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NewsTarget.com <http://www.newstarget.com/index.html> printable article

Originally published January 7 2008

Mike Reveals the Five Habits of Health Transformation

by Gianni

(NewsTarget) This is an excerpt from Mike ' interview for the Raw

Summit, a complete interview encyclopedia of cutting edge living and raw

food knowledge. You can find the complete transcripts and audios at

(http://www.RawSummit.com) and (www.RawSummitArchives.com

<http://www.RawSummitArchives.com>) . In this excerpt, Mike speaks

about the habits of successful health transformation and the future of

the health movement.

*Raw Food World Summit Interview Excerpt with Mike *

Gianni: Let's move a little bit into the individual and what the

individual can do to transform their health. You have a book, it's Five

Habits of Health Transformation. What are a few of those habits?

Mike : Well, the first habit of health transformation

<http://www.newstarget.com/health_transformation.html> and this is

really the most difficult one, especially for Americans and this has to

do with how we've been brainwashed by drug advertising

<http://www.newstarget.com/advertising.html>, but the number one thing

that you can do is take responsibility for your health outcome. Now, I

know that sounds really simple, but it requires most people to challenge

their belief systems. For example, most people who are suffering from,

let's say, depression <http://www.newstarget.com/depression.html> or

obesity or diabetes, they don't believe it's their fault and they don't

believe they really have any role in it. In other words, they've been

taught by drug company advertisements, and by their doctors

<http://www.newstarget.com/doctors.html>, by other people that their

disease is the fault of their genetics. This is a really clever way to

blame our parents.

: Yes.

Mike: It is encouraged by the medical system, and here's why it's

encouraged: because if they can convince you that your health condition

is not under your control, then they have created a life-long victim,

which produces a life-long revenue stream.

: Wow.

Mike: The drug industry loses patients when they realize that they can

control their health. That's when people walk out of hospitals, that's

when people fire their doctors, that's when they stop taking their

pharmaceuticals <http://www.newstarget.com/pharmaceuticals.html> and

start taking charge of their health. That's the moment at which people

tend to turn around. They get better. They start making better decisions

about what food they eat and about what things they avoid. They throw

out all the toxic chemicals in their bathrooms, all those chemicals that

people put on themselves in the morning. The deodorants, the perfumes,

cologne, the aftershave, shampoo, antibacterial soap, all these things,

they throw those out because they realize those are causing cancer

<http://www.newstarget.com/cancer.html> and disease. They go into their

pantry and they throw out everything with hydrogenated oil and sodium

nitrite, petrochemical food coloring, and homogenized milk. They throw

those things out. They start taking responsibility and they get better.

That's the last thing that conventional medicine wants. They don't want

people to get better because they lose revenue.

: 100% responsibility is a challenge. I mean, what are some of the

steps someone can take to actually realize that that's what is something

they could do to transform their health.

Mike: Well, one of the most important things is really turn off the

television <http://www.newstarget.com/television.html>.

: Okay.

Mike: Really, just give up TV because I don't believe that you can watch

television without being influenced by it. Of all the people that I've

met in speaking, in teaching about natural health, those who are the

healthiest tend to be those who turn off the television or don't even

have it.

: That's an interesting distinction.

Mike: It is. It doesn't mean that they don't watch documentaries or rent

movies, or whatever but they don't get subjected to television

advertising. That's the key. Get rid of the advertising. Maybe if you

have a TiVo and you can skip the ads, that would be a good strategy.

The next most important thing is to take one step that you can control

and that you can experience the outcome from. One step. For example, I

encourage people to try a 30-day no dairy diet. Just 30 days without

milk. That is no milk, no cheese, no yogurt, and so on. By the way, I'm

a proponent of raw milk but that's another subject. I'm talking about

processed, homogenized, and pasteurized dairy products. When I challenge

people with this, I will get one or two answers. One is " Oh, I couldn't

give up my milk " to which I say, " Well, how do know that everything that

you're experiencing right now, the sinusitis, the constipation

<http://www.newstarget.com/constipation.html>, the allergies, the Crohns

disease, the irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease; how do you know

that these aren't in fact related to your milk consumption? Have you

ever tried going without milk for 30 days? You eat probably 45 different

types of food. Are you willing to give up one of them to see if it might

dramatically improve your life? If they say no, then I say " next " .

: Yes.

Mike: If someone is not willing to change one thing, then they are in

fact playing the role of victim and they will continue to be victimized

by medicine, but if they're willing to do one thing, and this is where

the magic kicks in, they're willing to do that one thing for 30 days.

Typically, they begin to notice a huge difference in just 7 days.

