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Re: Dilations

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Hi my name is JP and I had a Dilation about 6yrs ago I still have a little

bit of a problem with some stuff like steak and bread and still have to

drink alot of water afer I eat but I can live with that I dont want the

surgery unless I cant sallow at all I have had Achalasia for 8 yrs


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Hi yes and sometimes the pain is so bad I can't stand it. I have to try to

stop it with water or eatting something . that seems to work for now. Right

after the Dilation that same night I came home I thought I was going to DIE

the pain was so bad I was going to go to the ER but I didnt but I called the

Dr. that I saw and he said it would get Better. That it was Reflux from the

muscle staying open but it did get better. It will get better as time goes on


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Hi, JP, thanks for the response. Good to hear that your dilation lasted 6 years. I've had spasms before the dilation, but they were very mild and not frequent. Did you find as I have that after the dilation you had many more spasms and they were stronger ones. I don't think it is coincidence that I am having a round of spasms now. Jpink94948@... wrote: Hi my name is JP and I had a Dilation about 6yrs ago I still have a little bit of a problem with some stuff like steak and bread and still have to drink alot of water afer I eat but I can live with that I dont want the surgery unless I cant sallow at all I have had Achalasia for 8 yrs JP.

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Managing pain is something I've always been able to handle for the most part

without any medications. When my spasms come on, it feels like somebody is

literally sticking a knife through my chest, it's that painful. I am prescribed

pain medication for these spasms. Then their is other spasms where all I have

to do is eat or drink something rather quickly, then the pain will subside.

These spasms are a mystery to me, in that they are so painful and most Doctors

tend not to believe how painful they really are, so they give you weak muscle

relaxers, or Nitrogyclerin. Addiction does scare me, but my girlfriend hides

the prescription bottle and monitors how many I take in a 3 month span. I

usually carry a couple on me at all times. These spasms have occured at night,

in the morning, at work, during times of stress, and especially when I'm sick,

mainly with the flu. Does this sound familiar to any other Achalasians. God

bless you all, and I'm sorry we have to go through this.


>>> Jpink94948@... 01/06/02 03:42PM >>>

Hi yes and sometimes the pain is so bad I can't stand it. I have to try to

stop it with water or eatting something . that seems to work for now. Right

after the Dilation that same night I came home I thought I was going to DIE

the pain was so bad I was going to go to the ER but I didnt but I called the

Dr. that I saw and he said it would get Better. That it was Reflux from the

muscle staying open but it did get better. It will get better as time goes on


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Yes , my doctor referred to that nerve also.

If I remember correctly he says it runs from the

throat and down into the stomach. His term in

describing why the Achalasia starts was that "a"

nerve is damaged or dies. Of course they don't

know why that happens.


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I can't seem to get it through to my doctor that these are achalasia spasms. I had the dilation as I mentioned 12/28 since then I have had about three MAJOR spasms. Each time I call him he tells me to take my reflux medication, I told him the lesin is not working, and now he says maybe it is my heart. I told him that I know it isn't as I have passed all the tests (stress, echo, monitor, cardiogram) which were done recently with flying colors. He told me tonight to go to the emergency room for a cardio when I am having the spasm, I told him I wasn't going to put myself through that, it isn't my heart. Even if I did go does he really thing that as soon as I walk in they are going to take me and do the test. Probably by the time they did attend to me the spasm would be over. Now he says I have vigorious achalasia. I asked him to give me something to manage the pain better but he said that if the lesin wasn't working that to give me lesin that would last longer probably won't work either and since I have extremely low blood pressure anything else would lower my pressure even more. I don't know what to do now. It's like you have to hit your doctor over the head to convince them that the pain is really bad, its not in your head and it DOES have to do with the achalasia. Now he's recommending that I have the motility study done. Does anyone else feel like they're going crazy?

