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Cancer what you may not have been told

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I realize this is a long email but I feel the info is

well worth the read. I welcome all your comments and


" Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution,

the time will come when medicine will organize into an

undercover dictatorship ... To restrict the art of

healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges

to others will constitute the Bastille of medical

science. All such laws are un-American and despotic

and have no place in a republic ... The Constitution

of this republic should make special privilege for

medical freedom as well as religious freedom. "

Rush, M.D., signer of The Declaration of

Independence, physician to Washington.


CANCER: What you may Not Have Been Told

In 1971, President Nixon declared ‘war on

cancer’. Since that time, the US has spent more than

one trillion dollars on treatment and research. One

trillion dollars! That is one thousand billion US

dollars. Unfortunately, the overall death rate from

cancer has increased 5% and some cancers have

increased several hundred percent.

The very basic concept of cancer is that certain types

of cells have gone ‘amuck’ in large numbers. Cancer

can be of two types: one benign, which is localized

and only causes problems by its location and rate of

growth; the second one is malignant, which means it

can move from one place to another. We all have

cancer cells. I have them; you have them; newborn

babies have them. Whether or not these cells will

mutate depends on our immune system’s ability to

identify these cells as abnormal and kill them.

Cancer is caused by a number of factors. Some of the

major factors are chronic stealth infections

(microorganisms), chemicals, radiation and strong

electromagnetic fields. The microorganisms that cause

cancer include adenoviruses, herpes viruses,

hepadenoviruses, and the papovaviruses, which contain

the, now famous, SV40 virus. The SV40 was found as a

contaminant in the polio vaccines during the 60s and

70s and has been shown to cause various types of brain

cancers in humans.

Investigating microorganisms as a cause for various

cancers is only now being explored. Since 1967, when

the US Surgeon General, H. , made the

statement, “The book is closed on infectious disease,”

funding for the investigation of microorganisms, as a

causal factor for cancer and other diseases, dried up.

The focus was redirected to the research on genetic

causes of cancer. Subsequently, billions of dollars

went into this research. Ultimately, this new focus

and increased revenue has made no appreciable

difference to life expectancy or quality of life for

any patient. It has not improved or identified viable

treatments of cancer or other diseases.

Cancer-causing genes have been knowingly identified

through laboratory testing within the medial

community. So what? Has this finding made any

difference in life expectancy or quality of life? No.

It is interesting to note the current biotech

industry would not be where it is today without this

research and the financial support out of every one of

our pockets. Every time we ‘walk for the cure’, hold

benefits, and make donations, we are supporting the

financial appetite of the problem and not the


Chemicals are another cancer causing agent. In 1990,

Eilhu Richter and Jerry Westin of Hebrew University’s

Hadassah School of Medicine observed that between 1976

and 1986, Israel was the only country among

twenty-eight studied that showed a breast cancer rate

drop. Among those twenty-eight, was the United

States. The richest, most powerful, and supposedly,

most medically advanced country in the world, was out

ranked by Israel.

The Israeli researchers were anticipating a 20% rise

in breast cancer mortality, consistent with other

countries. In fact, they amazingly observed an 8%

drop. In the youngest group, instead of a 20% rise,

the rate dropped 34%. Statistically, this is a 50%

change. This magnitude of change, in the study of

cancer, is enormous. The identifiable reason for this

drop in mortality rates was attributed to the 1978 ban

on three organochloride pesticides: alpha benzene

hexachloride, gamma benzene hexachloride (lindane

which is typically used for lice treatment), and DDT.

There are many studies showing the toxic effects of

chemicals. Interestingly, chemical companies have

paid for studies that come to the conclusion that

chemicals are good. Yet, independent, non-industry

organizations show significantly that chemicals are

harmful. This, in turn, poses a very important

question of whose interests are truly being served.

One of the first forms of cancer treatment was

radiation. They began using this form of treatment in

the early 1900’s. Hum, the statistics stated earlier

says that even as late as 1971 cancer is on the

incline not the decline. In more recent years, it has

even been proven that radiation is yet another known

cancer causing carcinogen, beyond a doubt. Do you see

a pattern forming?

ElectoMagnetic Fields (EMF’s) are known to cause

cancer. Electricians are ten times more likely than

anyone in the general population of developing cancer

such as leukemia. Cell towers, cell phones, high

power electrical lines and computers have all been

named as potential contributors to a cancer diagnosis.

