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Re: Sleep and snoring kids...

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Dear Tina,

Boy, is this a familiar story! My eldest son, , had enlarged tonsils

and adenoids (we believe it was from his vaccinations since it started right

after his first DPT and even though he only received DT for the next 2

doses, his breathing was bad). At about the age of 2 1/2, his paediatrician

recommended that he get his tonsils and adenoids removed as this was causing

his severe snoring, obstructive sleep apnoea, slow growth, you name it! He

was also put onto a one week course of prednosone which helped his snoring

but which, given what I know now, I would never ever use again.

He had his tonsils and adenoids out and for about 6 months, his breathing

was much better and we felt good about what we had done. After that six

month period, his apnoea returned and continues to this day - he is now

almost 13 years old.

This lymph tissue is there for a reason. And it is inflamed for a reason

too. Rather than ripping it out of his little body as doctors want to do -

why aren't they asking the simple question = what is causing this problem?

There was one treatment that really worked for my son. Dr. Ritchie, a

Paediatric registrar from NZ who practices anthroposophical medicine,

treated my son and cleared him up completely when he was about 4 years old.

Unfortunately, Dr. Ritchie moved back to NZ and the treatments stopped and

my son's breathing problems have returned. We are now trying something else

and are very hopeful that it will work - but the causes of my son's problems

are vaccine induced allergies.

He is now sensitive to gluten, casein and sugar. We are using a combination

of reduced amounts of these things as well as supplementation and

homoeopathic remedies. I have been in the US for the last 2 months, but my

husband says that there has been a slow improvement of his condition.

My recommendation for you would be to consult with alternative practitioners

that you trust before allowing your child to have his tonsils and adenoids

removed. Perhaps you can put the surgery off for one month while you try

some other remedies and see how they work? Oh, I almost forgot, my

chiropractor also treats children for tonsilitis. He was not able to help my

son, but I have spoken with others who were helped. Be careful choosing a

chiropractor. Make sure they have worked with children before and be sure

that they use gentle adjustments such as an activator or deep tissue


Good luck to you and your family,


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I am new to this list. Our son is 3 years old, has received only the

pertussus and tetanus vaccine. He is still breast fed, has never had an

ear infection and has been extremely healthy.

We are firm believers in attachnment parenting and co-sleep with our

son. Co-sleeping with our son has made us very aware of his sleep apnea

and snoring. We took him to the Ped and the Ped confirmed that his

tonsils are huge and so are his adenoids. When you look down his throat,

his tonsils are so huge that I am amazed that he can breathe at all! The

Ped put him on a course of prednisone...we allowed it for one week...we

hated him being on this drug, but were amazed that after just 24 hours

our son was breathing normally and slept all night. He stopped his mouth

breathing and was no longer short of breath just running around. We

returned to the Ped and we were referred to the Ears, Nose, Throat

specialist who wants to take our son's tonsils and adenoids out. The

surgery is scheduled for April 19th. We have looked into alternatives

and have found none. Your post re: tonsils/adenoids being the first line

of defense against " polio " scared me....I feel like I have no choice but

to have my son have this surgery. Any advice?



Sue wrote:

> Yes, take away the tonsils and adenoids - they're only the first line

> of

> defence in the immune system against most airborne viruses, after all,

> not

> to mention polio....


> Sue


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Tina Capozzola <tinacap@...> wrote:

surgery is scheduled for April 19th. We have looked into alternatives

and have found none. Your post re: tonsils/adenoids being the first line

of defense against " polio " scared me....I feel like I have no choice but

to have my son have this surgery. Any advice?




Personally I can't offer any alternatives, but I'm sure someone on the list can.

Are his tonsils big or just swollen? If they are swollen, then the swelling can

probably be brought down. It is important for children to breathe through their

nose as when they do their tongue rests on the top of their mouth, which pushes

the palate out for normal development. I was a 'mouth breather' and needed to

have my palate expanded (rapid maxillary expansion) as an adult. This expansion

is not so traumatic for a child. It also reduces the chances of a child

requires braces on their teeth. I would look into any alternatives to avoid a

chid being given an anaesthetic.

Wish I could be of more help.......


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Tina Capozzola <tinacap@...> wrote:

surgery is scheduled for April 19th. We have looked into alternatives

and have found none. Your post re: tonsils/adenoids being the first line

of defense against " polio " scared me....I feel like I have no choice but

to have my son have this surgery. Any advice?




Just looked in my book " Mineral Deficiencies in Human Cells " . It says

Tonsils, enlarged - Calcium Phosphate

Tonsils, inflammed - Sodium Phosphate and Iron Phosphate

Tonsils, with pus - Silica

Tonsils, white deposit on - Potassium chloride

Hope this helps


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