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Re: Chelation Questions

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Chelation or heavy metal detoxification is a way to remove toxins from the

body--in this case, mercury. The safest and most effective way to do it is

with DMSA and alpha lipoic acid. The basic protocol begins with DMSA, maybe

7 days on, 7 days off, or something like that, until mercury or any other

heavy metals are removed from the body. Then the dose of DMSA changes, and

lipoic acid is added to pull the mercury out of the brain. Usually the

cycle is shortened at this time. Most people are doing this under a doctor's

supervision because it requires periodic urine and blood tests and

supplements to build up the body after chelation.


[ ] Chelation Questions


>Hi, What exactly is chelation therapy? Are there different ways to do it,

>from research that I've done so far, there seems to be IV therapy, DMSA

>although I'm not quite sure how it's administered, and cleansing


>sold by healthfood stores.

>Are they all equal? Is one better for removing mercury and or use with

>children than the other? Are there any other methods?





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HI, thanks for the info although I am still unclear how DMSA is administered

- is it IV, pills, liquid, shots etc? Also isn't DMSA the same thing people

are using to give their children transdermal sercretin? Also how does one

get the protocol fromIbelieve it was a Dr. Amy or something like that?

Thanks for any info



Chelation or heavy metal detoxification is a way to remove toxins from the

body--in this case, mercury. The safest and most effective way to do it is

with DMSA and alpha lipoic acid. The basic protocol begins with DMSA, maybe

7 days on, 7 days off, or something like that, until mercury or any other

heavy metals are removed from the body. Then the dose of DMSA changes, and

lipoic acid is added to pull the mercury out of the brain. Usually the

cycle is shortened at this time. Most people are doing this under a doctor's

supervision because it requires periodic urine and blood tests and

supplements to build up the body after chelation.


[ ] Chelation Questions


>Hi, What exactly is chelation therapy? Are there different ways to do it,

>from research that I've done so far, there seems to be IV therapy, DMSA

>although I'm not quite sure how it's administered, and cleansing


>sold by healthfood stores.

>Are they all equal? Is one better for removing mercury and or use with

>children than the other? Are there any other methods?





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DMSA is given orally, on an every 4 hour schedule, usually. The

stuff used to give transdermal secretin was DMSO, not DMSA - very

different stuff. I think we're starting to have acronym glut, worse

than the computer industry!



At 02:31 PM 9/9/00 -0400, you wrote:

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HI, thanks for the info although I am still unclear how DMSA is


- is it IV, pills, liquid, shots etc? Also isn't DMSA the same

thing people

are using to give their children transdermal sercretin? Also how

does one

get the protocol fromIbelieve it was a Dr. Amy or something like


Thanks for any info



Chelation or heavy metal detoxification is a way to remove toxins

from the

body--in this case, mercury. The safest and most effective

way to do it is

with DMSA and alpha lipoic acid. The basic protocol begins

with DMSA, maybe

7 days on, 7 days off, or something like that, until mercury or any


heavy metals are removed from the body. Then the dose of DMSA

changes, and

lipoic acid is added to pull the mercury out of the brain.

Usually the

cycle is shortened at this time. Most people are doing this under a


supervision because it requires periodic urine and blood tests


supplements to build up the body after chelation.


[ ] Chelation Questions


>Hi, What exactly is chelation therapy? Are there

different ways to do it,

>from research that I've done so far, there seems to be IV

therapy, DMSA

>although I'm not quite sure how it's administered, and



>sold by healthfood stores.

>Are they all equal? Is one better for removing mercury

and or use with

>children than the other? Are there any other






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Some people are using DMSO not DMSA for transdermal Secretin. I am using

Speed Gel to give Jen Secretin transdermally. Jen had 3 Secretin Infusions

and she has been receiving Secretin transdermally for over the last year and

half plus. We did had to switch from Secretin to the Serapan due to the lack

of supply. I like the Speed Gel rather than DMSO because of the smell of

DMSO is very strong. Speed Gel has no odor and it is no passed out through

the urine. If I used DMSO ... I told Jen would not be permitted in school

due to DMSO being passed out thought the urine.

Take Care and God Bless

Beverly Weakley

Mom of Jen ... age 11 3/4 years ... autistic girl

[ ] Chelation Questions



> >

> >Hi, What exactly is chelation therapy? Are there different ways to do


> >from research that I've done so far, there seems to be IV therapy, DMSA

> >although I'm not quite sure how it's administered, and cleansing

> supplements

> >sold by healthfood stores.

> >Are they all equal? Is one better for removing mercury and or use with

> >children than the other? Are there any other methods?

> >Thanks

> >

> >

> >

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It is in pill form. No, that is not the same stuff as the transdermal

secretin. If you want Dr. Amy's protocol, your doc will have to get it from

her office in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I don't have her phone number right

here, but I'm sure it's in the archives.


[ ] Chelation Questions



> >

> >Hi, What exactly is chelation therapy? Are there different ways to do


> >from research that I've done so far, there seems to be IV therapy, DMSA

> >although I'm not quite sure how it's administered, and cleansing

> supplements

> >sold by healthfood stores.

> >Are they all equal? Is one better for removing mercury and or use with

> >children than the other? Are there any other methods?

> >Thanks

> >

> >

> >

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We used DMSO and it makes your kid smell like garlic! My daughter

developed an allergy to it so we switched to lanolin base from a

compounding pharmacy. As the kids are " normalizing " with chelation

we are decreasing the secretin and will have a trial off it. We

continue the melatonin 1mg at nite and N aceytl cysteine (NAC)

supplements several times a week on the belief that it may obviate

the need for secretin and help the brain detox. We also use vitamins

and extra " C " . Best wishes, Beverly

--- In egroups, " Beverly Weakley " <bridalsh@g...>


> Some people are using DMSO not DMSA for transdermal Secretin. I am


> Speed Gel to give Jen Secretin transdermally. Jen had 3 Secretin


> and she has been receiving Secretin transdermally for over the last

year and

> half plus. We did had to switch from Secretin to the Serapan due to

the lack

> of supply. I like the Speed Gel rather than DMSO because of the

smell of

> DMSO is very strong. Speed Gel has no odor and it is no passed out


> the urine. If I used DMSO ... I told Jen would not be permitted in


> due to DMSO being passed out thought the urine.

> Take Care and God Bless

> Beverly Weakley

> Mom of Jen ... age 11 3/4 years ... autistic girl

> [ ] Chelation Questions

> >

> >

> > >

> > >Hi, What exactly is chelation therapy? Are there different

ways to do

> it,

> > >from research that I've done so far, there seems to be IV

therapy, DMSA

> > >although I'm not quite sure how it's administered, and cleansing

> > supplements

> > >sold by healthfood stores.

> > >Are they all equal? Is one better for removing mercury and or

use with

> > >children than the other? Are there any other methods?

> > >Thanks

> > >

> > >

> > >

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