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Stop Elminating Vaccine Exemptions-VT & AZ

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Comment from Eileen: Each bill that passes ONE state, becomes the model to run through the nation. I think it is the work of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) http://alecwatch.org/

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Activists, Parents, Everyone:

As many of you know, the state of Washington's personal beliefs exemption from vaccination was assaulted last legislative session. Despite massive opposition including close to 100 people showing up to a committee hearing (which NEVER happens), SB5005 passed and became law. Parents must obtain the signature of a "healthcare provider" in order to obtain a personal beliefs or a religious beliefs exemption from school required vaccination, annually. The "healthcare provider" must meet certain criteria set forth by the state.

As predicted, the assault on our freedom to opt out of school required vaccinations based on personal beliefs or religious reasons is moving forward full force. Vermont already introduced two bills that will ELIMINATE philosphical exemptions altogether (H527 & S199) and they are moving rapidly despite opposition. Arizona introduced HB2846 on February 7, 2010 which will force parents to obtain the signature of a "health professional" for both personal beliefs and religious exemptions.

If these states allow their exemptions to be taken away or altered to require a healthcare professionals signature for a personal beliefs or religious exemption, ANY STATE COULD BE NEXT. The goal is pretty clear here folks. The powers that be don't like parents being able to excercise their right to opt out of school required vaccinations. We are witnessing an all out attack on our right to opt out or choose only certain vaccines. We need to alert as many people as we can in both Vermont and Arizona and urge them to stand up for their rights and fight back. We also need everyone else in all other states to be ready for such an assault.

The National Vaccine Information Center has a state advocacy portal which makes it very easy to see what is going on in your own state and keep track of what can be done and what steps to take to help stop these horrific, freedom threatening bills. Please visit: www.nvicadvocacy.org and sign up. It's free, easy, and an invaluable tool for everyone to use to help fight for our freedom.

This assault on our right to object to vaccination could not be more serious. Remember the days of simply trying to educate new parents, friends and family about the dangers of vaccines? What good will it have done if they don't have the right to say no to them? We are also facing flu vaccine mandates for all healthcare workers at both various state levels and the federal level. The Colorado Board of Health just passed a rule last week regarding this very issue and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee also voted this month to recommend that all healthcare workers receive annual flu vaccines as a condition of employment. We have already been contacted by healthcare workers who have lost their jobs over this issue. I listened in on the NVAC meeting for an entire day, tried to make a comment during the public comment section and was not allowed. Vaccinating blue-collar workers with annual flu vaccine was also mentioned during the meeting.

The jig is up folks. It's Pharmageddon (credit for that term goes to Steve from the Western Canary Party Conference!). They're coming for all of us. Whether it's flu vaccinations as a condition of employment or taking away our state allowed exemptions from vaccination for school, be assured, pHARMa is working hard behind the scenes in every state to make sure that you and your children are part of their market, even if you disagree.

Twelve year olds and up in California can now go get Gardasil (HPV vaccine) and Hepatitis B vaccine without their parents' knowledge or consent thanks to AB499 which passed last session. Despite an intense veto campaign, Governor Brown signed the bill into law while also signing a bill to keep children under 18 from using a tanning bed without their parents' consent. Those of us in CA are now burdened with the difficult task of trying to undo this bad bill.

Please forward this to anyone you know who cares about vaccination rights. If you are in VT or AZ, please join the NVIC's advocacy portal at the link above and send me an email letting me know you are joining the fight so I can make sure you get coordinated with what and who you need. If you are in CA and willing to help get rid of AB499, please send me an email as there are a group of us working on this via the Canary Party. The Canary Party also has a great project management tool which can benefit anyone, anywhere, depending on what aspect of health freedom you are interested in helping with. If you haven't taken a look at the Canary Party yet, please do so at www.canaryparty.org

We ALL need to join in and fight. Health freedom is under unprecedented assault. Everyone can do something and no matter how small a contribution, every single effort helps. Forwarding an email, making a phone call, faxing a legislator, attending a hearing, it doesn't matter. If you value your medical freedom, figure out what you have to offer and how best to use those skills to help. If you feel you can't help because of time constraints but can donate money, we can certainly use donations, no matter how small. Donations to HAPI are tax deductible, see information below signature. There are very few of us working really, really hard on this issue and most of us do it for free while we juggle everday life working at jobs and raising kids. I guess this is the point where I am begging. Begging for every single person who receives this to please figure out what it is that you can offer to help us protect our health freedom, it is almost too late. Don't let this happen on your watch!

If I have not provided enough information or resources for you to be able to figure out how it is you can help, please don't hesitate to call me or email me to chat about ideas. We CAN ALL make a difference if we try!!!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". ~Edmund Burke??? That's what I found, but great quote no matter who said it!!! Many thanks to all of you dedicated health freedom fighters for all that you do!-- In Health and Liberty,Dawn WinklerExecutive DirectorHealth Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI)www.hapihealth.comhapi.vaxinfo@...530-283-1018970-209-3919ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS EMAIL IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL OR LEGAL ADVICE. HEALTH ADVOCACY IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST (HAPI) IS A 501©(3), NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION. CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING IF YOU FEEL OUR ORGANIZATION HAS BEEN OF HELP TO YOU AS WE RELY SOLELY ON INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS. CHECKS MAY BE MADE OUT TO HAPI AND MAILED TO PO BOX 624, QUINCY, CA 95971 OR PAYPAL, USE hapi.vaxinfo@... THANK YOU!!!-- Best regards,Eileen DannemannDirector, National Coalition of Organized Womenwww.ProgressiveConvergence.comwww.VaccineLiberationArmy.com319 855-0307To remove from e list: Hit reply with Remove in the subject.-- Best regards,Eileen DannemannDirector, National Coalition of Organized Womenwww.ProgressiveConvergence.comwww.VaccineLiberationArmy.com319 855-0307To remove from e list: Hit reply with Remove in the subject.

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