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Dear Carolyn,

"Now today's outcome. The neuro has ordered another choke test since I'm having more problems oftener and worse."

Are you on any anti myolconic medications like clonzaepam?

"He says that we have to get aggressive with the MG. He is saying large doses of Imuran or massive doses of Prednisone."

I thought you could not tolerate imuran?

"What can I do? He is really trying to help me, He will consult with my PC who will consult with her husband who is a immunrologist and they will come up with something that I won't like."

LMAO ... they always come up with something you wont like. They spend years training for that very reason! LOL. Would you like me to ask my Dr? (He is an immunologist.)

"I was also waarned again that I cannot be sedated or put to sleep without the risk of not waking up. Also I must not get pneumonia from asperating, I would not live through it either"

Asperating what?

"Not a promising picture is it?"

It sounds rather scary hon? How are you coping?

"He's concerned about my eyes and vision."

Is that cause of neurological interaction?

"He wants to fix my carparl tunnel with local but I'm not getting cut on again if I can get by."

You are not supposed to have any surgery or even dental work when you are on immune suppressants like Imuran or Prednisone hon.

"Well that's about all of it for today."

Did it wear you out? Could you do the stairs? How are you dealing with it all? How is jared? Sid? etc .... How do you feel about all of this sweetie?

"What's happening with all of you?"

Had my monthly pathology tests today. So will tell you results as soon as I know. Thats it. No news LOL. Gwydion has started working on renovating our new house so we will prolly move in 6-8 weeks. Unfortunaly the lady who takes my blood (and has done so for 2 years - knows my veins etc) will be unable to do so at the new suburb ... sux ... anyhow thats all the news I have.

Love you Carolyn!

xox Aisha

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"I was also waarned again that I cannot be sedated

or put to sleep without the risk of not waking up. Also I must not

get pneumonia from asperating, I would not live through it either" Asperating



Pneumonia is caused by putting something into you lungs, that belongs in

your stomach. The worst & most common thing that cause Aspiration

Pneumonia is stomach acid, which due to it being acid burns and does major

damage to the lung tissue!


to HealthGate...



Aspiration pneumonia occurs when gastrointestinal (GI) problems cause

stomach contents to back up into the esophagus and trachea. From there

they are breathed into the lungs. The normal bacteria that live

in the the mouth if breathed into the lungs can also cause pneumonia.

The doctor will suspect aspiration pneumonia if you:

have a disease of the central nervous system

are intoxicated with drugs or alcohol

have stomach problems.

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I was on Rantidine until June. She took me off of it. When I was on the

real strong heart meds she started it because they damaged my stomach. I

don't know if she will start it again. I have the choke test Sept.5 and I

see her Sept 8. The neuro said he would talk to me after the choke test.

I'm on hold for now.

Love and hugs


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Faulkncs@... wrote:

Anne Hi

This is the perfect explanation of what Iam going through. It

is worse at

night,just after supper. I appreciate you finding this for us.



Are Ever So WELCOME!!!!

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"Aspiration Pneumonia is caused by putting something into you lungs, that belongs in your stomach. The worst & most common thing that cause Aspiration Pneumonia is stomach acid, which due to it being acid burns and does major damage to the lung tissue! "

Carolyn, are you on something like Ranitidine to stop getting reflux from the acidity?

*HUGS*xox A

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Dear Aisha

For now everything is on hold until I have the choke test and see my PC. I

still plan not to take Imuran because of the nausea and weakness and other

side affects. You never know what they will make you do though. I am still

nervous about being alone for hours on end, but the Dr. seemed alright with

me having LIFELINE. He was not happy until then.

is doing better with his wrist, but is still having pain with it. He

has a wedding and a funeral next week to play for. He is worried about not

being able to practice enough. Sid is taking better care of things around

here. The change is unbelievable. He is really being nice too. I don't

think I'll hold my breath though for it to last forever.

If there is any change you will be the first to know. I am doing a lot of

resting and reading and getting along fairly well so don't worry. Thanks for

asking about me.

Love you all dearly

Grandma Hen Carolyn

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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 9/6/2002 11:11:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

pickndaisies2002@... writes:

> Do any of you guys choke a lot?

On food or just saliva? I'm incredibly careful when chewing (ok, not always,

but sometimes I'm in a rush =P) and stay away from my " trigger " foods like

lettuce, celery, apples, etc. I can swallow fine in the perfect position

which isn't always so easy to find. Does anyone else find swallowing saliva

is more difficult than food sometimes?


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Depends on the food....I can't eat popcorn or nuts at all.........even some

tortilla/corn chips send me hacking away. Are there certain foods you're having

trouble with or just *general* choking?


wrote:Do any of you guys choke a lot?

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*nods head up and down*

blueyedaze@... wrote:In a message dated 9/6/2002 11:11:36 PM Central

Daylight Time,

pickndaisies2002@... writes:

> Does anyone else find swallowing saliva

is more difficult than food sometimes?


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Same here, a.

Re: Choking

Depends on the food....I can't eat popcorn or nuts at all.........even some

tortilla/corn chips send me hacking away. Are there certain foods you're

having trouble with or just *general* choking?


wrote:Do any of you guys choke a lot?

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In a message dated Fri, 6 Sep 2002 11:35:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, blueyedaze


> Does anyone else find swallowing saliva

> is more difficult than food sometimes?

Yes and I choke on saliva a lot! My ST tell me to drink more water and even warm

drinks seem to help " thin " it out. I just seem to have alot of it in my mouth.

~s, the unique princess~

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How can you choke on your saliva??? and when you people choke, do you

choke as in....cant breathe....or choke as in...hack cough...etc?

what if you go somewhere.....do you bring a suction??

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In a message dated 9/7/2002 10:55:35 PM Central Daylight Time,

pickndaisies2002@... writes:

> why would you be dead????? youre scarying me!!!!!!!!


> People with SMA often do not have the strength to cough to clear their

> airway of mucous, food, saliva, or whatever. In fact, many of us cannot

> even blow out our birthday candles! Without or trachs to suction out the

> food, mucous saliva, etc...we would suffocate by asphyxiation.....or drown

> in our own slime!


> Vicki

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In a message dated 9/7/2002 11:20:30 PM Central Daylight Time,

pickndaisies2002@... writes:

> why cant you suction it out of your throat?

Suctioning through your mouth goes to your esophagus, not your " airpipe "

(trachea). It also causes you to gag and vomit.....which can cause



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