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Re: Remedy for Smallpox

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At 09:22 AM 12/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:



>What is a good homeopathic remedy for treating smallpox? I think it might

be a good idea to have some on hand. The idea of being around people who

have been recently vaccinated for smallpox concerns me more than any

supposed threat of terrorists using smallpox against us!






Yes, we need to be concerned about those vaccinated, but I would not go

overboard on that either.

I sent info in the homeopathy class and its on my webpage

1. Have a homeopath handy

2. Best is to treat only by symptoms that are showing

3. 2nd best is to treat with whatever shows to be the genus epidemicus -

may be hard to determine - in past has been variolinum or malandrinium or


3. 3rd best is to use various nosodes - variolinum, vaccininum, malandrinium

You really need a homeopath - everyone - available


Again review


Just not a good idea to routinely take anything in my opinion.........

As you can see - here is a whole list of possibilities...........

Var., Malan., Thuj., Ant. t. are some of the main ones

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - smallpox

agar.;1;k am-m.;1;k anac-oc.;1;c2 ant-c.;2;k

ant-t.;3;c2 ant-t.;3;k ant-t.;3;tl1 anthraci.;1;c2 apis;2;c2 apis;2;k

arg-n.;1;c2 ars.;2;k bapt.;1;c2 bell.;2;k bry.;2;k canth.;1;k carb-ac.;2;c2

carb-ac.;2;k carb-v.;1;k caust.;1;c2 caust.;1;h2 cham.;1;k chinin-s.;2;c2

clem.;1;k clem-sax;1;dbx1 cocc.;1;k crot-h.;2;c2 cund.;1;c2 cupr.;1;tl1

cupr-act.;1;c2 ham.;2;c2 hyos.;1;k kali-i.;1;c2 kali-m.;1;c2 lach.;1;c2

maland.;1;c2 maland.;1;gm1 merc.;3;c2 merc.;3;k nat-m.;2;k nit-ac.;1;k

phos.;1;c2 puls.;2;k rhus-t.;3;c2 rhus-t.;3;k salol.;2;c1 salol.;2;c2

sarr.;1;c1 sarr.;1;c2 sarr.;1;gm1 sep.;1;k sil.;1;k sin-n.;1;c2

sol-ni.;1;c2 stram.;1;k sulph.;2;k thuj.;2;k thuj.;2;mlk1 thuj.;2;tl1

vac.;1;c2 vac.;1;gm1 vario.;1;c2 vario.;1;k zinc.;2;k

MIND - FEAR - smallpox, of

vac.; vario.

from some of my texts..........

There are four valuable homeopathic prophylactics against Smallpox:

Maland., Vario., Vac., and Sarr. The best is the one nearest the genus of

the prevailing epidemic. Maland. is the best antidote to the terrible acute

septicemias that frequently follow the act of vaccination by allopathic

methods. For the chronic long lasting effects noted in weakened vitality

with a train of symptoms and suffering following vaccination, (chronic

vaccinosis), Thuj. stands supreme.ccinosis),

Since the days of Hahnemann, the drug Thuj. has not only proven a curative

and prophylactic agent against smallpox, but it is also one of the most

reliable and effective antidotes against the evil effects of smallpox

vaccination which has produced more chronic sickness and suffering than has

smallpox itself. Only the unprejudiced homeopathic physician is able to

recognize the widespread and far-reaching mischief that universal

vaccination has brought upon the race, mischief which Homeopathy alone can

eradicate. Homeopathy alone can eradicate

Hering says.......Smallpox has decreased, not because of mass vaccination,

but by better sanitary and hygienic conditions. Unscrupulous vaccination

has rather, created unbound difficulties, and complications in the way of

cure of ordinary ailments. Tuberculosis is multiplying day after day, the

public press publishes announcements of reactions even of death of the

unfortunate victims coming under the present day empiricism, telling

nothing about the innumerable organism ruined and weakened by the toxic

elements. Vaccines and serums, the degenerated degraded animal poisons

weaken the race and multiply disease processes without name and without

number. Some of the fearful conditions that follow are skin eruptions of

all forms, malignant diseases; heart failures and even death may follow

their use; post-diphtheretic paralysis, malnutrition, non-assimilation,

tuberculosis and a host of conditions which are frequently overlooked by

many of us are thus engineered and informed upon innocent public.



- Dr. Fellger gave Variolinum reports, giving Variolinum to hundreds of

people, and none of them were ever attacked with small-pox.