Davies <daviespa@...> wrote: Managing pain is something I've always been able to handle for the most part without any medications. When my spasms come on, it feels like somebody is literally sticking a knife through my chest, it's that painful. I am prescribed pain medication for these spasms. Then their is other spasms where all I have to do is eat or drink something rather quickly, then the pain will subside. These spasms are a mystery to me, in that they are so painful and most Doctors tend not to believe how painful they really are, so they give you weak muscle relaxers, or Nitrogyclerin. Addiction does scare me, but my girlfriend hides the prescription bottle and monitors how many I take in a 3 month span. I usually carry a couple on me at all times. These spasms have occured at night, in the morning, at work, during times of stress, and especially when I'm sick, mainly with the flu. Does this sound familiar to any other Achalasians. God bless you all, and I'm sorry we have to go through this. --. >>> Jpink94948@... 01/06/02 03:42PM >>>Hi yes and sometimes the pain is so bad I can't stand it. I have to try to stop it with water or eatting something . that seems to work for now. Right after the Dilation that same night I came home I thought I was going to DIE the pain was so bad I was going to go to the ER but I didnt but I called the Dr. that I saw and he said it would get Better. That it was Reflux from the muscle staying open but it did get better. It will get better as time goes on JP

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Managing pain is something

I've always been able to handle for the most part without any

medications. When my spasms come on, it feels like somebody is

literally sticking a knife through my chest, it's that painful. I am

prescribed pain medication for these spasms. Then their is other

spasms where all I have to do is eat or drink something rather

quickly, then the pain will subside. These spasms are a mystery to

me, in that they are so painful and most Doctors tend not to believe

how painful they really are, so they give you weak muscle relaxers,

or Nitrogyclerin. Addiction does scare me, but my girlfriend hides

the prescription bottle and monitors how many I take in a 3 month

span. I usually carry a couple on me at all times. These spasms

have occured at night, in the morning, at work, during times of

stress, and especially when I'm sick, mainly with the flu. Does

this sound familiar to any other Achalasians. God bless you all, and

I'm sorry we have to go through this.


> --.


> >>> Jpink94948@A... 01/06/02 03:42PM >>>

> Hi yes and sometimes the pain is so bad I can't stand it. I have

to try to

> stop it with water or eatting something . that seems to work for

now. Right

> after the Dilation that same night I came home I thought I was

going to DIE

> the pain was so bad I was going to go to the ER but I didnt but I

called the

> Dr. that I saw and he said it would get Better. That it was Reflux

from the

> muscle staying open but it did get better. It will get better as

time goes on

> JP






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I'm replying, so it worked!!!! I think we are a pretty amazing group. After reading the postings I am positive everyone in this group has a lot of strength. We are all fighters, some of us more than others, but we are all hanging in there. Sometimes I think that the doctors are just as dumbfounded as we are about what causes certain events to occur (spasms, coughing, etc.) as we are. I for one am going to keep "annoying" the hell out of my doctor until he finally agrees that the pain is from the achalasia and isn't my heart. I guess because he can't explain exactly why I am having more spasms now than before the next best thing to do is to blame it on another organ in my body. I also hate doctors as someone else posted on this site. Good luck and keep on fighting.

conniepitt3 <conniepitt3@...> wrote: Managing pain is something I've always been able to handle for the most part without any medications. When my spasms come on, it feels like somebody is literally sticking a knife through my chest, it's that painful. I am prescribed pain medication for these spasms. Then their is other spasms where all I have to do is eat or drink something rather quickly, then the pain will subside. These spasms are a mystery to me, in that they are so painful and most Doctors tend not to believe how painful they really are, so they give you weak muscle relaxers, or Nitrogyclerin. Addiction does scare me, but my girlfriend hides the prescription bottle and monitors how many I take in a 3 month span. I usually carry a couple on me at all times. These spasms have occured at night, in the morning, at work, during times of stress, and especially when I'm sick, mainly with the flu. Does this sound familiar to any other Achalasians. God bless you all, and I'm sorry we have to go through this. > > --. > > >>> Jpink94948@A... 01/06/02 03:42PM >>>> Hi yes and sometimes the pain is so bad I can't stand it. I have to try to > stop it with water or eatting something . that seems to work for now. Right > after the Dilation that same night I came home I thought I was going to DIE > the pain was so bad I was going to go to the ER but I didnt but I called the > Dr. that I saw and he said it would get Better. That it was Reflux from the > muscle staying open but it did get better. It will get better as time goes on > JP> > > > >

