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comes in total remission from hereditary breast cancer with dendritic cells and hyperthermia

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Dear all, for who is interested:

was in August 2009 faced with a recurrence with metastases in

the liver and lymph nodes of hereditary breast cancer earlier in 2002

wherefor she was treated in the Medical Center Cologne in Germany by

Gorter MD, PhD. has been working for years on an

oncology ward of a local hospital and did not like much to get a new

chemo. Instead she chose, in addition to Femara for dendritic cell therapy

in combination with hyperthermia (fever therapy) . Already in January

2010, four months after treatment, a scan showed that four of the five

tumors in the liver had disappeared and the lymph nodes were clean.

finally removed the last tumor in the liver with Dr. Vogl with

RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation, and became clinical free of cancer. Her

tumormarkers are normal and also at scans no tumors have been seen till

now, november 2010

A wonderful story of someone who knows from experience that treating

cancer better be based to have yourself well informed and based on a

choice which feels good for yourself.

Video you can watch in English subtitled:





Kees Braam

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