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News: AIDS INDIA bloodscreening project

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Global Quality Services

Global Quality services is a web enabled integrated application for the

benchmark, measuring, monitoring and assessment of measurable aspects of the

performance of a process or service. The service is direct available on the

internet. Start now your own national or regional proficiency test program or

monitoring program.

News Not for profit Bloodbanks in developing countries can use our service free

of any charges News *

As a not for profit bloodbank in a developing country you are able to set up

your own national or regional monitoring system free of any charges. Register

and apply for membership and get free access and support to our standard

service. You have also free access to our demonstration database for

bloodscreening laboratories and all predefined definitions.

A complete template is direct available on the internet free of any charges. To

learn more about the project login in the demonstration database for HIV testing

and bloodscreening laboratories using a predefined username and password.

After registration you will receive personal support to set up a national or

regional monitoring system for bloodscreening laboratories.

www.GlobalQualityServices.com is a application server provider for proficiency

testing and monitoring of calibration material or reference samples.

www.GlobalQualityServices.com offers a complete standard business information

system in the field of metrology for the proficiency test provider as a service

on the internet. In addition the service can be integrated with the website of

the provider and tailored to the special requirements including logo's.

www.GlobalQualityServices.com is based on a cross industry research project and

we add continuously new feathers to the application. News To support the ISO

norm we added the complain management function for artifacts, instruments and

reagents. News Contact us and on request we make sample databases available and

we will support you to set up your proficiency testing service. Sample databases

are available in all fields of proficiency testing for example : -automotive,

-soil, -food, -pharmaceutical support, -bloodbanking, -etc

News Small providers are invited to participate in the small business program.

In this program the cost are minimal and you are able to use all the functions

of the standard service. Contact us for details at VisionFactoryNews


Systematic benchmark, measuring, monitoring and assessment of the performance of

a process or service that has to satisfy a predefined service level will save

you the costs involved to be out of specification and you are able to optimize

your service levels. Many international (ISO) regulations requires the

systematic assessment of the performance of a process or service (International

accreditation bodies) Using the internet enabled application will stimulate the

awareness of being within specifications. By the law of large numbers the shared

database will make it possible to reduce the period between the start of the

deviation and the moment of detecting and signalling a deviation and by that

reducing the period being out of specifications. The application enables to

monitor the performance in the whole supply chain from a single point. The

integration with e-mail will remove most of the administrative labor involved

with the systematic measuring and assessment of a service or process and will

reduce the turn around time.

-Dynamic personalized website tailored to the the user

-Workflow processing, the business process captured in steps

-Defining and combining quality circles (workgroups)

-Query the data base, perform statistics, down loads

-Shared (statistical) documents including charts

-Shared definitions of test method, artifacts lot numbers etc

-Double data entry, validation and logbook

-Shared catalogue including data entry template's

-Complain/customer support management

-Standard e-mail letters, personalized mailing to selections

News To accelerate the funding of the AIDS India project for QC in

bloodscreening laboratories we starting a donation campaign for calibration

material or reference sample's. This internet based donation campaign will start

next month. Currently we compiling a list of partners and potential donors. How

it works. In case a bloodbank participating in the AIDS INDIA project orders a

reference sample a e-mail message including the name of the bloodbank is send to

a list of potential donors. If a commitment is made by the donor a calibration

sample/reference material is distributed to the requested bloodbank. News

Global Quality Services is a complete internet enabled service/application

integrated with your own website. GQS offers a world wide benchmark or quality

assessment service based on a standard procedure, run controls, artifact's

,spy's or calibration material. GQS maintains for this purpose a international

accessible database containing the results of (external) quality control

observations. GQS is active in the different fields of quality assessment and

control like metrology, calibration, automotive, environmental, process

industry, food, pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing, transfusion, medicine,

agricultural, mineral and petrol , management and hospitals. The standard

service is global available. The service is based on the knowledge collected in

different sectors/industries and we support many business models common in the

proficiency test industry. This cross industry service can be to your advantage

business cases for member. Global Quality Services supplies a information

services only. As a specialised application service provider we are able to

deliver this service with a added value of a cross industry specialist, high

quality and low cost. If appropriate the service can be implemented in a private

setting. First time users

Please first register and you will receive a username and password and next

using this user name and password apply for membership. Your application will be

processed and within 48 hours you are a member of a existing quality circle or

you can start your own quality circle.

