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Re: evolution vs faith

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I think we all ARE getting your messages, though I can't tell what or who

you are responding to since you don't include any of the original text.

Please include part of the " conversation " from the other person to help the

rest of us out...



Re: evolution vs faith















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<< God is the only source of healing, you cannot " make " healing happen, it

happens. >>

I agree 100%. I've gone through the natural modalities of healing more than

once. The only time it truly worked was when I had faith and asked God for

His blessing.

This is a world where we are allowed to believe what we choose to believe.

God gave us that option, and I don't think it's right to condemn someone for

believing what they truly believe. However, I chose God, and I know without

any doubt He's responsible for my healing.

As a note....I went through the radiation process and the only thing it

served to do was gift me with a tumor on my thyroid, which almost completely

shut down my thyroid. What shrank the tumor? Among other nutritional and

supplemental methods, cottage cheese and flax oil.

OTOH, I also believe that one should incorporate all methods. I am not so

blind that I shun modern medicine just because I believe only natural works.

I believe both can work together. Just be wise in making our decisions.

Just my humble $.02. :)


" There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. "

~Albert Schweitzer

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In a message dated 10/22/2004 12:01:00 PM Central Standard Time,

fraidycat@... writes:

OTOH, I also believe that one should incorporate all methods. I am not so

blind that I shun modern medicine just because I believe only natural works.

I believe both can work together. Just be wise in making our decisions.

Just my humble $.02. :)


I agree about being opened minded Judy, but I just can't accept that

destructive drugs and therapies are beneficial. There is so much more than

what we

know and science limits what they know to evolution. I am not condemning

anyone, but I will warn them that destruction brings destruction. Jumping off


hundred foot building has consquences and so does taking radiation and

poisons. The damage I see from the radiation is far worse and more difficult


reverse than any cancer. The key is to search and not be limited to those who

destroy and call it medicine. Detox is usually the most important key that

many do not put enough emphasis on.

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Diann Messer is offering an ebook. I wrote this to those who believe in

Jesus Christ, but it can be read by all. It is titled, " Why You Can Believe


for Your Healing " . I wrote it from 16 years of intense research into the

alternatives with a prayer to understand cancer and ended up learning about

diseaes in general. It helps people overcome the fears of the unknown by

eliminating fear with knowledge. Hosea 4:6 " For lack of knowledge my people


destroyed'. The book helps believers to apply their faith in God's Word and

how to discern between wisdom from above and wisdom that is earthly, sensual

and/or demonic.

God's ways are higher than our ways. Just studying the human cell clearly

exposes the simplicity of our understanding compared to God's creation.

You can get the free ebook by requesting it from _MiracleDetox@..._


God Bless

Diann Messer

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In a message dated 10/23/2004 7:13:04 AM Central Standard Time,

dimplesny007@... writes:

hi diann thank you for all your helpful info..............do u need my

address or is it an e-book? thankx again dimples


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diann i can give you my detective uncles address he rather me do that ok

thankx.......roe gollio

12300 bear creek lane

hudson, fl, 34667 you can send it there and if theres

anything i can do to help in return please dont hesitate ok god bless you

sweetie dimples ma thanks you also...xxx

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In a message dated 10/23/2004 9:27:17 AM Central Standard Time,

dimplesny007@... writes:

12300 bear creek lane

hudson, fl, 34667 you can send it there and if theres

anything i can do to help in return please dont hesitate ok god bless


sweetie dimples ma thanks you also...xxx

Hi dimples, I will try to see if you can download it from the cures for cancer

site. The book is free as an email book. Otherwise I pay printing and mailing

then it is not free. See if it downloaded to this email.

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In a message dated 10/23/2004 7:26:49 AM Central Standard Time,

MiracleDetox@... writes:

hi diann thank you for all your helpful info..............do u need my

address or is it an e-book? thankx again dimples

Dimples if the books did not download all you have to do is email me at my

address and only I will have your email and then I will delete it from my

files. No big deal.

