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Help needed NOW/seizure?

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Is anybody out there? anyone. is 19 and woke up vomiting. We've all been sick but got beter. She had a birthdday party last night but ate nothing different. This AM after vomiting a second time she was laying down and her eyes rolled back in her head and she started shaking uncontrollably especially on the left side. She felt boiling hot but we can never get a good axillary(?) temp on her and it's always normally low anyway. Her whole body was burning. DH put he in a room temp, slightly cool bath and her temp came down (I later read on Mayo website it wasn't necessary but it made us all feel better). She's cooler on her body, still hot forehead and vomited again after and now is sleeping, very glazed eyes when she wakes.

The doc said there's no such thing as a febrile seizure at age 19 (she never had one before). If she has another we go to the ER and in any case we're to have her evaluated by neuro for brain activity asap. We KNOW for a fact she'll be more comfortable and get better quicker in her own bed...she's also due for a period which often causes very weird reactions physically. I feel guilty cause I gave her melatonin last night about 200mg. She's taken it before with no problem but I have to blame myself for something.

Please...ANY suggestions or advice. I've always been so grateful we've not had to deal with this type of thing before. Thanks...I'll be online all day.Sherry

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This probably isn't the case, but I know when I was 17 I had appendicitis and the thing I remember most is feeling blah and nauseous and vomited on and off all day. I had a slight fever and every few hours I would vomit. After about 16-18 hours of this my parents took me to the hospital and found out it was appendicitis and they took my appendix out immediately. I never had severe abdominal pain--just uncomfortable.

Hope she feels better soon.


Mom to Mac & Kit

Help needed NOW/seizure?

Is anybody out there? anyone. is 19 and woke up vomiting. We've all been sick but got beter. She had a birthdday party last night but ate nothing different. This AM after vomiting a second time she was laying down and her eyes rolled back in her head and she started shaking uncontrollably especially on the left side. She felt boiling hot but we can never get a good axillary(?) temp on her and it's always normally low anyway. Her whole body was burning. DH put he in a room temp, slightly cool bath and her temp came down (I later read on Mayo website it wasn't necessary but it made us all feel better). She's cooler on her body, still hot forehead and vomited again after and now is sleeping, very glazed eyes when she wakes.

The doc said there's no such thing as a febrile seizure at age 19 (she never had one before). If she has another we go to the ER and in any case we're to have her evaluated by neuro for brain activity asap. We KNOW for a fact she'll be more comfortable and get better quicker in her own bed...she's also due for a period which often causes very weird reactions physically. I feel guilty cause I gave her melatonin last night about 200mg. She's taken it before with no problem but I have to blame myself for something.

Please...ANY suggestions or advice. I've always been so grateful we've not had to deal with this type of thing before. Thanks...I'll be online all day.Sherry

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Hi Sherry-

How frightening for you all!

I did a search for seizure in 19 year old female with down

syndrome and came up with these….the first might be helpful, since she

does have Crohn’s and has had problems with her vitamin levels, right?

Has she been on any new meds? Bactrim can cause seizures, too.

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WN2-4B84X31-2 & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=5a7cbc4de687d4901068ca1cc216ac55


Copyright © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


syndrome and epilepsy: a nutritional connection?*1


J. Thiel, and

S. W. Fowkes

Technical Research Department, First National University, 2 Forrest Road, Fort

Oglethorpe, GA 30742, USA

Received 11 December 2002; accepted 30 July 2003. Available online

18 December 2003.



individuals with Down syndrome are much more likely to develop epileptic

seizure disorders than individuals without Down syndrome. Examination of

nutrient and metabolite levels in patients with these two seemingly disparate

disorders reveals numerous similarities. Compared to individuals without these

disorders, individuals with Down syndrome and individuals with seizures may

have lower levels of vitamin A, vitamin B1, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C,

magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, carnitine, carnosine, choline, and

possibly serine. Excesses of copper, cysteine, phenylalanine, and superoxide

dismutase are also sometimes encountered in both disorders. In addition to

common nutritional lower levels and excesses, disorders of metabolism involving

vitamin B6, vitamin D, calcium, and tryptophan may play a common role. This

paper hypothesizes that nutritional factors may account for the high joint

occurrence of these conditions. Further examination of these data may provide

insights into nutritional, metabolic and pharmacological treatments for both



author. Present address: 1248 Grand Avenue #C2, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420, USA.