- In one family where the father had confluent small-pox, he gave

Variolinum as a prophylactic, and of the others, although not one had been

vaccinated, not one of them took the disease.

- He reports case of a broker in Philadelphia who was well pitted from

small-pox; when a child he was vaccinated, and he became idiotic in

consequence. When sixteen years old he had a violent attack of small-pox,

after which he recovered his reason.

- Variolinum is indicated in small-pox where there is not much pain; the

patient can even eat fairly well; the skin looks natural between the

pustules; the appearance of the eyeball is white and natural; the mild

uncomplicated cases of small-pox are the ones calling for Variolinum.


- Delirium with initial fever.

- Fear of death; wild excitement and begging to know if he was to die, and

before the sentence was complete drops into a heavy sleep with loud breathing.


Pus from smallpox pustule.

A Nosode.

- Only fragmentary provings.

- Bears the same relation to smallpox that Antitoxin does to diphtheria.

- An extended clinical record by competent and reliable observers attests

its curative value in variola - simple, confluent and malignant - as well

as in varioloid and varicella.

- It has done splendid work in all potencies, from the 6th cent. to the c.m.

- As a preventive of, or protection against, smallpox, it is far superior

to crude vaccination and absolutely safe from the sequelae, especially

septic and tubercular infection. The efficacy of the potency is the

stumbling block to the materialist. But is it more difficult to comprehend

than the infectious nature of variola, measles or pertussis? Those who have

not used it, like those who have not experimentally tested the law of

similars, are not competent witnesses. Put it to the test and publish the

failures to the world.ot used it, like



- The nosode of Small-pox.


- Triturations of the matter from a ripe small-pox vesicle; and dilutions.


- Dilutions from the 30th up.


- This remedy is employed as a prophylactic against, and to modify the

course of an attack of small-pox.

- There is an excruciating backache, with great restlessness, and aching

in legs.

- The fever is intense and there is a profuse offensive sweat.


(Lymph from Small-pox Pustule)

* Used for " internal vaccination.

* " Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying and aiding in

the cure of smallpox



- Vaccinia, Small-pox, and Grease of horses are inter-related diseases,

and the nosodes of each are available for the treatment or prevention of

manifestations of all three.



(Grease in Horses)

* A very effectual protection against smallpox.


Malandrinum - NM Choudhuri

Malandrinum is another nosode prepared from the virus of the disease in

the horses called Grease.

Dr. Boskowitz of Brooklyn was the first to introduce Malandrinum into our


It is a great prophylactic against small-pox and like Silicea, it

rectifies the bad effects of vaccination.

Dr. advises us not to use this remedy oftener than once a fortnight,

as it is a deep and long-acting remedy.

My experience is that it should be used oftener specially when the

epidemic is violent.

Living in a country where small-pox is not uncommon, I have had occasion

to use this remedy often, both as a prophylactic and as a therapeutic agent

in small-pox and also in chicken-pox.

The result has been uniformly satisfactory.

During the last 16 years, I have used this remedy in thousands of cases as

a prophylactic and I have not known one single case of failure.

Every year before the epidemic commences, hundreds of patients come for

the internal vaccination as they call it.

I have hope that with further verification we shall be able to substitute

vaccination altogether with Malandrinum.

How far this hope will be realised is for our posterity to judge.

Dr. A.L. Marcy relates his experience with Malandrinum and it is in full

accord with what I have said : - " During a small-pox epidemic he vaccinated

himself, taking at the same time Malandrinum 30 night and morning.

The vaccination did not take.

It was twice repeated and still did not take; nor was small-pox contracted. "

He was called to vaccinate four children in a family whose parents had

small-pox; he vaccinated all and gave Malandrinum 30 to three of them at

the same time; the remaining child was the only one whose vaccination " took. "

This was so severe that Malandrinum had to be given to modify its

intensity, which it did effectually.

The other three were revaccinated but none " took. "

In another instance out of a group of four children, from six to seventeen

years of age, only the eldest had been vaccinated, and he had a good scar.

All except the eldest were given Malandrinum and were vaccinated and none

of the three " took. "

The eldest took small-pox.

Malandrinum was then given, and in a few days he was convalescent.

In another case of small-pox, Malandrinum was given, and the disease only

lasted a few days, the eruption drying up. " [Page 449. ]


Malandrinum - by Phatak



As a " preventive " of true smallpox, Maland. stands high, as it corresponds

to the true nature of real smallpox, and should be given one dose of the

30th. or 200 x (E. and K. or B. and T.) daily for one week during an

epidemic, to those who have been previously vaccinated.

