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I am watching US woman's soccer -- our girls are amazing. I take back

everything I said about Michele Ackers, I love her. So Michele, if you will

forgive me I will forgive you --not that you ever did anything.

Go USA -- our women are a lot better than are men.

But what happen to a Hinges, maybe she was distracted by thoughts of

our last weekend together, yeah right.



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> My question is: anyone juicing? I've started the two

> pounds of carrots a day and am supplementing with

> other antioxidants.

I've had LOTS of success with juice fasting! Briefly, what

I mean is LOTS of juices throughout the day (with

psyllium and various herbs) and no solid food.

I am allergic to carrots so I juice apples, watermelons,

pineapples (what a heavenly taste) etc. I've even juiced

zucchini and green beans. The key is the juice has to be

freshly prepared, raw, and consumed within 20 minutes of

juicing. (I've done a juice fast with pasteurised juice

(I was in a pinch) and got little result).

Be aware that this

is a VERY taboo subject!!!!! If you really want to

see people get angry (in any social circle) just mention

fasting - you'll be amazed at how fast people turn on

you!!!!! (this includes religious circles, where, if

anywhere, you might think you'd find people sympathetic

to the subject. and even though I've usually fasted for

health reasons, I've always reaped spiritual benefits).

You will get eaten alive if you so much as

mention this subject!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (be aware that I

WILL NOT SPAR with those who want to argue with me

on this subject - ALSO - I WILL NOT have an argument

about whether *JUICE* fasting is truly considered

fasting or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1).

PLEASE do not tell me that I am not getting the

results I AM getting from fasting. PLEASE do

NOT start an argument over this issue!!!!!!!!


I got the results I got and that's that. Take

it for what its worth and let me BE!!!!!!

My success has not been permanent. The length

of my " recovery " varies from fast to fast. Juice fasts

have always made me feel better (lose 20% - 70% of

my symptoms). I am not lying. Whenever I get close

to the point of being bed-ridden again I do a fast of

5 to 10 days (I've found that anything less than 5 days

FOR ME is pointless) and I will be better. With some

fasts I've gotten LOTS better, with others just better

enough to not be completely disabled. One of my

doctors said he's never seen such a drastic change

in a person in one week in his entire life. The results

of my juice fasts last anywhere from a minimum of

4 weeks to a maximum of 9 months. I have not figured

out yet why some fasts " work " better than others, or

why some " last " longer than others. Its a crap shoot, but

what I CAN depend on, is that I will feel better. My boss

once gave me a week off with pay and without charging

my PTO so I could fast because she was so impressed by

how much better I could think and work after a fast.

I feel that JUICING is one of the keys to the success of

my fasts (but I also have other elements that strengthen

the success of the fast - like sweating, mineral pools,

and other things that I KNOW will start an argument)

A side note:

My mom was juicing carrots every day and turned

orange. Sorry, I don't remember how much she

was juicing (she also doesn't have CFIDS). I know

she had at least one glass/day.



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Your post is really cute. I will not bite you. I am doing a high protein

diet now -- but I cannot say that it is working. Maybe folks get upset

because they cannot stand the idea of no food for so long. I have also been

digesting so much salmon, flax seed and primrose oil I am turning yellow but

it is not doing much good.

Good luck and keep in touch.


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Hi Martha,

I love carrot juice and used to drink it every day (from 2 pounds). It is ok

to drink it for few days but be careful. I did it for two months and, of

course, I turned orange. (The orrange colour disappeared when I stopped).

Later i was warned by a physician that such amount of carrot juice can be

dangerous (I forgot why, sorry), especially if the carrot wasn't grown

biologically (I mean without pesticides etc.)

Take care



>From: Martha Pfeiffer <kmpfeiffer@...>



>This is my first post on the site. I've been

>following it for awhile, however. Question: it

>appears that some of you have been to the Cheney

>Clinic. I was there years ago and since that time the

>protocol for CFS has changed dramatically. I live in

>Vermont and it is too far to get down to Dr. Cheney's

>island in North Carolina so I try to follow his

>general protocol from info on the Interenet, Lists,

>conferences, etc. Same thing all of us are doing!

>My question is: anyone juicing? I've started the two

>pounds of carrots a day and am supplementing with

>other antioxidants. Anyone have any experience with

>this protocol???? Michele Ackers is really getting

>the press these days as she is playing in the World

>Soccer Cup matches. Pretty impressive. She did it on

>carrots, why can't we! Anyone following this

>nutritional intervention ? I would really appreciate

>hearing from you. I've had CFS for ten years. Next

>post I'll write what has helped me the most! Thanks

>to all of you out there!!