Diann miracledetox at aol

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ooops i didnt know you had to print it and by all means i would be more than

happy to pay for the shipping but i cant help with the printing......ok thankx

for taking out the time my ma thankx you and will pray god blesses your

heart.............................i am looking now i;ll let you know if i git

it..................thankx again dimples

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hey diann dont get me wrong i just didnt want everyone else having it so i

gave you my uncles hes a cop and he feels safer that way i appreciate everything

you are doing for me and ma...please i trust you wouldnt hurt anyone as far

as that goes......................i gave it to you before this email do you

have it or do you need it? thankx dimples...

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In a message dated 10/23/2004 1:53:50 PM Central Standard Time,

dimplesny007@... writes:

hey diann dont get me wrong i just didnt want everyone else having it so i

gave you my uncles hes a cop and he feels safer that way i appreciate


you are doing for me and ma...please i trust you wouldnt hurt anyone as far

as that goes......................i gave it to you before this email do you

have it or do you need it? thankx dimples...

Hi dimples,

I could not find it or know if I would know it. Sorry. If you want you can

create a new email, send me the email and then I send it back. Then when

you get it forward it to whereever, save it or however you want, then delete

that email. That way it can never be used again.

Just an idea. Or you could just email me direct. My email is the same as

you see on cancer cure.


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Dimples, if you hit the forward icon, you will get a copy of the email,

scroll down email, and you will see the address of the sender, copy and

paste into " To " line.. This way, you can communicate direct with the person

you want to give " Private " information to.

stay safe, good luck


R. " odjob " Gow, CPS, CHS-IV

The S2A Security Group

Provider & Instructor


Personal Protection/Security

Certified Law Enforcement Instructor

Self Defense Training, Tactics & Procedures

Protocols to increase Quality

and Length of Life.


Re: evolution vs faith


> is the only way to give it to you threw this group email address?

> ireally dont want everyone to have my address not that they want it for

respect for

> my ma




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In a message dated 10/25/2004 7:57:12 AM Central Standard Time,

fraidycat@... writes:

<, I agree about being opened minded Judy, but I just can't accept that

destructive drugs and therapies are beneficial. >>

I never said I agree w/ drugs/chemo, etc. Simply put...one can incorporate

allopathic with holistic/homeopathic and reap the best benefits. I chose

surgery and have no regrets. The radiation I reluctantly went with was a

mistake. I would never do that again.

<< Detox is usually the most important key that many do not put enough

emphasis on. >>

Agreed. I did that also. It is indeed the most important, but not without

supporting the body and liver. Trying to remove too many toxins at once can

overload the liver.


I agree and yes I agree surgery can be beneficial. We were speaking the

same thing and did not know it. :)

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<, I agree about being opened minded Judy, but I just can't accept that

destructive drugs and therapies are beneficial. >>

I never said I agree w/ drugs/chemo, etc. Simply put...one can incorporate

allopathic with holistic/homeopathic and reap the best benefits. I chose

surgery and have no regrets. The radiation I reluctantly went with was a

mistake. I would never do that again.

<< Detox is usually the most important key that many do not put enough

emphasis on. >>

Agreed. I did that also. It is indeed the most important, but not without

supporting the body and liver. Trying to remove too many toxins at once can

overload the liver.


" There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. "

~Albert Schweitzer

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its dimples that radaition burned my poor ma's skin so bad we dosed her

with cocoa butter aloe and a then a special prescription of course.....she got

scatter from the radiation so she was getting a jolting pain in her throat so

then we had to get lortab in a syrup form she frowned on it being a narcotic

but slowly she had to end up taking it...anyway thats all for now.....god bless


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In a message dated 10/26/04 7:49:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

dimplesny007@... writes:

> that radaition burned my poor ma's skin so bad we dosed her

> with cocoa butter aloe

Dimples..try finding a large aloe leaf (sometimes they have them in the

health food store but I bet in Florida you will easily find them growing


and cut the leaf open and lay it flat on the spot there the burn it.

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In a message dated 10/26/2004 9:07:56 AM Central Standard Time,

szukidavis@... writes:

> that radaition burned my poor ma's skin so bad we dosed her

> with cocoa butter aloe

Aloe is great, but I have never seen anything work with burns, bites or

whatever as I have seen with Miracle II gel. I had a bad burn and what should

have taken 3-4 weeks to heal was healed in 6 days. I was in awe.

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