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Hi Kristy.

Sorry I missed you on AOL...

I'm not checking list email very often right now, I'm trying to get some things

in order, and am pretty busy.

Email me privately tho, hon, I'd love to talk about what's going on. :-)


Kristy Sokoloski wrote:

> Hi ,


> I'm still trying to decide if I want to go. Also, if you

> are on now my IM is on if you would like to talk to me

> directly about all of the details. But I went to get that

> second opinion and she thinks that I should go. So now I'm

> between a rock and a hard place.


> If I do it then I can keep my dr happy but then I would be

> miserable going somewhere where they don't want anything to

> do with me. Oh well, I will take things one day at a time

> and we shall see what happens.


> =====

> Kristy :)


> http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/4659/kristyspage.html


> __________________________________________________


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Dear Kristy,

Real sorry to hear that your biopsy had to be rescheduled. Just when

you had yourself all geared up for it also :-(

Are they treating the infections or are they still doing the

cultures? How are you coping with all of this? You sounded very

distressed? Is there anything we can do to help?

*gentle hugs*

Hang in there Kristy, hopefully you will have some answers soon!

Much love,


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The thing that is frustrating me is that my dr wants me to

be evaluated by Pain Management to see if I really need

pain meds. What she doesn't understand is that I really do

when I'm flaring up b/c nothing else will work for me.

I was treated for a BV infection but now it seems as if I

have a yeast infection so I know that I will have to get

back on my acidophilous so that it doesn't happen again.

As for what you all can do for me, just hope that I get the

answers I need when I go back on the 8th for the biopsy.

I'm so sick and tired of the endo especially b/c it's been

causing me more problems in the last few days.

Also, I have reason to believe that my dr is sending me out

of network when it comes to Pain Management when I don't

even want to go since they can't help me any way. I should

have thought of that sooner when I didn't hear a thing from

the referral person. And I told my dr that I didn't want

to go outside of network even though I told her that I also

really didn't want to go to the dr that she wants to have

evaluate me.

Oh here's some good news that I wanted to share with you

and everyone. Today and tomorrow is the Westminster Kennel

Club Dog Show and the little dog that won the Non-Sporting

breed was the Bichon Frise. I can't watch the show anymore

b/c I don't have the channel that it's airing on anymore.

But I'm hoping that this little dog wins the Best in Show


I'm so excited for this little dog b/c I have one of those

dogs. His name is Daiquiri and he's 10 years old.

How are you doing Aisha?


Kristy :)



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The third one is an acrobat file I believe, It can be found on the first

site, under mental health. I gave you these sites just in case your doc

tried the same thing mine did, in saying that I was nuts. Well, frankly,

the laws said it didn't matter. Save them, just in case.

Re: Kristy

Thanks . One of those sites was helpful, but the

other one (the 3rd one) I couldn't access at all.


Kristy :)



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Now I got you. I will try to access that file again then.

No wonder I couldn't find it. lol

How are you doing? What kind of a nurse would you like to

become? Also do you know of any sites that can teach sign

language right on the Net that would be helpful to me? I

would like to learn more about Sign Language.

Sorry for all of the questions but I have one more. Do you

use ASL or PSE?


Kristy :)



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No problem! Glad to help in any way I can. I am thinking of going in to

operating room nursing, but I'm not sure. I still have a while to go yet.

I don't really know of any sites for ASL, and actually, it would be REALLY

difficult to learn two dimensionally. Even if you got a really good book,

the signs would be hard to follow. I use ASL, since it is taught at my

college. My instructor is so nice, and understanding, since he is hard of

hearing as well. ASL is a great language to learn, and interpreters are in

very high demand here. They can pretty much get any price they want! I

unfortunately cannot interpret, since I can't hear! Sorry about the

confusion on the web sites, but I just wanted to find something in Florida

for you, that may help you sooner than Tuesday. The campus is closed until

then, and I know you have an appointment soon, but don't remember if it is

before Tuesday, and I get back very late on Tuesday night. I think that

last one could be more helpful, but I thought I might as well throw in the

others too! That Fl site has great info, about all kinds of things in FL,

you should check out the other sections sometime. Hope that I helped you

some, so far.

