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Recovering from Mental and Physical Trauma

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Guest Prreeti

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Guest Prreeti


Two years of excessive depression has affected body organs, nervous system and mental abilities. Less energy, gain of weight, mental confusions, loss of will power, loss of self confidence, less faith in own decisions, frequent tingling on feet and hands/arms, not able to run fast on treadmill, shortening of breath via excerises/stair climbing, whitening of hairs.

Resorted to Head oil massages for hairs; hairs did grow long but didnot stop whitening or reversing the color.

Resorting to physical exercises and yoga.

I would like to know ayurveda for curing weakness of confidence, ability to speak in public, feeling cut off from family, inability to make decisions, mental confusions and having faith in 'self', avoiding unnecessary myth conflicts and gaining will power.

Ashavgandha I have read is useful. Is it recommended for people with sensitive kindney/liver?

Kindly pour in all your suggestions based on ayurveda to cure the above mentioned problems.

I shall be highly grateful.

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Guest Watson

I agree with you mate, yoga is one of excellent way to improve physical and mental fitness. It reduces mental depression and loosen up tense muscles. It is good remedy to burn fats of body.

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