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The drugs don't make the endo disappear. It just shrinks

it enough (one hopes) to make it less likely to cause a lot

of problems. Yes, endo is a life sentence for most and you

are right surgery is the only sure way to get rid of it

until something better comes a long. But even with removal

the endo can still come back so that's where the drugs like

the one I'm on come in. It works for some and not for

others. It's not a cure for endo. And when the drug is

stopped the endo starts growing again at some point and for

some ladies right away.

The thing about these different drugs is they can cause

horrible side effects for some but I'm on a little bit of

estrogen and that little bit of estrogen isn't interfering

with the Zoladex trying to do its job while trying to take

care of the endo a little bit. There's no doubt that

surgery will be in my future soon. My dr was just hoping

that I could go a little longer without surgery so we shall


I'm glad that the ablation is helping your daughter but it

doesn't work for a lot b/c ablation isn't designed to help

endo in most cases unless she had adenomyosis which is endo

inside of the uters (and yes I may have that too).

The last surgery I had I think that the dr used a laser to

take care of the endo. If I have to have surgery again she

might use the laser, I don't know yet. But if the endo is

in my vagina within that piece of skin then it will have to

be removed entirely after the results of the biopsy. As I

told my dr it doesnt' matter what is causing this skin b/c

it's got to go.

It's 2 a.m. here and I must go but I wanted to answer this

before I did.

I'm just so tired of it all.


Kristy :)






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You mean to tell me that even after I have had Everything taken out, I could still get endometriosis ??? How ??? I had all removed!!! My Sister had one ovary left in and she is regreting that decision :o( She may have that taken out now also! I have had no problems since the surgery, it did take me four months to have the pain go away, as it hurt so bad in one spot from where the one tumor had been for so long, and the endo was bad there :o( But since then I have been fine and that has been 10 years this fall. I have enough health problems, I was so Glad to get rid of that one!!!

I bet ou are very tired :o( It is no fun being in pain 24/7 :o( I still remember Endo pain as if it were yesterday :o( It is Terrible! Giving Birth feels Better :o)

You take care of you! Give us a Hi every day or so, OK???

{{{ Painless Hugs }}}


Helen,The drugs don't make the endo disappear. It just shrinksit enough (one hopes) to make it less likely to cause a lotof problems. Yes, endo is a life sentence for most and youare right surgery is the only sure way to get rid of ituntil something better comes a long. But even with removalthe endo can still come back so that's where the drugs likethe one I'm on come in. It works for some and not forothers. It's not a cure for endo. And when the drug isstopped the endo starts growing again at some point and forsome ladies right away.The thing about these different drugs is they can causehorrible side effects for some but I'm on a little bit ofestrogen and that little bit of estrogen isn't interferingwith the Zoladex trying to do its job while trying to takecare of the endo a little bit. There's no doubt thatsurgery will be in my future soon. My dr was just hopingthat I could go a little longer without surgery so we shallsee.I'm glad that the ablation is helping your daughter but itdoesn't work for a lot b/c ablation isn't designed to helpendo in most cases unless she had adenomyosis which is endoinside of the uters (and yes I may have that too).The last surgery I had I think that the dr used a laser totake care of the endo. If I have to have surgery again shemight use the laser, I don't know yet. But if the endo isin my vagina within that piece of skin then it will have tobe removed entirely after the results of the biopsy. As Itold my dr it doesnt' matter what is causing this skin b/cit's got to go.It's 2 a.m. here and I must go but I wanted to answer thisbefore I did.I'm just so tired of it all.

          I may never see tomorrow;       there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday                 belong to history!!! {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}                  Helen


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Thanks Kristy!!!!! Hugs Helen

I hope that this helps you a little bit. I will beanswering your post to me in a few minutes but I wanted toanswer this as I have osteoarthritis too.=====Kristy :)

          I may never see tomorrow;       there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday                 belong to history!!! {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}                  Helen


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Yes, Helen, in some cases even after one has surgery

(whether they keep their organs or not) the endo can and

does come back.

Some like yourself don't have it come back and that's great

but for many, many others a hysterectomy does not cure

endo. Also even if the surgery does cure the endo at some

point the woman should go on Hormone Replacement Therapy to

protect herself from osteoporosis and the Hormone

Replacement Therapy has estrogen in it. When she goes on

that to protect her bones (which is also very important)

she then is giving the endo a chance to start growing back.