The mechanism as to how cancer becomes established is

always the same, oxygen deficiency. Two-time Noble

Prize winner for medicine, Otto Warberg, theorized

that cancer was caused by the replacement of oxygen

with the fermentation of sugar. In an oxygen-deprived

state, the normal tissue cells regress in their

development and start to behave like bacteria

utilizing sugar as their means to get energy. Cancer

cells, when they behave like bacteria, lose their

growth inhibition. They do not remain anchored to

other cells and have an indefinite proliferative life


Conventional therapies for the battle against cancer

include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

Patients need to beware that what their medical doctor

shares with them regarding cancer treatments does not

present the entire picture. A doctor’s word should

not be taken as gospel without further research. In

1978, for example, the Office of Technology

Assessment, an arm of the US Congress, issued a major

report concluding that only 10-20% of all procedures

used in medical practices have been shown to be

efficacious by controlled trial. In other words,

80-90% of what doctors implement as treatment is

unscientific guesswork. Since then, this study, to my

knowledge, has not been repeated, as it would only

serve to strengthen the case against these

conventional therapies.

The pharmaceutical industry, which is the most

profitable industry in the world, has a strong vested

interest in what goes on in all countries’

governments, in particular, the industrial nations.

On Capitol Hill, Washington DC, there are 625 (my last

count) registered lobbyists that are on the

pharmaceutical industry payrolls. That equates to

more drug lobbyists than senators and congressmen

combined. Unfortunately, I have not found similar

statistics for Canada, though I have no reason to

believe that the situation is much better there. In

the US, more than half of the pharmaceutical lobbyists

were either former members of congress (21) or worked

in congress or other federal agencies (295).

Basically, they are ‘hired guns’ to ensure that the

interests of the pharmaceutical industry are well

served. In the 1999-2000 US federal election $262

million was spent by this industry for political

influence. Governments are not immune to the

influence of the long arm of the pharmaceutical

industry. Pharmaceutical companies are not interested

in winning the war on cancer. Their interest lie in

waging the war on cancer, not winning the war. Why?

In waging a war, maximum profits for pharmaceuticals

are guaranteed by those convinced of victory over a

bitter enemy, regardless of the evidence to prove


Two time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus ing wrote,

“Everyone should know that the war on cancer is

largely a fraud.” According to the US National Cancer

Institute: a five-year survival rate for cancer for

all nationalities was 49% in 1974 to 1975 and 50.7% in

1981 to 1986. This represents merely a 1.7%

improvement in thirteen years. However, the 1.7%

improvement may be due to earlier diagnosis rather

than true survival rates. Overall, from 1947-1984,

the incidence of cancer in the general US population

grew by 40%.

Over the years, official medicine has poured billions

of dollars into radiation, chemotherapy and surgical

research as the major weapons in the ‘war on cancer’.

The overall cancer death rate has risen by 5% since

the war began. ( Waters, “Options”, 1993.)

Dr. Alan Levin of the University of California Medical

School stated, “most cancer patients in this country

die of chemotherapy”. According to Dr. Cairn of

the Harvard University School of Public Health, “Only

2-3% of the nearly one-half million Americans

diagnosed with cancer every year are being saved by

chemotherapy.” In March 1971, a New York Journal of

Medicine study found that 10% of 133 patients using

the Chemo drug 5FU (5 Flouro Uracil) died as a result

of the drug’s toxicity. Some doctors jokingly refer

to this drug as ‘5 Feet Under’.

In February 1996, the WHO (World Health Organization)

formally designated Tamoxifen as a carcinogen.

According to Dr. Epstien of the University of

Illinois, the drug Tamoxifen (commonly used for breast

cancer treatment) is “a rip roaring liver carcinogen”.

The National Cancer Institute and Zeneca

Pharmaceutical lobbied to keep legislators from adding

Tamoxifen to its list of carcinogens. (Science News,

March 2, 1996). Zeneca’s annual revenues from

Tamoxifen were $470 million. Interestingly enough,

Zeneca Pharmaceuticals is one of the world’s largest

producers of pesticides and industrial chemicals.

Zeneca makes the carcinogenic herbicide acetochlor and

other chlorine products creating annual revenues of

over $300 million on these chemicals.

Acetochlor and all polychlorinated herbicides are

estrogen mimickers. The body produces natural

estrogen and progesterone in a balanced combination.

When estrogen is produced in larger amounts, the body

becomes imbalanced and thus potentially puts the body

into a compromised condition. This imbalance of

hormones can lead to cancer. Tamoxifen is promoted as

a form of chemotherapy treatment. Zeneca claims

Tamoxifen blocks estrogen mimickers.

