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In a message dated 5/10/00 3:33:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

egroups writes:

<< Lou Gehrig's disease >>

My aunt, my dad's sister, died from this disease, so maybe we've got

something genetic going on in our family, too.....

Never thought of this before I read the article.....

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I can't imagine without DS - it is an integral part of his identity

and he (and others) with DS should be valued and respected like any other

minority (ethnic,gender etc|)

However, I can remember him before the onset of whatever is affecting him

now and I AM looking for a 'cure' for that. I do want to change his

behaviour - I want to help him control his anxieties, learn to relate, learn

to learn. I want his days filled with laughter not self-injurous behaviour.

I want him to feel like he belongs.

I'm learning how to help him but I've got lots more questions for you


Tell me more about PECS and how does it work with signing?

We're having his urine tested for GF/CF diet - How many of you have found

this effective?

He seems to love SI therapy whilst we're doing it but I don't think there's

any 'knock-on' effect, do you?

How on earth do I choose a school!!! Have to make a decision for next year

very soon!!!!!

Thanks in advance


In UK (where theres a lot of skeptisism about dual diagnosis)

Mum to (4.5) & Grace (4 months)

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Kayte, does nt respond to sign,Makaton and we have just started PECS,he

really has very little desire to communicate with us and if I manipulate the

environment so that he needs help to get the things he wants he drags us and

uses eye pointing which is a form of communicating we pretend we dont

understand him and offer the symbols but he will usually go without rather

than offer a card. is gf/cf and I didnt do the test because

Shattocks machinery was broken and he had a long backlog,it has cured his

persistent diarrhoea but I have nt seen much change in any other area,where

we live ,Swindon the children are statemented and thereisnt a choice of

school,except for the most able Pat

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  • 4 years later...
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Roy --

There is no known cure; treatment is for the SYMPTOMS but once the nerves have been destroyed, they are gone. If you tell us where you live, we may be able to recommend an experienced physician to help you. It sounds like whoever you've been going to so far hasn't done a very good job of explaining this disease (what it is, what it does, what it means) to you.

You'll find lots of good educational information in the Links section on the website:


I would start out with this article:


and then move on to the articles in the "description of achalasia" folder:achalasia/links/Diagnosis_and_Descri_001072488748/

If your surgeon wasn't extremely experienced at doing Heller Myotomies, it's possible he didn't do "enough" when he cut the LES muscle. Many people find that a dilation AFTER surgery is helpful, too. I hope you can find something to help you here -- this is a great group of supportive people and we probably have one of the single-most-extensive collections of achalasia literature known to mankind!Debbi in Michigan


I have been told that I have Achalasia which i have suffered with for two years and I have had two balloon treatments which worked for a short time, then i had an operation which cut the muscles, but now I appear to be suffering once again with swallowing my food. Can anyone tell me of any known cure or is it something that i have to live with for the rest of my life.Roy

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Roy wrote:

Can anyone tell me of any known

cure or is it something that

i have to live with for the rest of my life.

There isn't really a cure, but some lucky folks get

long lasting relief from the treatments you have already had. You will

probably have to deal with achalasia the rest of your life. On the bright

side you can stick around here and enjoy the company of others that know

what you are dealing with.


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  • 1 year later...

I too thought the tiredness and all my aches and pains were due to

aging and stress. You mean healthy people dont get tired? or get

aches and pains? Hmmm, wonder what is normal and what is not. Like

when I walk every day, one park has some really steep hills and you

know it is high 80's when I go out or low 90's with humidity, even

worse, (TX here) I think I might die before I reach top of hill. LOL

But i do feel good generally since divorce 4 years ago. LOL again.

Was in a stressful marriage with lots of emotional abuse. I also had

to have cataract surgery within last 2 years, darn near went

blind...I need eyes to do my work! That was tough as docs dont tell

you or ask you how you would like to see when they get done! They pic

a lens, pop it in your eye... kind of permanent there. Now I see

sparklers at dark. Kept going back to doc waiting for it to go away,

well it aint!! they took away my far vision, gave me computer

distance in right eye, duh... cuz I say I work at pc??? what the

deal, I do other stuff too ya know, like walk, and work with close up

needs, actually magnification is necessary for some of my work. I was

soooo angry after surgery, Email me before cataract surgery so I can

give you right questions for doc. You see they want it where you

still need glasses so they can still make money, so they have there

games they play. If you know how to do it, you can get distance put

in and just wear reading glasses for close. That is only one medical

crises I have had! Prayers up--blessings down.



