something I can't quite put my finger on. He loves the

dog and they play together and all that but when the dog annoys him, he

goes over the top. I had to tell him today that if I saw him twist the

dogs neck round one more time, I'd have to give the dog away, and that I

would do to him whatever he did to the dog so he would understand. By the

way, he is seven.....do you know what I mean about the thing you can't

quite put your finger on, like something just under the surface? Don't

mean to sound like a kook....




Joanna - all of these are key things to find the correct homeopathic

remedy. Do you have a 'classical' homeopath who has looked at all of this?

Just wondering.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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At 08:14 PM 03/02/2002 -0600, you wrote:

>Your induced labor sounds a lot like mine Joanna. I took the natural birth

classes, and expected some sort of gradual build up to the real hard

contractions... nope... They hooked me up to the pit, and within about 10

min I was getting hammered with extremely intense contractions. Just like

yours, they were never more than a couple minutes apart. During transition,

they were literally back to back and double and triple peaking. It was

miserable!! And **SO** completely typical of an induced labor.


>I don't know if pitocin could cause aggression in children. My induces son

is very sweet, and very empathetic. He's 4, and a typical 4 year old... but

he loves his pets and I've never seen him be deliberately cruel. Now, my

almost 2 year old on the other hand can be a total stinker (no vax, totally

natural delivery... he's just an imp).


>Have you talked to your son about his feelings towards animals? Maybe

there are some deeper issues with him? I hope you get it sorted out... and

I'm sorry you too fell victim to an induction. It really sucks that doctors

are allowed to do this... and that we as adults are not given the

information to make a really informed decision about our care! We should

have to hunt, and dig to find the truth.



I tell you, these are clues toward certain remedies - most people can't

explain why for most things that are emotional - likes fears, delusions,

etc. But they are clues toward certain remedies in homeopathy.

I'm concerned that you don't have a quality homeoapth, Joanne


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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What do you get when they insert that pessary(sp?) into you to induce you then?


I had that with Ruby......boy, my labour was very quick, very intense too! Glad

it was quick though......


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