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> Your post is really cute. I will not bite you.

Thank you!

> I am doing a

> high protein

> diet now -- but I cannot say that it is working.

When I stick to the high protein thing, I do see some benefits.

Not sure if its enough to write home about, but I think it

helps a bit.

> Maybe folks get upset

> because they cannot stand the idea of no food for so long.

I believe that's at the core of the attacks I've received in

the past. The way I perform my fasts I rarely experience

true hunger. What I can see clearly during a fast it the

difference between desire for the sensual pleasure of

food (experiencing the taste, the texture, the crunchiness,

etc.) and actual, true hunger. Wilfulness can be a vicious

beast to tame and during a fast I realise my body is militating

for food that is not required. There's so much emotional

crap intricately tied to eating.

> I have also been

> digesting so much salmon, flax seed and primrose oil I am

> turning yellow but

> it is not doing much good.

Perhaps you are not truly digesting it? That's too bad.

I have a friend who is doing marvellously on a high-protein

diet. I'm jealous.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


Thanks for sending me the info about juicing, I really appreciate it. We

bought a Juiceman Jr. this past week end and I am amazed that even juicing

my lunch fills me up for the whole afternoon. I'm not really hungry later

on. So far, I don't have a good time to juice for 5-7 days until sometime

the end of Aug. Too many things going on to really rest and get the benefit

of a juice fast.

Thanks again. I'll keep you posted.


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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

I would highly recommend you get some books on juicing. The Juiceman

guy has a few and he talks about drinking certain juices that are

good to sip while you are eating (cantelope is one) and it will help

get your digestion going. Any juice before you eat is good because

it will help fill you up and give you some good nutrients. Then eat

a sensible meal. There is no reason why you have to not eat when you

are juicing. Just eat foods that are in their most natural form

whenever possible and avoid processed foods, white flour, pastas,

rice, etc. The juices I listed are mostly vegetable based. I would

not feel comfortable telling you what to do if you are diabetic. The

juicing books can adress this but you must check with your doctor

too. You'll find that avoiding the foods I mentioned about should

help keep your insulin level stable but again, check with your doctor

and get some books that will discuss this in greater detail.

> Okay guys, just one last post and I promise that will be it. I'm

> wondering if Texas Mom would mind anwering a juicing question.


> it be possible for me to receive adequate benefits from juicing, if


> am eating also? Do to prior eating disorders, it is imperative


> I continue to eat throughout the day, otherwise, I would be sent

> straight over the deep end and back into a nightmare I would rather

> not reenter.


> Also, do you have any recipes that you would prescribe for

> diabetics? I have a rather difficult time being able to handle


> that have much fruit in them, but do quite well with the veggie


> types.


> Thank you so much for helping out in this area. I have a plan and

> vision of complete recovery, and am looking for natural means to

> reach this goal of complete renewal of health.


> Thanks again!

> Sincerely,

> Tami

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  • 2 years later...

Dear June, MJH, and all

I have been juicing for over 8 months. I hope that one

day this will help me get a lot better from this dd.

I use carrots as the base, but add different

vegetables to it. I dont do spinach because of its

iron content(snce cheney has mentioned that cfs

patients might get free radical damage with too much



carrot + (chard or lettuce or parsley or kale) +

alfalafa sprouts + ginger + garlic + celery + apple.

apples can be mixed with any vegetables. whereas otehr

fruits should be juiced alone (acc to juicing experts

to avoid acid/alkaline combinations)

I sometimes do wheatgrass, apple and ginger.

I am enzymes defiecient too and so I try to juice

atleast once per day.

Has anyone experienced a great improvement by doing

juicing? How about juice fasting? Love to hear some




--- june alnajjar <junie001@...> wrote:

> Dear MJH,

> You mentioned juicing would be a good way to ingest

> enzymes. Besides carrots, do you have any other

> favorites that are tasty and sweet? Any special

> recipes? Right now I'm hooked on carrots, but

> should probably try other fruits/veggies. Thanks.

> Turning orange in Washington,

> June


> Re: Digest Number 2503


> Judith

> Digestive enzymes make a big difference for me as

> does homemade yoghurt.

