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For I do feel NOT vaxing is the best way for the kids It however isnt a good

choice fo rme any longer. I have a hard time with this choice It has made my

life miserable so that i barely leave the house nay longer and I panic at

contact with other children. We dont leave the house for family functions or

birthday parties play groups etc. This is NO way for a person to live. I

however still want to remain on the list and continue learning. I dont expect

most of you to understand. I just feel at this point she is in more danger

form the ilness then the vaccine. I cant afford any longer to buy organic veg

and fruits I am forced right now to by cheaper products less healthy. There

are a lot of reasons with in myself. What a great outlet of support you all

are. I hope I can still rely on you all for answers questions etc



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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in someways yes i do. But i am SCARED to not vax any longer. I cant express

what it is doing to me. YEs i may have a confidence issue but this is my

child and I couldnt deal with a fever she just had let alone something else.

I have had women my grandma who have seen measles tell me that its a disease

I dont want to see. SO that even worries me. I know alot of you on here are

gonna slam me I am sure but i just cant explain the anxiety i feel. I am a

prisoner to this choice my whole family suffers because of it. It truely is


I appreciate all your help. truly



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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thanks sherri i wish i could I cant afford to see PHyliss right now I owe her

as we speak. ANd she has been wonderful about that.

thanks for hte concerns sherri you are great!



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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thank you Sue. She does deserve a mommy at peace. And yes i will still be

nursing her I dont think she will ever stop lol.




Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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At 05:49 PM 11/12/2002 EST, you wrote:


>For I do feel NOT vaxing is the best way for the kids It however isnt a good

>choice fo rme any longer. I have a hard time with this choice It has made my

>life miserable so that i barely leave the house nay longer and I panic at

>contact with other children. We dont leave the house for family functions or

>birthday parties play groups etc. This is NO way for a person to live. I

>however still want to remain on the list and continue learning. I dont


>most of you to understand. I just feel at this point she is in more danger

>form the ilness then the vaccine. I cant afford any longer to buy organic


>and fruits I am forced right now to by cheaper products less healthy. There

>are a lot of reasons with in myself. What a great outlet of support you all

>are. I hope I can still rely on you all for answers questions etc

Oh, dear Amy. You don't have to live like that. You have to get control

of your fears.

Why don't you work with Phyllis on treatment for that.

You may be sacrificing your children's health due to your fears.

Oh my gosh.........what can I say.

Yes you can still rely on us, but I am so concerned for your children.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Homeopathy course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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You have to do what you feel is right for you and your family, Amy, and if

selective vaxing is what you feel will reassure you, then at least remind

yourself that by leaving it as late as you have to start, you will probably

have reduced the amount of damage that might be done by any vaxes. Also, am

I right in thinking that you are still nursing? If so, then your breastmilk

will continue to protect against illness for Chaela, and will help to line

her gut, thus protecting further against vax damage. No-one can guarantee

you that she won't have a reaction of some sort, either now or later, but

that's one of the things you'd have to live with if you go ahead. No-one

can make this decision for you, and I do feel for you - your anguish over

this is evident.

I understand where you are coming from. It is an emotive issue, and even

when you are 100% convinced that vaxes don't work and are actively

dangerous, as I am, you still have that odd confidence crisis from time to

time when your child gets a bug, as they all do, and you listen to their

chesty cough and laboured breathing as they sleep, wondering if you really

*should* have done the pertussis (the only one I ever mildly think about,

probably because I fear the illness itself - I have no fear of the others).

It's very hard to be objective about your own child, but you owe Chaela a

mother who is vital and happy, not existing in fear.

Good luck and I know you will continue to get support here, whatever choice

you make.

Love, light and peace,


" There is just enough room in the world for all the people in it, but there

is no room for the fences which separate them. "

> Re: Exemptions



> in someways yes i do. But i am SCARED to not vax any longer. I

> cant express

> what it is doing to me. YEs i may have a confidence issue but this is my

> child and I couldnt deal with a fever she just had let alone

> something else.

> I have had women my grandma who have seen measles tell me that

> its a disease

> I dont want to see. SO that even worries me. I know alot of you

> on here are

> gonna slam me I am sure but i just cant explain the anxiety i

> feel. I am a

> prisoner to this choice my whole family suffers because of it. It

> truely is

> terrible.

