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Good News

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I've been checking out the sites you sent slowly, one at a time. I've been

finding some very good information. Thanks much!! You take care and I wish

for your improving health!



Stoughton, WI 53589

-- Re: Good News

Hey Jules,

did you get a chance to check out any of the sites that I sent you? I hope

it does help. Yeah, most of my docs here are with marshfield. Saw my

ob/gyn today and he finally told me what my female problems are.

vestibulitis. very common in those with immune disorders. I was so

relieved. I have been going nuts and feel like I have to pee constantly.

The only real effective cure is surgery though. I will keep you posted.

Luv ya

Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify


the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said


was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and


dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I


qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him


the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can


to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance


So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of


and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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I am so glad. there are a ton of resources out there. I just did a general

search on Minneapolis and disability

Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify


the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said


was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and


dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I


qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him


the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can


to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance


So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of


and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.515 / Virus Database: 313 - Release Date: 9/1/2003

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Boy, Lynn...

That letter of yours keeps popping us, doesn't it? Or else, it's my computer

that keeps putting it on and on.

You think " twice " about appealing? Once for applying and twice for an

appeal? Anyone else out there that knows?


Mi. Carmen

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Hey Carmen,

That's the way it was for myself also. Once for applying and twice

for appealing....*but,* I do believe that one (if denied on the second

appeal) has the right to go " one higher. "

See you soon!

Hugs, tricia

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

-- Re: Good News

Boy, Lynn...

That letter of yours keeps popping us, doesn't it? Or else, it's my


that keeps putting it on and on.

You think " twice " about appealing? Once for applying and twice for an

appeal? Anyone else out there that knows?


Mi. Carmen

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Hey Carmen,

That's the way it was for myself also. Once for applying and twice

for appealing....*but,* I do believe that one (if denied on the second

appeal) has the right to go " one higher. "

See you soon!

Hugs, tricia

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

-- Re: Good News

Boy, Lynn...

That letter of yours keeps popping us, doesn't it? Or else, it's my


that keeps putting it on and on.

You think " twice " about appealing? Once for applying and twice for an

appeal? Anyone else out there that knows?


Mi. Carmen

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  • 4 months later...


My rheumy and I were talking a while back about the pain associated with those two... He did clinical trials for enbrel, Humira and kineret.. Any way, he said that the Humira doesn't hurt anywhere as bad as the Kineret..

Just thought you would like to hear that...



Largo, FL

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Oh Kate thank you soo much for that information. I am still waiting to start the Humira. We keep waiting everyday for the call from Denver to go up there. Gets kinda frustrating but I am trying not to let it, as we have been waiting since November for Humira to do this. Hope you are well..

Love Kelley in Colorado

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Carol:

Public school cannot provide my son with Free Appropriate Public

Education (FAPE) at any public school site, so I found a private

school that can provide an appropriate education and school district

pays the tuition and provides transportation.

> Hi -


> I guess I came in on the end of this. What is non-public school



> Carol


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Hi Carol:

My son also has problems in general education PE, he was in the

process of being evaluated for adaptive PE, but the evaluation was

not completed by the time of our last IEP meeting. I don't know what

state you are in, but on California's IEP form, there is four

choices under the heading Physical Education.

The first choice is General Education, which is for regular

education students.

The second choice is Modified General Education for regular

educations students that need modified P.E. program for a specific

legal and/or medical reason...504 plan students that have disability

that impacts their ability to participate in General Education PE.

The third choice is Special Designed PE for special education

student who do not qualify for adaptive PE but cannont fully

participate in general eduation PE. This was the choice that was

marked on my son's IEP at our last meeting.

The fourth choice is adaptive PE. Special Education students have to

qualify to be able to participate. I did not recieve my son's

assessment yet, so I am not sure what criteria is used to qualify. I

believe it your child has to score low on fine and/or gross motor


If that is the case, my son will most likely not qualify for

adaptive PE. My son's problem is with social communication and

sensory overload. I believe the appropriate choice would be special

designed PE program, which would need to be written into the IEP

plan. My son's IEP and BSP plans will be revised in 30 days after he

has transition into the new placement.

Side Note: Getting a non-public school placement is very difficult.

You need to document your legal reasona why current placement is

inappropriate and exhaust efforts in attempting public school

options before you can explore non-public school options in an IEP


> That is very interesting. I had no idea that they had to pay for

private school if they couldn't provide what our kids need. I'll

keep that in mind. Guess that's one of those things the school

boards don't tell you.


> I have a call in to our county office to find out about adaptive

PE for my son. Not sure that is what he needs, but I want to find

out what is available.


> Thanks for the info!


> Carol



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Woohoo, Sue! :)

Sue wrote:

> Hi Everybody

> I just wanted to share my good news with you. I have a boyfriend, a

> proper boyfriend ;) He's called Rob, he's 36, he lives about 20 mins

> away from me and he's a right laugh, he's lovely! We work together,

> have been friends for about 3 months and he asked me on Friday. If

> you can't tell, I am on cloud nine!


> Sue


Jenn Malatesta


My web page: http://www.isoc.net/brokeninside/nekrosys/


Philo of andria:

" Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. "

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Thank you a :)

Hi Everybody

> I just wanted to share my good news with you. I have a boyfriend, a proper

boyfriend ;) He's called Rob, he's 36, he lives about 20 mins away from me and

he's a right laugh, he's lovely! We work together, have been friends for about

3 months and he asked me on Friday. If you can't tell, I am on cloud nine!

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Thanx Jenn

I feel like a teenager again ;)



> > Hi Everybody

> > I just wanted to share my good news with you. I have a boyfriend, a

> > proper boyfriend ;) He's called Rob, he's 36, he lives about 20 mins

> > away from me and he's a right laugh, he's lovely! We work together,

> > have been friends for about 3 months and he asked me on Friday. If

> > you can't tell, I am on cloud nine!

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Thank you Joy

I have only got a few pics because he's not keen on having his photograph taken

but i'll ask him if he's ok with being vetted by my mates online :)


> oh how cool! so glad for you! :)

> don't forget to post pics! hehe

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Congrats on your new boyfriend!!!! What's a proper boyfriend? I don't think

that I've had one of those. Anyway, I'm happy for you. New love is so

exciting. When I met my current boyfriend I was so happy that I didn't get

sick for 2 years. It might be a fluke but I think I was too happy to get

sick. Ok, that's all. Well one more thing, don't forget to use a condom.

Just kidding sort of.


Check out the coupons and bargains on MSN Offers!


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Cheers Doug

I keep saying this but I know you will find him, he's out there waiting for you



> That is so awesome Sue, very happy for you!!! Now if I could just find me one!

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Thank you very much :)

I said a " proper " boyfriend because my last relationship was basically just sex,

there was no love or romance, no spending quality time together etc. The sex

was good but not enough and that's why why we split up in the end. I made up so

many excuses for him to make it look better to other people but I was fooling


Rob is completely different and I think he'll treat me like a princess. And

don't worry, I have plenty of condoms stocked up ;)


> Congrats on your new boyfriend!!!! What's a proper boyfriend? I don't think

> that I've had one of those. Anyway, I'm happy for you. New love is so

> exciting. When I met my current boyfriend I was so happy that I didn't get

> sick for 2 years. It might be a fluke but I think I was too happy to get

> sick. Ok, that's all. Well one more thing, don't forget to use a condom.

> Just kidding sort of.


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