> Enzymes are inexpensive, you can even start with

> green payaya (papain) and

> pineapple (bromelain) and see if that helps.

> Six times a day, with and between meals.

> Also, if you have a juicer, enzymes are

> located between the peel/skin

> and fruit of all fruits and vegetables.... that's

> another inexpensive way to

> start and juice is easy on the digestion.

> Hope you feel better

> mjh




> In a message dated 8/20/02 7:11:33 PM Eastern

> Daylight Time,

> writes:



> > Much thanks for any and all help. And if you feel

> that pancreatic

> > enzymes should be first as my doc said (she uses

> something called

> > " Digestivezymes " ) because I'm so reactive and

> can't do but one new thing

> > at a time, please say. I don't know enuf about

> the immune system, but,

> > duh, I think such low NK % aint' too good.

> >

> > Many thanks for any help and suggestions.

> >

> > Judith Wisdom

> >





> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Juicing was/is great for me. I started about 3 years ago and noticed

an improvement, then when I added the whey protein I got up to a

much higher level of functioning. THe fact that juicing helped me

so much tells me that what I have is gut related (I still have gut

problems)and probably nutrition related as well. Also, when I quit

refined sugar, that was a big help too. No more severe relapses.

Mike C.

> Dear June, MJH, and all


> I have been juicing for over 8 months. I hope that one

> day this will help me get a lot better from this dd.


> I use carrots as the base, but add different

> vegetables to it. I dont do spinach because of its

> iron content(snce cheney has mentioned that cfs

> patients might get free radical damage with too much

> iron)

> eg:-

> carrot + (chard or lettuce or parsley or kale) +

> alfalafa sprouts + ginger + garlic + celery + apple.


> apples can be mixed with any vegetables. whereas otehr

> fruits should be juiced alone (acc to juicing experts

> to avoid acid/alkaline combinations)


> I sometimes do wheatgrass, apple and ginger.


> I am enzymes defiecient too and so I try to juice

> atleast once per day.


> Has anyone experienced a great improvement by doing

> juicing? How about juice fasting? Love to hear some

> testimonials.


> Thanks

> Gayathri

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> I use carrots as the base, but add different

> vegetables to it. I don't do spinach because of its

> iron content(snce cheney has mentioned that cfs

> patients might get free radical damage with too much

> iron)

Spinach do NOT have a higher iron content than other vegetables, (it's a

myth, a Popeye myth), iron is found mainly in red meat (especially liver),

eggs etc but not much in non meat products.


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Do you still take supplements while juicing?



Re: juicing

| Juicing was/is great for me. I started about 3 years ago and noticed

| an improvement, then when I added the whey protein I got up to a

| much higher level of functioning. THe fact that juicing helped me

| so much tells me that what I have is gut related (I still have gut

| problems)and probably nutrition related as well. Also, when I quit

| refined sugar, that was a big help too. No more severe relapses.


| Mike C.



| > Dear June, MJH, and all

| >

| > I have been juicing for over 8 months. I hope that one

| > day this will help me get a lot better from this dd.

| >

| > I use carrots as the base, but add different

| > vegetables to it. I dont do spinach because of its

| > iron content(snce cheney has mentioned that cfs

| > patients might get free radical damage with too much

| > iron)

| > eg:-

| > carrot + (chard or lettuce or parsley or kale) +

| > alfalafa sprouts + ginger + garlic + celery + apple.

| >

| > apples can be mixed with any vegetables. whereas otehr

| > fruits should be juiced alone (acc to juicing experts

| > to avoid acid/alkaline combinations)

| >

| > I sometimes do wheatgrass, apple and ginger.

| >

| > I am enzymes defiecient too and so I try to juice

| > atleast once per day.

| >

| > Has anyone experienced a great improvement by doing

| > juicing? How about juice fasting? Love to hear some

| > testimonials.

| >

| > Thanks

| > Gayathri





| This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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Yes, especially the things you aren't getting with the juice like

B-12 and magnesium/calcium. A multivitamin would work, but if you

are juicing carrots and oranges (not together) you wouldn't need to

supplement vitamins C or A.

Mike C.

> Do you still take supplements while juicing?

> Thanks..

> Nil

> Re: juicing



> | Juicing was/is great for me. I started about 3 years ago and


> | an improvement, then when I added the whey protein I got up to a

> | much higher level of functioning. THe fact that juicing helped me

> | so much tells me that what I have is gut related (I still have gut

> | problems)and probably nutrition related as well. Also, when I


> | refined sugar, that was a big help too. No more severe relapses.