One of my friends who has endo (and she runs an online

support group) had a hysterectomy at 26 b/c of the endo and

for the last 10 years (until recently) she was not on HRT

and the endo still grew back.

That is why when a woman has a hysterectomy to try and

control the endo the woman must be watched for the next

several months to see if the endo comes back. What that

means is that for at least 6 months to a year after that

hysterectomy she can't have HRT but what happens to some of

these women is that the menopausal affects for some of them

is much worse than if they would have gone thru it

naturally. So that means that they have to go on the HRT a

lot sooner than they should and then they run the risk of

possibly having their endo grow back.

And just b/c a woman has a hysterectomy (whether she uses

HRT or not) it doesn't mean that the endo isn't going to

come back. Sometimes endo can hide in other places that

were missed during the time that the hysterectomy or other

surgery like a laparoscopy or laparotomy. The reason that

endo can sometimes be missed during that surgery? Well,

the endo could have been clear or microscopic at the time

that the hysterectomy was done or the lap. It could be

clear or microcscopic endo hiding in other areas of the

pelvic cavity such as the peritoneum, on the bladder, the

colon, in the lungs (yes this does happen) or other odd


Endo has also gotten in to the brains of some women, and it

can also affect the nerve endings for some.

Endo can also cause scar tissue of its own in addition to

the scar tissue that can sometimes occur if one has too

many surgeries.

At this time there is no cure for endo. What may work for

one as far as controlling the symptoms of endo may not work

for someone else. And sometimes even when the thing that

they try does work to control the symptoms even just a

little bit the endo can still rear its ugly head and

forcing the dr to have to do surgery.

Speaking of drs, they are another reason why endo can be

missed especially when the endo is the shade of clear or

microscopic. If the dr doesn't have enough experience with

endo that's another way to miss it. And what some of them

will do is to go in and look around and if they don't see

the endo they say she has none. And then what happens is

that when she goes home from that surgery thinking she

feels better she may still feel the same as she did before

or even worse b/c the endo was left to grow.

There are many possible theories for the causes of endo but

they have yet to be proved. Genetics can be a big thing

for some. Until 3 days ago I thought I was the only one in

my family on either side that had endo and I found out that

the endo comes from my dad's side of the family. My half

sister is also dealing with endo. She told me that her dr

suspects that she has endo and she's on the pill for that.

Some women like her do real well with the pill and others

do better with drugs like Lupron and Zoladex just to name a

few. Others do better with both drugs and surgery.

Also on the issue of leaving ovaries in in women who have

endo that is the worst thing that a dr can do but again

some do well with just one ovary others don't.

When endo runs in families one may not have problems with

it ever again after having the hysterectomy like you did

and others may have more problems just like your sister

did. That's why a hysterectomy whether it's partial or

total isn't a cure.

I know of one other lady that didn't have her organs

removed and she had a laparoscopy like about 10 years ago

to treat endo and then just recently her endo returned.

And she thought she was cured.

Another girl was diagnosed with endo 5 years ago and for a

long time during that period she had no problems with endo

and she's starting to have problems again. It is true that

some never have problems with endo ever again and I think

that the reason that they never have problems with it even

though it's probably still in their bodies is b/c of the

way that they handle pain but here's something else.

Endo has 4 stages to it and just b/c a woman has Stage 4

that doesn't mean that she's going to have a lot of pain.

Some women with Stage 4 endo (the severest form of endo)

may have no pain at all whereas a woman with Stage 2

(mild-I have had this stage for the last 4 years up until

recently) may have a lot of pain and have to be in bed all

the time. That's why a woman and her dr can't put pain and

the stages together for a set standard. You know how they

say with clothes, " one size fits all " ? Well, endo doesn't

work that way. Endo fits a woman differently.

I learned all of this by reading all the stories of women

from around the world that I've met thru the various

e-lists for endo that I'm on.

But even though endo does cause a lot of pain for me my

vulvar/vaginal area is the thing that concerns me the most

right now and with that skin growing inside of my vagina it

could be endo related.

Vanderbilt University is doing a lot of stuff with endo to

see what all is going on with it and so far they have been

able to prove that it is an auto-immune disorder (I have

the newsletters from the Endo Association that talks about

this very subject).