RE: Kristy


Now I got you. I will try to access that file again then.

No wonder I couldn't find it. lol

How are you doing? What kind of a nurse would you like to

become? Also do you know of any sites that can teach sign

language right on the Net that would be helpful to me? I

would like to learn more about Sign Language.

Sorry for all of the questions but I have one more. Do you

use ASL or PSE?


Kristy :)



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
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Hi ,

I would be able to do the work of a medical secretary by

making some adjustments and taking some breaks just like I

do now. The endometriosis and the arthritis is the least

of my problems. It's the vulvodynia that's the problem but

with my Lorcet, lidocaine ointment, and the other things I

use then I'm ok.

Now maybe I've missed something so you might want to tell

me which problem you are suggesting the Deromplast for.


Kristy :)



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  • 2 months later...
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I have my good days and bad days, mostly bad as of late but

hanging in there the best that I can inspite of it all.

I go see my dr again for the other shot of the medicine

that my dr thinks that I think will help my endo and I'm

hoping that this shot in July will be the last one but we

shall see.

But now to see if we can save our house. We are sure going

to try. I'm also still trying to find work and not

suceeding but I do have 3 other possible places I can see

about hiring on at. I will call them on Mon to find out as

well as take care of some other business.

Hugs to you and your family.


Kristy :)






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Sorry you are still hurting so bad, I know endo is terrible!!! When they finally done the complete Hysterectomy and found all the tumors were benign, I still had fantom pains they called it for 3-4 months, then everything was gone!!! I was so relieved!!! I wish they had done it many, many years earlier! That's a shame about your house! I will be saying Prayers for you that something comes your way to Help!!! Rest as best as you can...

{{{ Pain Free Hugs }}}


Helen,I have my good days and bad days, mostly bad as of late buthanging in there the best that I can inspite of it all.I go see my dr again for the other shot of the medicinethat my dr thinks that I think will help my endo and I'mhoping that this shot in July will be the last one but weshall see.But now to see if we can save our house. We are sure goingto try. I'm also still trying to find work and notsuceeding but I do have 3 other possible places I can seeabout hiring on at. I will call them on Mon to find out aswell as take care of some other business.Hugs to you and your family.

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Sorry!!!!!! My Mistake!

The vulvodynia must be a Very painful thing to have to put up with!

Arthritis I know about... At least the ones I have, I suffer with Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Arthritis, they can be very painful at times... Good luck with the job hunt, Be Careful though!

{{{ Hugs }}}


The endo isn't the reason that I've been hurting so badlately even though she (my dr) thinks that I'm doing this medicinefor the endo. The reason that I've been feeling so badlyis b/c I have been overdoing it without meaning too and atthe same time my vulvodynia has had a field day.The other additional reason for why I've been hurting somuch besides the vulvodynia is my arthritis and that's b/cof the fact that it too has been flaring.Sorry that you thought it was the endo that was causing meto hurt so much.

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The endo isn't the reason that I've been hurting so bad


even though she (my dr) thinks that I'm doing this medicine

for the endo. The reason that I've been feeling so badly

is b/c I have been overdoing it without meaning too and at

the same time my vulvodynia has had a field day.

The other additional reason for why I've been hurting so

much besides the vulvodynia is my arthritis and that's b/c

of the fact that it too has been flaring.

Sorry that you thought it was the endo that was causing me

to hurt so much.


Kristy :)






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It's ok. The medicine that I'm on my dr thinks will help

the endo but what she doesn't know is that I'm not thinking

the same way (long story that I won't go in to here). The

thing that has always worked best for my endo is the pill

right after having a laparoscopy.

A hysterectomy isn't something that I am willing to take a

chance on b/c of the fact that I no that there's no

guarantee that the endo could be relieved with it.

And yes the vulvodynia can be quite painful to have

especially with how I got mine. Here are some links that I

would like to share with you about it:






One of the places where I went to a lot for endometriosis

support had another girl that has vulvodynia like I do but

I don't spend much time there anymore b/c of the fact that

I wasn't welcome there. I guess the reason that some of

the girls felt that I shouldn't be there is b/c of the fact

that for me the vulvodynia is more of a problem for me than

the endo. And they also don't understand that I wasn't

looking for a long term solution to my endo like some of

them were and still are.

