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CONGRATULATIONS!! Yes, I'm screaming - GOOD FOR YOU! That is a momentous milestone and not a small accomplishment.

My WW leader used to give us equivalents for various amts - 1 lb=package of butter, etc. You just lost a bag of dog food. Imagine what your life would be like if you had a 20-lb sack of dog food on your back all the time. You've erased that now.... forever!

So happy for you!!

Eileen in OR

-----Original Message-----

Wooohoooo welcome to more newcomers (I'm kinda new to this site, too)... Amy, I know what you mean about that first 20 lb mark. I just passed mine...wooohoooo 21 lbs gone ;-)

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yippee - 2 pounds gone! 2.25 inches gone - you're

doing great.

Preplanning is key - I just sent an email to my

co-worker telling her I was bringing in my lunch

tommorrow. I like to warn her LOL She's great

though - no guilt trip :) Most days I can plan a

reasonable lunch but there's way too many days

before the next payday LOL. no hating yourself -

that's so interfers with what you're trying to

accomplish. Try countering a negative with a

positive - even if it's you don't kick dogs!

--- ABrite@... wrote:

This is going to be a GREAT year!! I have forced

my co-workers

to get into a once a week or twice a month

pattern of eating out. When they go additional,

I refuse to go. They try to make me feel bad

and/or guilty, but I won't let them. I told

them I need at least 24 hours notice, so I can

plan my day (love you, whoever said use a food

plan).... if I know there is a

holiday, special occasion, or otherwise, I just

plan. I know I am going to> want chocolates from

my b/f for Valentine's (he gets the good ones,

like Godivas or Sees or something ya

> know).... so I am really watching my sweets

from Christmas til then..... We can do it, we can

be our own best friends through this process, or

our own worst enemies... I am tired of hating

myself for getting fat, so I am going to try to

not hate the process of getting healthier and

skinnier....Oooooooh speaking of which, I almost

didn't want to measure today because I am

starting to feel the bloat oof tom come on... ya

know? Well, I decided to weigh / measure anyway

and am down 2 lbs this week and 2.25 inches

(THANK GOD I finally got past the 20 lb mark) and

am 48.75

> total inches gone... yehaw, praise God!! Have

a great finish to your weekends and a great week....

Live, Love, Laugh

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Congratulations! I will be so happy to get past that mark...

Take Care,~ Amyacwinston@... ID: amy102090Wife to Carl - 10/20/90Mommy to Shane Carl - 6/17/03Mommy to Lindsey - 7/29/05

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Wooohoooo welcome to more newcomers (I'm kinda new to this site, too)... Amy, I know what you mean about that first 20 lb mark. I just passed mine...wooohoooo 21 lbs gone ;-)

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me either but im trying to talk it all out with him right now it is getting him to listen to me that seems to be the problem. he says that it is b/c he is exhausted. i dont know. he always expected me to listen whenever i had come home from work before and given it was hard sometimes to focus but if i put forth a bit of effort i could do it so i know that he could too. i think mainly he just doesnt want to listen to me now b/c im telling him exactly what i think, whatever pops into my head within limits that is i tell him about or something he done that is bothering me and well, he's not use to that but im just fed up with everything right now and things are going to have to change. i cant live a life in seclusion i have to be able to just live not vegetate infront of a tv all day long. im getting up and being active and he dont like it b/c he feels like a couch potato right now. (i found that out today-lol) anyways, im not going to let him get me down im just going

to hold my head up high and be determined to get all of this weight off. tammyABrite@... wrote: Tammy, sorry your dh has to be a pill... wish there was something we could do or say to make it easier... I don't know why some men have to be that way, give us a hard time when we are trying to get healthier, etc Rhonda, welcome! I look forward to getting to know you!

Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

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REALLY!!! How much would an hour of housecleaning be?ABrite@... wrote: .... weigh to go losing 2 lbs this week (and everyone else I haven't read about yet)... , housework counts as exercise!! 35 minutes of aerobic housecleaning burns an extra 100 calories.... for every 15 minutes of housecleaning, it counts as 1000 steps, or .50 mile of walking :-D I learned that in my walking program.... ways to convert other activities to my steps...

Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcover Photo Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

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According to www.caloriesperhour.com, a person at my weight would burn 5 calories per 1 minute for general housecleaning. Neal <walking2health@...> wrote: REALLY!!! How much would an hour of housecleaning be? Dacia <>< The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 1:14 www.DeafJesus.org

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fitday.com has a whole list of activities that I never thought of... a calorie burned is a calorie burned! If you enter in how long you did a certain activity, it will tell you about how many calories you burned. i know it's just an estimate, but I wonder how accurate it is?

Take Care,Amy294/289/140 ID: amy102090

Re: (no subject)

REALLY!!! How much would an hour of housecleaning be?ABrite@... wrote:

.... weigh to go losing 2 lbs this week (and everyone else I haven't read about yet)...

, housework counts as exercise!! 35 minutes of aerobic housecleaning burns an extra 100 calories.... for every 15 minutes of housecleaning, it counts as 1000 steps, or .50 mile of walking :-D

I learned that in my walking program.... ways to convert other activities to my steps...

Photos – Showcase holiday pictures in hardcoverPhoto Books. You design it and we’ll bind it!