> I appreciate all your help. truly



> Chelsea 10

> Carrigian 6

> 5

> Chaela Noelle 20 mo

> When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo



> <A

> HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>



> <A

> HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The

> Haskett bunch</A> <A

> HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born

> 12/22/2000</A>





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Just a question.. WHY do your friends and family need to know whether or not

you vaccinate? I mean.. are not some topics just ones you don't bring up?

For example, if someone asked me about birth control, I would look at them

incredulously and ask them to ask my husband.. and generally.. they won't be

that brave. <G> If someone asks about is my child current on vaccines.. and

I know they are pro vaccine and not really interested.. the answer is yes.

The child is as current as he ever will be. :-)

I think sometimes we bring on our own attacks by volunteering too much

information. Please consider what is wise.

And, yes, some do know that we have a child who is not vaccinated.. but.. the

relatives and those likely to call Child services on us, have no need to


THanks for listening.

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First off, I have a cousin named Amy, and I named a puppy out of this

last litter Amy, she just looked like an Amy.

I'm sure you realize that even giving the vaccines you think you want

to give there is no guarantee that they will keep your child from

getting that disease. No doctor will sign an affidavit making that

guarantee. No doctor will sign an affidavit saying that your child

will not develop any adverse reactions to those vaccinations. There

are no guarantees in life.

There are no absolutes.

I can tell you that with non-vaccinated puppies - right from the

beginning of their lives - nothing gets sterilized except being

washed with soap and water, people coming to visit are not required

to wipe their shoes on a clorox towel to get rid of any parvo germs,

they aren't required to sterlize their hands before touching a puppy,

the puppies are taken off the premises and visit any number of

places. They nurse as long as Mom allows them to nurse. You let them

get their immune systems built up in small stages. By keeping them

confined in a sterile environment is not going to build an immune

system. Confinemnet is not doing them any favors.

No one can live their life in a bubble. You cannot protect yourself

or your family from every little ripple or tornado that comes your

way and by doing so really does them no favors long term. Your

children need to be able to come to terms with life's realities and

the younger they start learning that fact the easier life will be as

an adult. The first thing to learn is life is not fair.

It's not fair that people get sick. It's not fair that people also

die. It's not fair that you are told that by giving this vaccine and

that vaccine that your children will be perfectly protected. It's

not fair that if you don't vaccinate that your children might get a

disease you could have vaccinated for. It's not fair that the

establishment makes you think that you need to vaccinate for non-

fatal diseases. It's not fair that members of your family are

putting pressure on you. Life in many respects is just not fair.

In all of this discussion, the best advice I've seen is for you to

get in touch with your homeopath. Take Sheri's classes, knowledge is

power. You take control of your life and I think you may be

surprised how many more things will fall into place and the fears

will subside.

Jackie Noel



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like I said I would love to see phyliss I VALUE you her greatly but its not

fair to ask her services when I can barely afford to pay her to take care of

Chaela. LIke I said I owe her now. And she never hassles me Its just knowing

I owe her and cant afford to pay her now. Sherri, Thanks for your concerns. I

do agree and maybe whne DH job picks up I wll be able to ask her for help.



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo


HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>


HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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Excellent letter Jackie! Excellent points made! I too am ridiculed for not

vaxxing but luckily my kids are so much healthier even though mostly

vaccinated (before I had a clue) than the totally vaccinated cousins, that

they end up looking silly. I just make little comments like " Oh your kids

sick again? You can't inject that much metal and nothing happen. " I have gone

off so many times on them about how ridiculous they are for injecting garbage

into their kids they leave me alone. The topper was when Nick got epstein

barr right after the MMR. Man did I make my case then! If any thing ever

happens to my kids I start my rant of OH my why did I vaccinated them why

didn't you all help me research? They just hang there head and try to change

the subject. I will not be intimidated by ignorance. Hugs to you Amy.. be

strong... your kids are counting on you.

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At 08:22 PM 11/12/2002 EST, you wrote:

>yes my whole family is PRO vax plus all my friends I have basically lost all

>my friends due to this choice as well plus hear family members tell me I am

>gonna kill her by not vaxing and if something happens to her and I could


>prevented it then they will do everything they can to put me away. Its very

>lonely as a NON vaxer in the VAXING world.