I go back to see my dr for the third shot of this medicine.

It's called Zoladex. The appt is set for the 17th but

when I'm there I will also have to have her check the bumps

on my cervix. It could be polyps, but it could be

anything. It's hard to say until I get there to see her.

I will keep everyone posted.

As for my vulvodynia I do have a lot of ups and downs and I

do my best to hang in there.

I got the osteoarthritis as a result of injuries as a kid

(long story too) and I'm keeping an eye on it and hope that

it doesn't cause me to end up with fibromyalgia.

As for the job hunt I'm trying to be as careful as I can

b/c I don't want to cause more problems for myself and

that's easier said than done especially when I overdo.

Well, this thing has gotten long so I'm going to close for

now. Hugs to you and your family.


Kristy :)






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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks Kristy, was just wondering!!! You know us old folks ,always nosey :o)



Helen, Bacterial Vaginosis and cervicitis as well as yeastinfections in some cases can cause bleeding also. Sothat's why I know that this bleeding is from an infection. But I have to keep an eye on this medicine for the endo asthat can sometimes cause bleeding.But this is more of an infection issue.

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Bacterial Vaginosis and cervicitis as well as yeast

infections in some cases can cause bleeding also. So

that's why I know that this bleeding is from an infection.

But I have to keep an eye on this medicine for the endo as

that can sometimes cause bleeding.

But this is more of an infection issue.


Kristy :)






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:o) Thanks!!! I had endo real bad back when and the cysts and tumors. I always was bleeding and if I had a break it was maybe a week at a time. I was severly anemic twice!!! Once I was so dangerously low, the Doc said I could have died from it :o( So as soon as they got me built back up enough, they did the complete Hystorectomy. I have never once regretted doing it :o)

Take Care

{{{ Pain Free Hugs }}}


Helen,I'm used to the questions so it's ok. Ask away any time.


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I really don't remember!!! The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome sounds familiar. I have never heard of the endometriomas cysts. Are tumors and cysts the same??? I do remember doc saying I had six tumors and many many cysts... I started monthly's at the age of 11 and by the age of 12 I was already suffering... Only took them 28 years to do something about it!!! Hugs


Helen,Were those cysts endometriomas (this comes with theterritory of endo for some) or did you also have PolycysticOvarian Syndrome also?


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Sorry for being delayed on answering this post. Cysts and

tumors are different. Tumors are more solid whereas a cyst

is fluid filled. At least that's what I've always heard.

Also Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome isn't the only condition

that causes cysts. There are other conditions with the

ovaries that can cause cysts. I just can't think of their

names right now.

But I must say that for a woman that has Insulin Resistance

in addition to the PCOS a hysterectomy will not cure it.

PCOS is an endocrine disorder and it causes the cysts in

the ovaries as well as other things. The hysterectomy

would take care of the ovarian cysts but not the other

aspects of PCOS.

I just wish that there was more awareness of it just like

with endo.


Kristy :)






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Thanks Kristy!!! I haven't had any more problems with it, so maybe that will tell you which kind I had...Yes, awareness is needed in a lot of issues of the medical field...You take care.

{{{ Pain Free Hugs }}}


Helen,Sorry for being delayed on answering this post. Cysts andtumors are different. Tumors are more solid whereas a cystis fluid filled. At least that's what I've always heard.Also Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome isn't the only conditionthat causes cysts. There are other conditions with theovaries that can cause cysts. I just can't think of theirnames right now.But I must say that for a woman that has Insulin Resistancein addition to the PCOS a hysterectomy will not cure it. PCOS is an endocrine disorder and it causes the cysts inthe ovaries as well as other things. The hysterectomywould take care of the ovarian cysts but not the otheraspects of PCOS.I just wish that there was more awareness of it just likewith endo.

"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Thanks for the hug and I'm sorry that I didn't answer this

earlier (not feeling so well still).