1-register Register and recieve a usewrname

2-next apply for membership Login using your user name

Login for members

1-members only Login using your user name

Proficiency provider / Quality circle / Real time performance indicator's

-a internet enabled application and the business process of the proficiency test

provider captured in workflow steps

-supporting the concept of the quality circle consisting of a group of members

with a common goal

-on your request performance indicators are real time calculated for example ;

Imprecision and Bias. Imprecision is defined as the measure of the closeness of

a series of measurements of the same object. Bias or inaccuracy is defined as

the difference between the mean of a series of measurements of the same object

and the true value

-GQS provides the result for each variable together with statistics of all other

participants. The statistical reports are generated direct and are on-line

accessible including tables and charts

-you are able to share control limits based on your data or based on the data of

the whole group or selection from it

-you can observe your results between the results of other members of your group

while maintaining the anonymity and the source of the data

-by the law of large numbers ( Chebyshev's inequality) the period between the

start of the deviation and the moment of detecting and signalling a deviation

will decrees.

-to exclude a external factor GQS provides you with the tools to break down the

information according to co-factor's and you can exclude cases

Quality Circle

Quality Circle is a small group performing voluntarily quality control

activities within the quality circle. This small group carries on continuously

as a part of a quality control plan. The group utilize quality assurance and

control techniques with all member participating. You are able to combine a

group of quality circles to a large group


Examples of in built techniques to support the quality circle are the Co-factor

and knowledge database, direct communication, e-mail warning system, sharing

performance targets and control limits, e-mail member list. statistical

techniques like multicenter performance chart and shewart control chart,

download a selection of the groups data to your personal spreadsheet etc

Demonstration database .

-a demonstration database in the field of monitoring calibration samples direct

on-line available

-on request we make other demonstration databases available: pharmaceuticals,

soil etc

Other Features

-the data entry screens are flexible and can be tailored direct on the internet

by the user for his own purpose

-the inbuild e-mail based warning system will alert the defined people by

sending a e-mail message in case a significant deviation of predefined criteria


-extensive help screens and a help getting started are supplied to assist you in

the operations and set up of your application

-setting up a quality circle is now a task matter of day's Demonstration


You are able to access a demonstration in the field of monitoring calibration

samples in bloodscreening and bloodbanking. On request we make other

demonstration databases available for example in the field of pharmaceutical

support, soil and many other fields. Login using a predefined user name and

password and you are able to perform all the essential functions of a member of

a quality circle named National Reference Laboratory NRL

Predefined usernames and passwords

(All case sensitive)

User name : Lab2 NRL, Password : Lab2NRL

User name : Lab3 NRL, Password : Lab3NRL

User name : Lab4 NRL, Password : Lab4NRL

User name : Lab5 NRL, Password : Lab5NRL

User name : Lab6 NRL, Password : Lab6NRL

Note: There is a difference between the password and username the password has

no space between Lab(n) and NRL

You are able to perform data entry operations, validate the data, make

selections, generate a multicentre control charts or performance charts,

download a selection to your workstation, order a new data entry template.

Please after login use the " Help getting started " located in the midle top of

the page to get used to the service.

Login for Demonstration database

1-predefined username and password

Ownership and accessibility

-Global Quality Services use the concept of public and private groups. By

default the creator of a group is the owner and is responsible for the

acceptance of the new members. By default you are a member of a public group.

-on request you can make your group private with a own set of rules and

integrated with your own wepsite

-the owner of the group can make the data globally available to other groups.

