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Re: [SPAM]Re: Orthotics Question

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I have always been a " natural" foot momma. My kids never wear shoes before their first birthday or longer if their winter babies.... so I was not thrilled with the idea of forcing an unnatural foot thing on my growing childs tootsies.... BUT When was 15 months she was trying to pull up . She would get up, say try to cruise the coffee table, and be " stuck". Her ankles and feet rolled inward. Pronated. It looked painfull, and she would whine, refuse to move and had a pained facial expression and plop down on her rump. She had already been fitted for Sure Steps. When she was 16 months.. she got them. With in LIterally MINUTES she was stepping and cruising the furniture. It was like a TV commercial or something. 5 minutes before the sure steps.. it was as discribed above. SHe has been on the move ever since. Sturdied her right up. 26 months now.. and she is walking backward, forward, sideway, and practically running if the ground is level. Still a bit wobbly now and then.. ( mostly if she is tired) but doing well.

SHe is starting to out grow them.. It will be a year this March...she has had no rubbing or redness or anything.. You do have to make sure that the foot is in there snugly.. can't put them on loose.

we got the cheapest sneakers we could get at Wally mart.. etc.. or where ever. Robies or their generic equiv were very nice too.. She even has a nice pair of crocs too. I kept her in the often.. but you only have to keep them on a couple hours a day. But she did so well.. I kept her in them nearly all day after the " break in " period.

Our pt said that we should start seeing how and what she does with out them a bit more. Still pretty sturdy.. She is starting to throw her leg out.. our PT thinks it may be cause she is outgrowing the suresteps.

So that is our story.. We love the suresteps..For Sam they were a good thing. I am not sure she would have been walking at all if she had not had some support.. and the sure step allows the natura foot movement of the toes and the ball of the foot. So kids can still used their toes to balance.. or to tip toe up to reach something high, or helping them get up off teh floor even. YOu dont think about how important " toes" are. Expect a foot Growth spurt after weight bearing starts. Sam went from a newborn - 3 month shoe at 16 months ( yes.. she had micro feet ) and is still small, but is now a size 4/5 toddler ( 4 without suresteps on a size 5 with em)


[sPAM]Re: Orthotics Question

sharondcaswell <sharondcaswell > wrote:

Hi all,I feel kind of silly posting this, as the discussion on the board has been so technical, and so interesting lately! This seems kind of like asking a group of phd's what color the sky is...:)but, anyway...Tyson MAY need orthotics. His PT is waiting to reevaluate thismonth to see if he does. He VERY slightly pronates his feet. He iswalking , but cannot stand up by himself from the middle of the room,so he crawls to a wall or piece of furniture to get back up.I'm not sure what to think. ty doesn't really have flat feet. hehas a good arch. I think he is struggles with laxicity in his hips,so it is harder for him to engage all the right muscles to power upfrom the floor without support. Would orthotics help that?I am not really excited about getting them, to be honest.But, if he needs them, I'm wondering what would be better for him?I have looked at the Sure Step ones (www.surestep.net) and am quiteinterested in these. My PT is pretty set on getting custom madeones for him, though.I was wondering if anyone has any ideas/advice/experience?thanks for any input.sharon

(one and only wife to Fred; mom to Kari, Melody, Faith, Heidi, Isaac, Josiah, , Alana, and ! Yes, they're all ours!)

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