The Endo Association is trying very hard to promote

awareness about this and correct the various ideas that

still exist among women who don't have the problem and of

course the drs b/c many of them think that this is all in

our heads. Endo is more than just painful menstrual


I know from having talked to other ladies that sometimes

when they have pain on the left side of their abdomen that

there is endo on the other side and it's causing pain to


Nearly 100 million women and girls (yes that's right even

girls the same age and younger than our Jessi get endo

too). About 6 million of those are in the U.S. and Canada

and know that they have it. There are many that don't even

know that they have it.

So many out there think that having a hysterectomy or

getting pregnant will cure the endo but that's wrong. It

may relieve it for a long time for some, but in most cases

they don't relieve it for long. Some of the women that I

know with endo that have gotten pregnant have said that

their pain got worse while they were pregnant, others said

it got better but returned some time after the baby was


And like my friend that I mentioned at the start of this

long e-mail she had a hysterectomy (total) in the hopes it

would help her endo but it didn't. She has had a total of

about 7 more surgeries since that hyst for her endo, and

total number of surgeries in the last 10 years (some for

Pain Management purposes) she's had about 21 surgeries.

But she also has a lot of problems with scar tissue and if

she were to have surgery for that b/c of the way that the

scar tissue is wrapped around her organs it might kill her.

Yes, this is a very complicating disease for many to


To learn more about what the Endo Association is up to you

can visit their website at:


Well, this has to be one of the longest e-mails I've

written in a while but I do hope it helps.

Take care,


Kristy :)






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WOW!!! You know your stuff THANK-YOU!!!

Another question??? How do you know if it is endo in the nerves or brain or elsewhere??? How is it diagnosed??? When you are up to it!!!

How are you doing this day???

{{{ Healthy Hugs }}}


Yes, Helen, in some cases even after one has surgery(whether they keep their organs or not) the endo can and does come back.

          I may never see tomorrow;       there's no written guarantee, And things that happened yesterday                 belong to history!!! {{{Sent With Many Hugs}}}                  Helen


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Usually the way that you know that the endo has gotten in

those areas is when other medical problems that can affect

the area are ruled out.

Let me ask around among other ladies that have had

experience with this as well as the fact that they know

more what is involved with this. I will also ask my dr as

she knows a lot about endo too (she also has it).

As for me, I'm hanging in there the best that I can. Still

bleeding and cramping.

The result of my culture came in today and it was normal.

That wasn't the only thing that I got today in the mail.

They also sent me a card wishing me a happy birthday (next

week-on the 23rd).

I will be 30 on Thurs. I sure don't feel like I am going

to be that old (not mentally any way).

I had my 4th shot today and it still hurt even though I

tried to keep it numb. Thankfully I have two more shots

after this one.


Kristy :)






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  • 2 weeks later...

You take care of yourself Kristy and let us know as soon as you can how things are going for you! I will be saying Prayers for you that this will help take the horrible pain away! Thank you also for all you did for me also!!!

{{{ Blessing Hugs }}}


Please Remember my Girls in

Your Prayers !!!

          When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong. No burden is too great, when you rely on Him.

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  • 1 month later...

Me Too !!! I would take everyones pain onto myself if it would heal them !!! I have never been to pain management before and that scared me right there... My shots I received before, I got right in the Dr's. office, but he doesn't do that anymore... Spinal taps I DO NOT LIKE !!! So hope that doesn't have to happen too soon...Anyone touching my back is very painful, it feels like it is on Fire where they touch it :o(

Trying to figure out which disease is acting up is terrible at times... Some of them are so similar in the pain department that it can take a couple of days to know which one of my diseases is acting up...

Sorry you had a bad time with the Pain Management people... The ones that took care of me were very nice... He seemed to know about Fibro too !!! Take acer and get rest as best as you can !!!

Love Ya


Helen,I wish that I could take all of our pain, etc away. What youhave described as to what the PM (Pain Management people did) iswhy I have tried to stay away from them. Besides, the problemsthat I have Pain Management won't touch but I'm always happy ifsomeone can get some help from them.Take care sweetie,

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We have an appointment to see her next Friday...Everything has gotten pushed back because her husband passed away last week :o( So now she has hers and his clients to take care of...I felt so bad for her, he wasn't even ill, and only 52 :o( Just collapsed and died...