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There is some nerve called the vagus nerve or something like that that

can be responsible for the spasm pain, if I am not mistaken. Anybody in

this group know anything about that. I think in the worst case

scenario, it could be severed?

I DO NOT know what I'm talking about, just think I have heard something

about this before.....any takers?

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No, was meaning to buy it but I was reluctant. Someone said the pills are really big. Are they, because if they are then I would have to get the liquid to. I'm fit to be tied, as I am writing this I am having a spasm again. My best guess is it has to do with eating period. If this keeps up I guess that before I wanted to eat but couldn't and now that I can eat and want to eat I won't because of the inherent pain involved in doing so. lindwood@... wrote: , have you tried arginine?

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The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm not

sure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try to

get the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWS


called Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. It

really helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your blood

pressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.

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Does anyone know what it could do to my blood pressure? My normal everyday pressure even after alot of stress is 80/54. The highest it has ever been is 108/74.

lindwood@... wrote: ... The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm notsure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try toget the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWSWHERE TO GET THE LIQUID AGAIN< FOR OUR FRIEND PATRICIA???? I think it'scalled Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. Itreally helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your bloodpressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.

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Low blood pressure may lead to achalasia.

Normally a US MD will not worry about low blood pressure, unless the patient is

weak from it. A European MD will take this as a sign that something is wrong.

I too had rather low blood pressure usually 105 over 60 but sometimes as low as

95 over 55. Once, while in the hospital it was 75 over 35. It took 17 years

before I was able to determine it was because of hypothyroidism. A little known

part of hypothyroidism is that there are symptoms of a low output from the

adrenal gland. A major symptom of this is the blood is high in potassium and

low in sodium. Low in salt (sodium chloride) lowers the blood pressure. I knew

I was high in potassium because too much gives me atrail fibrillation and I

could control it by hyperventilating that reduces the potassium in the blood

stream by returning some of it to the body cells.

High potassium in the blood stream can lead to nerves misfiring. The vagus

nerve controls the swallowing and nerve fibres in the heart and chest. Thus

atrail fibrillation (heart nerves misfiirig) and the nerves in the cardia valve

(lower esophagus valve) are on a common circuit and misfiring of the vagus nerve

could lead to achalasia.

Hypothyroidism never showed up in blood test so I must have been subclinical

most of the time and never measured when at a high level. My thyroid was

healthy and I now control hypothyroidism by my iodide intake. Now, my blood

pressure is normally 115 over 75.

My achalasia problems have gone down but not away. I still

slip into hypothyroidism and make a correction in iodide intake to correct it.

But more importantly, I normally hypoventilate because of my sunken chest

syndrome and this drops potassium out of the body cells into the blood stream.

Thus, are you bothered with atrail fibrillation?



From: Dahlquist[sMTP:sageaboo@...]

Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:45 AM


Subject: Re: Dilations

Does anyone know what it could do to my blood pressure? My normal everyday

pressure even after alot of stress is 80/54. The highest it has ever been is


lindwood@... wrote: ...

The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm not

sure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try to

get the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWS


called Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. It

really helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your blood

pressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.

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Low blood pressure leads to achalasia? Maybe, but I doubt it? I have

been told by doctors for years I am boarderline hypertension and to

lower my sodium intake. I still have a tendency to have high blood

pressure. In fact, the hospital was reluctant to release me after my

myotomy because my blood pressure was too high.