> |

> | Mike C.

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A multivitamin would work, but if you

> are juicing carrots and oranges (not together) you wouldn't need to

> supplement vitamins C or A.


> Mike C.



I think this might not be true. In order to convert beta-carotene

into useable vitamin A, the body must go through some rearrangement

of the beta-carotene. If the cofactors neccesary for this process

are deficient (what they are exactly I do not know, vitamins?,

minerals?, enzymes?, others may be able to give more information of

this) then there would neccesarily be a short fall of useable vitamin


Since CFS patients are notoriously deficient in many things, I think

it would be unwise to assume that you were properly converting beta-

carotene to vitamin A, like a normal person does. On the other hand,

beta-carotene is said to have benifical properties in its own right,

independent of being convert to vitamin A. The only harm I can see,

is in assuming you are getting enough vitamin A, just because you

eat, or drink, a lot of pro-vitamin A's (beta-catotene).

Vitamin C is another matter. ly, I am no expert is such

things. But, it seems reasonable to me that taking extra C (with in

limits discussed before per Cheney, so as not to unneccesarily

deplete glutathione, i.e. less than ~ 2000mg/ day) is a reasonable

thing to do. Vitamin C does so many positive things in the body, and

there is a paucity of credible studies indicating harm from above

dietary levels, and it so cheap generally, I cannot see why one would

not take a little extra. Even if one was drinking a lot of juice, I

think it would be difficult to exceed the " 2000mg target zone " with

the juices alone, no?

No flames intended ! :)


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  • 2 years later...


I started juicing about two weeks ago. My jouicer is high speed

centrifugal juicer but still I found juicing very helpful. I am now

trying to find out which type of juicer would give better results.I

juice almost everything. Whatever I would like to have that day.



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Hi Alison,

I've tried juicing a couple of times over the years

and find it dificult on the stomach. Tried a wide

variety of veges and fruit. Sometimes it's nausea,

stomach pain, shaking and sometimes vomiting.

When I tried a juicing diet a long time ago I vomited

and fainted until I gave up. Eating a lot of fruit

and/or veges - esp. green ones (instead of protein)

makes me feel much worse anyway.

Hope that this helps. We are all different and what

works for one can help another of course.

With warmest regards,



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when i first got ill in 1990 i was almost macrobiotic. i had

wheatgrass juice every day. and fresh juice -- kale, beets,

carrots, garlic. i think that was it. i attribute a lot of that to

why i got better when many don't.


> Hi,


> Has anyone tried juicing? If so, did you find it beneficial in


> way, what type of juicer did you use and what did you juice?


> Best wishes

> Alison

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I'm contemplating buying a juicer and am wondering how much it could

do for me. When you say that you got " better, " it sounds as though you

aren't quite well or back to the level of health you were before

CFIDS. Could you define that a little more. For example, did you go

from having to rest about 90% of the day to only having to rest 10% of

the day? Could you give us some kind of perameters like that?

" tuna_kdm " <laurel@m...> wrote:

> when i first got ill in 1990 i was almost macrobiotic. i had

> wheatgrass juice every day. and fresh juice -- kale, beets,

> carrots, garlic. i think that was it. i attribute a lot of that to

> why i got better when many don't.



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sorry sandra -- i can't quantify it as i have large blocks of memory

loss. when i first got ill, it was 1990. only five years after

this illness was identified in the states. i was lucky i had a

doctor who knew what this was -- he trained in europe.

i used to work at a top ten ad agency in chicago. overnight i went

on sick leave. i probably had 5 REALLY BAD days a week -- defined

by extreme fatigue, terrible insomnia, and wracking pain. of

course, some of this could have been complicated by the emotional

reaction to all that was going on -- leaving my job that had been my

identity for 8 years after college, and it took the doctor five

months to identify what i had (which is short i know).

previously to leaving my company when i got ill -- i had a number of

food allergies identified as well as chemical allergies. so i had

cut out wheat as well as anything candidiasis triggers. adn i was

on one of the two medicines at the time for candidiasis (begins with

a " n " ).

soon after i left my company still not sure what i had -- i started

to eat mostly macrobiotic. and mostly organic. and i was probably

95% a vegatarian althogh i would eat seafood, eggs, and dairy. but

almost no beef, limited chicken and pork.