I will Greatly Accept this Hug and Cherish it, as I need all I can get in Hugs these days...Thanks !!!!

{{{ Painfree Hugs For You }}}


Helen,What does the girls' lawyer say about the fact that the fathercancelled the appts when they are seriously sick?I wish that I could help you in some way even though I've notbeen feeling well. Here's a ((((hug)))) for you sweetie.

Sig's By: Softly Whispers

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My condolences to the girls' lawyer, I hope that you have a good



Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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Sorry you are still feeling so bad Kristy :o( Pushing a car defiantly didn't help ya :o(

What is cryotherapy ??? If I knew, I don't remember, sorry :o( Rest best as you can !!!!

{{{ Loving Hugs }}}


Like I said I understand. I take narcotics every day b/c Ihave to and at one time my dr thought I would get addicted butwhen I explained to her why I needed it and for what she thenunderstood. So things are much better in that respect.Now I'm just waiting to see my dr next week b/c I'm going tohave to tell her that this last shot didn't do any good. It'sonly been a few days since that last shot and I knew that itwasn't going to do much for me.Today has been awful for me in more ways than one especially onthe physical front b/c I have been cramping off and on all dayand when our car died just before I saw my therapist I had totry and push the car in to the parking lot (thankfully with somehelp). Then after that I walked to my session with my therapistand then walked all the way back.And that pushing of course aggrivated my cramps but at least thenausea is a little bit better (yes I've been having nauseathanks to the endo) but the Tigan is partly why and I'm going tobe very cautious still about what I eat even though the piece ofmeat I ate today I better tolerated in respect to the nauseaaspect (probably b/c I took my Tigan right smack after I ate). But it will stay light in the food aspect until I see my dr nextweek for the cryotherapy and to talk about if I'm going to havesurgery soon and I hope I do b/c I feel it coming on even thoughI had the last shot on Mon.Well, enough from me, I go.

Sig's By: Softly Whispers

http://www.geocities.com/angelbear112970/ Mypage_girls.html

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Thanks for explaining Kristy !!! I knew this, I just plain forgot !!! I do that a lot lately :o(

I hope it does work for you... My Daughter had her endo lasered off and it grew back within a year... They finally did a procedure where they burned the lining and it worked for her for almost two years !!! Now she is having troubles again :o( Her next option they said will be a complete hystorectomy...

My Grandmother, Myself, my Sister have all had hystorectomy's in our late thirty's beginning 40's, because of endo... My Daughter is 27...

The Best to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{{{ Painfree Hugs }}}


Helen,Please don't apologize for asking. There's no such thing as astupid question except for the question not asked. :o)Cryotherapy is a procedure done where they use an instrumentthat takes and freezes the area that needs it done. The hope isthat by freezing the area it will force new skin to grow andhave things be better. I don't know if it will help if the endois the reason for the inflammation but I'm hoping that it helpsa little so that I won't have too long of a recovery time afteractual endo surgery if we go that route.We shall see how it goes.

Sig's By: Softly Whispers

http://www.geocities.com/angelbear112970/ Mypage_girls.html

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Not that i know of. She has a country doc and I don't know how much he knows of endo. I copied out your letter and will show it to her the next time I see her...Thanks for the info !!!!