Not surprisingly, who would know more about estrogens

effects on the body and how to block this than the

company who produces estrogen mimickers. Estrogen

mimickers on their own have one to one estrogenicity

factor. This means that one molecule of estrogen

mimicker acts like one molecule of estrogen. Put two

estrogen mimickers together and you have a compound

that can have an estrogenicity factor of 1600. This

means that the effects of two molecules of two

estrogen mimickers can act like 1600 molecules of

estrogen. It is broadly known that estrogen is a

significant cause of breast cancer.

An NCI (National Cancer Institute) study followed

46,355 women and tracked the 2,082 cases of

postmenopausal breast cancer that occurred among them.

Women on estrogens only were 20% higher risk. Those

on both estrogens and progestins had a forty-percent

higher risk. A UCLA study found that women who

received combined Hormone Replacement Therapy for five

to ten years were 51% more likely to develop breast


Radiation is another weapon in the war against cancer

yet radiation is also a major cause of cancer itself.

According to internationally respected radiation

expert lie Bertells, her research provided

evidence that mammography’s cause more cancer than

they detect. And regular mammography’s cause

cumulative radiation damage not to mention that as a

diagnostic tool they are very ineffective.

This crude method will detect cancers that are no less

than seven years old. Yet radiation therapy is a cash

cow for most cancer therapy hospitals and clinics.

Not to mention, most doctors are lavishly treated by

pharmaceutical companies with gifts. According to ABC

Primetime Thursday night, (Feb 21, 2002) doctors were

coerced with $6 billion in parties, gifts and trips to

“educate” medical doctors.

Radiation and chemotherapy are toxic substances which

in turn can, and do, generate cancer. Adding a poison

to kill a poison is not good math for our bodies. Yet

government bows to the dictums of industry which

supports and promotes these aggressive interventions.

Government institutions are generally against

alternative medicine. As an example, the Ontario

government proposed deregulation of Naturopathic

Medicine in 1982 as one MPP explained, “Naturopathic

Doctors are not a threat to the public and do not need

to be regulated because since their legislative

inception in 1925 they have not killed anyone.

Therefore, naturopathic doctors do not need to be


In the US, official medicine also stifles alternative

medicine. The Office of Alternative Medicine was

established within the National Institute of Health

and given a mere $2 million research budget. Yet the

same year, the National Institute of Health spent $68

million of taxpayers’ money on a single research trial

for one drug. One chemical received 34 times more

funding than an entire research department that funds

non-patentable research.

In conclusion, imagine that your body is the house of

your soul and you have been putting garbage in one

room in your house for years. Eventually, this garbage

finally attracts flies. Flies are like cancer.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may kill the flies

but they also contribute to the garbage. So, if you

don’t get rid of the garbage, the flies will come


The comments I have made regarding the use of

chemotherapy and radiation are mine. Everyone must

make their own decision on what they want to put into

or expose their body to.


Immature love is loving someone because you need them, mature love is needing

someone because you love them!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

below is a document for your review. I realize it is long, but well worth the

read. Looking forward to your comments, good or bad.



Immature love is loving someone because you need them, mature love is needing

someone because you love them!

From: robert-blau@... <robert-blau@...>

Subject: Mike on health freedom

searching-alternatives , SymphonicHealth ,

oleandersoup , cures for cancer ,

cures for cancer2 , ,

cancer_alternatives , cancervictory

Date: Friday, May 29, 2009, 7:48 AM

From: insider@naturalnews .com(NaturalNews)

NaturalNews Insider Alert (www.NaturalNews. com) email newsletter

Dear NaturalNews readers,


Not everybody liked my satire piece yesterday about the Top 10 Ways to

Know You're Living in a Medical Police State.


.... and I finally figure out why. Because the list is true! And

realizing you live in a medical police state is not a happy moment. It's

one of those " What am I living here for? " moments that makes you start

wondering if you should sell the family business and move to Papua New



I was talking to a local taxi driver in Ecuador today, explaining the

Hauser " chemo boy "  situation in great detail. He thought I was

making it up! He could not believe that America -- the " land of the

free " -- was arresting parents for refusing to follow doctor's orders.


And then I told him that it's also illegal to sell raw almonds in

America, and he just about flipped out! Harvesting nuts off a tree and

offering them for sale is the most natural thing in the world. Such a

basic human right would never be banned in Ecuador (or any part of South

America, for that matter...) Only in North America (and Australia, and

the UK) are such insanities transformed into law. 