I don't know anything about your claim. You could be absolutely right,

but I would need to seem more proof to be convinced that low blood

pressure can cause achalasia. Sounds kind of dicy to me.

Allan wrote:


> Low blood pressure may lead to achalasia.


> Normally a US MD will not worry about low blood pressure, unless the

> patient is weak from it. A European MD will take this as a sign that

> something is wrong.


> I too had rather low blood pressure usually 105 over 60 but sometimes

> as low as 95 over 55. Once, while in the hospital it was 75 over 35.

> It took 17 years before I was able to determine it was because of

> hypothyroidism. A little known part of hypothyroidism is that there

> are symptoms of a low output from the adrenal gland. A major symptom

> of this is the blood is high in potassium and low in sodium. Low in

> salt (sodium chloride) lowers the blood pressure. I knew I was high

> in potassium because too much gives me atrail fibrillation and I could

> control it by hyperventilating that reduces the potassium in the blood

> stream by returning some of it to the body cells.


> High potassium in the blood stream can lead to nerves misfiring. The

> vagus nerve controls the swallowing and nerve fibres in the heart and

> chest. Thus atrail fibrillation (heart nerves misfiirig) and the

> nerves in the cardia valve (lower esophagus valve) are on a common

> circuit and misfiring of the vagus nerve could lead to achalasia.


> Hypothyroidism never showed up in blood test so I must have been

> subclinical most of the time and never measured when at a high level.

> My thyroid was healthy and I now control hypothyroidism by my iodide

> intake. Now, my blood pressure is normally 115 over 75.


> My achalasia problems have gone down but not away. I still

> slip into hypothyroidism and make a correction in iodide intake to

> correct it. But more importantly, I normally hypoventilate because of

> my sunken chest syndrome and this drops potassium out of the body

> cells into the blood stream.


> Thus, are you bothered with atrail fibrillation?


> .

> ----------

> From: Dahlquist[sMTP:sageaboo@...]

> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:45 AM

> achalasia

> Subject: Re: Dilations


> Does anyone know what it could do to my blood pressure? My normal

> everyday pressure even after alot of stress is 80/54. The highest it

> has ever been is 108/74.

> lindwood@... wrote: ...

> The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm not

> sure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try to

> get the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWS


> it's

> called Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. It

> really helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your blood

> pressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.





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I always have low blood pressure,but I find it hard to believe this is why I

have this aweful achalasia

is there any where on the web with this info

I am curious now


From: Thresher <kpdthresher@...>



Subject: Re: Dilations

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Low blood pressure leads to achalasia? Maybe, but I doubt it? I have

been told by doctors for years I am boarderline hypertension and to

lower my sodium intake. I still have a tendency to have high blood

pressure. In fact, the hospital was reluctant to release me after my

myotomy because my blood pressure was too high.

I don't know anything about your claim. You could be absolutely right,

but I would need to seem more proof to be convinced that low blood

pressure can cause achalasia. Sounds kind of dicy to me.

Allan wrote:


> Low blood pressure may lead to achalasia.


> Normally a US MD will not worry about low blood pressure, unless the

> patient is weak from it. A European MD will take this as a sign that

> something is wrong.


> I too had rather low blood pressure usually 105 over 60 but sometimes

> as low as 95 over 55. Once, while in the hospital it was 75 over 35.

> It took 17 years before I was able to determine it was because of

> hypothyroidism. A little known part of hypothyroidism is that there

> are symptoms of a low output from the adrenal gland. A major symptom

> of this is the blood is high in potassium and low in sodium. Low in

> salt (sodium chloride) lowers the blood pressure. I knew I was high

> in potassium because too much gives me atrail fibrillation and I could

> control it by hyperventilating that reduces the potassium in the blood

> stream by returning some of it to the body cells.


> High potassium in the blood stream can lead to nerves misfiring. The

> vagus nerve controls the swallowing and nerve fibres in the heart and

> chest. Thus atrail fibrillation (heart nerves misfiirig) and the

> nerves in the cardia valve (lower esophagus valve) are on a common

> circuit and misfiring of the vagus nerve could lead to achalasia.