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it made mine too! he went and is working on the weekends with a friend getting paid under the table, and the money he made there he went and spent on all health food for me. stuff for salads, vinaigrettes that were low cal and all kinds of stuff. i was really happy about it! i love everything he bought too. it all tastes great and im hoping we can continue to get it all tammyABrite@... wrote: Sapphyre, great job losing 5 lbs!! Rhonda, great job losing 7 lbs!! Tammy, I am so glad to hear you and dh are coming to

agreements about your dieting and exercising and he is willing to work with you now.... totally made my day!! __________________________________________________

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, Thanks for the step conversions! I'm going use them like they are the best thing in the world. I'm averaging about 10,000 steps a day which I think is good. I do kinda cheat though. When I'm watching television I walk in place sometimes. www.geocities.com/remaking_me ABrite@... wrote: , that is great that they gave you a pedometer. I have been using one since June '05 and have logged more than 1.5 MILLION steps since then.... it is so exciting. At my work, I belong to a health@work program and there is a website we can log our steps on and it shows a ticker going up

the mountain. I am on my 7th mountain. When we walk enough steps to get to the top of a mountain, we get a certificate and a button. Kinda hokey, but I love it because it shows progress..... Amy, I used to love TaeBo, but it aggravates my back too much now. I have a couple of other videos, including 's Boot Camp, which I love.... 10 minutes of a video is 10 minutes, don't knock it for trying... just keep it up and building up every few days or so and soon you will be able to do the full workouts.... when I got my first video, I could only do maybe 1/2 the amount of the reps as the "actors".... Tammy, great job with your first

pound down! Weigh to go girl!! Keep going!! ...some of the step conversions for different activities: burns an extra 100 calories: 60 minutes of mall shopping 45 minutes of weight training 35 minutes of housecleaning 30 minutes of gardening/weeding 20 minutes of moderate/easy walking For Gardening/Housekeeping/shopping - 15 minutes = 1000 steps or .50 miles (they say 2000 steps = 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

As far as the calories go... I think I was in starvation mode and then I started eating and I couldn't stop!!! :-) I think I need to reduce them for now. It just seemed like I was eating all the time. And not the best things, too much fast food ugh! Grab what's quick. We have been "full speed ahead" at work with this Fundraiser Gala (banquet) It is over and we can get back to NORMAL (whatever that is!) Anyway...we have been running and I haven't been planning my meals very well. I know you are doing the "Thin Within" thing... kinda like WD. Waiting till hungry and then stopping when full. I finally figured out what FULL was for me and now I think I can do that. Keep me in your prayers. It all begins with Y'shua/Jesus so I will start there and let Him transform this darkness into His Light. Blessings and thanks for the encouragement, TeraseeABrite@... wrote: Sara, great job losing 5.5 lbs!! Terasee, you mentioned gaining some pounds back over the past few months vs losing.... I work at a sit down job too and it is really important to walk during the day on your breaks, so great job realizing that. I know you are trying to lose weight, but is it possible you are eating tooo few calories and your body is just functioning better on those vs losing now (aka starvation hormones have set in?) and you should take a break and increase your calories for a couple of weeks ? I am not an expert on that concept and

almost didn't believe it existed, but now I am wondering LOL.... One Day Ata Time, Terasee

Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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Isn't Whitecastle that burger place? In San , they are fixing up a really old house and performing marriage ceremonies in it. I think I'll wait till March of next year.scrappyswoman72@... wrote: just wanted to wish everyone a happy valentines day ! here in ohio this year you can make a reservation for white castle and get table service i heard my mom also said some people are getting married at one kimberly

- Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

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Must see!!



Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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  • 2 months later...

Great Job on walking to the store and not eating the cookie. That is awesome. At least your gain wasn't a surprise. Good luck this week.


From: ABrite@... <ABrite@...>Subject: (no subject)ABrite@...Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 8:52 PM

How twisted is this: I went for an <almost> 40 minute walk tonight because I wanted a cookie. LOL!! Walked to the grocery store and back.

Now I don't want the cookie.

Oh well. It's wrapped now for when I do want it.

Goodness I am tired today (worked at 5 a.m.) - don't know if I will last for TBL tonight. We'll see. I like to try to catch the season opener to see if I am going to be interested for the series.

Oh yeah: I weighed myself Monday. Up 1.2 since my last end-of-Aug. No surprise to me, I pretty much expected it.

Anyway. How are you all doing this week?

in WA310/246.4/170 I've lost 70 inches from my body!More of Him, less of meMost people want to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch. -- Orbenhttp://www.extrapou

nds.com/blog/ finaleffort/ index.php

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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  • 11 months later...


I'm also a peds RN & our hospital has made the " flu vaccine program "

mandatory. If you refuse, you need to watch a video on how you are potentially

doing harm to innocent children. I was also confronted by another RN who

was shocked that I wasn't getting the flu vaccine. She thought I was

irresponsible & it was my " ethical " duty as a peds nurse to protect the

children I

care for by getting the flu vaccine. Well, about 2 weeks after she got

the shot, she called out sick because she was in the hospital with the FLU!

Guess the vaccine wasn't that helpful after all.

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Sounds about like my situation! I am the weirdo nurse who doesn't like medicine

or believe in vaccines on my unit. One of the strongest arguers has an autistic

son, hmmm....... gotta love it when the vax lovers get sick post-vax (o:



> Jenn,

> I'm also a peds RN & our hospital has made the " flu vaccine program "

> mandatory. If you refuse, you need to watch a video on how you are


> doing harm to innocent children. I was also confronted by another RN who

> was shocked that I wasn't getting the flu vaccine. She thought I was

> irresponsible & it was my " ethical " duty as a peds nurse to protect the

children I

> care for by getting the flu vaccine. Well, about 2 weeks after she got

> the shot, she called out sick because she was in the hospital with the FLU!

> Guess the vaccine wasn't that helpful after all.




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