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In a message dated 8/14/99 3:24:27 PM, lsieverl@... writes:

<<Cheney had long wondered why the statistics for CFS and HIV were virtually

parallel. (Meaning that they appeared in significant numbers about the same

time, and their growth rates were almost identical. For example, if HIV

doubled in a given two-year period, so did CFIDS.) He recently realized both

illnesses shared a common characteristic: selenium deficiency in the

lympocytes. HIV is a transforming virus that mutates, breaking off pieces DNA

and inserting them into other DNA. If HIV is present in a cell that also

contains a virus like HHV6 or EBV or CMV, or an intracelluar bacteria like

chlamydia pnuenomia or mycoplasma, then the HIV virus could conceivably

insert that little portion of its genetic code that creates a selenium

deficiency in the lymphocytes into any of those other viruses or

intracellular bacteria. >>

Wow, this was such an interesting addition to what I have read about

Nicolson's theories and the strange parallels between AIDS and CFIDS.

Komaroff did a study at Harvard which compared CFIDS brain

dysfunction to AIDS dementia and also to depression and a control group. He

found the CFIDS/AIDS groups to have almost identical brain dysfunction by his

particular analysis.

But I do have a question, actually. A friend recently told me of someone he

knows who originally had CFIDS (HIV negative at the time) for three years,

and was doing terribly, then contracted HIV and AIDS and began the typical

drug regimen that is now prescribed for AIDS patients (protease inhibitor

" cocktails " ). Now, he is doing GREAT - his t-cells are down, his CFIDS

symptoms are virtually gone. I wonder if anyone else ever thinks about how

CFIDS patients might benefit from AIDS drugs (especially since Ampligen has

been found to help both). Does anyone else know of people who have had an

experience like the one I just described, i.e. anyone with CFIDS who has

taken AIDS drugs and benefitted? Not that we could get them if we wanted

them, but I'm just curious.


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In a message dated 8/14/99 5:10:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

SWNGDABOAT@... writes:

> about the subject of transmissibility as I read......

me too ann..... I hope it is infectious and not contagious < that

doesn't look correct..

but I beleive maybe in vectors, I live in lyme country and everyone thinks

lyme, lyme, lyme, but finally other nasties are being identified from a

variety of ticks,

Lyme Drs are now learning cfs/fms/cfids ,it did seem to all start in the 80s


we should all go back and read the first books we liked and the ones that we

thought were hogwash and as you stated afraid of.

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> <<Cheney had long wondered why the statistics for CFS and HIV

> were virtually

> parallel.

Mark Konlee from Keep Hope Alive (http://www.execpc.com/~keephope/)

has been saying this for a long time. Mark says that the thing

that PWAs and PWCs have in common is the hhv-6 virus. He says

hhv-6 alone will cause CFIDS, hhv-6 + hiv causes AIDS and the

HIV virus ALONE will cause NOTHING (non-progressers).

I know people on this list seem to hate Konlee and I don't understand

why. He has done TONS of research. His newsletters cater more to

PWAs than PWCs, but says that the AIDS protocols he recommends will

benefit PWCs as well.

> Does anyone else know of people

> who have had an

> experience like the one I just described, i.e. anyone with

> CFIDS who has

> taken AIDS drugs and benefitted?

YES - see Konlee's web site!

> Not that we could get them

> if we wanted

> them,

Aye, there's the rub. I think that IF you can find and AIDS

doc who understands about hhv-6 you might be able to get

protease inhibitors for PWCs. I think Dr. Bihari in NY will

do this.



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> From: Peggomatic@...



> politically, I think the CFIDS movement would serve to gain a

> lot from

> joining forces with AIDS activists.

> They are so organized,

> so good as

> passing drugs through the FDA, and also, so many of them are

> WELL enough to

> be helpful.


> I also think Garth

> Nicolson, with his

> notions of the CFIDS/GWS mycoplasma being a manufactured

> pathogen with HIV

> genetic material in it, would have been completely discounted

> by everyone as

> a conspiracy theory lunatic had he not had such a solid

> reputation to stand

> on before he started doing this research.

He, he, well, you know what they say don't you? Just because

you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you! ha!

> Again, I second you on this. And I agree that some AIDS

> drugs might really

> benefit us. I wish someone would test this.

Dream on...



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I've been wondering about the cfids/aids relationship ever since i

became sick about seven/eight years ago. It always seemed obvious that

the appearance of two disabling immune system diseases at the same time

begs an explanation; and that the medical world has by and large ducked

the issue. In 1991 i spoke to an HIV researcher who said -- after calling

many of his research colleagues around the country -- that the

government was actively srpressing cfids research. Big surprise.

What puzzles me is the lack of a demographic pattern with cfids

that would suggest contagion, as you find in AIDS. Sure, there are

occasional cluster outbreaks, and occasionally more than one member of a

family gets cfids, but most of seem to have gotten it from no

indentifiable source; there's no sign of sexual transmission, blood

transmission, etc. The only thing that stands out is the 2:1 ratio of

women to men, which suggests auto immune disease. If HHV-6A is the

" cause " why is there no pattern to it's transmission?

It's a puzzle that deserves way more attention than it gets. And, on

the subject of Mark Konlee, I think he deserves a lot of credit for

his ideas, analysis and research. He may or may not be right, but he's

working at it.

mike allen

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