Helen,Has your dauther tried other treatments for her endo? Ahysterectomy isn't a guarantee to cure the endo. Alsoendometrial ablation usually doesn't have an affect on endo b/cendo is lining that grows outside of the uterus. Endometriosisinside of the uterus is called adenomyosis and that affects theactual uterine muscle. The only way to cure that is thruhysterectomy but not endo. Some women can get years of reliefbut most do not. One of the reasons why is b/c they go on ERT(Estrogen Replacement Therapy).Hysterectomy should be the very, very last resort after havingtried medical treatments or like in some women some will trynatural alternatives and dietary changes by eliminating thingslike dairy and meat. Some women don't get relieved at all.I know of someone who had a hysterectomy at age 26 and sincethat time she has had a few more surgeries for her endo but nowher biggest problem in addition to the endo is adhesions andshe's in a pretty risky situation b/c of the fact that if thedrs do surgery to try and remove the adhesions (they are wrappedaround several major organs, etc) she may not come out alive. At some point she will also probably need to have a colostomyb/c of the way that the adhesions are affecting her colon. Butthe surgery to remove the actual adhesions inside around theother parts is much more risky.Tell her that I said that just b/c her dr said that the onlyoption left for her is hysterectomy that this isn't true. I knowthat you said next but you know what I mean. If her dr insistson doing a hysterectomy she needs to get another opinion. Doesher dr have a lot of experience with endo? From what you aretelling me my guess is that he/she does not. A dr with a lot ofexperience with endo will not automatically suggest ahysterectomy without trying other things first and thensuggesting it after those things don't work.Women who have had a hysterectomy for endo can still be at riskfor endo b/c of the hormone therapy. I'm not saying that thishappens to every woman that undergoes a hysterectomy but a drwith a lot of experience with endo and does hysterectomy onwomen with endo knows that they shouldn't give hormone therapyto these patients until about 3 to 6 months and sometimes even 9months after that surgery. If given too soon after the surgerythat estrogen can start feeding the endo again.Endo seems to run in my family too but on my Dad's side of thefamily.

http://www.geocities.com/angelbear112970/ Mypage_girls.html

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I still have my cold...Ross is holding in there... The girls are still crying to come home...We are going to see the girls Lawyer in the morning and see just how much longer this is going to take and see what our chances are of getting them back !!! Thier father is still being his nasty self to us, no matter what we do :o( I Just can not Believe the way he is treating us and saying all the nasty things about us that he KNOWS is not true, it is beyond my comprehension to understand people like this :o( So hopefully will know more tomorrow...

{{{ Gentle Hugs }}}


Helen, It's me again. You are welcome. How is everything else going?

Sig's By: Softly Whispers

http://www.geocities.com/angelbear112970/ Mypage_girls.html

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She's not on line, unless she would here...But she usually isn't here long enough to... :o(

Hope you feel better...



You are welcome Helen, and if she does have Internet access andever wants to talk to me tell her I said ok. I will try to getback to her as soon as I can if I'm able to but in spite of notfeeling well I've had a lot going on.

Sig's By: Softly Whispers

http://www.geocities.com/angelbear112970/ Mypage_girls.html

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Please don't apologize for asking. There's no such thing as a

stupid question except for the question not asked. :o)

Cryotherapy is a procedure done where they use an instrument

that takes and freezes the area that needs it done. The hope is

that by freezing the area it will force new skin to grow and

have things be better. I don't know if it will help if the endo

is the reason for the inflammation but I'm hoping that it helps

a little so that I won't have too long of a recovery time after

actual endo surgery if we go that route.

We shall see how it goes.


Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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Has your dauther tried other treatments for her endo? A

hysterectomy isn't a guarantee to cure the endo. Also

endometrial ablation usually doesn't have an affect on endo b/c

endo is lining that grows outside of the uterus. Endometriosis

inside of the uterus is called adenomyosis and that affects the

actual uterine muscle. The only way to cure that is thru

hysterectomy but not endo. Some women can get years of relief

but most do not. One of the reasons why is b/c they go on ERT

(Estrogen Replacement Therapy).

Hysterectomy should be the very, very last resort after having

tried medical treatments or like in some women some will try

natural alternatives and dietary changes by eliminating things

like dairy and meat. Some women don't get relieved at all.

I know of someone who had a hysterectomy at age 26 and since

that time she has had a few more surgeries for her endo but now

her biggest problem in addition to the endo is adhesions and

she's in a pretty risky situation b/c of the fact that if the

drs do surgery to try and remove the adhesions (they are wrapped

around several major organs, etc) she may not come out alive.

At some point she will also probably need to have a colostomy

b/c of the way that the adhesions are affecting her colon. But

the surgery to remove the actual adhesions inside around the

other parts is much more risky.

Tell her that I said that just b/c her dr said that the only

option left for her is hysterectomy that this isn't true. I know

that you said next but you know what I mean. If her dr insists

on doing a hysterectomy she needs to get another opinion. Does

her dr have a lot of experience with endo? From what you are

telling me my guess is that he/she does not. A dr with a lot of

experience with endo will not automatically suggest a

hysterectomy without trying other things first and then

suggesting it after those things don't work.

