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Poilo vaccine related to brain cancer

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SV40, Polio Vaccine, and Cancer: Now Beyond


Researchers have been discussing accusations that

contaminated polio

vaccine stocks are to blame for certain cancers, based

on the

publication a month ago of two high-profile papers

linking the simian

virus SV40 to human lymphomas, and brain cancers.

Less than a week after the papers were published in

March, the US

National Cancer Institute contacted the researchers to

establish plans

to send blinded results to three independent labs.

Researchers scanned 99 lymphomas, 235 epithelial

tumors and 40 control

tissues for the virus. They found the virus in 43% of


lymphomas, 9% of Hodgkin's lymphomas, and in none of

the control

tissues. A second team independently found the virus

in 42% of

non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, almost unbelievable


" These are very respectable labs with basically

identical results, "

said Michele Carbone, associate professor of pathology

at Loyola

University in Chicago. The " clear clustering of

positives " is " no

accident. "

This is not the first time scientists have linked SV40

to human

cancers. Researchers suggested for years that millions

of vials of

polio vaccine, contaminated with SV40, infected

individuals between

1953 and 1963 and caused human tumors. Until recently,

they were

inevitably met with skepticism, even contempt - and

some NCI

researchers published directly contradictory results.

In 1997, the US National Institutes of Health, with


organizations, organized an international conference

to review the SV40

literature and address the possibility that the virus

causes human

tumors. At the meeting, Carbone, presented his

then-controversial data

linking the virus to mesotheliomas. (Since then, more

than 30

independent reports have confirmed his results).

After the meeting, Carbone says, a conscientious

Chicago public health

official contacted Carbone and gave him the last

remaining stocks of

polio vaccine from the 1950s. In her paper, Butel

isolated a strain of

SV40 from three patients that closely matches the

strain Carbone

sequenced from the polio vaccine vials.

The evidence proves Butel's results are no artifact,

Carbone says. " You

cannot contaminate with something that doesn't exist, "

he said. " This

thing only exists in my freezer. "

Since publication of their research in the Lancet last

month, Gazdar

and his colleagues have been investigating rarer

subtypes like leukemia

and multiple myelomas. The experiments have not been

proceeding as fast

as they would like, Gazdar says, partly because

" there's no government

funding " for the research. " The lymphoma story might

force them to fund

it. "

An important next step, Gazdar says, is to prove that

the SV40 virus

causes lymphomas and isn't just a " passenger " in the

cells. That is no

easy task, since researchers have only been able to

isolate the virus

in rare instances. For the most part, they believe,

the virus launches

a " hit-and-run " attack, initiating a cascade of

tumorigenic events

before it is destroyed by the body.

Still, it is critical that this research continue,

Gazdar says, because

molecular and immunologic data suggest those born

after 1963 have also

been exposed to the virus, via horizontal or vertical

transmission, or

through sexual contact.

The rates of mesotheliomas, lymphomas and brain tumors

have also all

gone up " dramatically " in the last 30 years.

" Coincidence or not, we

have to find out, " he said. " It's something to think

about. "


Recently a major journal, Lancet, has published clear

evidence that

contaminated polio vaccine is responsible for up to

half of the 55,000

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases per year.

This should outrage nearly anyone that reads this. We

trusted these

experts to provide us with protection from polio and

instead they

planted the seeds of a deadly cancer that would kill

over 20,000 a year

in the US.

This is particularly troublesome as polio can be

prevented in most

people simply by eliminating sugar from their diet.

If you were one of those who received the vaccine you

can do something

positive to enhance your immune system. Increasing

your amount of

omega-3 fats and decreasing the omega-6 fats will be a

potent step

towards suppressing these types of cancers.

Please be sure and read the article below which goes

into far more


Scientists have detected the SV40 virus, which is

known to cause cancer

in rodents, in human tumors.