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I too have experienced great fatigue and pains. During and after

treatment I was a mess. Could not separate the mental from the

physical. Earlier this year I could hardly walk a block. Went to dr.

and had teats and I had pneumonia and low testosterone. I am always

blaming crap on my antidepressant, celexa. Feel better now though.

Contemplation new Peg combo tx. Don't know if I got it in me though.

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Tell me what to ask, my surgery is scheduled for Sept 20th,, they are doing both

cataract and removing the sarcoid membrane,,

tamara <seweasy@...> wrote:I too thought the tiredness and all my aches and

pains were due to

aging and stress. You mean healthy people dont get tired? or get

aches and pains? Hmmm, wonder what is normal and what is not. Like

when I walk every day, one park has some really steep hills and you

know it is high 80's when I go out or low 90's with humidity, even

worse, (TX here) I think I might die before I reach top of hill. LOL

But i do feel good generally since divorce 4 years ago. LOL again.

Was in a stressful marriage with lots of emotional abuse. I also had

to have cataract surgery within last 2 years, darn near went

blind...I need eyes to do my work! That was tough as docs dont tell

you or ask you how you would like to see when they get done! They pic

a lens, pop it in your eye... kind of permanent there. Now I see

sparklers at dark. Kept going back to doc waiting for it to go away,

well it aint!! they took away my far vision, gave me computer

distance in right eye, duh... cuz I say I work at pc??? what the

deal, I do other stuff too ya know, like walk, and work with close up

needs, actually magnification is necessary for some of my work. I was

soooo angry after surgery, Email me before cataract surgery so I can

give you right questions for doc. You see they want it where you

still need glasses so they can still make money, so they have there

games they play. If you know how to do it, you can get distance put

in and just wear reading glasses for close. That is only one medical

crises I have had! Prayers up--blessings down.



It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- Hepatitis C/

Happy Posting

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> Tell me what to ask, my surgery is scheduled for Sept 20th,, they

are doing both cataract and removing the sarcoid membrane,,


First off, do not be nervous or scared of surgery. The very worst is

all the eye drops you get bombarded with. The most pain before during

or after is the iv needle stick. ]

Before surgery, they do all kind of vision testing and put your

numbers in, then ask you what you do the most, I said I sew and when

asked about computer i said yes. I have not needed glasses except for

astigmatism, and after 43 close up work. I could always see far off

until cataract. eyes went bad quickly! one did anyway. After surgery,

I kept going back to doc saying it was all blurry like under water!

Well, I never had a distance problem, besides it looks like 4'th of

July at night now, cant drive nights any more since surgery. Doc lied

said I would be able to see 20/20 after surgery, after surgery he

changed it to 20/20 with correction????? I had to see retinologist,

and get more testing. Very expensive! I believe that was a doctor to

doctor hook up too, more money...then after all test and complaints,

doc says, well it looks excellent (surgery) all is well go home leave

me alone. Talk about depressed! And to top it my glasses were not

sufficeint, they kept changing them, never got right. I finally got

appt with county hospital, he tweeked vision in glasses, it helps. I

drive with a contact for slight vision help to left eye nothing for

right, it sees the dash. That is called monovision when you see each

eye different with correction and balance it out. When at home, I

wear glasses to work and see cause am doing needlework stuff all the

time or reading. It just seemed like a big trick to me, and this is a

well known doc and practice...However you see now before need of

surgery is how you probably want to see afterwards, so make sure he

gives you lens for that. I have friends that had teh surgery and see

very well. Also, if you cloud up afterwards it is a simple procedure

to do something to lens to fix that. When I saw other doc at county,

he said the surgery was nice but said my eyes are totally different,

duh...figured that one out. You will do fine, it is a breeze to go

thru as long as you get what you want!



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  • 4 weeks later...

a1thighmaster wrote:

> No matter who says it, it is still a false statement. Without clinical

> proof it is unethical to claim a cure,


I have to take you up on that statement!!!

