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Dear listers,

Here again is more from Santopadre.

Donna :-)


> From: SvcsInfo@...

> sdcarv@...

> Subject: Re: More ?'s from Donna

> Date: Friday, January 08, 1999 6:37 AM


> Hi Donna,

> Thanks for your patience... I will try to answer your friend's questions.


> <<Here goes:




> 1) Did she use student therapists to do ABA with her daughter? (You've


> already answered that one)

> As you know, we really didn't use any student therapists.



> 2) If so, were they trained by Dr. Partington? Did you or Dr. Partington


> supervise the therapists after the initial training? If so, how often



> you/ he assess their performance?

> Dr. Partington's methodology was introduced to everyone working with

> . He came to our home once a month...we didn't have a set


> though. We would review the past month with him; and he would define the

> skills we were to target; revise any strategies that needed refining;


> carefully demonstrate, teach, monitor, and coach our interactions with


> His strategy (and the agency's strategy) was to teach us how to manage


> program ourselves (not all parents take advantage of this)--so he slowly


> shaping our skills so we could then determine the specific tasks--he


> provide the outline, and we " plugged " it in to our everyday life. During


> months leading up to her first IEP, he taught and coached me how to


> her goals and objectives; then her subsequent IEPs I was able to do most


> the time-consuming pieces, and he would simply add the final touches. He


> taught me how to assess the day-to-day intervention--it was simple, if


> rate of acquisition slowed; we did an analysis, determined possible


> and made ajustments (sometimes with his input; sometimes, without). This

> became easier over time, as the analysis would usually indicate a logical

> reason for what was happening. We did as much as we could ourselves


> his availability was limited and so were our resources ($).



> 3) Were the therapists degreed? If so, What level?

> The staff from his school had college degrees (B.A. and Masters) and

> California special education teaching credentials. Leta, the preschool

> teacher, had a certificate in early childhood education.



> 4)When did you know that had turned the corner and she was


> learning fast enough to catch up?

> We never thought of it as " catching up. " We were careful to not compare

> to other children (typical or other)...we only compared her


> to where she had been (this was an important part that kept me, and us,


> getting too " down " ). Our overall goal was to help her be the best she


> be and in order to do that we focused on her " basic learner skills. "

> Attaining these critical skills would allow her to acquire skills from

> increasingly more typical environments, from incidental teaching, from


> interactions, and from group instruction. When was nearly

five, the

> preschool class' theme of the month was " woodland animals " and she told


> " owl live tree. " This was monumental to us because this was information


> learned at school--presented to the entire class...it didn't need to be

> specifically taught. Shortly after her fifth birthday her language


> just took off--she started to spontaneously add more and more words to


> vocabulary. This was an incredibly exciting time for us.



> 5) Are you continuing any of the behavior therapy formally i.e. social


> stories etc.

> No, behavior therapy is no longer appropriate. We do; however, continue


> break some tasks down and simplify them if necessary. Our intervention


> her restructured how we " parented " her... so we continue to analyze her

> motivation, check what we reinforce, and always capture any teachable


> we actually use the principles for many aspects of our lives.



> 6) How did you work on " stimmimg behavior? " Did you use DRO?

> " Stimming behavior " was simply not attended to, and she quickly realized


> there were higher payoffs for more appropriate behavior (I thought she


> never stop slamming doors, cupboards, and drawers!). Again, the


> behavior that is reinforced will increase, so monitoring that

reinforcement is

> critical. I'm not familiar with the DRO term...but from the way I've

seen the

> term used in some literature I assume it's connected to reinforcing


> spontaneous behavior--if that is so, then yes...we constantly keyed into


> motivation and delivered reinforcement at a high rate.



> 7) Were there any programs that you worked on that you worried that


> may never understand?

> We didn't use the term " programs " ; but there were a tremendous number of

> skills that we targeted that I really thought were totally out of her


> Most every IEP would bring about a sort of *cloud* for me... everything


> so out of reach. Spontaneous tacting (labeling), beginning intraverbals

> (conversation), attending to the environment (ie, looking out the car


> and tacting things she saw), manding (requesting) for information, etc.


> list could go on and on.



> 8) You have already answered this one... What activities outside of ABA



> participate in and how often.

> >From my earlier reply...Did you use any other therapies in conjunction


> her home program eg. Sensory Integration ?

> Through her IEP we used an OT for a short period of time. At age 3.6 to

> almost 4; however, we saw very little benefit compared to the " cost " of

> 's time. I truly felt her time was better spent with other

> activities. At age 6.6 to 7 an OT consulted with me regarding her upper


> strength in order to increase her writing skills. Again, we found the


> could be achieved through her ballet and gymnastics classes--the


> really did the trick for that one.


> Yes, we took to a psychologist who did developmental play


> She was located in Berkeley, California; and we drove there for weekly


> for almost 4 years (from age 2 until almost age 6). Dr. Stuart did not


> behavioral intervention at all, but I learned a lot from her--In the

> beginning, we worked mostly on 's separation anxiety issues (she

> suffered from separation anxiety disorder in addition to the autism--I


> know that was a disorder... but truly was abnormal in her


> to my not being with her).


> We went to a music and creative arts therapist for nearly a year (again,


> lengthy, weekly drive). was emerging with her verbal skills at


> time, and the creative arts (mostly puppetry) was extremely useful for

> conversation skills-- LOVED the puppets. The music therapy we


> did not resemble the 12/28/98 Dateline show in ANY way! Lizz, the music

> therapist, was a registered therapist with years of training behind her,

and I

> think she would have been disappointed in that show.