-by default the accessibility of the data is restricted to all the members of

the group you belong.

-by supplying the data to a public group you give other members permission to

use the data

-a member of a public group is the owner of the selected data and specific


-the owner of the group is able to download all the information of his group

including the name or source of the information

-Global Quality Services is a independent company not associated with any other

company or organization

-the application can be implemented as part of a intranet or extranet solution

of a company


-the database is encrypted and only accessible for members

Proficiency test provider and related organisations

Useful links are collected in the field of Proficiency testing, quality control

and standard developing organisations

Principel of operations

Only If appropriate you order the nessesery reference material. The keys will be

delivered realtime. By entering your result and the data-entry key into the

international database you are able to compare your result with the results of

other members. You are able to compare with the group you belong and/or you are

able to do a global comparison. You can order the reference material from a

commercial supplier, a proficiency test provider or use your in-house reference

sample or standard. You order the data entry key's from GQS.

Membership of a public or private group

The GQS database and its results are on-line accessible for members only.

You only can apply for membership if you are a member of a applicable

professional organisation and/or if you have a supporter which is already a

member of GQS. Members are organised into groups. You belong to a public or

private group. All data of the group you belong to is available for evaluation.

By default you are a member of the group you initially applied. Members are

registered in the GQS member list and will receive special member news. The

member list is accessible to all members of a group. If you register now for

membership your application will be evaluated and you will receive by electronic

mail a answer as soon as possible. If you register you will receive a password

this password in combination with the user name will function as your electronic

signature. The standard service is based on a fee per user or a fee per case or

a combination. A special discount is available for groups, educational

institutes etc. You can contact us for more information.

A membership of a public group implies you are aware of and will obey the

rule of Global Quality Services:

1-Perform you work at the highest professional level

2-obey at the first request directly and without a delay all the

instructions of GQS related to the services

3-You will maintain a off line backup of all data supplied to Global

Quality Services and You will use this data in case GQS is not available.

4-After registration your username and password function as your

(electronic) signature

5-By supplying data to a public group of Global Quality Services you give

the members the rights to use the data

6-By performing a selection of the data you are the owner of the specific


7-On request off a member the system will download a copy of selected data

available in the database

8-Global Quality Services will use the data only for the purpose of Global

Quality Services

9-Global Quality Services can close the services at any time without any


10-If you do not follow the rules of GQS your membership will be

discontinued and your account will be closed without any notice.

11-By saving the application form you apply for a membership and you are

aware that you have signed the form with your (electronic) signature

12-a member will obey all the rules and bylaws of Global Quality Services

13-You share the member list with other members of GQS. GQS will use the

member list only for the purpose of GQS

Kind regards

Global Quality Services dd: 13-02-2000



The services is designed for a 17 " monitor resolution 1024 by 768 and

tested with internet explorer version 4 and netscape navigator version 3

Suppport policy VisionFactory (Global Quality Services):

The standard service supplied is not officially supported. VisionFactory

does not guarantee the performance of the services. VisionFactory can close the

service without any notice. The services is provided " As Is " without warranty of

any kind. VisionFactory further disclaim all implied warranties, including,

without limitation, any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

The entire risk arising out of the use of the service remains with the user. In

no event shall VisionFactory be liable for damages whatsoever (including,

without limitation, damages for loss of business profit, business interruptions,

loss of business information, harm to patients or loss of live of patients or

other pecuniary loss), arising out of the use of or inability to use or

discontinue of the services.

If your requirements are different from the " support policy " or if you

require a predefined services level or if you need a private implementation or

other support you can contact VisionFactory.

Please first register and than apply for a membership.

-register here

-apply for membership here

-members only

*Note not for profit Bloodbanks in developing countries can use the

standard service free of any charges. *Note


Kind regards

M. Nivard


Slimdijk 1

1631 DB Oudendijk NH

The Netherlands

tel : +31(0)229542087

E-mail: jnivard@...


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