It is a mystery with enormous implications that has

stumped some of the

smartest minds in cancer research:

How did a cancer-causing monkey virus end up in human


If it is indeed in humans, its role in causing human

cancers is

unknown. Scientists say it may play a key part - or

possibly no part at

all. The puzzle began in 1994, when Dr. Michele

Carbone, a Loyola

University researcher, found the virus SV40, which had

never before

been detected in humans, in half of the human lung

tumors he was


SV40 is known to create tumors in animals, but how it

might have gotten

into humans was unclear.

" I thought there must be something wrong. I must have

made a mistake, "

he said, remembering the discovery.

Eventually, 60 different lab studies confirmed the


" This finding has been replicated in New Zealand, in

China, in Britain,

in France, in Switzerland, in Belgium, " Carbone said.

Several labs did not find any evidence of SV40, and

some researchers

continue to question Carbone's findings. Efforts in

general to explain

the SV40 mystery have been hampered by unusual

acrimony among those

studying the problem.

Could It Have Been Transmitted By Polio Vaccine?

If the monkey virus SV40 is indeed in humans, there

are several

possible explanations for how it got there, says Janet

Butel, a

virologist at Baylor College of Medicine and one of

America's leading

virus researchers.

" One is that it has always been there in humans, and

no one has

detected it in the past, " Butel said.

There is another, much more controversial theory as

well, however.

Some researchers contend SV40 was transmitted to

humans through the

polio vaccine, which has saved many lives. The vaccine

is made in

monkey kidney cells, and from 1955 to 1963 an

estimated 20 million

Americans were given doses contaminated with SV40.

Still, the virus was not detected in humans until

Carbone's 1994

research, possibly because no one had thought to look

for it.

In 1961, the Food and Drug Administration ordered the


manufacturers to screen out the SV40, which they say

they did.

But a lawyer involved in a recent polio case has just

published a

report claiming contamination continued.

" In certain instances, no [sV40] tests were ever

performed, " the

lawyer, wrote about one of the vaccine's

manufacturers, Lederle.

'Every Batch Was Screened,' Insists Vaccine Maker

Lederle strongly disputes Kops' claim, telling ABCNEWS

in a statement

" every batch of the polio virus used to manufacture

vaccine underwent

tissue culture testing for SV40. "

If that is true, it suggests another possible reason

SV40 has been

found in the brain tumors of people born after 1963:

transmission from

mother to child.

" I think studies need to be done to figure out

precisely what the role

of the virus might be in human cancer, " said Butel.

Scientists specializing in SV40 met today in Bethesda,

Md., to sort

through some of the controversies.

Some still question whether SV40 truly exists in

humans, but the vast

majority of scientists attending the conference

believe the role of

SV40 in humans needs urgent attention.

" We need to find out what it's doing there, " said

Butel. " It will be a

great significance if it's proven to have a role in

human cancer

because then it may be possible to block infection and

the formation of

a tumor. " Detoxification needs to be done.

A note about the SV40 virus:

According to Regis Vilchez M.D.;M.Sc, who has studied

the SV40 virus,

" There are no commercial tests to evaluate SV40

infection. Serologic

assays such as ELISA for SV40 have a low sensitivity.

In addition, a

recent FDA panel concluded that none of the current

ELISA tests for

SV40 are reliable for research or diagnostic. While

the serum

neutralizing antibody test is the recognized gold

standard serologic

test for SV40, it has low sensitivity and requires

great labor.

" Therefore, molecular assays such as polymerase chain


(qualitative and quantitative) have been used to study

the relation of

SV40 infections and human malignancies. These tests

are currently for

research purposes but different laboratories

(including ours) are

working to establish them for commercial and

diagnostic use. Indeed,

this is one of the recommendations of the Institute of

Medicine for

studies of SV40 in humans. I hope they will be

available to patients

in the near future. "

Additionally, the test is not performed by medical

institutions because

there is no therapy that can be offered to individuals

who may test

positive. Individuals who want to be tested should

email me at:


I welcome your thoughts and comments.



Immature love is loving someone because you need them, mature love is needing

someone because you love them!

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