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The " Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine " has reported

that some newborns in Arizona may have abnormally high thyroid hormone

levels due to exposure to the chemical perchlorate. The drinking water

in this region has been shown to be contaminated with small amounts of

perchlorate. Perchlorate is a chemical that is used in the manufacture

of rockets, missiles and fireworks.(hmmmm mercury toooo?) The lead author

of the study, Dr.

Ross Brechner, reported that the babies of mothers who drink water with

detectable levels of perchlorate had elevated levels of thyroid

stimulating hormone (TSH). Elevated TSH levels are a sign of

hypothyroidism. The study compared thyroid levels of infants in Yuma,

Arizona, an area where the water contains perchlorate, and

perchlorate-free Flagstaff. Yuma newborns had high TSH levels. The

study, however, does not officially confirm perchlorate as the cause.

Lake Mead's drinking water currently has perchlorate levels of 11 parts

per billion; EPA guidelines recommend no more than 18 parts per billion,

but safe standards have not been clearly established yet. In addition

to Lake Mead, perchlorate is also found in the entire Colorado River

water system, which supplies drinking water for about 20 million people

in Arizona, California and Nevada. The EPA will announce new regulations

regarding whether there are any acceptable levels of perchlorate in

drinking water in 2000. (Note: For the latest news in the perchlorate

issue, see public health advocate Larry Ladd's website:

http://www.ZeroWasteAmerica.org/PerchlorateLarryLadd.htm )

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