The other thing that I wanted to add about my visit to the

dr is that she took a culture that I will be waiting at

least a couple of weeks for when it comes to results, and

also doing a biopsy of the top portion of my vagina b/c

when she examined the area by doing a bimanual (a little

bit different than the usual way) exam she found all my

sore spots with respect to the uterus.

I'm still bleeding some so I don't know if it's the Zoladex

or the other medicine along with it. So that culture will

tell a lot.

So I will be getting my fourth shot of Zoladex, we talked

about what would happen if I went back on the pill

continuously and she said that in order to determine if I

would need surgery I would have to be on it for a month,

and since the Zoladex has eased some of the pain of what

might be a period I need to go ahead and continue this

route and then we will talk at that time about whether or

not I will need surgery. But the biggest thing on my list

is my vaginal/vulvar area and hopefully by biopsying that

skin that is in the top of my vagina we can see how and if

they relate.

Other than that I'm hanging in there the best I can. I had

a lot of cramping after that visit but it was worth it so

that we can see what is causing all of this. All of my

pain meds are a big help to me with this.

Thanks for your concern. It's much appreciated, that goes

for everyone.

Take care,


Kristy :)






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Thanks so much. I've had it rough today but I'm managing.

Thanks to not being on my Buspar for a couple of days b/c I

ran out (and had to pick it up yesterday) I've been having

some horrible anxiety attacks and it has to do with the

fact that one of the meds my dr wanted me to add to my

regimen (I've had it before and I don't know what happened

to the tube that I had, it's gone) didn't get called in.

And thanks to my anxiety I started to get concerned by the

fact that the pharmacist called over there to see about it

even though I didn't ask him to do so (which was very nice

of him to do). Still no med. So when I'm there Fri I will

see if we can get it taken care of unless they call it in

for me on Mon.

I will probably have a Xanax to help me sleep tonight as

it's too late to start the Buspar up again. I know that

last time that I took the Xanax for a few days for my

anxiety it helped control the intensity of some of my

physical pain.

I'm tired of being anxious, sore, etc. I'm just counting

down the days until the 30th. And thanks for the hugs.

Take care sweetie,


Kristy :)






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I didn't know they had anything to give someone to shrink endo??? I thoughht once you had it, it was a life given sentence till you had it all removed!!! Have you ever had the cauterizing of them done??? I think it is laser surgery! My daughter had that done and it seemed to help her out for a year, then it was back in full force! :o( Then they done that abalation thingie on her last year and so far it hass been succesful ( knock on some wood ) :o)

Take care my Friend!!! Endo is SO Painful!!!!!!!!!!!!

{{{ Careful Hugs }}}


Helen,Yep, I'm sorry too that I am still doing so poorly. It'slike the expression says, "When it rains it pours". Iguess that is what is happening to me right now and I wishit weren't.I so want this biopsy to tell me something. I don't thinkit's cancer but I do think it's endo. And if it comes upnegative then I'm right back to square one. I hate beingat square one but that seems to be my middle name as oflate. :(I just want all of this to go away and the sooner it doesthe better. I think that the endo has a tighter grip on methan both my dr and I think even though I'm on the Zoladex.But if the Zoladex shrinks the endo some to make surgery alittle bit easier then I am truly grateful. Only otherthing is that I can't find a job still even though I'mgoing to continue trying to do so b/c I know that I need towork and thanks to my various health problems I can't justhave any job b/c if I do then my gyn is going to bescreaming very loudly as well as my rheumatologist.My family dr is good in a way but they don't care anythingabout my female problems at all. They don't want to hearabout it b/c of the fact that I have direct access to mygyn. The other thing going on right now is that we arestill waiting for the Authorization on the Zoladex so thatI can have the next 3 shots and I hope that they get itsoon as I said (forgive me if I repeat myself b/c sometimesmy memory goes on me a little bit).How I just want all of this to go away but if I can getwell enough to get off the Lortab then I'm going to betruly happy. But I know that it has to be one thing at atime.Well, I've rambled enough so I'm going to close thise-mail.Take care,=====Kristy :)

          I may never see tomorrow;       there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday                 belong to history!!! {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}                  Helen


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