P.S. Thank you all for your support of the Health Revolution Petition!

(www.HealthRevoluti onPetition. org) Signatures have now exceeded 21,000.

Please spread the word, as we need 100,000 signatures to take this to

Washington D.C. and make an impact regarding the health care reform



• Get instant alerts of new Health Ranger content on Twitter:

www.Twitter. com/HealthRanger

• Follow NaturalNews on Facebook:

http://www.facebook .com/pages/ NaturalNewscom/ 35590531315

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Guest guest

Hi Jenn.Where is the document? :)




> Hi everyone,

> below is a document for your review. I realize it is long, but well worth the

read. Looking forward to your comments, good or bad.


> Jenn



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Guest guest

i tried to send an attachment it did not go through. I will copy and past to

you. if you have any questions please feel free to give me a call 269.876.8475

or send me an email. if you do not receive this email me at jennyhauf@...

i can send it to your personal email.




" Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when

medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship  ... To restrict the art

of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will

constitute the Bastille of medical science.  All such laws are un-American and

despotic and have no place in a republic ... The Constitution of this republic

should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom. "


Rush, M.D., signer of The Declaration of Independence, physician to






CANCER:  What you may Not Have Been Told


In 1971, President Nixon declared ‘war on cancer’.  Since that

time, the US has spent more than one trillion dollars on treatment and

research.  One trillion dollars!  That is one thousand billion US dollars. 

Unfortunately, the overall death rate from cancer has increased 5% and some

cancers have increased several hundred percent.


The very basic concept of cancer is that certain types of cells have gone

‘amuck’ in large numbers.  Cancer can be of two types:  one benign, which

is localized and only causes problems by its location and rate of growth; the

second one is malignant, which means it can move from one place to another.  We

all have cancer cells.  I have them; you have them; newborn babies have them. 

Whether or not these cells will mutate depends on our immune system’s ability

to identify these cells as abnormal and kill them.


Cancer is caused by a number of factors.  Some of the major factors are chronic

stealth infections (microorganisms), chemicals, radiation and strong

electromagnetic fields.  The microorganisms that cause cancer include

adenoviruses, herpes viruses, hepadenoviruses, and the papovaviruses, which

contain the, now famous, SV40 virus.  The SV40 was found as a contaminant in

the polio vaccines during the 60s and 70s and has been shown to cause various

types of brain cancers in humans.


Investigating microorganisms as a cause for various cancers is only now being

explored.  Since 1967, when the US Surgeon General, H. , made

the statement, “The book is closed on infectious disease,†funding for the

investigation of microorganisms, as a causal factor for cancer and other

diseases, dried up.  The focus was redirected to the research on genetic causes

of cancer.  Subsequently, billions of dollars went into this research. 

Ultimately, this new focus and increased revenue has made no appreciable

difference to life expectancy or quality of life for any patient. It has not

improved or identified viable treatments of cancer or other diseases. 


Cancer-causing genes have been knowingly identified through laboratory testing

within the medial community.  So what?  Has this finding made any difference

in life expectancy or quality of life?  No.  It is interesting to note the

current biotech industry would not be where it is today without this research

and the financial support out of every one of our pockets.  Every time we

‘walk for the cure’, hold benefits, and make donations, we are supporting

the financial appetite of the problem and not the solution.


Chemicals are another cancer causing agent.  In 1990, Eilhu Richter and Jerry

Westin of Hebrew University’s Hadassah School of Medicine observed that

between 1976 and 1986, Israel was the only country among twenty-eight studied

that showed a breast cancer rate drop.  Among those twenty-eight, was the

United States.  The richest, most powerful, and supposedly, most medically

advanced country in the world, was out ranked by Israel.   


The Israeli researchers were anticipating a 20% rise in breast cancer mortality,

consistent with other countries.  In fact, they amazingly observed an 8%

drop.  In the youngest group, instead of a 20% rise, the rate dropped 34%. 

Statistically, this is a 50% change.  This magnitude of change, in the study of

cancer, is enormous.  The identifiable reason for this drop in mortality rates

was attributed to the 1978 ban on three organochloride pesticides:  alpha

benzene hexachloride, gamma benzene hexachloride (lindane which is typically

used for lice treatment), and DDT.  There are many studies showing the toxic

effects of chemicals.  Interestingly, chemical companies have paid for studies

that come to the conclusion that chemicals are good.  Yet, independent,

non-industry organizations show significantly that chemicals are harmful.  