Take the cat cases with FIP for example.

No vet has yet managed a cure a single cat of FIP. Not one - not

anywhere on the planet.

Yet cats diagnosed by vets and recommended for euthanasia have come to

me - their owners used homeopathy based on my suggestions - and years

later the cats are still fit and healthy.

So tell me ETHICALLY - why those can not be called cured?

Also tell me why the breast cancer I had in 2000 and which I treated

with homeopathy so that it was gone in under a month starting with a hot

2 inch tumour - and is still gone (always will be as homeopathy removes

the cause and replaces it with resistance) - can not be called a cure

for " ethical " reasons?

What's " ethical " about DENYING me the " cure " word????????

That seems to me the better question surely!

After all any doctor claims a cure if the patient is alive after 5

years. He need not do a " clinical study " first!!

Why should I?

> but people are still allowed to

> do it. So I always look for proof.

Cats alive many years after the vet says they are terminal is not proof?

My missing breast cancer is not proof?

What proof would you call " ethical " enough?

What about my leg that had gangrene in 1984 and which narrowly missed

amputation thanks to meeting a homeopath. Is it not " cured " enough?

It works same as the good one:-))

But it is unethical in your book to call it cured of gangrene without a

clinical study?

How is that realistic?

Are all the cat, dog, pig, sheep, horse, cow, dog etc animals of my

clients fully healthy but " uncured " then?

They are very happily uncured if so :-))

This whole nonsense of using allopathic yardsticks to measure cures is

like insisting on using a ruler to measure water.

Each system needs its own yardstick.

To a homeopath a double-blind trial is a joke! It is a bunch of

experiments with an opinion on the outcome, based on no principles of

nature whatsoever and which provides zero assurance against a repeat

episode. To a homeopath it is not cure till you can SHOW there is

resistance to recurrence!!!

So to a homeopath nothing in the so-called " scinetific " world (a

misnomer in many cases) cures anything at all and they are the ones who

should not be claiming a cure " ethically " !!

I see it differently: Being " alive " 5 yrs later regardless what ugly

chemicals or ill health exists is not " ethically " a cure in *my* book :-)))

But having great health and resistance to recurrence of the illness - is

what *I* call cure. No allopath meets that standard:-)) They can't

because it is not even an objective of allopathy to build resistance to

recurrence. Note all the babies with ear infections that recur over and

over again for example despite more and more toxic antibiotics ....

except with homeopathy. With homeopathy you fix it once with resistance

to recurrence and no toxicity - and that's that.

But heaven forbid that be called a cure as it would be unethical?????

How do you figure that?




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc AASCA MCSSA D.I.Hom. Box 4703 Spokane WA 99220.

www.angelfire.com/fl/furryboots/clickhere.html (Veterinary Homeopath.)

Proverb:Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt one doing it.

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So they came after Jesus to arrest him and he told them " you tell that fox

Herod, that I am here CURING disease " ...........yet this is a dissallowed term.

much like saying perpetual motion in the energy field......while a Japanese man

is selling a magnet motor cieling fan that is not plugged in to

anything...Americans are spanked into fearing the concept. .....so it is with

the word cure. I am here to tell you there is a CURE for every disease. There

are many wonderful cures placed here in nature....it can even be argued that it

is natural to do dna cures. Through electrophoresis you can escort a missing

characteristic into the chromosome and completely correct a disease.

Of course you need a healthy lifestyle. One good thing does not contend with the

other good thing. Look for instance at the characteristic in the one family in

Italy that make a protein in their blood that allows them to virtually drink

tractor grease and clean their veins out anyway. This characteristic has been

transferred so that people with familiar hypercholestoremia can live instead of

die young with plugged up veins.Yet, the technology is not given to the sick and

dying....it is hidden.

Well people should quit eating grease, but some people cant, so maybe like the

one brother said they could take enzymes, but the continued intake of grease can

also cause cancer and diabetes so we see we need to be wholistic and not look

for a quick fix, but if your mamma is dying on a bed in front of you and you do

not uplift medical answers and cures which abound and could save her life then

you are really a good cult member for the special interests.


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