Tel.: +1-805-489-7188; fax: +1-805-481-2699


No grants or funding were involved.




62, Issue 1, January 2004, Pages 35-44

Here’s another site with information about onset of seizure

at age 19…not in Ds, so it might not be applicable to , but just in




Down Syndrome Treatment

[mailto:Down Syndrome Treatment ] On Behalf Of gldcst

Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 10:04 AM

Down Syndrome Treatment

Subject: Help needed NOW/seizure?

Is anybody

out there? anyone. is 19 and woke up vomiting. We've all been sick but

got beter. She had a birthdday party last night but ate nothing different. This

AM after vomiting a second time she was laying down and her eyes rolled back in

her head and she started shaking uncontrollably especially on the left side.

She felt boiling hot but we can never get a good axillary(?) temp on her and

it's always normally low anyway. Her whole body was burning. DH put he in a

room temp, slightly cool bath and her temp came down (I later read on Mayo

website it wasn't necessary but it made us all feel better). She's cooler on

her body, still hot forehead and vomited again after and now is sleeping, very

glazed eyes when she wakes.

The doc said

there's no such thing as a febrile seizure at age 19 (she never had one

before). If she has another we go to the ER and in any case we're to have her

evaluated by neuro for brain activity asap. We KNOW for a fact she'll be more

comfortable and get better quicker in her own bed...she's also due for a period

which often causes very weird reactions physically. I feel guilty cause I gave

her melatonin last night about 200mg. She's taken it before with no problem but

I have to blame myself for something.


suggestions or advice. I've always been so grateful we've not had to deal with

this type of thing before. Thanks...I'll be online all day.


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Thanks Jill...I just read this to my husband and his eyes also rolled to the back of his head and I thought he was gonna have a seizure. This is a constant worry with a nonverbal child with Autism ...but apparently you couldn't localize and name the pain either. Something else to stress about. Just kidding (sort of) thanks for your input.


This probably isn't the case, but I know when I was 17 I had appendicitis and the thing I remember most is feeling blah and nauseous and vomited on and off all day. I had a slight fever and every few hours I would vomit. After about 16-18 hours of this my parents took me to the hospital and found out it was appendicitis and they took my appendix out immediately. I never had severe abdominal pain--just uncomfortable. Hope she feels better soon.


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<<I did a search for seizure in 19 year old female with down syndrome and cameup with these..the first might be helpful, since she does have Crohn's andhas had problems with her vitamin levels, right? Has she been on any newmeds? Bactrim can cause seizures, too. >>

I can't believe you....I get to go take a nap with my sick child and you are researching for me. God bless you. She's had unbelievable problems with vitamin levels for many years now (due to malabsorbtion caused by IBD/which includes Crohn's and colitis et al). She has indeed been on new meds.....steroids...Entocort...which i'm not all that sure about. But it did succeed in restoring her absorbtion so that she's no longer constantly anemic and protein derived. In other words it cut the inflammation. But at what cost? Unfortunately there is no alternative right now except for chemo type drugs. She just got off a run of Augmentin a few weeks ago for the ear infection.

Anyway she's still sleeping and very hot but not scorching like before....no more vomiting. I never knew a little piece of hot dog (organic of course) could fly so far across a room. We'll be getting her evaluated by neuro after this passes (Pleas Lord let it pass)Thank you all so much. I'm going to print out your research Kathy for the doc.


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Kathy rocks. I have been reading her research too. Pretty interesting stuff. Fix one thing, break two. Wow.