> also took ballet lessons from age 4.6 until 8.6... This was a

> WONDERFUL forum for her to use and practice her imitation skills,


> skills, and turn-taking skills. It also increased her interactions with

> typical peers.


> She participated in a Kindermusik class for two semesters...This is a


> program! If it is available in your area, please look into it!!!! I


> recommend that the child have some attending and imitation skills and the

> ability to follow simple directions. The curriculum from Kindermusik is


> rounded and has clearly been developed by individuals who KNOW about


> development.


> At age 7.6 began gymnastics...she participated for almost a


> then she became less interested when there was a change in teachers, so


> discontinued.


> At age 8 she played Bobby Sox softball...she had a GREAT time and loved


> a part of a team--like her brothers!!! She wasn't great, but she was

> certainly the team leader in attitude and hard work!


> Those are the main things we did in addition to Dr. Jim's program; but


> piece incorporated language training--language training was REALLY our


> point, and it was imbedded into all aspects of her life.



> 9) Did the whole family work on generalization or did you take that on



> the most part..(I think this part of the ? you have already answered but


> here is a second part to the ? ... If the family was involved in


> generalization How did you brief them on what needed to be worked on?

> Dr. Partington's method is automatically programed for


> skills are taught in a generalized format. Language training is imbedded


> all interactions. We were not teaching to teach one specific task but

> teaching the concept of the task; so the general concept was presented in


> variety of contexts. My opinion is that this created a slower


> rate of individual tasks; however, without the need for a formal

> generalization of each task, the overall acquisition rate was probably


> same. The benefit we saw is that her language use (though limited) was

> functional from the start.


> The boys learned right along with us (as did aunts, uncles, and

> grandparents--we provided simplified instructions; no formal training).


> learned what motor and vocal imitation was, as well as mands and


> were as excited as we were when she " got " something they presented! At


> 5-6 athon even learned what spontaneous and prompted responding was


> of course, what a mand and tact was), and he loved to mark her data


> We even taught him (at age 5) to use the video camera, so he could have a

" big

> brother " job! (The Dateline piece had a little segment of athon's

> footage!)



> 10) Do you know of any families with a child that has Fragile X dx that


> are doing ABA? (Lori's son is dx Fragile X)

> Personally, I am not aware if any of the children I have encountered have

> Fragile X.



> 11) Can you recommend any books that helped you understand ABA and



> your practical knowledge?

> The book, Teaching Language to Children with Autism or Other


> Disabilities, is written by Dr. Mark Sundberg and Dr. Partington.


> and Jim have devoted their entire professional lives to refining the


> training process through the analysis of verbal behavior. Their book,


> was released in March, 1998, is the result of about 25 years of work.


> Another important book is, Behavior Modification, What it is and how to

do it,

> written by Garry and ph Pear. Mark and Jim's book assumes the

> reader has some skills using behavior modification--I have heard them


> this book to families.



> 12) Does or Did have any physical problems possibly related to


> the Autism i.e. delays in gross motor/ gastro? ( You have already



> that she didn't have gastro problems and you have talked about motor


> difficulties but can you think of any other " s?

> 's motor-skill development (or lack of it) was our initial


> that something was wrong. Rolling over was delayed (5 months for


> and 11 months for back/front), crawling (14 months), walking (16-18


> She didn't go up and down stairs (even the one step down to our sunken


> room) until she was well over two years old! Her upper-body strength was

> extremely week--this resulted in difficulty with writing skills (dramatic

> deficits).




> I have a few ?'s of my own that I don't think I've asked


> 1) How many hours of instruction per week did receive?

> Since typical children are learning from their environment during all of


> waking hours, our family (not necessarily Dr. Jim's requirement--but he


> it!) made a commitment to create an environment where could be

> learning for the majority of her waking hours...our goal was that 90


> of her waking hours she would be engaged with someone, doing something.


> could be anything from me actually doing structured teaching (or lessons

as we

> called them) to athon sitting with her during Sesame Street and


> the characters on the screen.


> The formal-instruction sessions REALLY varied... outside staff working


> her ranged anywhere from a low end of 4 hours per week to a high end of


> hours per week. In addition to that she attended play group and/or


> classes for 6-9 hours per week.



> 2) Did/Does she have any eating idiosyncrasies or difficulties?


> Eating issues have really weaved in and out of 's development.

As an

> infant, she would only nurse--wouldn't accept a bottle until 11 months!


> never really ate much of the traditional baby food... From age 1-2 her


> was pretty typical. Around age 2 to 5 (ish) the foods she'd eat were


> (probably still typical--not too different from her brothers!). Around

age 5

> she began to bond with her grandparents (especially Ed's mother <thank


> !>); and as odd as this may sound, if Grammy put it on her


> she'd eat it! Once she tried something and liked it, she would eat it

> whenever and Grammy didn't have to serve it. Now is the best


> of our three children! She will try absolutely anything (she might not


> it, but she'll try it).



> I know this is a lot of questions and I know that you are busy. I



> to be patient for a response :-)

> I appreciate your waiting for me to respond to this... I really hope my

> answers can be useful to you and others. There were so many truly caring

> people who helped us along this journey; I feel very honored to


> I feel that we, as parents, have a special bond with each other and that


> children are OUR children--we all have to support each other (sometimes


> parents are all some of us have :-( )




> You are the first mom of a (for lack of a better term) recovered child



> we have had the opportunity to talk to! >>

> We use the term, she's " overcome the obstacles of autism " to explain how

> fits into the category--She personally speaks of autism in the


> tense...that was not specifically taught!




> Donna, I hope these answers are written so you and others can understand


> as always, let me know if you need me to clarify anything--it's pretty


> again, so please excuse any typos or things that may not make sense.


> care,

> :-)



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