Women who have had a hysterectomy for endo can still be at risk

for endo b/c of the hormone therapy. I'm not saying that this

happens to every woman that undergoes a hysterectomy but a dr

with a lot of experience with endo and does hysterectomy on

women with endo knows that they shouldn't give hormone therapy

to these patients until about 3 to 6 months and sometimes even 9

months after that surgery. If given too soon after the surgery

that estrogen can start feeding the endo again.

Endo seems to run in my family too but on my Dad's side of the



Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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You are welcome Helen, and if she does have Internet access and

ever wants to talk to me tell her I said ok. I will try to get

back to her as soon as I can if I'm able to but in spite of not

feeling well I've had a lot going on.


Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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Thanks Helen,

I'm about to head in to do my sitz bath and go to bed. I'm just

looking forward to next week.


Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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It's me again. I'm about to go but I just wanted to say that I

hope that the cold gets better soon and I'm so sorry for all

that you are all going thru. I will be awaiting to hear what

the girls' lawyer says. I hope it's good news b/c if it's not

we will cry for and with you. But I know that I speak on behalf

of everyone on the list when I say that we hope that you get the

girls back.


Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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Thanks kristy, it just seems to be one thing after nother around here...Seen the girls lawyer today...it will be about another 4 - 6 weeks before we can get this back in the courts :o( She needs the phycologist's evaluation and she doesn't know how long that will take... :o( So we wait :o( Sounds like it might be just before Christmas...Oh what a wonderful Christmas present that will be if we do get our girls back.................

{{{ Special Hugs }}}


Helen,It's me again. I'm about to go but I just wanted to say that Ihope that the cold gets better soon and I'm so sorry for allthat you are all going thru. I will be awaiting to hear whatthe girls' lawyer says. I hope it's good news b/c if it's notwe will cry for and with you. But I know that I speak on behalfof everyone on the list when I say that we hope that you get thegirls back.

Sig's By: Softly Whispers

http://www.geocities.com/angelbear112970/ Mypage_girls.html

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Hopefully everything has gone well for you today... Hope to find an answer on here from you, if you were able to post today...



Helen,It's me again. Whether or not I have surgery again for the endoI'm going to be going back on the pill.So we shall see what happens and I will write to let you knowhow the appt goes as soon as I am able to.I have got to go.

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Rest as best as you can and I will Pray that it works for you !!! When do you go back to the Dr's. ???

{{{ Healing Hugs }}}


Helen,I'm in the middle of recovery. Right now I'm in pain still fromit mostly cramping but I'm managing the best I can. She didn'tgive me any post-procedure care and I think it was b/c sheforgot and of course I forgot to ask too. I hope that it willwork and I won't know it for about 3 weeks. It can take about 4to 6 weeks to recover from this I guess b/c of the healing ofthe skin the new skin should start growing in about 3 or 4 weekswhich is why I hope to know if this helps at all.Other than that I'm hanging in there as I said and I'm justtaking all my meds to keep the pain at bay so that it's notunbearable as far as the really bad pain.I will try to write again tomorrow.

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I try my best to rest as much as I can. We'll see if it works

for me and at this point I don't know when I will be seeing her

again next but I hope it's soon b/c I know that I'm still going

to need to have surgery for the endo that is probably sitting

behind my uterus.

I will let you know as soon as I am able what the next step is

but I know that whatever the next step is especially if she's

thinking surgery then I need to get it done before Jan b/c the

ins changes in Jan.

Thanks for asking,


Kristy :)


Hoping to be a nurse soon but for now just a Medical Secretary who does a lot of

learning from reading on the Net, books, my dr(s), as well as sharing my own

personal experiences.


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How come you don't know when you are going back ??? You waiting for results for her to call you on something??? Or have to heal up first ??? Let her know that your insurance is changing and when so she will work with you !!!

{{{ Restful Hugs }}}


Helen,I try my best to rest as much as I can. We'll see if it worksfor me and at this point I don't know when I will be seeing heragain next but I hope it's soon b/c I know that I'm still goingto need to have surgery for the endo that is probably sittingbehind my uterus.I will let you know as soon as I am able what the next step isbut I know that whatever the next step is especially if she'sthinking surgery then I need to get it done before Jan b/c theins changes in Jan.Thanks for asking,

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