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How Cansema (escharotic bloodroot salve) kills cancer (photos)

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Be sure to read this whole document. Get more info at http://altcancer.com.

Cancer victims can buy an internal non-escharotic capsule) form of Cansema.


Black Salve CURES CANCER, according to 1878 US Patent

Here you see the U.S. Patent 209,331 for Black Salve, issued in 1878, and

reported by Greg Caton in his Meditopia book http://meditopia.org

<http://meditopia.org/> . In case you don't remember, the 5th anniversary

of Greg's incarceration for selling black salve (under the Cansema brand

name) arrives 17 September 2008. Five years ago US government agents at

the behest of the FDA raided Greg's Lake , Louisiana business,

destroyed his inventory, and tossed him in jail for two years. Last year he

wisely moved his family to Ecuador and restarted his business.

Now YOU can buy Cansema salve and tonic and cure your cancer all by

yourself, according the below patent. Sure, you can make it yourself, but

as you might know, some charlatans have tried to sell their formulations

(reported not to work) as " Cansema, " while Greg was out of business. And

besides, even though making it is relatively easy, most people consider

themselves better off buying Greg's preparation.

Want to cure your cancer? Now's your chance: http://altcancer.com

<http://altcancer.com/> .




Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 209,331, dated October 29,

1878; application filed

June 19, 1878.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, LITTLETON DANIEL, of Montgomery, in the county of

Montgomery and State of Alabama, have invented certain new and useful

Improvements in Medicine; and I do hereby declare the following to be a

full, clear, and exact description of the inven- tion, such as will enable

others skilled in the art to which it pertains to make and use it.

My invention relates to an improvement in medicines; and it consists in the

combination of certain ingredients, that will be more fully described

hereinafter, whereby cancers, tu-mors, wens, carbuncles, and all classes of

ob-stinate sores are cured or greatly benefitted.

In compounding this medicine, I take of chloride of zinc, blood-root, and

kerosene-oil equal portions in bulk, but not in weight, and make a salve. I

use kerosene-oil according to the condition of the sore or ulcer-the harder

the sore the more oil it requires. When the sore is raw or running use less


I invariably use all three ingredients, and never one or two without the

others. They must be combined together to be effective; and, when applied to

the surface of the af-fected part, will effect a cure in all cases, even

when the disease has affected the bone. When the bone has been affected it

will cause the diseased portion of the bone to scale off.

Having thus described my invention, I clai m-A medicine for the treatment of

cancers, tu-mors, wens, carbuncles, and all obstinate sores, composed of

chloride of zinc, blood-root, and kerosene-oil, in or about the proportions


In testimony that I claim the foregoing I have hereunto set my hand this

11th day of June, 1878.


Witnesses :



A Quick Pictorial Primer On Escharotic Salves

Excerpted from http://meditopia.org <http://meditopia.org/> , Chapter 1, by

Greg Caton

The suppression of escharotics for nearly 150 years by the orthodox medical

community is, in the opinion of the author, one of the most scandalous

episodes in the history of medicine. No other event so glaringly

demonstrates the corruption of the system and the supremacy of money, power,

politics, and market share over science, humanity, or any semblance of

decency, morality or ethics.

Aside from our own photographic endeavors, the best pictorial case we ever

received from a customer came from

<http://www.altcancer.com/testimonials/090303.htm> Dr. Weeks in


Since some understanding of what an escharotic salve does is germane to

fully internalizing the particulars of Chapter 1, we briefly cover the

process below. That CansemaR cured cancer became to us as much a certitude

as the observable, scientifically verifiable fact that hydrogen peroxide

kills microbes topically. As the years passed and hundreds of testimonials

poured in by mail and email (thousands if you include all the telephonic

inputs), we only became more amazed that something so simple had been so

effectively held back from the public -- for horrific reasons involving

politics and greed. Hence, did the by-line of Alpha Omega Labs come to be:

'The Triumph of Medical Science Over Politics & Greed.' And for nine

glorious years, a triumph it was (1994-2003).

Considering that the internal versions work so well on such a broad range of

life-threatening cancers, that orthodox medicine would, in effect, be

willing to enforce a system of eugenics and see many tens of millions of

people die painful deaths so that their select few could maximize profit

seemed unthinkable.

It isn't.

It is a sad and shameful, but readily verifiable fact.

And now the pictures . . .

With escharotics that attain to the level of performance of

<http://www.altcancer.com/cansema.htm> Cansema, the results are

unmistakeable. And initially this means that the product reacts with

cancerous tissue, destroys it, forms an eschar, while failing to do anything

more to healthy tissue than produce mild irritation. Even in the one and

only " victim " that the FDA used to incarcerate me, the subject, under oath,

stated that her cancer had been cured (see

<http://www.meditopia.org/sue_depos.doc> deposition, pg. 38-39, or see

<http://meditopia.org/chap1.htm#f48#f48> 48). She said she was suing because

she thought CansemaR also harmed healthy tissue, though she could not

provide any reasonable foundation for her assertion.