The true nature of smallpox is syphilized variola.

Variolinum corresponds to the true nature of variola therefore should be

given to those who have never been vaccinated or had syphilis.

Variola is a natural state, smallpox is a disease.

Both Maland. and vaccine virus are of syphilitic origin.

The most gigantic proof that could ever be asked or offered that vaccine

virus does NOT prevent smallpox, but does make smallpox more malignant,

therefore more fatal, was amply demonstrated beyond all cavil, when, after

24.000.000 vaccinations were performed on the Filipinos and right in the

midst of the operations the Islands came down with the worst, most

malignant and the most fatal epidemic of smallpox the world has ever known.

Variola, measles and chickenpox are NOT diseases, but merely system

" cleansers. "

They are not fatal as I have had ample opportunity to prove, and they only

become disfiguring from carelessness and medical ignorance.

Diarrhoea : acrid, yellow, offensive, burning in the anus; dark brown,

painless; black, foul smelling, malaise, weariness.

Knock knee, the child constantly handles its penis.


Malandrinum by Margaret Tyler

-(The nosode of " grease " [*] in horses).

-CLARKE says : Homoeopaths have found in Maland. a very effectual

protection against infection with Small-pox and vaccination.

-[*] " Grease " in horses was, or is believed to be identical with pustules

occurring on the udders of cows, which affected the hands of milkmaids and

rendered them immune from Small-pox : it was from this observation that

inoculation and later vaccination (from " cow-pox " ) arose.



Dr. Bilden another homoeopathist used Sarracenia in 58 cases that came

under his treatment; out of which 4 only proved fatal. This remedy has

been advocated as a great prophylactic. Hence it should be classed with

Malandrinum and Variolinum.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Homeopathy course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters


" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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At 09:22 AM 12/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:



>What is a good homeopathic remedy for treating smallpox? I think it might

be a good idea to have some on hand. The idea of being around people who

have been recently vaccinated for smallpox concerns me more than any

supposed threat of terrorists using smallpox against us!






Yes, we need to be concerned about those vaccinated, but I would not go

overboard on that either.

I sent info in the homeopathy class and its on my webpage

1. Have a homeopath handy

2. Best is to treat only by symptoms that are showing

3. 2nd best is to treat with whatever shows to be the genus epidemicus -

may be hard to determine - in past has been variolinum or malandrinium or


3. 3rd best is to use various nosodes - variolinum, vaccininum, malandrinium

You really need a homeopath - everyone - available


Again review


Just not a good idea to routinely take anything in my opinion.........

As you can see - here is a whole list of possibilities...........

Var., Malan., Thuj., Ant. t. are some of the main ones

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - smallpox

agar.;1;k am-m.;1;k anac-oc.;1;c2 ant-c.;2;k

ant-t.;3;c2 ant-t.;3;k ant-t.;3;tl1 anthraci.;1;c2 apis;2;c2 apis;2;k

arg-n.;1;c2 ars.;2;k bapt.;1;c2 bell.;2;k bry.;2;k canth.;1;k carb-ac.;2;c2

carb-ac.;2;k carb-v.;1;k caust.;1;c2 caust.;1;h2 cham.;1;k chinin-s.;2;c2

clem.;1;k clem-sax;1;dbx1 cocc.;1;k crot-h.;2;c2 cund.;1;c2 cupr.;1;tl1

cupr-act.;1;c2 ham.;2;c2 hyos.;1;k kali-i.;1;c2 kali-m.;1;c2 lach.;1;c2

maland.;1;c2 maland.;1;gm1 merc.;3;c2 merc.;3;k nat-m.;2;k nit-ac.;1;k

phos.;1;c2 puls.;2;k rhus-t.;3;c2 rhus-t.;3;k salol.;2;c1 salol.;2;c2

sarr.;1;c1 sarr.;1;c2 sarr.;1;gm1 sep.;1;k sil.;1;k sin-n.;1;c2

sol-ni.;1;c2 stram.;1;k sulph.;2;k thuj.;2;k thuj.;2;mlk1 thuj.;2;tl1

vac.;1;c2 vac.;1;gm1 vario.;1;c2 vario.;1;k zinc.;2;k

MIND - FEAR - smallpox, of

vac.; vario.

from some of my texts..........