> Hypothyroidism never showed up in blood test so I must have been

> subclinical most of the time and never measured when at a high level.

> My thyroid was healthy and I now control hypothyroidism by my iodide

> intake. Now, my blood pressure is normally 115 over 75.


> My achalasia problems have gone down but not away. I still

> slip into hypothyroidism and make a correction in iodide intake to

> correct it. But more importantly, I normally hypoventilate because of

> my sunken chest syndrome and this drops potassium out of the body

> cells into the blood stream.


> Thus, are you bothered with atrail fibrillation?


> .

> ----------

> From: Dahlquist[sMTP:sageaboo@...]

> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 9:45 AM

> achalasia

> Subject: Re: Dilations


> Does anyone know what it could do to my blood pressure? My normal

> everyday pressure even after alot of stress is 80/54. The highest it

> has ever been is 108/74.

> lindwood@... wrote: ...

> The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm not

> sure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try to

> get the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWS


> it's

> called Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. It

> really helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your blood

> pressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.





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I see no correlation between the 2. I have also been told that if you have

" A " you can expect to have MS too. It's just speculation. There is very

little hard evidence. Until there is solid research on " A " these will only

be speculations according to my docs.


Re: Dilations

> >

> > Does anyone know what it could do to my blood pressure? My normal

> > everyday pressure even after alot of stress is 80/54. The highest it

> > has ever been is 108/74.

> > lindwood@... wrote: ...

> > The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm not

> > sure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try to

> > get the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWS


> > it's

> > called Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. It

> > really helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your blood

> > pressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I am having severe spasms almost daily since my dilation. Unfortunately the best thing for the pain would by nitro glycerine under the tongue, but because of my low blood pressure and the fact that this would lower it even more I can't take this. I resort to Vicodin (supposed to be very addictive) for the pain. I told this to my doctor and he just said maybe I am having reflux and to up my prevacid.

EWagner593@... wrote: I have low blood pressure too - it would be interesting if we could find a link.

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Could you please tell me why we can expect to have MS also. Speculation, on whose part? Any documentation to substantiate would be helpful. I have had this for 33 years, after how long is it speculated that you will get MS from Achalasia? Also, low blood pressure is not necessarily a bad thing. If anyone who has it as I do does not have frequent dizzy spells, especially when they first get up in the a.m. or feel lightheaded on a daily basis then it's a good thing. None of my doctors is concerned about my low blood pressure, they think its a blessing. If anyone is concerned about their low blood pressure they should have some cardio tests done.

JC Elder <jc_elder@...> wrote: I see no correlation between the 2. I have also been told that if you have"A" you can expect to have MS too. It's just speculation. There is verylittle hard evidence. Until there is solid research on "A" these will onlybe speculations according to my docs.J.C. Re: Dilations> >> > Does anyone know what it could do to my blood pressure? My normal> > everyday pressure even after alot of stress is 80/54. The highest it> > has ever been is 108/74.> > lindwood@... wrote: ...> > The pills are not that big to me, but I had a myotemy. I'm not> > sure how constricted you still are after your dilation. I would try to> > get the liquid if I were you...you can order it. WHO IN HERE KNOWS> > WHERE TO GET THE LIQUID AGAIN< FOR OUR FRIEND PATRICIA???? I think> > it's> > called Arginaide. Look it up on line and see if you can order it. It> > really helped some of us...you should try it. But watch your blood> > pressure with it. I don't know what it would do to that.> >> > > >> >

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Also inquire about medication Levsin. Much preferable to nitroglycerine for

spasms. Read past postings regarding Nexium on a daily basis as a



Re: Dilations

> ,

> My surgeon told mle that cutting the sphincter as high up as

> possible would help a lot with these spasms...ask your doctor about

> that.








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