And I will say - it is EVEN MORE LONELY with a vaccine damaged child in

this vaxing world.

You should go on the lists with many vaccine damaged children. There are

some here, of course, but there are lists with severe damage. NO ONE is

there for you. Husbands leave, parents blame, doctors at not there at all.

Amy, I'm going to say this out of concern, but I have seen you in fear all

this time and I don't think it will go away if you vaccinate. I think you

need serious help from Phyllis to deal homepoathically with this out of

control fear that you have. In studying homeopathy all this time, I see

this as a serious illness that you have and with homeopathic evaluation,

treatment can be given that corrects the disturbance that is producing so

much fear in you. This will not magically go away with vaccination.

Please please, for your baby's sake................



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Homeopathy course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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hi amy,

i think it is important for you to follow yourintuition rather than

your fears. i had a girlfriend who went through something

similar - they didn't vaccinate their first but by the time

their 3rd came along she was paranoid of her children

picking up any kind of illness. she vaccinated them and

sadly her 3rd stopped talking and lost any of his speech after

the MMR shot. she is very adamant in making sure i do

not vaccinate my children.

if you feel you need to vaccinate, do remember to give vit

A and C before the shots. also, read stephanie cave's book ...

she gives lots of advice about how to give the shots (timewise) and

minimize reactions.

life teaches us many lessons. death comes to all of us

regardless of what we do or don't do. i wish you all

the best in your decision.


-- Re: Re: Exemptions

like I said I would love to see phyliss I VALUE you her greatly but its not

fair to ask her services when I can barely afford to pay her to take care of

Chaela. LIke I said I owe her now. And she never hassles me Its just knowing

I owe her and cant afford to pay her now. Sherri, Thanks for your concerns.


do agree and maybe whne DH job picks up I wll be able to ask her for help.



Chelsea 10

Carrigian 6


Chaela Noelle 20 mo

When you know better. You do better..Maya Angelo

<A HREF= " http://www.theforgotten.com/vaccines " >Did you know</A>

<A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/chevy974/myhomepagebaby.html " >The Haskett

bunch</A> <A HREF= " http://babiesonline.com/babies/c/chaela/ " >Chaela, born


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  • 2 years later...

Well, I have to tell you in my experience-- I asked

the pastor at the baptist church to give me a letter

and he did not even respond.

I attended the churnch for over 2 years...

The religious exemption is merely a statement that you

can provide to the day care or school to state that

you have genuine and sincere religious belief that

your child should not be vaccinated. It has to be

dated and signed and you are all set. No other

documentation is needed. Doctors and schools are not

legally allowed to have you reveal what your religious

sect is so there is no need to give any more

information than necessary.

To give you a bit of a background about me-- I have a

non'vax child who the biological father wants vax...

and I did not. The child's has attended two seperate

daycare and in both case they accepted a hand written

note. I did however seek the religious exemption from

an attorney who charged me $600.00 to draw a legal

document up. This was totally useless in family court

and totally wasteful as far as submitting it to the

daycare, because a hand-written note by me was

sufficent (sp?).

Family court judge did not give a hoot about what I

was saying and she did not dare to allow the

respondent's attorney ask what denomination I was

involved with. (which he did ask?) and she did not

even let my attorney object she clearly said it DOES

NOT MATTER! and did not let him finish cross examining


But sadly for me she ruled against me on the issue of

vax. I did get full custody, but he was allowed to

vax. It was a long fight and fortunately he did not


My two and 1/2 year old daughter said that " A Blue Man

gave me a shot in my arm. "

The area was soar and tender to touch. My heart


I was so sad!

I contacted the primary doctor and they had not

vaccinated her in their office. The creep took her


TO HAPPEN. What kind of doctor vax's a child without

knowing the family or the mother or questions why a

two year old is not vax yet or where is the proof of

who is the custodial parent.


But the father and I both have petitions in the

Appeallate Court--State of NY. If we both are

appealing the judges decision then why is it legal for

him to vaccinate her?

I don't really think he can do that but I will soon

find out!

hope that helps!