This, in turn, poses a very important question of whose interests are truly

being served.


One of the first forms of cancer treatment was radiation.  They began using

this form of treatment in the early 1900’s.  Hum, the statistics stated

earlier says that even as late as 1971 cancer is on the incline not the decline.

 In more recent years, it has even been proven that radiation is yet another

known cancer causing carcinogen, beyond a doubt.  Do you see a pattern forming?


ElectoMagnetic Fields (EMF’s) are known to cause cancer.  Electricians are

ten times more likely than anyone in the general population of developing cancer

such as leukemia.  Cell towers, cell phones, high power electrical lines and

computers have all been named as potential contributors to a cancer diagnosis.


The mechanism as to how cancer becomes established is always the same, oxygen

deficiency.  Two-time Noble Prize winner for medicine, Otto Warberg, theorized

that cancer was caused by the replacement of oxygen with the fermentation of

sugar.  In an oxygen-deprived state, the normal tissue cells regress in their

development and start to behave like bacteria utilizing sugar as their means to

get energy.  Cancer cells, when they behave like bacteria, lose their growth

inhibition.  They do not remain anchored to other cells and have an indefinite

proliferative life span.


Conventional therapies for the battle against cancer include chemotherapy,

radiation therapy, and surgery.  Patients need to beware that what their

medical doctor shares with them regarding cancer treatments does not present the

entire picture.  A doctor’s word should not be taken as gospel without

further research.  In 1978, for example, the Office of Technology Assessment,

an arm of the US Congress, issued a major report concluding that only 10-20% of

all procedures used in medical practices have been shown to be efficacious by

controlled trial.  In other words, 80-90% of what doctors implement as

treatment is unscientific guesswork.  Since then, this study, to my knowledge,

has not been repeated, as it would only serve to strengthen the case against

these conventional therapies. 


The pharmaceutical industry, which is the most profitable industry in the world,

has a strong vested interest in what goes on in all countries’ governments, in

particular, the industrial nations.  On Capitol Hill, Washington DC, there are

625 (my last count) registered lobbyists that are on the pharmaceutical industry

payrolls.  That equates to more drug lobbyists than senators and congressmen

combined.  Unfortunately, I have not found similar statistics for Canada,

though I have no reason to believe that the situation is much better there.  In

the US, more than half of the pharmaceutical lobbyists were either former

members of congress (21) or worked in congress or other federal agencies

(295).  Basically, they are ‘hired guns’ to ensure that the interests of

the pharmaceutical industry are well served.  In the 1999-2000 US federal

election $262 million was spent by this industry for political influence. 

Governments are not immune to the

influence of the long arm of the pharmaceutical industry.  Pharmaceutical

companies are not interested in winning the war on cancer.  Their interest lie

in waging the war on cancer, not winning the war.  Why?  In waging a war,

maximum profits for pharmaceuticals are guaranteed by those convinced of victory

over a bitter enemy, regardless of the evidence to prove otherwise. 


Two time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus ing wrote, “Everyone should know

that the war on cancer is largely a fraud.â€Â  According to the US National

Cancer Institute:  a five-year survival rate for cancer for all nationalities

was 49% in 1974 to 1975 and 50.7% in 1981 to 1986.  This represents merely a

1.7% improvement in thirteen years.  However, the 1.7% improvement may be due

to earlier diagnosis rather than true survival rates.  Overall, from 1947-1984,

the incidence of cancer in the general US population grew by 40%.  


Over the years, official medicine has poured billions of dollars into radiation,

chemotherapy and surgical research as the major weapons in the ‘war on

cancer’.  The overall cancer death rate has risen by 5% since the war

began.  ( Waters, “Optionsâ€, 1993.)  Dr. Alan Levin of the

University of California Medical School stated, “most cancer patients in this

country die of chemotherapyâ€.  According to Dr. Cairn of the Harvard

University School of Public Health, “Only 2-3% of the nearly one-half million

Americans diagnosed with cancer every year are being saved by chemotherapy.â€Â 

In March 1971, a New York Journal of Medicine study found that 10% of 133

patients using the Chemo drug 5FU (5 Flouro Uracil) died as a result of the

drug’s toxicity.  Some doctors jokingly refer to this drug as ‘5 Feet



In February 1996, the WHO (World Health Organization) formally designated

Tamoxifen as a carcinogen.  According to Dr. Epstien of the University

of Illinois, the drug Tamoxifen (commonly used for breast cancer treatment) is

“a rip roaring liver carcinogenâ€.  The National Cancer Institute and Zeneca

Pharmaceutical lobbied to keep legislators from adding Tamoxifen to its list of

carcinogens.  (Science News, March 2, 1996).  Zeneca’s annual revenues from

Tamoxifen were $470 million.  Interestingly enough, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals is

one of the world’s largest producers of pesticides and industrial chemicals. 