also i was single and had private disability and social security.

so i didn't have other things or people to worry about. just focus

on my illness.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO -- i can't for certain say what were specific factors

and what weren't.

what i can tell you is that i came to a MUCH higher level of

functioning. had a number of years where it was more like 2 bad

days, 5 okay days. but i haven't held a regular job since then --

as i am unpredictable in energy.

what i can tell you is this . . . two years ago, probably triggered

by stress, i started into a decline. and it's not fun, as i'm sure

everyone will agree.

after getting over all the emotional stuff -- fear, etc. and taking

some time to process what i came to is FOR MYSELF -- GEE, if a clean

diet seemed to work before, it makes sense that a clean diet will


so -- i am wending my way to a candiasis- " safe " diet, juicing, and

wheatgrass juice. and cutting out wheat.

i had read TONS before on health, food, our bodies. i am pulling out

what i still have and revisiting it. and educating myself on what

has transpired in the past ten years in which i've mostly acted like

a " normal " person -- that is, pushing beyond my limits, eating what

i want, etc. but from what i recall -- our bodies spend a lot of

energy processing the foods we use to supposedly fuel our bodies.

we're also not putting the right fuel in, anyways. when i think

about what i have put into my poor body in the past ten years --

it's probably a miracle i am not more ill.

the hardest for me is that now i have a " full " household although

not kids. i could fill my energy with just taking care of husband,

dogs, cats, bird, fish. but i am going to let things slide -- and

put the focus on my own food priorities.

MY APOLOGIES as i know this was long-winded. but there wasn't a

simple answer.

bottom-line, i am CONFIDENT putting healthy food into our bodies

will help create a healthier environment for our bodies to heal.

and logic says -- it sure can't hurt and must be better than fast

food, food filled with preservatives and food grown with chemicals.

in chicago, i used to get the juice every two days from a little

chinese health store. not ideal but then this was 1990.

i think the key would be organic if you can. if you can't,

vegetables are better than non vegetables. and i would do more

vegetable juice than fruit juice -- due to the candiasis issue.

just my two cents worth.

hope this helps you in your decision,


> > when i first got ill in 1990 i was almost macrobiotic. i had

> > wheatgrass juice every day. and fresh juice -- kale, beets,

> > carrots, garlic. i think that was it. i attribute a lot of

that to

> > why i got better when many don't.

> >

> >

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In the late 90's was the first time I had juice from a juicer at some friends

house and believe it or not, I acted like I was slightly drunk. It all went

right to my head (I guess I really needed it) but I still would have it

periodically as I knew that what I needed went straight to my cells.

I tried some Juice again about 6 months ago and went into a severe hypoglocemia

attack so I've not tried it since.


Re: Juicing

sorry sandra -- i can't quantify it as i have large blocks of memory

loss. when i first got ill, it was 1990. only five years after

this illness was identified in the states. i was lucky i had a

doctor who knew what this was -- he trained in europe.

i used to work at a top ten ad agency in chicago. overnight i went

on sick leave. i probably had 5 REALLY BAD days a week -- defined

by extreme fatigue, terrible insomnia, and wracking pain. of

course, some of this could have been complicated by the emotional

reaction to all that was going on -- leaving my job that had been my

identity for 8 years after college, and it took the doctor five

months to identify what i had (which is short i know).

previously to leaving my company when i got ill -- i had a number of

food allergies identified as well as chemical allergies. so i had

cut out wheat as well as anything candidiasis triggers. adn i was

on one of the two medicines at the time for candidiasis (begins with

a " n " ).

soon after i left my company still not sure what i had -- i started

to eat mostly macrobiotic. and mostly organic. and i was probably

95% a vegatarian althogh i would eat seafood, eggs, and dairy. but

almost no beef, limited chicken and pork.

also i was single and had private disability and social security.

so i didn't have other things or people to worry about. just focus

on my illness.