Suddenly, things start to feel better. Their body works better. The

constipation is gone, the sinusitis

<http://www.newstarget.com/sinusitis.html>, the asthma, the congestion

goes away and the blood is actually of higher quality without the

homogenized milk fats altering their digestion and their nutrition

<http://www.newstarget.com/nutrition.html>. People get better very

quickly and then that empowers them. Then they realize, " Oh, my

goodness! You mean I can change my outcome by making a different

choice? " That's the moment of awakening. That's the matrix moment.

: Yes.

Mike: Wakes up in the chamber and says, " Oh my God! I've been living in

a dream world. "

: Absolutely. When people are faced with a lot of environmental

issues and information about things that are, if you're going to say

bombarding, maybe that's not the best word, but chemicals and the toxins

that are in our environment. I mean what are some of the solutions that

someone can just lay there, then put a stake in the ground and say,

" Hey, this is where it stops. " What can they do in their own personal

environment to avoid some of these?

Mike: Okay. That's a great question. I'm really glad you asked that

because there's a very simple answer to it. That is, number one, read

the ingredients label on everything that you put on or in your body.

That's step one, read the labels.

Step two, don't buy anything you can't pronounce. If you don't know what

that chemical is, that petrobutylasferic acid whatever, don't eat it or

put it on your skin, because the truth is that those chemicals are, by

and large, toxic and they are derivatives of petrochemicals; many of

them are solvents. They go right through the skin. The average women's

perfume <http://www.newstarget.com/perfume.html> product contains 21

cancer-causing chemicals.

: Wow.

Mike: There is no requirement that a cancer warning be listed on the

label because the FDA <http://www.newstarget.com/the_FDA.html> says that

the skin doesn't absorb chemicals.

: Oh boy.

Mike: Which is a very interesting position given that...how many people

buy nicotine patches?

: Yes.

Mike: You know?

: Oops!

Mike: Yes, exactly. Science is abandoned in all this and the FDA just

says that cosmetic companies can use any chemicals they want, without

testing by the way, they've never been tested for safety. They can use

whatever they want because the skin is a barrier. Now, this is outmoded

thinking. It may have been state of the art science in 1952 but not

today. Not even close. We know the skin is porous, the skin breathes.

It's the body's largest organ and it is in direct contact with the

environment. To repeat, read the labels, and number two, don't put

anything on your skin, or in your body that you can't pronounce.

This means, for the average consumer, they really need to go through

their kitchen, and their bathroom, and throw out almost everything,

because the things that are marketed to you, the things that are heavily

promoted are those products that have the highest profits. The way you

generate high profits is if you're a product manufacturer, to use really

cheap ingredients made from petrochemicals combined with a really strong

marketing campaign and some pretty bottle, and some nice labeling, and

good shelf position at the grocery store or the Wal-Mart or wherever

you're buying them. These products are poison.

: Where do you see the future of the health movement? The health

movement that you're involved in, the health movement that Dr.

Cousens is involved in, the health movement that we're all trying to not

push but to provide for everyone, where's this going? What's your ideal

outcome and what's, based on the evidence you have now, what's the

realistic ideal that you think is going to happen?

Mike: Okay. I like the way you asked that because my ideal outcome is

that we as a society would realize how much harm that the current system

of medicine, and food, and personal care products is causing to the

population; that we would make changes right now to protect the people,

to outlaw cancer-causing ingredients from the food supply for example,

or to change our system of medicine to focus on education and disease

prevention <http://www.newstarget.com/disease_prevention.html>, rather

than waiting for everybody to get disease and then focusing on treatment

and management of symptoms. That would be the ideal way. Of course

that's not going to happen, there's too much money at stake. It's

actually a quote from someone, I believe it's someone in the FDA, who

said that if we were to actually start teaching disease prevention

today, the economy <http://www.newstarget.com/the_economy.html> would

collapse because medicine is such a large percentage of our national

economy <http://www.newstarget.com/economy.html> that if it weren't

necessary, the mass exodus of jobs and economic productivity would

ripple through the economy and destroy it.

: Wow.

Mike: It's like we are a nation that depends on sick people just to keep

operating. These changes are not going to happen, which leads me to my

prediction of an outcome, and it is a rather gloomy short-term outcome

followed by a rebirth or a re-awakening down the road towards natural

medicine, but in the short term, my prediction and I know this might be

radical, is that the United States of America

<http://www.newstarget.com/America.html> will be bankrupt by primarily

two things: The cost of healthcare

<http://www.newstarget.com/healthcare.html> and also the false money

supply, mass hyperinflation, fractional reserve banking, debt spending,

these kinds of issues. Healthcare spending is putting US companies out

of business. General Motors spends more on health insurance than it does

on steel.

: Really?

Mike: Yes. Companies are leaving, they're fleeing the United Sates. Some

companies find US healthcare so expensive that they're sending their

employees to the Philippines to have surgery done.