Jackie B

--- beth howell <howelleli@...> wrote:

> Thanks i think my reverend will be sufficiant i

> where live in NJ. I hope..... Thanks Beth


> jna_mom <happymom2_3@...> wrote:First, you

> need to look up the exemptions given by your state:

> http://www.vaccines.bizland.com/intro.html


> ~



> > Hi if i'm getting a relig exemp do i ask my ped or

> my reverend? It

> > seems like my ped would say no. any advice welcome

> please. Thanks in

> > advance Beth






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I'm very sorry to hear about his. I stopped my 2 year old sons vaccinations

after his 6 month jab because i thought he was going to die. My son screamed

for hours, he did not sleep I felt so helpless. I called the Ped and the nurse

said that happens after the vaccination. That is when i started to research

vaccinations I was very uneducated about the whole thing. Also my 12 year old

daughter is fully vaxed up until this happened. I will no longer vaccinate her

either. And thank you very much for your advice Beth

peacanpr@... wrote: Well, I have to tell you in my experience-- I asked

the pastor at the baptist church to give me a letter

and he did not even respond.

I attended the churnch for over 2 years...

The religious exemption is merely a statement that you

can provide to the day care or school to state that

you have genuine and sincere religious belief that

your child should not be vaccinated. It has to be

dated and signed and you are all set. No other

documentation is needed. Doctors and schools are not

legally allowed to have you reveal what your religious

sect is so there is no need to give any more

information than necessary.

To give you a bit of a background about me-- I have a

non'vax child who the biological father wants vax...

and I did not. The child's has attended two seperate

daycare and in both case they accepted a hand written

note. I did however seek the religious exemption from

an attorney who charged me $600.00 to draw a legal

document up. This was totally useless in family court

and totally wasteful as far as submitting it to the

daycare, because a hand-written note by me was

sufficent (sp?).

Family court judge did not give a hoot about what I

was saying and she did not dare to allow the

respondent's attorney ask what denomination I was

involved with. (which he did ask?) and she did not

even let my attorney object she clearly said it DOES

NOT MATTER! and did not let him finish cross examining


But sadly for me she ruled against me on the issue of

vax. I did get full custody, but he was allowed to

vax. It was a long fight and fortunately he did not


My two and 1/2 year old daughter said that " A Blue Man

gave me a shot in my arm. "

The area was soar and tender to touch. My heart


I was so sad!

I contacted the primary doctor and they had not

vaccinated her in their office. The creep took her


TO HAPPEN. What kind of doctor vax's a child without

knowing the family or the mother or questions why a

two year old is not vax yet or where is the proof of

who is the custodial parent.


But the father and I both have petitions in the

Appeallate Court--State of NY. If we both are

appealing the judges decision then why is it legal for

him to vaccinate her?

I don't really think he can do that but I will soon

find out!

hope that helps!

Jackie B

--- beth howell <howelleli@...> wrote:

> Thanks i think my reverend will be sufficiant i

> where live in NJ. I hope..... Thanks Beth


> jna_mom <happymom2_3@...> wrote:First, you

> need to look up the exemptions given by your state:

> http://www.vaccines.bizland.com/intro.html


> ~



> > Hi if i'm getting a relig exemp do i ask my ped or

> my reverend? It

> > seems like my ped would say no. any advice welcome

> please. Thanks in

> > advance Beth






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This is partially true, Jackie. It's very different in some states. That's why

everyone MUST research their particular state's exemption laws. Some states DO

require you to belong to a specific religion that doesn't believe in

vaccinating. There aren't too many of those unfortunately.

Some states have a specific form you have to get from the health dept. to sign

and verify that vaxing is against your religious beliefs. Some state's forms

must be notarized, others don't require that. Other states have philosphical

exemptions where all you have to do is sign the back of a form.

So everyone PLEASE check out your state's requirements and follow them to the

letter of the law. New Jersey apparently is a difficult state to get a

religious exemption from. They are known to refuse them most of the time. So

you MUST find out exactly what you need to do for your state. There have been

many links given to help you do so.

Sheri's site has a link as well: http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/exemptions.htm



The religious exemption is merely a statement that you

can provide to the day care or school to state that

you have genuine and sincere religious belief that

your child should not be vaccinated. It has to be

dated and signed and you are all set. No other

documentation is needed. Doctors and schools are not

legally allowed to have you reveal what your religious

sect is so there is no need to give any more

information than necessary.

Jackie B

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