SOOOOOOOOOOOO -- i can't for certain say what were specific factors

and what weren't.

what i can tell you is that i came to a MUCH higher level of

functioning. had a number of years where it was more like 2 bad

days, 5 okay days. but i haven't held a regular job since then --

as i am unpredictable in energy.

what i can tell you is this . . . two years ago, probably triggered

by stress, i started into a decline. and it's not fun, as i'm sure

everyone will agree.

after getting over all the emotional stuff -- fear, etc. and taking

some time to process what i came to is FOR MYSELF -- GEE, if a clean

diet seemed to work before, it makes sense that a clean diet will


so -- i am wending my way to a candiasis- " safe " diet, juicing, and

wheatgrass juice. and cutting out wheat.

i had read TONS before on health, food, our bodies. i am pulling out

what i still have and revisiting it. and educating myself on what

has transpired in the past ten years in which i've mostly acted like

a " normal " person -- that is, pushing beyond my limits, eating what

i want, etc. but from what i recall -- our bodies spend a lot of

energy processing the foods we use to supposedly fuel our bodies.

we're also not putting the right fuel in, anyways. when i think

about what i have put into my poor body in the past ten years --

it's probably a miracle i am not more ill.

the hardest for me is that now i have a " full " household although

not kids. i could fill my energy with just taking care of husband,

dogs, cats, bird, fish. but i am going to let things slide -- and

put the focus on my own food priorities.

MY APOLOGIES as i know this was long-winded. but there wasn't a

simple answer.

bottom-line, i am CONFIDENT putting healthy food into our bodies

will help create a healthier environment for our bodies to heal.

and logic says -- it sure can't hurt and must be better than fast

food, food filled with preservatives and food grown with chemicals.

in chicago, i used to get the juice every two days from a little

chinese health store. not ideal but then this was 1990.

i think the key would be organic if you can. if you can't,

vegetables are better than non vegetables. and i would do more

vegetable juice than fruit juice -- due to the candiasis issue.

just my two cents worth.

hope this helps you in your decision,


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ouch on the hypo attack. was it mostly fruit juice?

MAKES SENSE about the " drunk " feeling. i had a friend who had a

wheatgrass juice at my house in 1990. and refused to have it again --

said it made him feel like he was on drugs. and that feeling scared

him as he had been clean/sober for 10 years.

i think you might be right about it going to your head and cells,


> In the late 90's was the first time I had juice from a juicer at

some friends house and believe it or not, I acted like I was

slightly drunk. It all went right to my head (I guess I really

needed it) but I still would have it periodically as I knew that

what I needed went straight to my cells.


> I tried some Juice again about 6 months ago and went into a severe

hypoglocemia attack so I've not tried it since.


> N.



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Well said-

We can all offer what helps us or what doesn't BUT the main thing to remember

is that we ALL REACT DIFFERANTLY. What may work for one may not work for

another-with natural treatments and with medicines-

I think that this is one of the things that turns a Dr off, especially for those

that really don't believe in this disease or for those that can't put their ego

maniac hands on the solution within the first 5 minutes. KNOW also there are

those Drs out there that TRULY do CARE and WILL TRY to help us.


Re: Juicing

Hi Alison,

I've tried juicing a couple of times over the years

and find it dificult on the stomach. Tried a wide

variety of veges and fruit. Sometimes it's nausea,

stomach pain, shaking and sometimes vomiting.

When I tried a juicing diet a long time ago I vomited

and fainted until I gave up. Eating a lot of fruit

and/or veges - esp. green ones (instead of protein)

makes me feel much worse anyway.

Hope that this helps. We are all different and what

works for one can help another of course.

With warmest regards,



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Thanks for all your replies on juicing. I'm definitely going to

splash out and invest in a juicer after all, although I don't yet

know which model I'll go for.

I have gleaned lots of recipes from the internet - some are using

fruit, others are veg. I also have some by Siegfried Gursche for

specific ailments, including osteoporosis, candida, fibromyalgia and

parasites. If anybody would like copies, just email me offlist.

Here are some links I thought were good:

Comparison of enzyme activity and volume produced by different



Lowering the glycemic response of carrot juice with oil (links):


Lots of articles and juicer comparisons:


Best wishes,


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  • 1 year later...

<<<<The one downside to juicing is that you loose all of the great fiber from

the fruits & veggies (unless you are using the pulp to cook with).>>>>

You can make great juices (smoothies) and soups from *whole* foods in the

Vita-Mix. I started out with a Juiceman (extractor type juicer), but soon

switched to the Vita-Mix, which is used several times a day in our house. There

are mega nutrients in those skins and peels that are not going into extracted

juices, but *are* used in the Vita-Mix. Recipes are not the same as for an

extractor type juicer. They are not as sweet, but with some experimentation, you

can learn to make awesome, nutrition-loaded drinks, soups, and more!


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