The variety of escharotic reactions is staggering. Eschars are usually

round, but pus can be white, green, yellow, greenish yellow, red, brown,

grey, even black. I created a special <http://www.altcancer.com/can5.htm>

instructions page, and a page devoted to summary of

<http://www.altcancer.com/can6.htm> possible physiological reactions,

<http://www.altcancer.com/cansema_pain.htm> pain management,

<http://www.altcancer.com/cansema_v.htm> vet applications,

<http://www.altcancer.com/csn.htm> suppository applications (I built our own

<http://www.altcancer.com/aosuppos.htm> suppository manufacturing facility

for this purpose), a <http://www.altcancer.com/can3.htm> legalities page,

and a set of <http://www.altcancer.com/can8.htm> testimonials unlike I have

even seen on the internet for any conventional product devoted to removing

cancers -- regardless of kind or location.

The photo above appears on the <http://www.altcancer.com/cansema.htm>

Cansema introduction page; enlarged still further in a separate

<http://www.altcancer.com/can2b.htm#s1> pictorial section. But it was only

one among many such photos on the site. Early on we posted a photo of an

eschar formation after CansemaR <http://www.altcancer.com/can2.htm#s1> was

applied to yet another melanoma.

This is a reduction of the first melanoma example we provided in our

CansemaR <http://www.altcancer.com/can2.htm#s2> pictorial section. Edema,

the buildup of bodily fluid as an immunological response to the

identification of an invasive agent to the body, is a given with Cansema, or

any other well-crafted escharotic, when applied to a cancer. Perhaps I

worked that poorly. It might be better to say that when CansemaR is in

proximity to a cancerous growth, necrosis and edema can be the anticipated

reactions. To not have a death of the cancer and a edematous response is a

strange and rare anomaly.

A fitting description is found on the <http://www.altcancer.com/can2.htm#s3>

melanoma pictorial page -- restated here: " The eschar begins to dry up like

any other scab. As healthy dermal layers are formed beneath the eschar,

which nears perfect and separate formation, it is slowly ejected from the

body. Edema and redness disappear. "

A recurring problem with customers who were not working with a health care

professional was a failure to follow instructions -- at every stage of the

process. In the case of Stage 3, some customers would pick at the eschar

instead of allowing the process to proceed naturally on its own. In the case

of Sue Gilliatt, the woman who worked with the FDA to destroy the Alpha

Omega Labs operation, we had one of the more bizarre examples of this

deviation from simple instructions. Sue actually testified under oath that

she removed her own eschar with a pair of embroidery scissors -- this, the

best " victim " the FDA could come up with. (And no, I'm not kidding; see page

98 of the <http://meditopia.org/sue_depos.doc> Gilliatt deposition).

Nonetheless, the <http://www.altcancer.com/can5.htm> instructions stand for

all to see -- simple and easy for any normal adult to follow.

Again, from the <http://www.altcancer.com/can2.htm#s4> first melanoma

pictorial page: " The entire eschar, representing what had been a thriving

cancer only days before, is pushed out of the body when the last connective

skin tissue beneath it is

broken or deteriorates. What remains at the site of expulsion is a

decavitation, which we will examine next ... "

When left to Mother Nature, the resulting scarring was minimal -- certainly,

from our experience, much less than if the growth had been removed

surgically -- MUCH less. In time, even the scarring that remained after

three months began, over time, to decrease to the point where many customers

reported that you could not tell that a growth of any kind had ever existed

on the applied area.

After the eschar comes out, a " decavitated area remains. " Epidermal layers

have not completely formed, so to the lay person the area can look extremely

raw and unprotected. Nonetheless, in the thousands of cases we were involved

in, never once did we have a case of secondary infection resulting from the

process. <http://www.altcancer.com/can2.htm#s5> We stated this clearly on

the site, and it is true to this day.

For individuals who were not going through a health care practitioner, this

stage was the scariest for the uninitiated. In the case of larger growths,

the sheer rawness of what appeared to be unprotected tissue could be quite

unsightly. For the experienced user, Stage 5 was not a problem.

" The epidermal layers have come in. There is usually minimal scarring and

discoloration, where <http://www.altcancer.com/can5.htm> instructionshave

been thoroughly followed. In time even the little scarring seen at right

will be marginalized. " (See <http://www.altcancer.com/can2.htm#s6> melanoma


In time, the success of CansemaR in terms of performance became so assured

that our focus changed to various methods of minimizing scarring. Three

areas of investigation were represented on the site:

<http://www.altcancer.com/quikheal.htm> bio-oxidative therapies (which

didn't always represent itself in terms of a product introduction -- as in

our treatment of <http://www.altcancer.com/h2o2.htm> hydrogen peroxide

(H2O2)); <http://www.altcancer.com/truderm.htm> silicon sheeting; and, a

new area of research, <http://www.altcancer.com/h3ointro.htm> stabilized

hydronium (H3O), which was so ahead of its time that it became an area not

only of vexatious litigation, but the U.S. federal government's fabricated

basis for raiding (and destroying) Alpha Omega Laboratories.

All three approaches had their advantages, but overall, H3O worked the best.

It worked so well that a variety of medical doctors used our H3O for

post-surgical cleaning to help accelerate the healing of the wound. One such

doctor was Dr. in Dallas, Texas. In the case of one vexatious

litigation, Sharon Lee, Dr. and Alpha Omega Labs were both sued -- and

the case was settled out of court after I was imprisoned and the plaintiff

lawyer used a variety of tactics to try and destroy the reputation (and the

medical license) of the good doctor. In the end Ms. Lee and her attorney

walked away with $500,000 total in insurance monies.

. . . for a medical injury that could not possible have happened, just on

the basis of what is even scientifically possible. (Proof that stabilized

H3O, as we sold it, is completely non-caustic and non-corrosive is provided

on this site).

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