: I've heard of that.

Mike: Yes. Medical tourism. Medical care in the US will drive our nation

bankrupt, period. It will bankrupt our cities, our states and our

federal government. It will collapse and it would be a very dear price

to pay for that because I think we are losing the health of several

generations in this country. I predict massive infertility, massive

widespread neurodegenerative diseases, widespread cancer, mental

disorders, depression. Basically, we're going to have a population of

mutants because of all the chemicals that are in our foods, and

products, and drugs, and you can quote me on that, a population of mutants.

: Wow.

Mike: That's what we have. It's already begun.

: Wow.

Mike: At some point, we will learn these lessons the hard way and we

will abandon this chemical approach to living, and we will go back to

understanding that nature <http://www.newstarget.com/nature.html> can

help us heal. Nature can nourish us. Nature has more wisdom than all the

arrogant drug scientists in the world and when you need solutions, turn

to nature and you'll find them if you're willing to look for them and be

humble about it.

: On your site, you say that we need more extremists. I think that

it's a pretty awesome statement. Why is that?

Mike: Well, it's pretty clear that we won't get out of this situation

with the same kind of thinking that got us into it. There's a quote by a

scientist who actually worked in Hawaii and he did some amazing things

with ocean mineral nutrition on crops. He said, " Innovation is the enemy

of the status quo. " The status quo doesn't want things to change.

They're happy the way things are. They're expecting a big wave of

diabetes <http://www.newstarget.com/diabetes.html> to hit and to

generate billions of dollars and profits for their drugs, and the

medical procedures. They're expecting a huge wave of Alzheimer's

disease. They know it's coming. They can read the demographics. They're

counting on it. They're happy the way things are.

Americans are locked into a monopoly system of medicine where we pay the

highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, but we don't have

access to pharmaceuticals from other places, and we don't even have

access to information, true information, about the healing properties of

foods, and herbs, and dietary supplement. The status quo loves this

situation. They're very happy with it. They don't want it to change, but

if we're going to change it, we need radical thinkers and radical people

willing to speak out about it. Sadly , that's one of the things

that's been lost lately under the fear mongering in the United Sates

lately. You notice how people are more afraid to speak out?

: Sure.

Mike: It's like... they're just afraid to tell the truth anymore. The

truth is so frowned upon, but we need more people willing to stand up

and say, " Hey, the emperor has no clothes. "

: You speak out, so what can someone do to posture themselves to be

able to feel comfortable doing that? I mean, how are you comfortable

speaking out?

Mike: Well, the number one reason why people don't speak out is because

they could be fired from their job.

: Okay.

Mike: Another interesting quote. Ninety-nine percent of all the evil in

the world is done by someone because they need to pay the mortgage.

People need that job, and they need that paycheck, and they need that

security. Well, I'm in a unique position where I'm financially

independent because of the software company that I launched and that I

own, and no one can fire me for saying what I'm saying. That has given

me a very rare type of freedom to tell the truth and that's why what I'm

saying sounds so radical when most people who hear it actually agree

with it. In fact, most nurses and doctors that I've talked to actually

agree with it. No one is more fed up with pharmaceutical companies than

the doctors themselves.

There's this massive silent agreement that the current system is broken

and this only comes out when individuals are willing to tell the truth.

I challenge anyone listening here to get involved and tell the truth

from your viewpoint, whatever you feel passionate about, get online,

start a blog or join a website, tell the truth in whatever way it works

best for you - articles, or videos, or whatever, and see how freeing it

is because that will empower you. That's what we need in this world, we

need more people willing to take some personal risks and tell the truth,

instead of everyone just agreeing to defend the status quo even though

we all know it's a lie.

To read the rest of this interview please visit

(http://www.RawSummit.com) and (www.RawSummitArchives.com

<http://www.RawSummitArchives.com>) This is just an excerpt of over 14

hours of cutting edge living food, raw food

<http://www.newstarget.com/raw_food.html> or health information revealed

during the Raw Food World Summit.

About the author

Gianni is a health advocate, author and speaker. He has helped

thousands of people in over 85 countries learn how to take control of

their health--and keep it.

His book, " The Busy Person's Fitness Solution, "

<http://www.liveawesome.com/public/452.cfm> is a step-by-step guide to

optimum health <http://www.newstarget.com/optimum_health.html> for the

time and energy-strapped.

To find out more about abundance, optimum health and self motivation

click here <http://www.fountainofyouthworldsummit.com>... or you're

interested in raw food and cutting edge nutrition click here


For access to free interviews, downloads and a complete bodyweight

exercise archive visit www.LiveAwesome.com. <http://www.liveawesome.com>


All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is

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and earns no money from the recommendation of products. Newstarget.com

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