Hope gets to feeling better. And hope you get some rest. Nothing worse than your child sick. Its so much harder when they just don't communicate to us well.

Hugs and prayers.



Mom to 9

Chromosomally Enhanced

-- Re: Help needed NOW/seizure?

<<I did a search for seizure in 19 year old female with down syndrome and cameup with these..the first might be helpful, since she does have Crohn's andhas had problems with her vitamin levels, right? Has she been on any newmeds? Bactrim can cause seizures, too. >>

I can't believe you....I get to go take a nap with my sick child and you are researching for me. God bless you. She's had unbelievable problems with vitamin levels for many years now (due to malabsorbtion caused by IBD/which includes Crohn's and colitis et al). She has indeed been on new meds.....steroids...Entocort...which i'm not all that sure about. But it did succeed in restoring her absorbtion so that she's no longer constantly anemic and protein derived. In other words it cut the inflammation. But at what cost? Unfortunately there is no alternative right now except for chemo type drugs. She just got off a run of Augmentin a few weeks ago for the ear infection.

Anyway she's still sleeping and very hot but not scorching like before....no more vomiting. I never knew a little piece of hot dog (organic of course) could fly so far across a room. We'll be getting her evaluated by neuro after this passes (Pleas Lord let it pass)Thank you all so much. I'm going to print out your research Kathy for the doc.


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On a side note in reply to your statement about taking steroids for


Have you considered or heard about Serrapeptase? It has a very good

reputation for anti-inflammatory action that at times supercedes that

of regular anti-inflammatories and without all the side effects. I

recently had a Laparopscopy looking for endometriosis (previously

diagnosed by direct visualisation) and adhesions (heaps of previous

surgery and every reason to suspect it would be found this time and

need division). The ob-gyn found absolutely NO evidence of either of

these and described my insides as 'beautiful'. This was 4 months

after I started taking the Serrapeptase. It is apparently routinely

used in Germany pre and post operatively and very routinely used in

Asia. Worth looking into and considering.


Mum of Rebekah, Grace and Therese (DS)


> <<I did a search for seizure in 19 year old female with down

syndrome and came

> up with these..the first might be helpful, since she does have

Crohn's and

> has had problems with her vitamin levels, right? Has she been on any new

> meds? Bactrim can cause seizures, too. >>


> I can't believe you....I get to go take a nap with my sick child and

you are researching for me. God bless you. She's had unbelievable

problems with vitamin levels for many years now (due to malabsorbtion

caused by IBD/which includes Crohn's and colitis et al). She has

indeed been on new meds.....steroids...Entocort...which i'm not all

that sure about. But it did succeed in restoring her absorbtion so

that she's no longer constantly anemic and protein derived. In other

words it cut the inflammation. But at what cost? Unfortunately there

is no alternative right now except for chemo type drugs. She just got

off a run of Augmentin a few weeks ago for the ear infection.


> Anyway she's still sleeping and very hot but not scorching like

before....no more vomiting. I never knew a little piece of hot dog

(organic of course) could fly so far across a room. We'll be getting

her evaluated by neuro after this passes (Pleas Lord let it pass)Thank

you all so much. I'm going to print out your research Kathy for the doc.

> Sherry


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Oh how scary!!! I was gone, so missed this.How is she doing today?Whenever something like this happens to it always turns out to be some underlying infection causing the problem- strep is the most recent, but also bladder infection, ears- something make it's self known.Even though she can and does talk about aches and pains, even she misses things til they are an ER! has so many things it *could* be, then there are always those wild cards, just to keep us on our toes!Let us know how she is today and if you find a cause!! Carol in

IL AIM doihavtasay1 GigaTribe doihavtasayMom to seven including , 7 with TOF, AVcanal, GERD, LS, Asthma, subglottal stenosis, and DS.My problem is not how I look. It's how you see me. Join our Down Syndrome

information group - Down Syndrome Treatment/ Listen to oldest dd's music http://www.myspace.com/vennamusic

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