There are four valuable homeopathic prophylactics against Smallpox:

Maland., Vario., Vac., and Sarr. The best is the one nearest the genus of

the prevailing epidemic. Maland. is the best antidote to the terrible acute

septicemias that frequently follow the act of vaccination by allopathic

methods. For the chronic long lasting effects noted in weakened vitality

with a train of symptoms and suffering following vaccination, (chronic

vaccinosis), Thuj. stands supreme.ccinosis),

Since the days of Hahnemann, the drug Thuj. has not only proven a curative

and prophylactic agent against smallpox, but it is also one of the most

reliable and effective antidotes against the evil effects of smallpox

vaccination which has produced more chronic sickness and suffering than has

smallpox itself. Only the unprejudiced homeopathic physician is able to

recognize the widespread and far-reaching mischief that universal

vaccination has brought upon the race, mischief which Homeopathy alone can

eradicate. Homeopathy alone can eradicate

Hering says.......Smallpox has decreased, not because of mass vaccination,

but by better sanitary and hygienic conditions. Unscrupulous vaccination

has rather, created unbound difficulties, and complications in the way of

cure of ordinary ailments. Tuberculosis is multiplying day after day, the

public press publishes announcements of reactions even of death of the

unfortunate victims coming under the present day empiricism, telling

nothing about the innumerable organism ruined and weakened by the toxic

elements. Vaccines and serums, the degenerated degraded animal poisons

weaken the race and multiply disease processes without name and without

number. Some of the fearful conditions that follow are skin eruptions of

all forms, malignant diseases; heart failures and even death may follow

their use; post-diphtheretic paralysis, malnutrition, non-assimilation,

tuberculosis and a host of conditions which are frequently overlooked by

many of us are thus engineered and informed upon innocent public.



- Dr. Fellger gave Variolinum reports, giving Variolinum to hundreds of

people, and none of them were ever attacked with small-pox.

- In one family where the father had confluent small-pox, he gave

Variolinum as a prophylactic, and of the others, although not one had been

vaccinated, not one of them took the disease.

- He reports case of a broker in Philadelphia who was well pitted from

small-pox; when a child he was vaccinated, and he became idiotic in

consequence. When sixteen years old he had a violent attack of small-pox,

after which he recovered his reason.

- Variolinum is indicated in small-pox where there is not much pain; the

patient can even eat fairly well; the skin looks natural between the

pustules; the appearance of the eyeball is white and natural; the mild

uncomplicated cases of small-pox are the ones calling for Variolinum.


- Delirium with initial fever.

- Fear of death; wild excitement and begging to know if he was to die, and

before the sentence was complete drops into a heavy sleep with loud breathing.


Pus from smallpox pustule.

A Nosode.

- Only fragmentary provings.

- Bears the same relation to smallpox that Antitoxin does to diphtheria.

- An extended clinical record by competent and reliable observers attests

its curative value in variola - simple, confluent and malignant - as well

as in varioloid and varicella.

- It has done splendid work in all potencies, from the 6th cent. to the c.m.

- As a preventive of, or protection against, smallpox, it is far superior

to crude vaccination and absolutely safe from the sequelae, especially

septic and tubercular infection. The efficacy of the potency is the

stumbling block to the materialist. But is it more difficult to comprehend

than the infectious nature of variola, measles or pertussis? Those who have

not used it, like those who have not experimentally tested the law of

similars, are not competent witnesses. Put it to the test and publish the

failures to the world.ot used it, like



- The nosode of Small-pox.


- Triturations of the matter from a ripe small-pox vesicle; and dilutions.


- Dilutions from the 30th up.


- This remedy is employed as a prophylactic against, and to modify the

course of an attack of small-pox.

- There is an excruciating backache, with great restlessness, and aching

in legs.

- The fever is intense and there is a profuse offensive sweat.


(Lymph from Small-pox Pustule)

* Used for " internal vaccination.

* " Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying and aiding in

the cure of smallpox



- Vaccinia, Small-pox, and Grease of horses are inter-related diseases,

and the nosodes of each are available for the treatment or prevention of

manifestations of all three.



(Grease in Horses)

* A very effectual protection against smallpox.


Malandrinum - NM Choudhuri

Malandrinum is another nosode prepared from the virus of the disease in

the horses called Grease.

Dr. Boskowitz of Brooklyn was the first to introduce Malandrinum into our


It is a great prophylactic against small-pox and like Silicea, it

rectifies the bad effects of vaccination.