Zeneca makes the carcinogenic herbicide acetochlor and other chlorine products

creating annual revenues of over $300 million on these chemicals. 


Acetochlor and all polychlorinated herbicides are estrogen mimickers.  The body

produces natural estrogen and progesterone in a balanced combination.  When

estrogen is produced in larger amounts, the body becomes imbalanced and thus

potentially puts the body into a compromised condition.  This imbalance of

hormones can lead to cancer.  Tamoxifen is promoted as a form of chemotherapy

treatment. Zeneca claims Tamoxifen blocks estrogen mimickers.


Not surprisingly, who would know more about estrogens effects on the body and

how to block this than the company who produces estrogen mimickers.  Estrogen

mimickers on their own have one to one estrogenicity factor.  This means that

one molecule of estrogen mimicker acts like one molecule of estrogen.  Put two

estrogen mimickers together and you have a compound that can have an

estrogenicity factor of 1600.  This means that the effects of two molecules of

two estrogen mimickers can act like 1600 molecules of estrogen.  It is broadly

known that estrogen is a significant cause of breast cancer.


An NCI (National Cancer Institute) study followed 46,355 women and tracked the

2,082 cases of postmenopausal breast cancer that occurred among them.  Women on

estrogens only were 20% higher risk.  Those on both estrogens and progestins

had a forty-percent higher risk.  A UCLA study found that women who received

combined Hormone Replacement Therapy for five to ten years were 51% more likely

to develop breast cancer.


Radiation is another weapon in the war against cancer yet radiation is also a

major cause of cancer itself.  According to internationally respected radiation

expert lie Bertells, her research provided evidence that mammography’s

cause more cancer than they detect.  And regular mammography’s cause

cumulative radiation damage not to mention that as a diagnostic tool they are

very ineffective. 


This crude method will detect cancers that are no less than seven years old. 

Yet radiation therapy is a cash cow for most cancer therapy hospitals and

clinics.  Not to mention, most doctors are lavishly treated by pharmaceutical

companies with gifts.  According to ABC Primetime Thursday night, (Feb 21,

2002) doctors were coerced with $6 billion in parties, gifts and trips to

“educate†medical doctors. 


Radiation and chemotherapy are toxic substances which in turn can, and do,

generate cancer.  Adding a poison to kill a poison is not good math for our

bodies.  Yet government bows to the dictums of industry which supports and

promotes these aggressive interventions. 


Government institutions are generally against alternative medicine.  As an

example, the Ontario government proposed deregulation of Naturopathic Medicine

in 1982 as one MPP explained, “Naturopathic Doctors are not a threat to the

public and do not need to be regulated because since their legislative inception

in 1925 they have not killed anyone.  Therefore, naturopathic doctors do not

need to be regulated.â€Â 


In the US, official medicine also stifles alternative medicine.  The Office of

Alternative Medicine was established within the National Institute of Health and

given a mere $2 million research budget.  Yet the same year, the National

Institute of Health spent $68 million of taxpayers’ money on a single research

trial for one drug.  One chemical received 34 times more funding than an entire

research department that funds non-patentable research. 


In conclusion, imagine that your body is the house of your soul and you have

been putting garbage in one room in your house for years. Eventually, this

garbage finally attracts flies.  Flies are like cancer.  Chemotherapy and

radiation therapy may kill the flies but they also contribute to the garbage. 

So, if you don’t get rid of the garbage, the flies will come back. 


The comments I have made regarding the use of chemotherapy and radiation are

mine.  Everyone must make their own decision on what they want to put into or

expose their body to.



Immature love is loving someone because you need them, mature love is needing

someone because you love them!

From: summitflyer2003 <bluesky@...>


cures for cancer

Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 12:11 PM

Hi Jenn.Where is the document? :)




> Hi everyone,

> below is a document for your review. I realize it is long, but well worth the

read. Looking forward to your comments, good or bad.


> Jenn



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In a message dated 5/30/09 12:17:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

jennyhauf@... writes:

> The microorganisms that cause cancer include adenoviruses, herpes

> viruses, hepadenoviruses, and the papovaviruses,

So what is one to do about this if they have one or more of these viruses?

Is there an answer?


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