Dr. advises us not to use this remedy oftener than once a fortnight,

as it is a deep and long-acting remedy.

My experience is that it should be used oftener specially when the

epidemic is violent.

Living in a country where small-pox is not uncommon, I have had occasion

to use this remedy often, both as a prophylactic and as a therapeutic agent

in small-pox and also in chicken-pox.

The result has been uniformly satisfactory.

During the last 16 years, I have used this remedy in thousands of cases as

a prophylactic and I have not known one single case of failure.

Every year before the epidemic commences, hundreds of patients come for

the internal vaccination as they call it.

I have hope that with further verification we shall be able to substitute

vaccination altogether with Malandrinum.

How far this hope will be realised is for our posterity to judge.

Dr. A.L. Marcy relates his experience with Malandrinum and it is in full

accord with what I have said : - " During a small-pox epidemic he vaccinated

himself, taking at the same time Malandrinum 30 night and morning.

The vaccination did not take.

It was twice repeated and still did not take; nor was small-pox contracted. "

He was called to vaccinate four children in a family whose parents had

small-pox; he vaccinated all and gave Malandrinum 30 to three of them at

the same time; the remaining child was the only one whose vaccination " took. "

This was so severe that Malandrinum had to be given to modify its

intensity, which it did effectually.

The other three were revaccinated but none " took. "

In another instance out of a group of four children, from six to seventeen

years of age, only the eldest had been vaccinated, and he had a good scar.

All except the eldest were given Malandrinum and were vaccinated and none

of the three " took. "

The eldest took small-pox.

Malandrinum was then given, and in a few days he was convalescent.

In another case of small-pox, Malandrinum was given, and the disease only

lasted a few days, the eruption drying up. " [Page 449. ]


Malandrinum - by Phatak



As a " preventive " of true smallpox, Maland. stands high, as it corresponds

to the true nature of real smallpox, and should be given one dose of the

30th. or 200 x (E. and K. or B. and T.) daily for one week during an

epidemic, to those who have been previously vaccinated.

The true nature of smallpox is syphilized variola.

Variolinum corresponds to the true nature of variola therefore should be

given to those who have never been vaccinated or had syphilis.

Variola is a natural state, smallpox is a disease.

Both Maland. and vaccine virus are of syphilitic origin.

The most gigantic proof that could ever be asked or offered that vaccine

virus does NOT prevent smallpox, but does make smallpox more malignant,

therefore more fatal, was amply demonstrated beyond all cavil, when, after

24.000.000 vaccinations were performed on the Filipinos and right in the

midst of the operations the Islands came down with the worst, most

malignant and the most fatal epidemic of smallpox the world has ever known.

Variola, measles and chickenpox are NOT diseases, but merely system

" cleansers. "

They are not fatal as I have had ample opportunity to prove, and they only

become disfiguring from carelessness and medical ignorance.

Diarrhoea : acrid, yellow, offensive, burning in the anus; dark brown,

painless; black, foul smelling, malaise, weariness.

Knock knee, the child constantly handles its penis.


Malandrinum by Margaret Tyler

-(The nosode of " grease " [*] in horses).

-CLARKE says : Homoeopaths have found in Maland. a very effectual

protection against infection with Small-pox and vaccination.

-[*] " Grease " in horses was, or is believed to be identical with pustules

occurring on the udders of cows, which affected the hands of milkmaids and

rendered them immune from Small-pox : it was from this observation that

inoculation and later vaccination (from " cow-pox " ) arose.



Dr. Bilden another homoeopathist used Sarracenia in 58 cases that came

under his treatment; out of which 4 only proved fatal. This remedy has

been advocated as a great prophylactic. Hence it should be classed with

Malandrinum and Variolinum.


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

vaccineinfo@... voicemail US 530-740-0561

(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm

Homeopathy course - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/homeo.htm



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters


" Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down.

Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy

knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information

and religions destroy spirituality " .... Ellner

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess I better get dh to the HP just for the initial visit. I just

realized there are going to be vaxxed people coming into his office and in

contact with him...and then he with us! What a nightmare! I was so

singleminded I thot my only concern was refusing the vax! UGH!!!!

The idea of being around people who

> have been recently vaccinated for smallpox concerns me more than any

> supposed threat of terrorists using smallpox against us!


> Yes, we need to be concerned about those vaccinated, but I would not go

> overboard on that either.


> 1. Have a homeopath handy

> 3. 3rd best is to use various nosodes - variolinum, vaccininum,



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